
Defines functions check_fold_once fold_check_convert_k run_fold_ internal_fold_ fold

Documented in fold

# R CMD check NOTE handling
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1")
  utils::globalVariables(c(".", "where"))

## fold
#' @title Create balanced folds for cross-validation
#' @description
#'  \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{lifecycle::badge("stable")}
#'  Divides data into groups by a wide range of methods.
#'  Balances a given categorical variable and/or numerical variable between folds and keeps (if possible)
#'  all data points with a shared ID (e.g. participant_id) in the same fold.
#'  Can create multiple unique fold columns for repeated cross-validation.
#' @details
#'  \subsection{cat_col}{
#'    \enumerate{
#'      \item \code{`data`} is subset by \code{`cat_col`}.
#'      \item Subsets are grouped and merged.
#'    }
#'  }
#'  \subsection{id_col}{
#'    \enumerate{
#'      \item Groups are created from unique IDs.
#'    }
#'  }
#'  \subsection{num_col}{
#'    \enumerate{
#'      \item Rows are shuffled.
#'      \strong{Note} that this will only affect rows with the same value in \code{`num_col`}.
#'      \item Extreme pairing 1: Rows are ordered as \emph{smallest, largest, second smallest, second largest}, etc.
#'      Each pair get a group identifier. (See \code{\link[rearrr:pair_extremes]{rearrr::pair_extremes()}})
#'      \item If \code{`extreme_pairing_levels` > 1}: These group identifiers are reordered as \emph{smallest,
#'      largest, second smallest, second largest}, etc., by the sum of \code{`num_col`} in the represented rows.
#'      These pairs (of pairs) get a new set of group identifiers, and the process is repeated
#'       \code{`extreme_pairing_levels`-2} times. Note that the group identifiers at the last level will represent
#'       \code{2^`extreme_pairing_levels`} rows, why you should be careful when choosing that setting.
#'      \item The group identifiers from the last pairing are folded (randomly divided into groups),
#'      and the fold identifiers are transferred to the original rows.
#'    }
#'  N.B. When doing extreme pairing of an unequal number of rows,
#'  the row with the smallest value is placed in a group by itself, and the order is instead:
#'  smallest, \emph{second smallest, largest, third smallest, second largest}, etc.
#'  N.B. When \code{`num_fold_cols` > 1} and fewer than \code{`num_fold_cols`} fold columns have
#'  been created after \code{`max_iters`} attempts, we try with \emph{extreme triplets} instead
#'  (see \code{\link[rearrr:triplet_extremes]{rearrr::triplet_extremes()}}). It groups the elements
#'  as \emph{smallest, closest to the median, largest, second smallest, second closest to the median, second largest}, etc.
#'  We can also choose to never/only use extreme triplets via \code{`use_of_triplets`}.
#'  }
#'  \subsection{cat_col AND id_col}{
#'    \enumerate{
#'      \item \code{`data`} is subset by \code{`cat_col`}.
#'      \item Groups are created from unique IDs in each subset.
#'      \item Subsets are merged.
#'    }
#'  }
#'  \subsection{cat_col AND num_col}{
#'    \enumerate{
#'      \item \code{`data`} is subset by \code{`cat_col`}.
#'      \item Subsets are grouped by \code{`num_col`}.
#'      \item Subsets are merged such that the largest group
#'      (by sum of \code{`num_col`}) from the first category
#'      is merged with the smallest group from the second category, etc.
#'    }
#'  }
#'  \subsection{num_col AND id_col}{
#'    \enumerate{
#'      \item Values in \code{`num_col`} are aggregated for each ID, using \code{`id_aggregation_fn`}.
#'      \item The IDs are grouped, using the aggregated values as "\code{num_col}".
#'      \item The groups of the IDs are transferred to the rows.
#'    }
#'  }
#'  \subsection{cat_col AND num_col AND id_col}{
#'    \enumerate{
#'      \item Values in \code{`num_col`} are aggregated for each ID, using \code{`id_aggregation_fn`}.
#'      \item IDs are subset by \code{`cat_col`}.
#'      \item The IDs in each subset are grouped,
#'      by using the aggregated values as "\code{num_col}".
#'      \item The subsets are merged such that the largest group
