# supports function as replacement argument. Matched string is passed to
# function as arg1, with subsequent args being the backreferences.
# Backref is number of backrefs that are passed to function and is normally
# left at default value although it can be set lower for improved efficiency,
# e.g. backref = 0 if no backreferences are to be passed.
# e.g. gsubfn("[[:digit:]]+", function(x) as.numeric(x)+1, "(10 20)(100 30)")
# adds 1 to each number in third arg
# e.g. f <- function(x,y,z) as.numeric(y)+as.numeric(z),
# gsubfn("([0-9]+):([0-9]+)", f, "abc 10:20 def 30:40 50")
# replaces pairs m:n with their sum
# e.g. gsubfn( , , "pi = $pi, 2pi = `2*pi`")
# e.g. v <- c(); f <- function(x) v <<- append(v,as.numeric(x))
# gsubfn("[0-9]+", f, "12;34:56,89,,12")
# extracts numbers from string and places them into vector v
# e.g. gsubfn("\\B.", tolower, "I LIKE A BANANA SPLIT")
# makes all letters except first in word lower case
gsubfn <- function(pattern, replacement, x, backref, USE.NAMES = FALSE, = FALSE, engine = getOption("gsubfn.engine"),
env = parent.frame(), ...)
here <- environment()
if (isTRUE(list(...)$perl)) engine <- "R"
R.engine <- identical(engine, "R")
if (!R.engine) {
.Tcl <- tcltk::.Tcl
tcl <- tcltk::tcl
tclvalue <- tcltk::tclvalue
if (missing(replacement)) here$replacement <- function(...)
eval(parse(text = paste(..., sep = "")), env)
if (is.character(replacement)) {
if (R.engine)
return(base::gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ...))
else {
f <- function(x) {
tcl("set", "pattern", pattern)
tcl("set", "replacement", replacement)
tcl("set", "x", x)
s <- if ( {
'set r [regsub -all -nocase -- $pattern $x $replacement]'
} else 'set r [regsub -all -- $pattern $x $replacement]'
x[] <- sapply(x, f)
if (is.list(replacement)) {
values.replacement <- replacement
names.replacement <- names(replacement)
here$replacement <- function(...) {
idx <- match(..1, names.replacement,
nomatch = match("", names.replacement, nomatch = 0))
if (idx > 0) values.replacement[[idx]]
else ..1
# if (inherits(replacement, "formula")) replacement <- as.function(replacement)
if (missing(pattern)) pattern <- "[$]([[:alpha:]][[:alnum:].]*)|`([^`]+)`"
pattern <- as.character(pattern)
# proto object as replacement
e <- NULL
if (!inherits(replacement, "formula") && !is.function(replacement)) {
e <- replacement
e$pattern <- pattern
e$x <- x
e$backref <- if (!missing(backref)) backref
e$env <- env
dots <- list(...)
if (!is.null(names(dots))) {
nam <- names(dots)
for(n in nam[nam != ""]) assign(n, dots[[n]], e)
e$replacement <- function(this, ...) {
this$count <- this$count + 1
this$match <- c(...)
here$replacement <- e$replacement
here$replacement <- match.funfn(replacement)
if (missing(backref) || is.null(backref)) {
noparen <- base::gsub("\\\\.", "", pattern)
noparen <- base::gsub("\\[[^\\]]*\\]", "", noparen)
backref <- - nchar(base::gsub("[^(]","", noparen))
# if `&` is an argument then force backref to be 0 or positive
if (names(formals(here$replacement))[[1]] == "&") {
backref <- abs(backref)
if (!is.null(e)) e$backref <- backref
# cat("backref:", backref, "\n")
# Note. an extra set of parens are inserted if engine is R and backref <= 0
# no of parens is the number of parentheses excluding escaped parentheses
# if engine=="R" then i=1 and j=no of backrefs + 1 for match if backref>=0
# if engine!="R" then i=0 if backref<0 and i=1 otherwise. j=abs(backref)
j <- (identical(engine, "R") && !is.null(backref) && backref >= 0) + abs(backref)
i <- if (!R.engine && backref >= 0) 0 else 1
# check if this next line is actually needed
j <- max(i, j)
# cat("i:", i, "j:", j, "\n")
stopifnot(is.character(pattern), is.character(x), is.function(replacement))
gsub.function <- function(x) {
# x <- base::gsub('"', '\\\\"', x)
# x <- chartr('"', '\b', x)
# pattern <- chartr('"', '\b', pattern)
if (R.engine && !is.null(backref) && backref >=0) {
pattern <- paste("(", pattern, ")", sep = "")
if (!is.null(e)) {
e$count <- 0
if ("pre" %in% ls(e)) e$pre()
