#' Apicarto module Geoportail de l'urbanisme
#' @usage
#' get_apicarto_gpu(x,
#' ressource = "zone-urba",
#' categorie = list(NULL),
#' dTolerance = 0)
#' @param x An object of class `sf` or `sfc` for geometric intersection. Otherwise
#' a `character` corresponding to __GPU partition__ or
#' __insee code__ when `ressource` is set to `municipality`.
#' @param ressource A character from this list : "document", "zone-urba",
#' "secteur-cc", "prescription-surf", "prescription-lin", "prescription-pct",
#' "info-surf", "info-lin", "info-pct". See detail for more info.
#' @param categorie public utility easement according to the
#' [national nomenclature](
#' @param dTolerance numeric; Complex shape cannot be handle by API; using `dTolerance` allow to simplify them. See `?sf::st_simplify`
#' @details
#' **/!\ For the moment the API cannot returned more than 5000 features.**
#' All existing parameters for `ressource` :
#' * "municipality : information on the communes (commune with RNU, merged commune)
#' * "document' : information on urban planning documents (POS, PLU, PLUi, CC, PSMV)
#' * "zone-urba" : zoning of urban planning documents,
#' * "secteur-cc" : communal map sectors
#' * "prescription-surf", "prescription-lin", "prescription-pct" : its's a constraint or a possibility indicated in an urban planning document (PLU, PLUi, ...)
#' * "info-surf", "info-lin", "info-pct" : its's an information indicated in an urban planning document (PLU, PLUi, ...)
#' * "acte-sup" : act establishing the SUP
#' * "generateur-sup-s", "generateur-sup-l", "generateur-sup-p" : an entity (site or monument, watercourse, water catchment, electricity or gas distribution of electricity or gas, etc.) which generates on the surrounding SUP (of passage, alignment, protection, land reservation, etc.)
#' * "assiette-sup-s", "assiette-sup-l", "assiette-sup-p" : spatial area to which SUP it applies.
#' @return A object of class `sf` or `df`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(sf)
#' # find if commune is under the RNU (national urbanism regulation)
#' rnu <- get_apicarto_gpu("93014", "municipality")
#' rnu$is_rnu
#' # get urbanism document
#' x <- get_apicarto_cadastre("93014", "commune")
#' document <- get_apicarto_gpu(x, ressource = "document")
#' partition <- document$partition
#' # get gpu features
#' ## from shape
#' gpu <- get_apicarto_gpu(x, ressource = "zone-urba")
#' ## from partition
#' gpu <- get_apicarto_gpu("DU_93014", ressource = "zone-urba")
#' # example : all prescriptions
#' ressources <- c("prescription-surf",
#' "prescription-lin",
#' "prescription-pct")
#' prescriptions <- get_apicarto_gpu("DU_93014",
#' ressource = ressources)
#' # example : public utility servitude (SUP) assiette
#' assiette_sup_s <- get_apicarto_gpu(x, ressource = "assiette-sup-s")
#' protection_forest <- get_apicarto_gpu(x,
#' ressource = "assiette-sup-s",
#' categorie = "A7")
#' # example : public utility servitude (SUP) generateur
#' ## /!\ a generator can justify several assiette
#' ressources <- c("generateur-sup-p",
#' "generateur-sup-l",
#' "generateur-sup-s")
#' all_gen <- get_apicarto_gpu(x, ressource = ressources)
get_apicarto_gpu <- function(x,
ressource = "zone-urba",
categorie = list(NULL),
dTolerance = 0){
# initialisation
geom <- partition <- insee <- list(NULL)
# check input ----
# x
if (!inherits(x, c("character", "sf", "sfc"))) { # x can have 3 class
stop("x must be of class character, sf or sfc.")
# ressource
c("municipality", "document","zone-urba", "secteur-cc", "prescription-surf",
"prescription-lin", "prescription-pct",
"info-surf", "info-lin", "info-pct", "acte-sup",
"assiette-sup-s", "assiette-sup-l", "assiette-sup-p",
"generateur-sup-s", "generateur-sup-l", "generateur-sup-p"),
several.ok = TRUE)
# dTolerance
bad_dTolerance <- inherits(dTolerance, "numeric") &
dTolerance < 0
if (bad_dTolerance) {
stop("dTolerance must be a positive numeric.")
# if ressource == acte-sup, x can't be geometry
if (any(ressource == "acte-sup") & inherits(x, c("sf", "sfc"))){
stop("geometry can't be used when `ressource = \"acte-sup\"`.",
" Use partition instead.",
call. = F)
# prepare x to request ----
# spatial object ie geom
if(inherits(x, c("sf", "sfc"))){
geom <- shp_to_geojson(x, 4326, dTolerance)
# character object : partition
is_partition <- all(inherits(x, "character") & nchar(x) > 5)
if (is_partition){
# municipality only used with geom or insee code
if (any(ressource == "municipality")){
stop("partition can't be used when `ressource = \"municipality\"`.",
" Use insee code instead.",
call. = F)
# test format of partition
if (all(incorrect_partition(x))) {
stop(sprintf("\"%s\" isn't a valid format for `partition`.",
paste(x, collapse = "\" or \"")),
call. = F)
partition <- x
# character object : insee code
is_insee_code <- all(inherits(x, "character") & nchar(x) == 5)
if (is_insee_code){
insee <- x
if(any(ressource != "municipality")){
stop("insee code can only be used when `ressource = \"municipality\"`.",
call. = F)
# hit api ----
message("Features downloaded : ", appendLF = F)
resp <- Map(build_req_hit_api,
path = paste0("/api/gpu/", ressource),
"geom" = geom,
"partition" = partition,
"insee" = insee,
"categorie" = categorie)
}, error = function(cnd){
if (grepl(cnd, "HTTP 500")) {
"Apicarto gpu is currently unavailable, please try again later.", call. = F)
# processing result ----
if (all(is_empty(unlist(resp)))){
warning("No data found, NULL is returned.", call. = FALSE)
# bind rows of each Map call
resp <- suppressWarnings(, resp))
# Cleaning list column from features
resp <- resp[ , !sapply(resp, is.list)]
message(nrow(resp), appendLF = F)
}, error = function(cnd){
message(length(resp), appendLF = T)
warning("Resources have different attributes and cannot be",
" joined. List is returned.",
call. = FALSE)
#' @description test partition parameter format from `get_apicarto_gpu`
#' @param x character
#' @return logical
#' @noRd
incorrect_partition <- function(x){
# see :
# DU_<codeINSEE> : "DU_93014" (POS, PLU, CC)
# DU_<codeSIREN> : "DU_200057867" (PLUi)
pattern1 <- "(?:DU)_(?:\\d{5}|\\d{9})$"
# PSMV_<codeINSEE> : PSMV_78646 (PSMV)
pattern2 <- "(?:PSMV)_(?:\\d){5}$"
# {<idGest>_}SUP_<codeGeo>_<categorie> :
## "130007123_SUP_93_A7"
## "130007123_SUP_934_A7"
## "130007123_SUP_93014_A7"
## "SUP_93_A7"
pattern3 <- "(?:\\d{9}_)?SUP_(?:\\d{2}|\\d{3}|\\d{5})_(?:\\w{2,6})$"
# if one is FALSE then is incorrect partition
!c(all(grepl(pattern1, x)),
all(grepl(pattern2, x)),
all(grepl(pattern3, x)))
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