#'      (by sum of the aggregated values) from the first category
#'      is merged with the smallest group from the second category, etc.
#'      \item The groups of the IDs are transferred to the rows.
#'    }
#'  }
#' @author Ludvig Renbo Olsen, \email{r-pkgs@@ludvigolsen.dk}
#' @export
#' @param data \code{data.frame}. Can be \emph{grouped}, in which case
#'  the function is applied group-wise.
#' @param k \emph{Depends on \code{`method`}.}
#'  Number of folds (default), fold size, with more (see \code{`method`}).
#'  When \code{`num_fold_cols` > 1}, \code{`k`} can also be a vector
#'  with one \code{`k`} per fold column. This allows trying multiple \code{`k`} settings at a time. Note
#'  that the generated fold columns are not guaranteed to be in the order of \code{`k`}.
#'  Given as whole number or percentage (\code{0 < `k` < 1}).
#' @param cat_col Name of categorical variable to balance between folds.
#'  E.g. when predicting a binary variable (a or b), we usually want
#'  both classes represented in every fold.
#'  N.B. If also passing an \code{`id_col`}, \code{`cat_col`} should be constant within each ID.
#' @param num_col Name of numerical variable to balance between folds.
#'  N.B. When used with \code{`id_col`}, values for each ID are aggregated using
#'  \code{`id_aggregation_fn`} before being balanced.
#'  N.B. When passing \code{`num_col`}, the \code{`method`} parameter is ignored.
#' @param id_col Name of factor with IDs.
#'  This will be used to keep all rows that share an ID in the same fold
#'  (if possible).
#'  E.g. If we have measured a participant multiple times and want to see the
#'  effect of time, we want to have all observations of this participant in
#'  the same fold.
#'  N.B. When \code{`data`} is a \emph{grouped} \code{data.frame}
#'  (see \code{\link[dplyr:group_by]{dplyr::group_by()}}), IDs that appear in multiple
#'  groupings might end up in different folds in those groupings.
#' @param id_aggregation_fn Function for aggregating values in \code{`num_col`}
#'  for each ID, before balancing \code{`num_col`}.
#'  N.B. Only used when \code{`num_col`} and \code{`id_col`} are both specified.
#' @param extreme_pairing_levels How many levels of extreme pairing to do
#'  when balancing folds by a numerical column (i.e. \code{`num_col`} is specified).
#'  \strong{Extreme pairing}: Rows/pairs are ordered as smallest, largest,
#'  second smallest, second largest, etc. If \code{extreme_pairing_levels > 1},
#'  this is done "recursively" on the extreme pairs. See \code{`Details/num_col`} for more.
#'  N.B. Larger values work best with large datasets. If set too high,
#'  the result might not be stochastic. Always check if an increase
#'  actually makes the folds more balanced. See example.
#' @param num_fold_cols Number of fold columns to create.
#'  Useful for repeated cross-validation.
#'  If \code{num_fold_cols > 1}, columns will be named
#'  \eqn{".folds_1"}, \eqn{".folds_2"}, etc.
#'  Otherwise simply \eqn{".folds"}.
#'  N.B. If \code{`unique_fold_cols_only`} is \code{TRUE},
#'  we can end up with fewer columns than specified, see \code{`max_iters`}.
#'  N.B. If \code{`data`} has existing fold columns, see \code{`handle_existing_fold_cols`}.
#' @param unique_fold_cols_only Check if fold columns are identical and
#'  keep only unique columns.
#'  As the number of column comparisons can be time consuming,
#'  we can run this part in parallel. See \code{`parallel`}.
#'  N.B. We can end up with fewer columns than specified in
#'  \code{`num_fold_cols`}, see \code{`max_iters`}.
#'  N.B. Only used when \code{`num_fold_cols` > 1} or \code{`data`} has existing fold columns.
#' @param max_iters Maximum number of attempts at reaching
#'  \code{`num_fold_cols`} \emph{unique} fold columns.
#'  When only keeping unique fold columns, we risk having fewer columns than expected.
#'  Hence, we repeatedly create the missing columns and remove those that are not unique.
#'  This is done until we have \code{`num_fold_cols`} unique fold columns
#'  or we have attempted \code{`max_iters`} times.
#'  In some cases, it is not possible to create \code{`num_fold_cols`}
#'  unique combinations of the dataset, e.g.
