
Defines functions analysis

Documented in analysis

##' Run Statistical Analysis of Monthly Background Checks of Gun Purchase
##' @param debug Optional boolean switch to indicate whether interim data is displayed;
##' default is \sQuote{FALSE}
##' @return A \code{data.frame} is returned, contained all different prepared columns.
##' @author Gregor Aisch and Josh Keller wrote the R code; Dirk Eddelbuettel created
##' and maintains the package.
##' @seealso The NY Times article presenting this analsysi undertaken by this package is
##' at \url{http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/12/10/us/gun-sales-terrorism-obama-restrictions.html?}
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'   gs <- analysis()
##'   plot_gunsales(gs)
##'   ggplot_gunsales(gs)
##' }
analysis <- function(debug=FALSE) {
    ## estimate gun sales using formula by Jurgen Brauer, published here
    ## http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/fileadmin/docs/F-Working-papers/SAS-WP14-US-Firearms-Industry.pdf
    ## note: the column `multiple_corrected` is a copy of `multiple` in which
    ## we set the checks in the "multiple" category to 0 for California
    alldata <- alldata %>% mutate(guns_sold=(handgun + longgun) * 1.1 + multiple_corrected * 2)
    #alldata <- mutate(alldata, guns_sold=(handgun + longgun) * 1.1 + multiple_corrected * 2)
    ## let's look at the total numbers; state_ts() is a helper function
    total <- alldata %>% state_ts('Totals', 'guns_sold')
    #total <- state_ts(all, 'Totals', 'guns_sold')

    ## compute seasonally adjusted gun sales (using final() and seas() from seasonal)
    totalSeas <- total %>% seas %>% final
    #totalSeas <- final(seas(total))

    poptotal <- poptotal %>%
        filter(year >= 2000) %>%
        #filter(year < 2015 | month <= 11) %>%
        with(ts(res_pop, start=c(2000,1), frequency = 12))
    #poptotal <- ts(select(filter(poptotal, year >= 2000), "res_pop"),
    #               start=c(2000,1),
    #               freqency=12)

    ## normalize gun sales by population
    totalSeasPop <- totalSeas / poptotal * 1000
    totalSeasScaled <- totalSeas / 280726

    ## create a new data frame that eventually stores all the
    ## data we need in the final piece
    out_data <- ts_to_dataframe(total, 'guns_total') %>% 
        mutate(guns_total=round(guns_total, 3))

    ## expand the data.frame, adding more volumns
    out_data <- data.frame(out_data,
                           guns_total_per_1000=round(as.matrix(totalSeasPop), digits=3),
                           guns_total_per_1000_scaled=round(as.matrix(totalSeasScaled), digits=3))
    if (debug) {
    ## create a temporary matrix for computing the
    ## handgun_share and longgun_share columns
    ## cbind works correctly here as it operates on timeseries object
    tmp <- cbind(final(seas(state_ts(alldata, 'Totals', 'handgun'))),
                 final(seas(state_ts(alldata, 'Totals', 'longgun'))),
                 final(seas(state_ts(alldata, 'Totals', 'other'))),
                 final(seas(state_ts(alldata, 'Totals', 'multiple_corrected'))))
    colnames(tmp) <- c('handgun', 'longgun', 'other', 'multiple')
    out_data <- data.frame(out_data, tmp)
    ## convert NAs to 0 in column other
    out_data$other[is.na(out_data$other)] <- 0

    ## compute the handgun/longgun share
    out_data <- within(out_data, {
        handgun_share=round(handgun / (handgun+longgun+other+multiple*0.5), 4)
        longgun_share=round(longgun / (handgun+longgun+other+multiple*0.5), 4)

    ## plot percent of national for selected states 
    show_states <- c('New Jersey', 'Maryland', 'Georgia',
                     'Louisiana', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri')

    for (s in show_states) {
        s.ts <- state_data(alldata, s, total, totalSeas)
        ## merge with out_data
        temp <- mutate(ts_to_dataframe(s.ts), value=round(value,3))
        colnames(temp) <- c('year', 'month', gsub(' ', '_', tolower(s)))
        out_data <- data.frame(out_data, temp[,3,drop=FALSE])
    if (debug) {
    ## compute handgun sales for DC: handung * 1.1 + multiple
    dchandgun_checks <- state_ts(alldata, 'District of Columbia', 'handgun', outer_zeros_to_na=F)
    dcmultiple <- state_ts(alldata, 'District of Columbia', 'multiple', outer_zeros_to_na=F)
    dchandgun <- (dchandgun_checks * 1.1 + dcmultiple + 1) %>% seas %>% final - 1
    totalHandgun <- (state_ts(alldata, 'Totals', 'handgun') * 1.1 +
                      state_ts(alldata, 'Totals', 'multiple')) %>% seas %>% final
    dchandgunPct <- dchandgun / totalHandgun * 100000

    ## merge with out_data
    temp <- ts_to_dataframe(round(dchandgunPct, 1), 'dc_handguns_per_100k_national_sales')
    out_data <- data.frame(out_data, temp[,3,drop=FALSE])

    ## estimate how much more guns are sold missouri after law change
    missouri <- state_data(alldata, 'Missouri', normalize = F, adj_seasonal = F)
    missouri.avg_pre_2007 <- mean(missouri[73:84])
    missouri.avg_post_2008 <- mean(missouri[97:108])
    print(paste('Increase in monthly gun sales in Missouri =', round(missouri.avg_post_2008 - missouri.avg_pre_2007, digits=2)))


## R-devel CMD check still whines about these:
Date <- dc_handguns_per_100k_national_sales <- guns_total <- guns_total_per_1000 <- NULL
guns_total_per_1000_scaled <- guns_total_seas <- handgun <- handgun_share <- longgun <- NULL
longgun_share <- month.num <- multiple <- multiple_corrected <- other <- res_pop <- NULL
state <- value <- year <- NULL

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gunsales documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:55 a.m.