
Defines functions RunHarmony.SingleCellExperiment RunHarmony.Seurat RunHarmony

Documented in RunHarmony RunHarmony.Seurat RunHarmony.SingleCellExperiment

#' Generic function that runs the harmony algorithm on single-cell
#' genomics cell embeddings.
#' RunHarmony is generic function that runs the main Harmony
#' algorithm. If working with single cell R objects, please refer to
#' the documentation of the appropriate generic API:
#' ([RunHarmony.Seurat()] or [RunHarmony.SingleCellExperiment()]). If
#' users work with other forms of cell embeddings, the can pass them
#' directly to harmony using [RunHarmony.default()] API. All the
#' function arguments listed here are common in all RunHarmony
#' interfaces.
#' @family RunHarmony
#' @rdname RunHarmony
#' @inheritDotParams RunHarmony.default -data_mat -meta_data -vars_use -return_object
#' @return If used with single-cell objects, it will return the
#'     updated single-sell object. For standalone operation, it
#'     returns the corrected cell embeddings or the R6 harmony object
#'     (see [RunHarmony.default()]).
#' @export
#' @md
RunHarmony <- function(...) {

#' Applies harmony on a Seurat object cell embedding.
#' @rdname RunHarmony.Seurat
#' @family RunHarmony
#' @inheritDotParams RunHarmony.default -data_mat -meta_data -vars_use -return_object
#' @param object the Seurat object. It needs to have the appropriate slot
#'     of cell embeddings precomputed.
#' @param group.by.vars the name(s) of covariates that harmony will remove
#'     its effect on the data.
#' @param reduction.use Name of dimension reduction to use. Default is pca.
#' @param dims.use indices of the cell embedding features to be used
#' @param reduction.save the name of the new slot that is going to be created by
#'     harmony. By default, harmony.
#' @param project.dim Project dimension reduction loadings. Default TRUE.
#' @return Seurat object. Harmony dimensions placed into a new slot in the Seurat
#' object according to the reduction.save. For downstream Seurat analyses,
#' use reduction='harmony'.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## seu is a Seurat single-Cell R object
#' seu <- RunHarmony(seu, "donor_id")
#' }
RunHarmony.Seurat <- function(
  reduction.use = 'pca',
  dims.use = NULL,
  reduction.save = "harmony",
  project.dim = TRUE,
) {
  if (!requireNamespace('Seurat', quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Running Harmony on a Seurat object requires Seurat")
  if (!reduction.use %in% Seurat::Reductions(object = object)) {
      stop(paste(reduction.use, "cell embeddings not found in Seurat object.",
                 "For a Seurat preprocessing walkthrough, please refer to the vignette"))
  embedding <- Seurat::Embeddings(object, reduction = reduction.use)
  if (is.null(dims.use)) {
    dims.use <- seq_len(ncol(embedding))
  dims_avail <- seq_len(ncol(embedding))
  if (!all(dims.use %in% dims_avail)) {
    stop("trying to use more dimensions than computed. Rerun dimension reduction
         with more dimensions or run Harmony with fewer dimensions")
  if (length(dims.use) == 1) {
    stop("only specified one dimension in dims.use")
  metavars_df <- Seurat::FetchData(
    cells = Seurat::Cells(x = object[[reduction.use]])

  harmonyEmbed <- RunHarmony(
    data_mat = embedding[, dims.use],
    meta_data = metavars_df,
    vars_use = group.by.vars,
    return_object = FALSE,

  reduction.key <- Seurat::Key(reduction.save, quiet = TRUE)
  rownames(harmonyEmbed) <- rownames(embedding)
  colnames(harmonyEmbed) <- paste0(reduction.key, seq_len(ncol(harmonyEmbed)))

  object[[reduction.save]] <- Seurat::CreateDimReducObject(
    embeddings = harmonyEmbed,
    stdev = as.numeric(apply(harmonyEmbed, 2, stats::sd)),
    assay = Seurat::DefaultAssay(object = object[[reduction.use]]),
    key = reduction.key
  if (project.dim) {
    object <- Seurat::ProjectDim(
      reduction = reduction.save,
      overwrite = TRUE,
      verbose = FALSE

#' Applies harmony on PCA cell embeddings of a SingleCellExperiment.
#' @rdname RunHarmony.SingleCellExperiment
#' @inheritDotParams RunHarmony.default -data_mat -meta_data -vars_use -return_object
#' @family RunHarmony
#' @param object SingleCellExperiment with the PCA reducedDim cell embeddings populated 
#' @param group.by.vars the name(s) of covariates that harmony will remove
#'     its effect on the data.
#' @param dims.use a vector of indices that allows only selected cell embeddings
#'     features to be used.
#' @param verbose enable verbosity 
#' @param reduction.save the name of the new slot that is going to be created by
#'     harmony. By default, HARMONY.
#' @return SingleCellExperiment object. After running RunHarmony, the corrected
#' cell embeddings can be accessed with reducedDim(object, "Harmony").
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## sce is a SingleCellExperiment R object
#' sce <- RunHarmony(sce, "donor_id")
#' }
RunHarmony.SingleCellExperiment <- function(
    dims.use = NULL,
    verbose = TRUE,
    reduction.save = "HARMONY",
) {

    ## Get PCA embeddings
    if (!"PCA" %in% SingleCellExperiment::reducedDimNames(object)) {
        stop("PCA must be computed before running Harmony.")
    pca_embedding <- SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(object, "PCA")
    if (is.null(dims.use)) {
        dims.use <- seq_len(ncol(pca_embedding))

    if (is.null(dims.use)) {
        dims.use <- seq_len(ncol(pca_embedding))
    dims_avail <- seq_len(ncol(pca_embedding))
    if (!all(dims.use %in% dims_avail)) {
        stop("trying to use more dimensions than computed with PCA. Rerun
            PCA with more dimensions or use fewer PCs")

    metavars_df <- SingleCellExperiment::colData(object)
    if (!all(group.by.vars %in% colnames(metavars_df))) {
        stop('Trying to integrate over variables missing in colData')

    harmonyEmbed <- RunHarmony(
        data_mat = pca_embedding[, dims.use], # is here an error? quick fix 
        meta_data = metavars_df,
        vars_use = group.by.vars,
        return_object = FALSE,
        verbose = verbose,

    rownames(harmonyEmbed) <- row.names(metavars_df)
    colnames(harmonyEmbed) <- paste0(reduction.save, "_", seq_len(ncol(harmonyEmbed)))
    SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(object, reduction.save) <- harmonyEmbed


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harmony documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:26 a.m.