#'  when specifying \code{`cat_col`}, \code{`id_col`} and \code{`num_col`}.
#'  \code{`max_iters`} specifies when to stop trying.
#'  Note that we can end up with fewer columns than specified in \code{`num_fold_cols`}.
#'  N.B. Only used when \code{`num_fold_cols` > 1}.
#' @param use_of_triplets \code{"fill"}, \code{"instead"} or \code{"never"}.
#'  When to use extreme triplet grouping in numerical balancing (when \code{`num_col`} is specified).
#'  \subsection{fill (default)}{
#'  When extreme pairing cannot create enough unique fold columns, use extreme triplet grouping
#'  to create additional unique fold columns.
#'  }
#'  \subsection{instead}{
#'  Use extreme triplet grouping instead of extreme pairing. For some datasets, grouping in triplets
#'  give better balancing than grouping in pairs. This can be worth exploring when
#'  numerical balancing is important.
#'  Tip: Compare the balances with \code{\link[groupdata2:summarize_balances]{summarize_balances()}} and
#'  \code{\link[groupdata2:ranked_balances]{ranked_balances()}}.
#'  }
#'  \subsection{never}{
#'  Never use extreme triplet grouping.
#'  }
#'  \subsection{Extreme triplet grouping}{
#'  Similar to extreme pairing (see \code{Details >> num_col}), extreme triplet grouping
#'  orders the rows as \emph{smallest, closest to the median, largest, second smallest, second
#'  closest to the median, second largest,} etc. Each triplet gets a group identifier
#'  and we either perform recursive extreme triplet grouping on the identifiers or fold
#'  the identifiers and transfer the fold IDs to the original rows.
#'  For some datasets, this can be give more balanced groups than extreme pairing, but
#'  on average, extreme pairing works better. Due to the grouping into triplets instead of pairs
#'  they tend to create different groupings though, so when creating many fold columns
#'  and extreme pairing cannot create enough unique fold columns, we can create the remaining
#'  (or at least some additional number) with extreme triplet grouping.
#'  Extreme triplet grouping is implemented in
#'  \code{\link[rearrr:triplet_extremes]{rearrr::triplet_extremes()}}.
#'  }
#' @param handle_existing_fold_cols How to handle existing fold columns.
#'  Either \code{"keep_warn"}, \code{"keep"}, or \code{"remove"}.
#'  To \strong{add} extra fold columns, use \code{"keep"} or \code{"keep_warn"}.
#'  Note that existing fold columns might be renamed.
#'  To \strong{replace} the existing fold columns, use \code{"remove"}.
#' @param parallel Whether to parallelize the fold column comparisons,
#'  when \code{`unique_fold_cols_only`} is \code{TRUE}.
#'  Requires a registered parallel backend.
#'  Like \code{doParallel::registerDoParallel}.
#' @param method \code{"n_dist"}, \code{"n_fill"}, \code{"n_last"},
#'  \code{"n_rand"}, \code{"greedy"}, or \code{"staircase"}.
#'  \strong{Notice}: examples are sizes of the generated groups
#'  based on a vector with \code{57} elements.
#'  \subsection{n_dist (default)}{Divides the data into a specified number of groups and
#'  distributes excess data points across groups
#'  \eqn{(e.g. 11, 11, 12, 11, 12)}.
#'  \code{`k`} is number of groups}
#'  \subsection{n_fill}{Divides the data into a specified number of groups and
#'  fills up groups with excess data points from the beginning
#'  \eqn{(e.g. 12, 12, 11, 11, 11)}.
#'  \code{`k`} is number of groups}
#'  \subsection{n_last}{Divides the data into a specified number of groups.
#'  It finds the most equal group sizes possible,
#'  using all data points. Only the last group is able to differ in size
#'  \eqn{(e.g. 11, 11, 11, 11, 13)}.
#'  \code{`k`} is number of groups}
#'  \subsection{n_rand}{Divides the data into a specified number of groups.
#'  Excess data points are placed randomly in groups (only 1 per group)
#'  \eqn{(e.g. 12, 11, 11, 11, 12)}.
#'  \code{`k`} is number of groups}
#'  \subsection{greedy}{Divides up the data greedily given a specified group size
#'  \eqn{(e.g. 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 7)}.
#'  \code{`k`} is group size}
#'  \subsection{staircase}{Uses step size to divide up the data.
#'  Group size increases with 1 step for every group,
#'  until there is no more data
