summary.gcFit: Generic summary function for gcFit object

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also

View source: R/summary.gcFit.R


Generic summary function for gcFit object.


## S3 method for class 'gcFit'
summary(object, ...)



Object of class gcFit.


Additional arguments. This has currently no effect and is only meant to fulfill the requirements of a generic function.


Columns 1.-8. are generated by gcFit; columns 9.-27. are generated by summary.gcFitModel; columns 28.-31. are generated by summary.gcFitSpline; columns 32.-55. are generated by summary.gcBootSpline.



1. column: character, naming the experiment for which a dose-response curve shall be estimated; 2. column: character, additional information about the experiment; 3. column: numeric, concentration of substrate; 4. column: logical, reliability flag, 5. column: character, naming a parametric model, 6. column: logical, indicating wether a logarithmic transformation was applied to the time points of the growth data; 7. column: logical, indicating wether a logarithmic transformation was applied to the growth values of the growth data; 8. column: number of bootstrap samples used; 9.-12. column: estimates of μ, λ, A and integral from growth curve fit; 13.-15. column: respecting standard deviation for μ, λ, A; 16.-21. column: 90 percent confidence intervals forμ, λ, A ; 22.-27. column: 95 percent confidence intervals for μ, λ, A; 28.-31. column: estimates of μ, λ, A and integral from growth curve spline fit; 32.-35. column: mean of μ, λ, A and integral from bootstrap sample; 36.-39. column: respecting standard deviation; 40.-47. column: 90 percent confidence intervals for μ, λ, A and integral; 48.-55. column: 95 percent confidence intervals for μ, λ, A and integral.

See Also

gcBootSpline, gcFit, gcFitSpline, gcFitModel

grofit documentation built on May 30, 2017, 4:08 a.m.