gphmm package

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.align="center", cache=FALSE, error=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE)

The gphmm package implements the generalized pair hidden Markov chain model (GPHMM).

1. Commandline tool

../inst/gphmm --help

There are two ways to use the command line tool. You can compute the GPHMM probabilities using a set of parameters or train the model to estimate the parameters using noisy reads and the non noisy version of the sequences.

The main inputs of the commandline tool are

The name of the queries and reference sequences in the csv file should have a sequence with the same name in the fasta file. Then, for each row in the csv file, the GPHMM probability is computed for the corresponding query and reference sequence.

2. Compute GPHMM probabilities

Set parameters

To compute the GPHMM probabilities, we need to have access to a set of parameters for the model. GPHMM parameters need to be estimated using a training set where the queries have been sequenced from known reference sequences (see next section). For the moment, let's use function initializeGphmm to get the set of GPHMM parameters used as initial parameters during the training phase

paramgphmm = initializeGphmm()

Use R functions

Let's compute the GPHMM probability (log scale) for the two following sequences



Reference sequence


GPHMM probability

computegphmm(read = read,
             ref = ref,
             parameters = paramgphmm,
             output = "short")

You can also look a more detailed output where the path (i.e., the sequence of hidden states) is specified. Hidden states can take the following values:

computegphmm(read = read,
             ref =  ref,
             qv = 20,
             parameters = paramgphmm,
             output = "long")

Use commandline

n = 100

Let's randomly generate r n sequences

seqs = generateRandomSequences(n = n, meanLen = 100, sdLen = 2,
                               seed = 7373)
writeXStringSet(seqs, 'queries.fasta')

We are going to compute GPHMM for all pairs of sequences. We did not include a column for the quality values, so a default quality value of 20 is used.

toCompute = data.frame(query = rep(paste0('s', 1:n), n),
                       ref = rep(paste0('s', 1:n), each = n))
write.table(toCompute, 'toCompute.csv')

So, there are r nrow(toCompute) GPHMM probabilities to compute. Let's call the commandline tool gphmm compute

../inst/gphmm compute queries.fasta toCompute.csv --verbose --ncores=1

The output file is the same as the input csv file, but a column has been added with the estimated (log) GPHMM probabilities

out = read.table('toCompute_gphmm.csv', stringsAsFactors = F)


The GPHMM is a generative model, therefore noisy reads can be generated from true reference sequences, a GPHMM model, and a set of chosen emission and transition probabilities. Parameters are then estimated using our training algorithm. Note that in real life true emission and transition probabilities are unknown. Then, GPHMM parameters need to be estimated from a training set generated in the lab where noisy reads have been sequenced from known reference sequences.

Generate training set

n = 50

Our generative model has the following variables

paramgphmm = initializeGphmm()

r n true reference sequences are randomly generated from our GPHMM model. More sequences would be needed to estimate unbiased parameters, but for this vignette we use a small number of sequences to reduce the computation time.

seqs = generateRandomSequences(n = n, meanLen = 100, sdLen = 5,
                               prob = paramgphmm$qR, seed = 7373)

Let's now similate sequencing errors in the true reference sequences using our model and true emission and transition probabilities

qv = rnorm(n, 20, 5)
qv[qv < 5] = 5
reads = list()
for (i in 1:n){
  reads[[i]] = generateRead(seq = as.character(seqs[i]), 
                            paramgphmm = paramgphmm,
                            qv = qv[i],
                            seed = i)
train = c(seqs, DNAStringSet(sapply(reads, '[[', 1)))
names(train) = c(names(train)[1:n], gsub('s', 't', names(train)[1:n]))
csv = data.frame(reads = paste0('t', 1:n), ref = paste0('s', 1:n), qv = qv)

# write files
writeXStringSet(train, 'train.fasta')
write.table(csv, 'train.csv')
plot(density(qv), main = 'Read QV (Phred)')
plot(density(width(seqs)), main = 'Sequence length')
plot(density(width(train[grepl('t', names(train))])), main = 'Read length')

The true counts for the emission and transition matrices are

emiTrans = lapply(reads, function(x) computeCounts(x)) 
emiTrans = lapply(lapply(c(1:4), function(i) lapply(emiTrans, '[[', i)), function(x) Reduce('+', x))
names(emiTrans) = c('counts_emissionM', 'counts_emissionD',
                    'counts_emissionI', 'counts_transition')

Use commandline

Commandline gphmm train can be used to estimate the parameters of the model

../inst/gphmm train train.fasta train.csv --verbose --maxit=5 --ncores=1

Evaluate performances

The estimated parameters are

nucl = c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T')
estimator = fromJSON('train_paramgphmm.json')
names(estimator[['qR']]) = names(estimator[['qX']]) = names(estimator[['qY']]) = 
  colnames(estimator[['pp']]) = rownames(estimator[['pp']]) = nucl
names(estimator[['deltaX']]) = names(estimator[['deltaY']]) = 
  c('intercept', 'slope')

The log likelihood increases at each iteration of the training procedure. You should see a plateau at the end of the training procedure

ll = fromJSON('train_llgphmm.json')
plot(1:length(ll), ll, xlab = 'Iterations', ylab = 'Log Likelihood',
     type = 'l', main = 'Log likelihood')

As parameters were estimated from a set of known emission and transition probabilities, the performance of our training procedure can be assessed using the bias (estimated - true) probabilities

bias = unlist(mapply('-', estimator, paramgphmm, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
ppNames = paste0('pp.', paste0(rep(nucl, each = 4), rep(nucl, 4)))
names(bias)[grep('^pp', names(bias))] = ppNames
emission = grepl('A|C|G|T', names(bias))
plot(bias[emission], xaxt = "n", main = 'Emission parameters',
     xlab = '', ylab = 'Bias')
axis(1, at = 1:length(bias[emission]), las = 2, labels = names(bias[emission]))
abline(h = 0)
transition = !emission
plot(bias[transition], xaxt = "n", main = 'Transition parameters',
     xlab = '', ylab = 'Bias')
axis(1, at = 1:length(bias[transition]), las = 2, labels = names(bias[transition]))
abline(h = 0)
# remove generated files
system('rm queries.fasta')
system('rm toCompute_gphmm.csv')
system('rm toCompute.csv')
system('rm train.csv')
system('rm train.fasta')
system('rm train_paramgphmm.json')
system('rm train_llgphmm.json')

Try the gphmm package in your browser

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gphmm documentation built on Oct. 2, 2017, 5:03 p.m.