#'  \eqn{(e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20, 7)}.
#'  \code{`k`} is step size}
#' @aliases create_balanced_groups
#' @family grouping functions
#' @return \code{data.frame} with grouping factor for subsetting in cross-validation.
#' @seealso \code{\link{partition}} for balanced partitions
#' @examples
#' # Attach packages
#' library(groupdata2)
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Create data frame
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   "participant" = factor(rep(c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"), 3)),
#'   "age" = rep(sample(c(1:100), 6), 3),
#'   "diagnosis" = factor(rep(c("a", "b", "a", "a", "b", "b"), 3)),
#'   "score" = sample(c(1:100), 3 * 6)
#' )
#' df <- df %>% arrange(participant)
#' df$session <- rep(c("1", "2", "3"), 6)
#' # Using fold()
#' ## Without balancing
#' df_folded <- fold(data = df, k = 3, method = "n_dist")
#' ## With cat_col
#' df_folded <- fold(
#'   data = df,
#'   k = 3,
#'   cat_col = "diagnosis",
#'   method = "n_dist"
#' )
#' ## With id_col
#' df_folded <- fold(
#'   data = df,
#'   k = 3,
#'   id_col = "participant",
#'   method = "n_dist"
#' )
#' ## With num_col
#' # Note: 'method' would not be used in this case
#' df_folded <- fold(data = df, k = 3, num_col = "score")
#' # With cat_col and id_col
#' df_folded <- fold(
#'   data = df,
#'   k = 3,
#'   cat_col = "diagnosis",
#'   id_col = "participant", method = "n_dist"
#' )
#' ## With cat_col, id_col and num_col
#' df_folded <- fold(
#'   data = df,
#'   k = 3,
#'   cat_col = "diagnosis",
#'   id_col = "participant", num_col = "score"
#' )
#' # Order by folds
#' df_folded <- df_folded %>% arrange(.folds)
#' ## Multiple fold columns
#' # Useful for repeated cross-validation
#' # Note: Consider running in parallel
#' df_folded <- fold(
#'   data = df,
#'   k = 3,
#'   cat_col = "diagnosis",
#'   id_col = "participant",
#'   num_fold_cols = 5,
#'   unique_fold_cols_only = TRUE,
#'   max_iters = 4
#' )
#' # Different `k` per fold column
#' # Note: `length(k) == num_fold_cols`
#' df_folded <- fold(
#'   data = df,
#'   k = c(2, 3),
#'   cat_col = "diagnosis",
#'   id_col = "participant",
#'   num_fold_cols = 2,
#'   unique_fold_cols_only = TRUE,
#'   max_iters = 4
#' )
#' # Check the generated columns
#' # with `summarize_group_cols()`
#' summarize_group_cols(
#'   data = df_folded,
#'   group_cols = paste0('.folds_', 1:2)
#' )
#' ## Check if additional `extreme_pairing_levels`
#' ## improve the numerical balance
#' set.seed(2) # try with seed 1 as well
#' df_folded_1 <- fold(
#'   data = df,
#'   k = 3,
#'   num_col = "score",
#'   extreme_pairing_levels = 1
#' )
#' df_folded_1 %>%
#'   dplyr::ungroup() %>%
#'   summarize_balances(group_cols = '.folds', num_cols = 'score')
#' set.seed(2)  # Try with seed 1 as well
#' df_folded_2 <- fold(
#'   data = df,
#'   k = 3,
#'   num_col = "score",
#'   extreme_pairing_levels = 2
#' )
#' df_folded_2 %>%
#'   dplyr::ungroup() %>%
#'   summarize_balances(group_cols = '.folds', num_cols = 'score')
#' # We can directly compare how balanced the 'score' is
#' # in the two fold columns using a combination of
#' # `summarize_balances()` and `ranked_balances()`
#' # We see that the second fold column (made with `extreme_pairing_levels = 2`)
#' # has a lower standard deviation of its mean scores - meaning that they
#' # are more similar and thus more balanced
#' df_folded_1$.folds_2 <- df_folded_2$.folds
#' df_folded_1 %>%
#'   dplyr::ungroup() %>%
#'   summarize_balances(group_cols = c('.folds', '.folds_2'), num_cols = 'score') %>%
#'   ranked_balances()
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom stats runif setNames
fold <- function(data,
                 k = 5,
                 cat_col = NULL,
                 num_col = NULL,
                 id_col = NULL,
                 method = "n_dist",
                 id_aggregation_fn = sum,
                 extreme_pairing_levels = 1,
                 num_fold_cols = 1,
                 unique_fold_cols_only = TRUE,
                 max_iters = 5,
                 use_of_triplets = 'fill',
                 handle_existing_fold_cols = "keep_warn",
                 parallel = FALSE) {

