
context("vclMatrix eigen decomposition")

# set seed

ORDER <- 10

# Base R objects
A <- matrix(rnorm(ORDER^2), nrow=ORDER, ncol=ORDER)
X <- tcrossprod(A)

E <- eigen(X)
Q <- E$vectors
V <- E$values

nE <- eigen(A)
nQ <- nE$vectors
nV <- nE$values

test_that("vclMatrix Symmetric Single Precision Matrix Eigen Decomposition",
    fgpuX <- vclMatrix(X, type="float")
    E <- eigen(fgpuX, symmetric=TRUE)
    # need to reorder so it matches R output
    ord <- order(E$values[], decreasing = TRUE)
    expect_is(E, "list")
    expect_equal(E$values[][ord], V, tolerance=1e-06, 
                 info="float eigenvalues not equivalent")  
    # need abs as some signs are opposite (not important with eigenvectors)
    expect_equal(abs(E$vectors[][,ord]), abs(Q), tolerance=1e-05, 
                 info="float eigenvectors not equivalent")  
    # make sure X not overwritten
    expect_equal(fgpuX[], X, tolerance=1e-06, 
                 info="float source matrices not equivalent") 

test_that("vclMatrix Symmetric Double Precision Matrix Eigen Decomposition", 
    fgpuX <- vclMatrix(X, type="double")
    E <- eigen(fgpuX, symmetric=TRUE)    
    # need to reorder so it matches R output
    ord <- order(E$values[], decreasing = TRUE)
    expect_is(E, "list")
    expect_equal(E$values[][ord], V, tolerance=.Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, 
                 info="float eigenvalues not equivalent")  
    # need abs as some signs are opposite (not important with eigenvectors)
    expect_equal(abs(E$vectors[][,ord]), abs(Q), tolerance=.Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, 
                 info="float eigenvectors not equivalent")  
    # make sure X not overwritten
    expect_equal(fgpuX[], X, tolerance=.Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, 
                 info="double source matrices not equivalent") 

# test_that("vclMatrix Non-Symmetric Single Precision Matrix Eigen Decomposition",
# {
#     has_gpu_skip()
#     fgpuX <- vclMatrix(A, type="float")
#     E <- eigen(fgpuX)
#     # need to reorder so it matches R output
#     ord <- order(E$values[], decreasing = TRUE)
#     print(nV)
#     print(E$values[][ord])
#     expect_is(E, "list")
#     expect_equal(E$values[][ord], nV, tolerance=1e-06, 
#                  info="float eigenvalues not equivalent")  
#     # need abs as some signs are opposite (not important with eigenvectors)
#     expect_equal(abs(E$vectors[][,ord]), abs(nQ), tolerance=1e-06, 
#                  info="float eigenvectors not equivalent")  
# })
# test_that("vclMatrix Non-Symmetric Double Precision Matrix Eigen Decomposition", 
# {
#     has_gpu_skip()
#     has_double_skip()
#     fgpuX <- vclMatrix(A, type="double")
#     E <- eigen(fgpuX)
#     # need to reorder so it matches R output
#     ord <- order(E$values[], decreasing = TRUE)
#     expect_is(E, "list")
#     expect_equal(E$values[][ord], nV, 
#                  tolerance=.Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, 
#                  info="float eigenvalues not equivalent")  
#     # need abs as some signs are opposite (not important with eigenvectors)
#     expect_equal(abs(E$vectors[][,ord]), abs(nQ), 
#                  tolerance=.Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, 
#                  info="float eigenvectors not equivalent")  
# })

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gpuR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:56 a.m.