
Defines functions parToMatricesFactory fillFixedParams fmpareto_HR_MLE

Documented in fillFixedParams fmpareto_HR_MLE parToMatricesFactory

#' Parameter fitting for multivariate Huesler-Reiss Pareto distribution
#' Fits the parameters of a multivariate Huesler-Reiss Pareto distribution
#' using (censored) maximum likelihood estimation.
#' Only the parameters corresponding to edges in `graph` are optimized, the remaining
#' entries are implied by the graphical structure. If `graph` is `NULL`, the complete graph is used.
#' The optimization is done either in terms of the variogram (Gamma) or precision matrix (Theta),
#' depending on the value of `useTheta`. If `graph` is non-decomposable,
#' `useTheta=TRUE` is significantly faster, otherwise they are similar in performance.
#' @param data Numeric \nxd matrix, where `n` is the
#' number of observations and `d` is the number of dimensions.
#' @param p Numeric scalar between 0 and 1 or `NULL`. If `NULL` (default),
#' it is assumed that the `data` is already on a multivariate Pareto scale. Else,
#' `p` is used as the probability in [data2mpareto()] to standardize the data.
#' @param cens Logical scalar. If true, then censored likelihood contributions are used for
#' components below the threshold. This is computationally expensive and by default `cens = FALSE`.
#' @param init Numeric vector or numeric matrix. Initial parameter values in the optimization.
#' If `NULL`, the empirical variogram is used instead. Otherwise should be a numeric
#' vector with one entry per edge in `graph`, or a complete variogram/precision matrix.
#' @param fixParams Numeric or logical vector. Indices of the parameter vectors that are kept
#' fixed (identical to `init`) during the optimization. Default is `integer(0)`.
#' @param useTheta Logical. Whether to perform the MLE optimization in terms of Theta or Gamma.
#' @param maxit Positive integer. The maximum number of iterations in the optimization.
#' @param graph Graph object from `igraph` package or `NULL` (implying the complete graph).
#' @param optMethod String. A valid optimization method used by the function
#' [stats::optim]. By default, `method = "BFGS"`.
#' @param nAttemptsFixInit Numeric. If `useTheta=TRUE` and the initial parameter `init` is not valid,
#' attempt to fix it first by making sure all off-diagonal entries are negative and then adding some random noise
#' at most this many times.
#' @return List consisting of:
#' \item{`convergence`}{Logical. Indicates whether the optimization converged or not.}
#' \item{`Gamma`}{Numeric `d x d` matrix. Fitted variogram matrix.}
#' \item{`Theta`}{Numeric `d x d` matrix. Fitted precision matrix.}
#' \item{`par`}{Numeric vector. Optimal parameters, including fixed parameters.}
#' \item{`par_opt`}{Numeric. Optimal parameters, excluding fixed parameters.}
#' \item{`nllik`}{Numeric. Optimal value of the negative log-likelihood function.}
#' \item{`hessian`}{Numeric matrix. Estimated Hessian matrix of the estimated parameters.}
#' @family parameterEstimation
#' @export 
fmpareto_HR_MLE <- function(
  p = NULL,
  cens = FALSE,
  init = NULL,
  fixParams = integer(0),
  useTheta = TRUE,
  maxit = 100,
  graph = NULL,
  optMethod = "BFGS",
  nAttemptsFixInit = 3
  # if p provided -> data not Pareto -> to convert
  if(!is.null(p)) {
    data <- data2mpareto(data, p)

  # Read dimensions of data
  d <- ncol(data)
  n <- nrow(data)
  oneVec <- rep(1, d)
  # if graph is not specified, use the full graph
    graph <- igraph::make_full_graph(d)

  # use emp_vario if no init provided
    Gamma0 <- emp_vario(data)
      Theta0 <- Gamma2Theta(Gamma0, check = FALSE)
      init <- getEdgeEntries(Theta0, graph, type = 'upper')
    } else{
      init <- getEdgeEntries(Gamma0, graph, type = 'upper')
  } else if(is.matrix(init)){
    init <- getEdgeEntries(init, graph, type = 'upper')
  } else if(length(init) != igraph::ecount(graph)){
    stop('The length of `init` must be identical to the number of edges in `graph`.')

  # Make sure fixParams is boolean
    fixParams <- seq_along(init) %in% fixParams

  # Prepare helper function to convert (partial) params to Gamma/Theta:
  parToMatrices <- parToMatricesFactory(
    graph = graph,
    init = init,
    fixParams = fixParams,
    parIsTheta = useTheta,
    checkValidity = TRUE

  # If censoring is used, censor the data
  if(cens) {
    # Since the data is standardized, censor below (1, 1, ...)
    # censoring at 1 since data already normalized
    data <- censor(data, oneVec)

    # Check for each entry (of each observation) if it is censored
    censored_entries <- (data <= 1)

    # Make sure no observation is completely censored
    obs_completely_censored <- apply(censored_entries, 1, all)
      stop('Make sure the data is properly standardized (i.e. row-wise Inf-norm > 1)!')