  # Check inputs
    data = data,
    k = k,
    cat_col = cat_col,
    num_col = num_col,
    id_col = id_col,
    method = method,
    id_aggregation_fn = id_aggregation_fn,
    extreme_pairing_levels = extreme_pairing_levels,
    num_fold_cols = num_fold_cols,
    unique_fold_cols_only = unique_fold_cols_only,
    max_iters = max_iters,
    use_of_triplets = use_of_triplets,
    handle_existing_fold_cols = handle_existing_fold_cols,
    parallel = parallel

  if (dplyr::is_grouped_df(data)) {

    data = data,
    k = k,
    cat_col = cat_col,
    num_col = num_col,
    id_col = id_col,
    method = method,
    id_aggregation_fn = id_aggregation_fn,
    extreme_pairing_levels = extreme_pairing_levels,
    num_fold_cols = num_fold_cols,
    unique_fold_cols_only = unique_fold_cols_only,
    max_iters = max_iters,
    use_of_triplets = use_of_triplets,
    handle_existing_fold_cols = handle_existing_fold_cols,
    parallel = parallel


# Avoid argument checks
internal_fold_ <- function(data,
                           k = 5,
                           cat_col = NULL,
                           num_col = NULL,
                           id_col = NULL,
                           method = "n_dist",
                           id_aggregation_fn = sum,
                           extreme_pairing_levels = 1,
                           num_fold_cols = 1,
                           unique_fold_cols_only = TRUE,
                           max_iters = 5,
                           use_of_triplets = 'fill', # instead, none
                           handle_existing_fold_cols = "keep_warn",
                           parallel = FALSE) {

  # Apply by group (recursion)
    data = data,
    .fn = run_fold_,
    k = k,
    cat_col = cat_col,
    num_col = num_col,
    id_col = id_col,
    method = method,
    id_aggregation_fn = id_aggregation_fn,
    extreme_pairing_levels = extreme_pairing_levels,
    use_of_triplets = use_of_triplets,
    num_fold_cols = num_fold_cols,
    unique_fold_cols_only = unique_fold_cols_only,
    max_iters = max_iters,
    handle_existing_fold_cols = handle_existing_fold_cols,
    parallel = parallel


run_fold_ <- function(data,
                      parallel) {
  k <- fold_check_convert_k(
    data = data,
    k = k,
    method = method,
    cat_col = cat_col,
    id_col = id_col

  if (use_of_triplets == 'fill'){
    # Use two extra iterations using triplets instead
    # *when needed*
    max_iters <- max_iters + 2

  # Check for existing fold columns
  existing_fold_colnames <- extract_fold_colnames(data)
  num_existing_fold_colnames <- length(existing_fold_colnames)
  if (num_existing_fold_colnames > 0) {
    # Handle existing fold cols as specified
    if (handle_existing_fold_cols == "remove") {
      # We need to ungroup the dataset, or it will be automatically included again.
      data <- data %>%
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        base_deselect(cols = existing_fold_colnames)
      existing_fold_colnames <- character()
      num_existing_fold_colnames <- 0
    } else if (handle_existing_fold_cols %in% c("keep_warn", "keep")){
      # Warn that the columns will be kept
      if (handle_existing_fold_cols == "keep_warn") {
        warn_terms__ <- c("column", "It", "it")
        if (num_existing_fold_colnames > 1) {
          warn_terms__ <- c("columns", "These", "them")
            "Found ",
            " existing fold ",
            ". ",
            " will NOT be replaced. ",
            "Change 'handle_existing_fold_cols' to 'remove' if you want to replace ",
            " or 'keep' to remove the warning."

      if (num_existing_fold_colnames == 1 &&
          length(dplyr::group_vars(data)) == 1 &&
          dplyr::group_vars(data) == existing_fold_colnames){
        warning(paste0("*Potential* issue: `data` is grouped by the existing fold column. ",
                       "The new folds are created within these groups. If this is ",
                       "unwanted, use `dplyr::ungroup()` before `fold`."))

