
context("Test machine_learn")

training_data <- dplyr::sample_n(pima_diabetes, 25)
models <- machine_learn(training_data,
                        outcome = diabetes, models = "xgb", tune = FALSE)

test_that("machine_learn produces a model_list", {
  expect_s3_class(models, "model_list")

test_that("Can predict on output of machine_learn", {
    preds <- predict(models, pima_diabetes[1:5, ])
  expect_s3_class(preds, "predicted_df")
  expect_true(all(c("diabetes", "predicted_diabetes") %in% names(preds)))

test_that("Get an informative error message for missing / wrong-class args", {
  expect_error(machine_learn(), "missing")
  expect_error(machine_learn(1), "data frame")
  expect_error(machine_learn(training_data), "outcome")
  expect_error(machine_learn(training_data, outcome = 1), "outcome")
  expect_error(machine_learn(training_data, outcome = am, not_there),
               "were passed to the ... argument")

test_that("Machine learn points the user to naming outcome if unprovided", {
  expect_error(machine_learn(pima_diabetes, diabetes), "outcome = ")

test_that("Machine learn respects CV details", {
  m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = diabetes, n_folds = 2, tune_depth = 3, models = "rf")
  expect_equal(2, m[[1]]$control$number)
  expect_equal(3, nrow(m[[1]]$results))

test_that("Machine learn respects tune = FALSE", {
  ut <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = pedigree, n_folds = 3,
                      tune = FALSE, models = "xgb")
  expect_false(attr(ut, "tuned"))

test_that("Machine learn respects metric - tuning", {
  m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = diabetes, metric = "PR",
                     tune_depth = 2, n_folds = 3, models = "rf")
  expect_true(grepl("Performance Metric: AUPR", capture_output(print(m))))

  m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = age, metric = "MAE",
                     tune_depth = 2, n_folds = 3, models = "rf")
  expect_true(grepl("Performance Metric: MAE", capture_output(print(m))))

test_that("Machine learn respects metric - flash", {
  m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = diabetes, metric = "PR",
                     tune = FALSE, n_folds = 3, models = "rf")
  expect_true(grepl("Performance Metric: AUPR", capture_output(print(m))))

  m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = age, metric = "MAE",
                     tune = FALSE, n_folds = 3, models = "rf")
  expect_true(grepl("Performance Metric: MAE", capture_output(print(m))))

test_that("Machine learn respects metric - flash - error", {
  # Throw warning when NA
    m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = diabetes, metric = NA,
                       tune = FALSE, n_folds = 3, models = "rf")

  # Throw warning when "garbage"
    m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = diabetes, metric = "garbage",
                       tune = FALSE, n_folds = 3, models = "rf")

  # Throw warning when PR and regression
    m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = age, metric = "PR",
                       tune = FALSE, n_folds = 3, models = "rf")

test_that("Machine learn respects metric - tune - error", {
  # Throw warning when NA
    m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = diabetes, metric = NA,
                       tune_depth = 2, n_folds = 3, models = "rf")

  # Throw warning when "garbage"
    m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = diabetes, metric = "garbage",
                       tune_depth = 2, n_folds = 3, models = "rf")

  # Throw warning when PR and regression
    m <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = age, metric = "PR",
                       tune_depth = 2, n_folds = 3, models = "rf")

# Testing Multiclass ---------
training_data <- dplyr::sample_n(iris, 25)

test_that("multiclass machine_learn produces a model_list", {
  models <- machine_learn(training_data,
                          outcome = Species, models = "xgb")
  expect_s3_class(models, "multiclass_list")

test_that("Machine learn respects tune = FALSE", {
  ut <- machine_learn(training_data, outcome = Species, n_folds = 3,
                      tune = FALSE, models = "xgb")
  expect_s3_class(ut, "multiclass_list")
  expect_false(attr(ut, "tuned"))

test_that("Machine learn throws error if given prepped object", {
  prepped_d <- prep_data(pima_diabetes, patient_id, outcome = diabetes)
    m <- machine_learn(prepped_d, patient_id, outcome = diabetes, models = "rf",
                       tune = FALSE),
    "\"d\" is already prepped"

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