
Defines functions aci

Documented in aci

#'  Absolute concentration index (ACI)
#'  The absolute concentration index (ACI) is an absolute measure of inequality
#'  that indicates the extent to which an indicator is concentrated among
#'  disadvantaged or advantaged subgroups, on an absolute scale.
#'  ACI can be calculated using disaggregated data and individual-level data.
#'  Subgroups in disaggregated data are weighted according to their population
#'  share, while individuals are weighted by sample weight in the case of data
#'  from surveys.
#'  The calculation of ACI is based on a ranking of the whole population from
#'  the most-disadvantaged subgroup (at rank 0) to the most-advantaged subgroup
#'  (at rank 1), which is inferred from the ranking and size of the subgroups.
#'  For more information on this inequality measure see Schlotheuber, A., &
#'  Hosseinpoor, A. R. (2022) below.
#'  **Interpretation:** The larger the absolute value of ACI, the higher the
#'  level of inequality. For favourable indicators, positive values indicate
#'  a concentration of the indicator among the advantaged, while negative
#'  values indicate a concentration of the indicator among the disadvantaged.
#'  For adverse indicators, it is the reverse: positive values indicate a
#'  concentration of the indicator among the disadvantaged, while negative
#'  values indicate a concentration of the indicator among the advantaged.
#'  ACI is zero if there is no inequality.
#'  **Type of summary measure:** Complex; absolute; weighted
#'  **Applicability:** Ordered; more than two subgroups
#'  **Warning:** The confidence intervals are approximate
#'  and might be biased.
#' @param est The subgroup estimate. Estimates must be
#'  available for all subgroups.
#' @param subgroup_order The order of subgroups in an increasing sequence.
#' @param pop The number of people within each subgroup.
#'  Population size must be available for all subgroups.
#' @param weight Individual sampling weight (required if data come from a
#' survey)
#' @param psu Primary sampling unit (required if data come from a survey)
#' @param strata Strata (required if data come from a survey)
#' @param fpc Finite population correction
#' @param lmin Minimum limit for bounded indicators.
#' @param lmax Maximum limit for bounded indicators.
#' @param conf.level confidence level of the interval.
#' @param force TRUE/FALSE statement to force calculation with missing
#' indicator estimate values.
#' @param ...  Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @examples
#' # example code
#' data(IndividualSample)
#' head(IndividualSample)
#' with(IndividualSample,
#'      aci(est = sba,
#'          subgroup_order = subgroup_order,
#'          weight = weight,
#'          psu = psu,
#'          strata = strata
#'          )
#'      )
#' @references Schlotheuber, A., & Hosseinpoor, A. R. (2022).
#' Summary measures of health inequality: A review of existing
#'  measures and their application. International Journal of
#'  Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (6), 3697.
#' @return The estimated ACI value, corresponding estimated standard error,
#'  and confidence interval as a `data.frame`.
#' @importFrom stats binomial gaussian glm predict qnorm quantile rnorm vcov
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom survey svyglm svymean svyvar
#' @importFrom srvyr as_survey
#' @importFrom dplyr lag group_by select
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @rdname aci
aci <- function(est,
                    pop = NULL,
                    weight = NULL,
                    psu = NULL,
                    strata = NULL,
                    fpc = NULL,
                    lmin = NULL,
                    lmax = NULL,
                    conf.level = 0.95,
                    force = FALSE,...) {

  # Variable checks
  ## Stop
    if(anyNA(est)) stop('Estimates are missing in some subgroups')
  } else {
    pop <- pop[!is.na(est)]
    subgroup_order <- subgroup_order[!is.na(est)]
    if(!is.null(psu)) psu <- psu[!is.na(est)]
    if(!is.null(strata)) strata <- strata[!is.na(est)]
    if(!is.null(weight)) weight <- weight[!is.na(est)]
    est <- est[!is.na(est)]
  if(!is.null(pop)) {
      stop('Population is missing in some subgroups')
      stop('Population needs to be numeric')
    if(all(pop == 0)){
      stop('The population is of size 0 in all cells')
    stop('Subgroup order needs to be declared')
  if(!is.null(weight) & !is.numeric(weight)){
    stop('Weights needs to be numeric')
  if(!is.null(lmin) & is.null(lmax) |
     !is.null(lmax) & is.null(lmin)){
    stop("The minimum limit (lmin) and maximum limit (lmax) should be declared
         for bounded indicators")
  if(!is.null(lmin) & !is.null(lmax)){
    if(min(est) < lmin) stop("Estimate variable has values outside of the
                             specified limits")
    if(lmin == lmax | lmin > lmax) stop("The minimum limit (lmin) should be
                                        different and less than maximum limit