      # Rename the existing fold columns to have consecutive numbering and start from 1
      data <- rename_with_consecutive_numbering(
        data = data,
        cols = existing_fold_colnames,
        base_name = ".folds_",
        warn_at_rename = handle_existing_fold_cols == "keep_warn",
        warning_msg = "renamed existing fold columns."


  fold_cols_to_generate <- num_fold_cols
  expected_total_num_fold_cols <-
    num_existing_fold_colnames + num_fold_cols

  # Map of fold columns to create
  upcoming_fold_idxs <- data.frame(
    "abs_idx" = (num_existing_fold_colnames+1):expected_total_num_fold_cols,
    "rel_idx" = seq_len(fold_cols_to_generate)

  # Add column names
  if (expected_total_num_fold_cols == 1){
    upcoming_fold_idxs[["col_name"]] <- ".folds"
  } else {
    upcoming_fold_idxs[["col_name"]] <- paste0(
      ".folds_", upcoming_fold_idxs[["abs_idx"]])

  continue_repeating <- TRUE
  times_repeated <- 0
  completed_comparisons <- data.frame(
    "V1" = character(),
    "V2" = character(),
    "identical" = logical(),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # Function for getting k for current fold column
  get_k <- function(ks, idx){
    if (length(k) > 1)

  while (isTRUE(continue_repeating)) {

    # If num_col is not NULL
    if (!is.null(num_col)) {
      plyr::l_ply(seq_len(nrow(upcoming_fold_idxs)), function(r) {
        current_fold_info <- upcoming_fold_idxs[r,]
        data <<- create_num_col_groups(
          n = get_k(k, current_fold_info[["rel_idx"]]),
          num_col = num_col,
          cat_col = cat_col,
          id_col = id_col,
          col_name = current_fold_info[["col_name"]],
          id_aggregation_fn = id_aggregation_fn,
          extreme_pairing_levels = extreme_pairing_levels,
          use_triplets = use_of_triplets == 'instead' ||
            (use_of_triplets == 'fill' && max_iters - times_repeated <= 2),
          method = "n_fill",
          pre_randomize = TRUE
        ) %>%
    } else {
      # If cat_col is not NULL
      if (!is.null(cat_col)) {
        # If id_col is not NULL
        if (!is.null(id_col)) {
          # Group by cat_col
          # For each group:
          # .. create groups of the unique IDs (e.g. subjects)
          # .. add grouping factor to data
          # Group by new grouping factor '.folds'

          plyr::l_ply(seq_len(nrow(upcoming_fold_idxs)), function(r) {
            current_fold_info <- upcoming_fold_idxs[r,]
            data <<- data %>%
              dplyr::group_by(!!as.name(cat_col)) %>%
                data = .,
                n = get_k(k, current_fold_info[["rel_idx"]]),
                id_col = id_col,
                method = method,
                col_name = current_fold_info[["col_name"]]
              )) %>%

          # If id_col is NULL
        } else {
          # Group by cat_col
          # Create groups from data
          # .. and add grouping factor to data

          plyr::l_ply(seq_len(nrow(upcoming_fold_idxs)), function(r) {
            current_fold_info <- upcoming_fold_idxs[r,]
            data <<- data %>%
              dplyr::group_by(!!as.name(cat_col)) %>%
                  data = .,
                  n = get_k(k, current_fold_info[["rel_idx"]]),
                  method = method,
                  randomize = TRUE,
                  col_name = current_fold_info[["col_name"]]
              ) %>%

        # If cat_col is NULL
      } else {
        # If id_col is not NULL
        if (!is.null(id_col)) {
          # Create groups of unique IDs
          # .. and add grouping factor to data

          plyr::l_ply(seq_len(nrow(upcoming_fold_idxs)), function(r) {
            current_fold_info <- upcoming_fold_idxs[r,]
            data <<- data %>%
                n = get_k(k, current_fold_info[["rel_idx"]]),
                id_col = id_col,
                method = method,
                col_name = current_fold_info[["col_name"]]
              ) %>%

