
Defines functions is_fbam get_pd plot_over_self

Documented in plot_over_self

#' Plot individual parameter estimates over self-placements
#' Create a boxplot of individual parameter point estimates from an HBAM model over self-placements
#' @export
#' @param object An object of class `stanfit` produced by `hbam()`, a list produced by `fbam()`, or a `list` of such objects, which will produce a faceted plot.
#' @param par Character: Name of the parameter to be plotted. One of the following: `"alpha"`, `"beta"`, `"abs_beta"`, `"lambda"`, or `"chi"`. Defaults to `"chi"`. Further individual-level parameters like `"eta"` can be specified if these have been passed to `hbam()` via the argument `extra_pars` when fitting the model. (Note that homoskedastic models have no `"eta"` parameters and "NF"-type models have no `"lambda"` or `"kappa"` parameters.)
#' @param estimate Character: Specifying which type of posterior point estimate to use. One of `"median"` and `"mean"`. Defaults to `"median"`. This only applies for `stanfit` objects.
#' @param names An optional character vector of model names of same length as the supplied list of models.
#' @param parlabel An optional character containing an alternative label for the parameter (will be parsed if passed as an expression).
#' @param fill Fill color of boxes. Passed on to `ggplot2::geom_boxplot()`.
#' @param color Color of outer lines. Passed on to `ggplot2::geom_boxplot()`.
#' @param width Width of boxes. Passed on to `ggplot2::geom_boxplot()`.
#' @param alpha Number in \[0,1\]: Inverse level of transparency for fill color.
#' @param outlier.size Size of dots representing outliers. Passed on to `ggplot2::geom_boxplot()`.
#' @param median_color Color of solid line representing the median.
#' @param median_lwd Thickness of solid line representing the median.
#' @return A `ggplot` object.

plot_over_self <- function(object, par = "chi", estimate = "median", names = NULL, parlabel = NULL,
                           fill = "#2166AC", color = "#053061", width = .7, alpha = .5, outlier.size = 0.3,
                           median_color = "black", median_lwd = .7) {
  if(is.null(parlabel)) { parlabel <- par}
  if((length(object) == 1 & inherits(object, "stanfit")) | is_fbam(object)) {
    pd <- get_pd(object, par, estimate)
    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(pd, ggplot2::aes(.data$V, .data$parameter)) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(fill = fill, color = color, width = width, alpha = alpha, outlier.size = outlier.size) +
      ggplot2::xlab("Self-placement") + ggplot2::ylab(par)
    md <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(p)$data[[1]]
    p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(data = md, aes(x = .data$xmin, xend = .data$xmax,
                                   y = .data$middle, yend = .data$middle), colour = median_color, linewidth = median_lwd)
  } else {
    pd <- vector()
    for (m in 1:length(object)) {
      if (is.null(names)) {
        if (inherits(object[[m]], "stanfit")) {
          name <- object[[m]]@model_name
        } else {
          name <- paste0("Model ", m)
      } else { name <- names[m] }
      pd_temp <- get_pd(object[[m]], par, estimate)
      pd <- rbind(pd, dplyr::bind_cols(pd_temp, model = rep(name, nrow(pd_temp))))
      if (is.null(names)) {
        pd$model <- factor(pd$model, levels = unique(pd$model), labels = unique(pd$model)) } else {
        pd$model <- factor(pd$model, levels = names, labels = names) }
      p <- ggplot2::ggplot(pd, ggplot2::aes(.data$V, .data$parameter)) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(fill = fill, color = color, width = width, alpha = alpha, outlier.size = outlier.size) +
        ggplot2::xlab("Self-placement") + ggplot2::ylab(par) +
        ggplot2::facet_wrap(~model, scales = "free") + ggplot2::ylab(parlabel)
      md <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(p)$data[[1]]
      md$model <- factor(md$PANEL, levels = as.numeric(unique(pd$model)), labels = levels(pd$model))
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(data = md, aes(x = .data$xmin, xend = .data$xmax,
                                            y = .data$middle, yend = .data$middle), colour = median_color, linewidth = median_lwd)

get_pd <- function(object, par, estimate){
  if (inherits(object, "stanfit")) {
    data <- object@.MISC$hbam_data
    if (is.null(data) || !inherits(data, "hbam_data")) {
      stop("Could not find the data used for fitting within the supplied object. You need to supply an object produced by hbam() or fbam().") }
    if (par == "abs_beta") {
      draws <- as.matrix(rstan::extract(object, pars = "beta")$beta)
      param <- data.frame(
        median = apply(draws, 2, function(x) median(abs(x)) ),
        mean = apply(draws, 2, function(x) mean(abs(x)) ))
      names(param) <- c("50%", "mean")
    } else {
      param <- get_est(object, par)
      if (par == "eta") {
        param[, 1] <- sqrt(param[, 1]) / data$J # To get average sigma for each i over j.
        param[, 3] <- sqrt(param[, 3]) / data$J
        par <- "sqrt(eta) / J"
    if (estimate == "median") { pd <- dplyr::bind_cols(parameter = param$`50%`, V = as.ordered(data$V)) }
    if (estimate == "mean") { pd <- dplyr::bind_cols(parameter = param$mean, V = as.ordered(data$V)) }
  } else {
    if (inherits(object, "list")) {
      data <- object$hbam_data
      if (is.null(data) || !inherits(data, "hbam_data")) {
        stop("Could not find the data used for fitting within the supplied object. You need to supply an object produced by hbam() or fbam().") }
      if (par == "abs_beta") {
        param <- get_est(object, "beta")
        param <- abs(param)
      } else {
        param <- get_est(object, par)
      pd <- data.frame(parameter = param[, 1], V = as.ordered(data$V))
      names(pd)[1] <- "parameter"

is_fbam <- function(object) {
  output <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(names(object))) {
    if (names(object)[1] == "par" & names(object)[3] == "return_code" & inherits(object, "list")) {
      output <- TRUE

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hbamr documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 5:10 p.m.