  #Warning or message
  if(is.null(pop) & is.null(weight)) {
    message("Data not aggregated nor weighted")
  if(!is.null(lmin) & !is.null(lmax)){
    message("Bounded indicator normalisation applied")

  # Options
  options(survey.lonely.psu = "adjust")
  options(survey.adjust.domain.lonely = TRUE)

  # Calculate summary measure

    # Create pop if NULL
    if(is.null(pop) & is.null(weight)){
      pop <- rep(1, length(est))
    if(is.null(pop) & !is.null(weight)){
      pop <- weight

    # Rank subgroups from the most-disadvantaged to the most-advantaged
    reorder <- order(subgroup_order)
    pop <- pop[reorder]
    subgroup_order <- subgroup_order[reorder]
    if(!is.null(weight)) {
      weight <- weight[reorder]
      intercept <- 1
    } else {
      intercept <-sqrt(pop)
    if(!is.null(strata)) strata <- strata[reorder]
    if(!is.null(psu)) psu <- psu[reorder]
    est <- est[reorder]
    if(!is.null(lmin) & !is.null(lmax)){
      est <- (est-lmin)/(lmax-lmin)
    sumw <- sum(pop, na.rm = TRUE)
    cumw <- cumsum(pop)
    cumw1 <- dplyr::lag(cumw)
    cumw1[is.na(cumw1)] <- 0

    newdat_aci <- as.data.frame(cbind(est,

    newdat_aci <- newdat_aci %>%
      group_by(subgroup_order) %>%
      mutate(cumwr = max(.data$cumw, na.rm = TRUE),
             cumwr1 = min(.data$cumw1, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%

    rank <- (newdat_aci$cumwr1 + 0.5 *
              (newdat_aci$cumwr-newdat_aci$cumwr1)) / newdat_aci$sumw
    tmp <- (newdat_aci$pop / newdat_aci$sumw) * ((rank - 0.5)^2)
    sigma1 <- sum(tmp)
    tmp1 <- newdat_aci$pop*newdat_aci$est
    meanlhs <- sum(tmp1)
    meanlhs1 <- meanlhs/newdat_aci$sumw

    lhs <- (sigma1 * 2 * (newdat_aci$est / meanlhs1) * newdat_aci$intercept)
    lhs1 <- lhs * meanlhs1
    rhs <- rank * newdat_aci$intercept

    newdat_aci <- as.data.frame(cbind(newdat_aci, lhs, lhs1, rhs))

    # Calculate ACI
      mod <- glm(lhs1 ~ 0 + rhs + intercept,
                 family = gaussian,
                 data = newdat_aci)
    } else {
        tids <- if(is.null(psu)) {
        } else {
        tstrata <- if(is.null(strata)) {
        } else {
        tfpc <- if(is.null(fpc)) {
        } else {

      newdat_aci_s <- svydesign(ids = tids,
                                probs = NULL,
                                strata = tstrata,
                                weights = ~weight,
                                fpc = tfpc,
                                data = newdat_aci)

        mod <-  svyglm(lhs1 ~ 0 +  rhs + intercept,
                       design = newdat_aci_s,
                       family = gaussian)

    aci <- mod$coefficients[[1]]

    # Calculate 95% confidence intervals
    se.formula <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)))[[1]]
    cilevel <- 1 - ((1 - conf.level) / 2)
    lowerci <- aci - se.formula * qnorm(cilevel)
    upperci <- aci + se.formula * qnorm(cilevel)

    # Return data frame

    return(data.frame(measure = "aci",
                      estimate = aci,
                      se = se.formula,
                      lowerci = lowerci,
                      upperci = upperci)

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