          # If id_col is NULL
        } else {
          # Create groups from all the data points
          # .. and add grouping factor to data

          plyr::l_ply(seq_len(nrow(upcoming_fold_idxs)), function(r) {
            current_fold_info <- upcoming_fold_idxs[r,]
            data <<- group(
              data = data,
              n = get_k(k, current_fold_info[["rel_idx"]]),
              method = method,
              randomize = TRUE,
              col_name = current_fold_info[["col_name"]]
            ) %>%

    # Add to repetition counter
    times_repeated <- times_repeated + 1

    # Remove identical .folds columns or break out of while loop
    if (expected_total_num_fold_cols > 1 &&
        isTRUE(unique_fold_cols_only)) {
      fold_colnames <- extract_fold_colnames(data)
      original_fold_colnames <- fold_colnames[
        fold_colnames %ni% upcoming_fold_idxs[["col_name"]]]

      data_and_comparisons <-
          data = data,
          cols = fold_colnames,
          exclude_comparisons = completed_comparisons,
          keep_cols = original_fold_colnames,
          return_all_comparisons = TRUE,
          group_wise = TRUE,
          parallel = parallel

      data <- data_and_comparisons[["updated_data"]]
      removed_cols <- data_and_comparisons[["removed_cols"]]
      completed_comparisons <- completed_comparisons %>%
          data_and_comparisons[["comparisons"]] %>%
            # If they were identical,
            # we removed one and the comparison isn't useful to save
            dplyr::filter(!identical, .data$V2 %ni% removed_cols)

      # Remove the created columns
      upcoming_fold_idxs <- upcoming_fold_idxs[
        upcoming_fold_idxs$col_name %in% removed_cols, ]

      fold_colnames <- extract_fold_colnames(data)

      if (length(fold_colnames) < expected_total_num_fold_cols) {
        fold_cols_to_generate <-
          expected_total_num_fold_cols - length(fold_colnames)

      if (nrow(upcoming_fold_idxs) == 0 || times_repeated == max_iters)
        continue_repeating <- FALSE

    } else {
      continue_repeating <- FALSE

  if (num_fold_cols == 1 && expected_total_num_fold_cols == 1) {
    # Group by .folds
    data <- data %>%
  } else {
    # Order fold columns by their tail number (.folds_'##')
    all_colnames <- colnames(data)
    fold_colnames <- extract_fold_colnames(data)
    fold_idx_order <- order(as.integer(substring(fold_colnames, 8)))
    fold_colnames <- fold_colnames[fold_idx_order]  # Sort by tail number
    non_fold_colnames <- setdiff(all_colnames, fold_colnames)
    new_order <- c(non_fold_colnames, fold_colnames)
    data <- data[, new_order]

    # Rename the existing fold columns to have consecutive numbering and start from 1
    data <- rename_with_consecutive_numbering(
      data = data,
      cols = fold_colnames,
      base_name = ".folds_"

  # Return data

fold_check_convert_k <- function(data, k, method, cat_col, id_col) {
  # Check arguments ####
  assert_collection <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()

  if (!is.null(id_col) &&
      !is.null(cat_col)) {
    # Check that cat_col is constant within each ID
    # Note: I tested and count() is faster than group_keys()
    counts <- dplyr::count(data, !!as.name(id_col), !!as.name(cat_col))
    if (nrow(counts) != length(unique(counts[[id_col]]))) {
      assert_collection$push("The value in 'data[[cat_col]]' must be constant within each ID.")