# replace each substring of x that matches pattern with
# \1\2 followed by backrefs separated by \2 all followed by \1.
# Note \\1 refers to entire match, \\2 to 1st backref, \\3 to 2nd etc.
# Using that create a string \1\2 first backref \2 second ... \1
# and perform replacement.
# For example, z <- gsub("((.)/(.))", "\001\002\\2\002\\3\001", "5/6 8/9")
# gives z = "\001\0025\0026\001 \001\0028\0029\001"
# and then split z on \1
repl <- function(i,j) {
rs <- paste('\\', seq(i,j), collapse = "\2", sep = "")
rs <- paste('\1\2', rs, '\1', sep = "")
# if backref= is too large, reduce by 1 and try again
if (R.engine)
tryCatch(base::gsub(pattern, rs, x, =, ...),
error = function(x) if (j > i) repl(i,j-1) else stop(x))
else {
tcl("set", "pattern", pattern)
tcl("set", "replacement", rs)
tcl("set", "x", x)
s <- if ( {
'set r [regsub -all -nocase -- $pattern $x $replacement]'
} else 'set r [regsub -all -- $pattern $x $replacement]'
error = function(x) if (j > i) repl(i,j-1) else stop(x))
z <- repl(i,j)
z <- strsplit(z, "\1")[[1]]
# f splits string s into back references passing them to replacement fn
f <- function(s) {
if (nchar(s) > 0 && substring(s,1,1) == "\2") {
s <- sub("\2$", "\2\2", s)
L <- as.list(strsplit(s, "\2")[[1]][-1])
# if (!is.null(e)) L <- c(list(e), L), L)
} else s
z <- paste(sapply(z, f), collapse = "")
if (!is.null(e) && "post" %in% ls(e)) e$post()
# gsub('\b', '\\\\"', z)
# debug(gsub.function)
sapply(x, gsub.function, USE.NAMES = USE.NAMES)
ostrapply <-
function (X, pattern, FUN = function(x, ...) x, = FALSE, ..., empty = NULL,
simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE, combine = c) {
here <- environment()
combine <- match.funfn(combine)
if (is.character(FUN)) {
FUN.orig <- FUN
FUN <- function(...) FUN.orig
} else if (is.list(FUN)) {
values.replacement <- FUN
names.replacement <- names(FUN)
here$FUN <- function(...) {
idx <- match(..1, names.replacement,
nomatch = match("", names.replacement, nomatch = 0))
if (idx > 0) values.replacement[[idx]] else ..1
p <- if (is.proto(FUN)) {
FUN$X <- X
FUN$pattern <- pattern
FUN$simplify <- simplify
FUN$combine <- combine
pre = function(this) {
this$first <- TRUE
this$v <- NULL
if (!is.null(FUN[["pre"]])) FUN$pre()
fun = function(this, ...) {
FUN$count <- this$count
this$v <- if (this$first) combine(FUN$fun(...))
else c(this$v, combine(FUN$fun(...)))
this$first <- FALSE
post = function(this) {
# cat("A:", first, "\n")
if (this$first) this$v <- NULL
if (!is.null(FUN[["post"]])) FUN$post()
} else {
FUN <- match.funfn(FUN)
pre = function(this) {
this$first <- TRUE
this$v <- NULL
fun = function(this, ...) {
this$v <- if (this$first) combine(FUN(...))
else c(this$v, combine(FUN(...)))
this$first <- FALSE
post = function(this) {
# cat("B:", first, "\n")
if (this$first) this$v <- NULL
ff <- function(x, ...) { gsubfn(pattern, p, x, engine = "R", =, ...); p$v }
result <- sapply(X, ff, ...,
simplify = isTRUE(simplify), USE.NAMES = USE.NAMES)
if (is.logical(simplify)) result else {, result)
strapply <-
function (X, pattern, FUN = function(x, ...) x, backref, ...,
empty, = FALSE, perl = FALSE, engine,
simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES, combine = c) {
if (missing(backref)) backref <- NULL
if (missing(empty)) empty <- NULL
if (missing(USE.NAMES)) USE.NAMES <- FALSE
if (missing(engine)) engine <- getOption("gsubfn.engine")
combine <- match.funfn(combine)
pattern <- as.character(pattern)
if (is.proto(FUN) || perl) engine <- "R"
if (identical(engine, "R"))
return(ostrapply(X = X, =,
pattern = pattern, FUN = FUN, backref = backref,
..., empty = empty, perl = perl, simplify = simplify, USE.NAMES = USE.NAMES,
combine = combine))
if (is.proto(FUN)) {
} else if (is.character(FUN)) {
FUN.orig <- FUN
FUN <- function(...) FUN.orig
} else if (is.list(FUN)) {
values.replacement <- FUN
names.replacement <- names(FUN)
FUN <- function(...) {
idx <- match(..1, names.replacement,
nomatch = match("", names.replacement, nomatch = 0))
if (idx > 0) values.replacement[[idx]] else ..1
} else {
FUN <- match.funfn(FUN)
# ff is called for each component of the vector of strings
ff <- function(x) {
s <- strapply1(x, pattern, backref,
if (length(s) == 0 && !is.null(empty)) s <- matrix(empty, 1)
L <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(s)), function(j) {
combine(, as.list(s[, j]))) })
# combine(, list(s[, j]))) })"c", L)
result <- sapply(X, ff,
simplify = is.logical(simplify) && simplify,
if (is.logical(simplify)) result
else, result)
strapply1 <- function(x, e, backref, = FALSE) {
.Tcl <- tcltk::.Tcl
tcl <- tcltk::tcl
tclvalue <- tcltk::tclvalue
tcl("set", "e", e)
tcl("set", "x", x)
.Tcl('set about [regexp -about -- $e]')
about <- as.numeric(tclvalue(.Tcl("lindex $about 0"))) + 1
s <- if ( 'set r [regexp -all -inline -nocase -- $e $x]'
else 'set r [regexp -all -inline -- $e $x]'
# .Tcl('set r [regexp -all -inline -- $e $x]')
n <- as.numeric(tclvalue(.Tcl("llength $r")))
out <- sapply(seq(0, length = n),
function(i) tclvalue(.Tcl(paste("lindex $r", i))))
out <- matrix(out, about)
if (is.null(backref)) {
if (about > 1) out[-1,, drop = FALSE]
else out
} else {
mn <- 1 + (backref < 0)
mx <- min(abs(backref) + 1, about)
out[seq(mn, mx),, drop = FALSE]
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