    # Get indices of censored observations
    obs_censored <- apply(censored_entries, 1, any)

    # Update the value of `cens` (in case nothing gets censored)
    cens <- any(obs_censored)
  } else{
    # No censoring -> no observation is censored
    obs_censored <- logical(n) # i.e. FALSE
  obs_not_censored <- !obs_censored

  # Create actual likelihood function
  nllik <- function(par) {
    # Convert to Gamma/Theta.
    # - Is NULL if par implies an invalid matrix.
    # - Guaranteed to contain Gamma, might contain Theta (if useTheta==TRUE).
    matrices <- parToMatrices(par, forceGamma = TRUE)

    ## Compute likelihood
    logdV <- numeric(n)

    # Compute censored densities
      logdV[obs_censored] <- vapply(which(obs_censored), FUN.VALUE = 0, function(i){
          x = data[i,],
          K = which(!censored_entries[i,]),
          Gamma = matrices$Gamma

    # Compute uncensored densities (all at once is faster than using `logdVK_HR` for each)
    logdV[obs_not_censored] <- logdV_HR(
      x = data[obs_not_censored, , drop=FALSE],
      Gamma = matrices$Gamma,
      Theta = matrices$Theta

    # Compute combined likelihood
    logV1 <- log(V_HR(oneVec, Gamma = matrices$Gamma, Theta = matrices$Theta))
    y <- sum(logdV) - n * logV1

  # Check that initial parameters are actually valid
  init_opt <- init[!fixParams]
  while(useTheta && nAttemptsFixInit > 0 && is.null(parToMatrices(init_opt))){
    if(any(init_opt >= 0)){
      init_opt <- init_opt - 1
    } else {
      init_opt <- init_opt - stats::runif(length(init_opt))
      nAttemptsFixInit <- nAttemptsFixInit - 1
    stop('Invalid initial parameters!')

  # Actual optimization
  opt <- stats::optim(
    hessian = TRUE,
    control = list(maxit = maxit),
    method = optMethod

  # Interpret results
  par <- fillFixedParams(opt$par, init, fixParams)
  matrices <- parToMatrices(opt$par, forceGamma = TRUE, forceTheta = TRUE)
  convergence <- opt$convergence && !is.null(matrices)

  ret <- list(
    convergence = convergence,
    Gamma = matrices$Gamma,
    Theta = matrices$Theta,
    par = par,
    par_opt = opt$par,
    nllik = opt$value,
    hessian = opt$hessian

#' Helper function to combine par with fixed params (in init)
#' @param par Numeric vector. The parameters that are optimized
#' @param init Numeric vector. The initial parameters (including the ones optimized over)
#' @param fixParams Numeric or logical vector. Positions of fixed parameters in the full parameter vector.
#' @keywords internal
fillFixedParams <- function(par, init, fixParams){
    fixParams <- seq_along(init) %in% fixParams
  init[!fixParams] <- par # init is copied by R, not modified in place

#' Factory: parToMatrices
#' Creates a helper function to convert a parameter vector `par` to a Gamma and/or Theta matrix.
#' @param graph `par` represents entries corresponding to the edges of `graph`.
#' @param init The values used for fixed parameters
#' @param fixParams The indices (logical or numeric) of fixed parameters in the full parameter vector.
#' @param parIsTheta `TRUE` if `par` represents entries in Theta (otherwise Gamma)
#' @param checkValidity Whether to check if the implied Gamma/Theta is a valid parameter matrix.
#' @return A function `parToMatrices(par, forceGamma=FALSE, forceTheta=FALSE)`,
#' which takes a parameter vector and returns either `NULL` or a list with entries `Gamma`, `Theta`.
#' The function returns `NULL` if `checkValidity==TRUE` and `par` implies an invalid matrix.
#' Otherwise, depending on `parIsTheta`, `forceTheta`, and `forceGamma`, one or both of
#' `Gamma` and `Theta` are matrices implied by `par`.
#' @keywords internal
parToMatricesFactory <- function(
  init = NULL,
  fixParams = integer(0),
  parIsTheta = FALSE,
  checkValidity = TRUE
  # Get indices of par in the matrix (according to edges in the graph)
  d <- igraph::vcount(graph)
  isCompleteGraph <- (igraph::ecount(graph) == d*(d-1)/2)
  edgeIndices <- getEdgeIndices(graph, 'upper')
  transposedEdgeIndices <- getTransposedIndices(d, edgeIndices)
  # Create parToMatrices(), depending on whether par represents Theta or Gamma
    parToMatrices <- function(
      forceGamma = FALSE,
      forceTheta = FALSE
      # Fill fixed params
      par <- fillFixedParams(par, init, fixParams)

      ## Make Theta
      Theta <- matrix(0, d, d)
      Theta[edgeIndices] <- par
      Theta[transposedEdgeIndices] <- par
      diag(Theta) <- (-1)*rowSums(Theta)

      # Return NULL if par implies an invalid Theta
      if(checkValidity && !is_valid_Theta(Theta)){

      # Compute Gamma if specified
        Gamma <- Theta2Gamma(Theta, check = FALSE)
      } else{
        Gamma <- NULL

      return(list(Gamma = Gamma, Theta = Theta))
  } else{
    parToMatrices <- function(
      forceGamma = FALSE,
      forceTheta = FALSE
      # Fill fixed params
      par <- fillFixedParams(par, init, fixParams)

      # Return NULL if par is non-positive (cheap check before making Gamma)
      if(checkValidity && any(par <= 0)){

      # Compute (partial) Gamma:
      Gamma <- matrix(NA, d, d)    
      Gamma[edgeIndices] <- par
      Gamma[transposedEdgeIndices] <- par
      diag(Gamma) <- 0

      # Complete according go graph:
        Gamma <- complete_Gamma(Gamma, graph)

      # Return NULL if par implies an invalid Gamma
      if(checkValidity && !is_valid_Gamma(Gamma)){

      # Compute Theta if specified
        Theta <- Gamma2Theta(Gamma, check = FALSE)
      } else{
        Theta <- NULL

      return(list(Gamma = Gamma, Theta = Theta))


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