  # k

  # Prepare vector for storing converted k values
  ks <- integer()

  for (ki in k){
      x = ki,
      lower = 0,
      upper = nrow(data),
      finite = TRUE,
      add = assert_collection,
      .var.name = "k"

    # Convert k to wholenumber if given as percentage
    if (!arg_is_wholenumber_(ki)){
      if (is_between_(ki, 0, 1)) {
        rows_per_fold <- convert_percentage_(ki, data)
        ki <- ceiling(nrow(data) / rows_per_fold)
      } else {
        assert_collection$push("when `k` is not of integerish type, it must be between 0 and 1.")
    # Sanity check
    checkmate::assert_count(x = ki,
                            positive = TRUE,
                            add = assert_collection,
                            .var.name = "k")

    # If method is either greedy or staircase and cat_col is not NULL
    # we don't want k elements per level in cat_col
    # so we divide k by the number of levels in cat_col
    if (method %in% c("greedy", "staircase") && !is.null(cat_col)) {
      n_levels_cat_col <- length(unique(data[[cat_col]]))
      ki <- ceiling(ki / n_levels_cat_col)

    # Add converted k to vector
    ks <- append(ks, ki)

  # End of argument checks ####



check_fold_once <- function(data,
                            parallel) {
  # Check arguments ####
  assert_collection <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assert_data_frame(x = data,
                               min.rows = 1,
                               add = assert_collection)
  checkmate::assert_string(use_of_triplets, add = assert_collection)
    x = k,
    lower = 0,
    finite = TRUE,
    any.missing = FALSE,
    min.len = 1,
    add = assert_collection
  checkmate::assert_count(x = extreme_pairing_levels,
                          positive = TRUE,
                          add = assert_collection)
  checkmate::assert_count(x = num_fold_cols,
                          positive = TRUE,
                          add = assert_collection)
  checkmate::assert_count(x = max_iters,
                          positive = TRUE,
                          add = assert_collection)
  checkmate::assert_flag(x = unique_fold_cols_only, add = assert_collection)
  checkmate::assert_flag(x = parallel, add = assert_collection)
    x = cat_col,
    min.len = 1,
    any.missing = FALSE,
    null.ok = TRUE,
    unique = TRUE,
    names = "unnamed",
    add = assert_collection
    x = num_col,
    na.ok = FALSE,
    min.chars = 1,
    null.ok = TRUE,
    add = assert_collection
    x = id_col,
    na.ok = FALSE,
    min.chars = 1,
    null.ok = TRUE,
    add = assert_collection
  checkmate::assert_string(x = method,
                           min.chars = 1,
                           add = assert_collection)
  checkmate::assert_function(x = id_aggregation_fn, add = assert_collection)
  checkmate::assert_string(x = handle_existing_fold_cols,
                           add = assert_collection)
  checkmate::assert_names(use_of_triplets, subset.of = c('fill', 'instead', 'never', 'none'),
                          add = assert_collection)
  # End of argument checks ####

  if (length(k) > 1 && length(k) != num_fold_cols){
    assert_collection$push("when `length(k) > 1`, it must have precisely `num_fold_cols` elements.")

  # TODO Could have a helper for adding this kind of message:
  if (!is.null(cat_col) &&
      length(setdiff(cat_col, colnames(data))) != 0) {
      "'cat_col' column(s), '",
      paste0(setdiff(cat_col, colnames(data)), collapse = ", "),
      "', not found in 'data'."
  if (!is.null(num_col)) {
    if (num_col %ni% colnames(data)) {
      assert_collection$push(paste0("'num_col' column, '", num_col, "', not found in 'data'."))
    if (!checkmate::test_numeric(data[[num_col]])) {
      assert_collection$push(paste0("'num_col' column must be numeric."))
  if (!is.null(id_col) && id_col %ni% colnames(data)) {
    assert_collection$push(paste0("'id_col' column, '", id_col, "', not found in 'data'."))
    x = method,
    subset.of = c("n_dist", "n_fill", "n_last", "n_rand", "greedy", "staircase"),
    add = assert_collection
    x = handle_existing_fold_cols,
    subset.of = c("keep_warn", "keep", "remove"),
    add = assert_collection
  if (!is.null(id_col)) {
    checkmate::assert_factor(x = data[[id_col]], add = assert_collection)
    if (!is.null(cat_col)) {
      if (id_col %in% cat_col) {
        assert_collection$push("'id_col' and 'cat_col' cannot contain the same column name.")

  # End of argument checks ####

  # If num_col is specified, warn that method is ignored
  if (!is.null(num_col) & method != "n_dist") {
        "'method' is ignored when 'num_col' is not 'NULL'. ",
        "This warning occurs, because 'method' is not the default value."


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groupdata2 documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:46 p.m.