
context("Google geocode")

test_that("invalid key returns error",{

  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "MCG, Melbourne",
                              key = NULL,
                              simplify = FALSE),
               "A Valid Google Developers API key is required")

test_that("bounds are correct type",{

  ## bounds is a list
  bounds <- c(-37.842653, 144.931850)
  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "MCG, Melbourne",
                              bounds = bounds,
                              key = "abc",
                              simplify = FALSE),
               "bounds must be a list of length 2, each item being a vector of lat/lon coordinate pairs")

  ## bounds is a list of length 2
  bounds <- list(c(-37.842653, 144.931850))
  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "MCG, Melbourne",
                              bounds = bounds,
                              key = "abc",
                              simplify = FALSE),
               "bounds must be a list of length 2, each item being a vector of lat/lon coordinate pairs")

  ## each elemnt of bounds is a lat/lon pair (i.e, numeric)
  bounds <- list(c(-37.842653, 144.931850),

  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "MCG, Melbourne",
                              bounds = bounds,
                              key = "abc",
                              simplify = FALSE),
               "each element of bounds must be length 2 - a pair of lat/lon coordinates")

test_that("language is a single string",{

  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "MCG, Melbourne",
                              language = c("en","fr"),
                              key = "abc",
                              simplify = FALSE),
               "language must be a single string")

  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "MCG, Melbourne",
                              language = 1,
                              key = "abc",
                              simplify = FALSE),
               "language must be a single string")


test_that("region is a single string",{

  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "MCG, Melbourne",
                              region = c("en","fr"),
                              key = "abc",
                              simplify = FALSE),
               "region must be a two-character string")

  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "MCG, Melbourne",
                              region = 1,
                              key = "abc",
                              simplify = FALSE),
               "region must be a two-character string")


test_that("components is a data.frame with the correct columns",{

  components <- data.frame(components = c("postal_code", "country"),
                           value = c("3000", "AU"))

  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "Flinders Street Station",
                              key = "abc",
                              components = components,
                              simplify = TRUE),
               "components must be a data.frame with two columns named 'component' and 'value'")

  components <- list(components = c("postal_code", "country"),
                     value = c("3000", "AU"))

  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "Flinders Street Station",
                              key = "abc",
                              components = components,
                              simplify = TRUE),
               "components must be a data.frame with two columns named 'component' and 'value'")


test_that("component types are valid",{

  components <- data.frame(component = c("country_code"),
                           value = c("AU"))

  expect_error(google_geocode(address = "Flinders Street Station",
                              key = "abc",
                              components = components,
                              simplify = TRUE),
  "valid components are 'route', 'locality', 'postal_code', 'administrative_area' and 'country'")


test_that("downloaded is attempted", {

  expect_true(google_geocode(address = "Flinders Street Station",
                             key = "abc")$error_message == "The provided API key is invalid. ")


Try the googleway package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

googleway documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 9:13 a.m.