
Defines functions evaluate_regression evaluate_multiclass evaluate_classification evaluate.model_list evaluate.predicted_df evaluate

Documented in evaluate evaluate_classification evaluate.model_list evaluate_multiclass evaluate.predicted_df evaluate_regression

#' Get model performance metrics
#' @param x Object to be evaluted
#' @param ... Not used
#' @export
#' @rdname evaluate
#' @details This function gets model performance from a model_list object that
#'   comes from \code{\link{machine_learn}}, \code{\link{tune_models}},
#'   \code{\link{flash_models}}, or a data frame of predictions from
#'   \code{\link{predict.model_list}}. For the latter, the data passed to
#'   \code{predict.model_list} must contain observed outcomes. If you have
#'   predictions and outcomes in a different format, see
#'   \code{\link{evaluate_classification}} or \code{\link{evaluate_regression}}
#'   instead.
#'   You may notice that \code{evaluate(models)} and
#'   \code{evaluate(predict(models))} return slightly different performance
#'   metrics, even though they are being calculated on the same (out-of-fold)
#'   predictions. This is because metrics in training (returned from
#'   \code{evaluate(models)}) are calculated within each cross-validation fold
#'   and then averaged, while metrics calculated on the prediction data frame
#'   (\code{evaluate(predict(models))}) are calculated once on all observations.
#' @return Either a numeric vector or a data frame depending on the value of
#'   all_models
#' @examples
#' models <- machine_learn(pima_diabetes[1:40, ],
#'                        patient_id,
#'                        outcome = diabetes,
#'                        models = c("XGB", "RF"),
#'                        tune = FALSE,
#'                        n_folds = 3)
#' # By default, evaluate returns performance of only the best model
#' evaluate(models)
#' # Set all_models = TRUE to see the performance of all trained models
#' evaluate(models, all_models = TRUE)
#' # Can also get performance on a test dataset
#' predictions <- predict(models, newdata = pima_diabetes[41:50, ])
#' evaluate(predictions)
evaluate <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @param na.rm Logical. If FALSE (default) performance metrics will be NA if
#'   any rows are missing an outcome value. If TRUE, performance will be
#'   evaluted on the rows that have an outcome value. Only used when evaluating
#'   a prediction data frame.
#' @rdname evaluate
evaluate.predicted_df <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, ...) {
  outcome <- attr(x, "model_info")[["target"]]
  if (!outcome %in% names(x))
    stop("Outcome variable: ", outcome, " not found in d. You must have actual outcomes in ",
         "the data passed to predict to use evaluate. If the outcomes are ",
         "somewhere else, consider using ",
         paste0("evaluate_", tolower(attr(x, "model_info")[["type"]])))

  op <- tibble::tibble(
    obs = x[[outcome]],
    pred = x[[paste0("predicted_", outcome)]]
  if (na.rm) {
    op <- dplyr::filter(op, !is.na(obs))
  if (attr(x, "model_info")[["type"]] == "Regression") {
    scores <- evaluate_regression(predicted = op$pred, actual = op$obs)
  } else if (attr(x, "model_info")[["type"]] == "Classification") {
    pc <- attr(x, "model_info")$positive_class
    if (!is.numeric(op$obs)) {
      if (dplyr::n_distinct(op$obs) > 1 && !pc %in% op$obs)
        stop("positive class (", pc, ") not found in outcomes (",
             list_variables(unique(op$obs)), ")")
      op$obs <- ifelse(op$obs == pc, 1L, 0L)
    scores <- evaluate_classification(predicted = op$pred, actual = op$obs)
  } else if (attr(x, "model_info")[["type"]] == "Multiclass") {
    scores <- evaluate_multiclass(predicted = op$pred, actual = op$obs)
  } else {
    stop("Something's gone wrong. I don't know how to deal with model type ",
         attr(x, "model_info")[["type"]])

#' @export
#' @param all_models Logical. If FALSE (default), a numeric vector giving
#'   performance metrics for the best-performing model is returned. If TRUE,
#'   a data frame with performance metrics for all trained models is returned.
#'   Only used when evaluating a model_list.
#' @rdname evaluate
evaluate.model_list <- function(x, all_models = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!length(x))
    stop("Can't evaluate an empty model_list")
  x <- change_metric_names(x)
  mi <- extract_model_info(x)
  if (mi$m_class == "Regression") {
    f <- evaluate_regression
    pred_col <- "pred"
  } else if (mi$m_class == "Classification") {
    f <- evaluate_classification
    pred_col <- mi$positive_class
    for (mod in names(x))
      x[[mod]]$pred$obs <- ifelse(x[[mod]]$pred$obs == mi$positive_class, 1L, 0L)
  } else if (mi$m_class == "Multiclass") {
    f <- evaluate_multiclass
    pred_col <- "pred"
  # Pull all available metrics from all models
  out <-
    purrr::map_df(names(x), function(mod) {
      # Here we split across CV folds, calculate the metrics for each fold,
      # and then average across folds. This matches how caret makes this
      # calculation, which lands in summary.model_list.
      # More detail: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49746153/2565816
      split(x[[mod]]$pred, x[[mod]]$pred$Resample) %>%
        purrr::map_df(~ f(predicted = .x[[pred_col]], actual = .x$obs) %>%
                        dplyr::bind_rows()) %>%
        purrr::map(mean) %>%
        tibble::as_tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(model = mod) %>%
        dplyr::select(model, dplyr::everything())
  # Arrange models by metric scores
  to_order <- out[[mi$metric]]
  if (x[[1]]$maximize)
    to_order <- -to_order
  out <- out[order(to_order), ]
  if (!all_models) {
    # Extract best-performing model's scores as named numeric vector
    out <- unlist(out[1, -1])

#' Get performance metrics for classification predictions
#' @param predicted Vector of predicted probabilities
#' @param actual Vector of realized outcomes, must be 0/1
#' @importFrom MLmetrics PRAUC
#' @importFrom MLmetrics AUC
#' @return Numeric vector of scores with metric as names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' evaluate_classification(c(.7, .1, .6, .9, .4), c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1))
evaluate_classification <- function(predicted, actual) {
  c("AUPR" = MLmetrics::PRAUC(y_pred = predicted, y_true = actual),
    "AUROC" = MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = predicted, y_true = actual)

#' Get performance metrics for multiclass predictions
#' @param predicted Vector of predicted probabilities
#' @param actual Vector of realized outcomes, must be 0/1
#' @importFrom MLmetrics Accuracy
#' @return Numeric vector of scores with metric as names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' evaluate_multiclass(iris$Species, sample(iris$Species))
evaluate_multiclass <- function(predicted, actual) {
  actual <- factor(actual, levels = levels(predicted))
  c("Accuracy" = MLmetrics::Accuracy(y_pred = predicted, y_true = actual),
    "Kappa" = caret::confusionMatrix(
      data = predicted, reference = actual)$overall[["Kappa"]]

#' Get performance metrics for regression predictions
#' @param predicted Vector of predicted values
#' @param actual Vector of realized values
#' @return Numeric vector of scores with metric as names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' evaluate_regression(c(2, 4, 6), c(1.5, 4.1, 6.2))
evaluate_regression <- function(predicted, actual) {
  c("RMSE" = caret::RMSE(pred = predicted, obs = actual),
    "MAE" = caret::MAE(pred = predicted, obs = actual),
    "Rsquared" = caret::R2(pred = predicted, obs = actual)

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