
Defines functions hlayout emptypart dendropart sigstars imagepart2 labelfct titlepart labelplot

# hlayout.R
# Layout engine to support more flexible heatmaps etc.
# Somewhat grid-like graphics using the old graphics system.

# !HS! document zoom mechanism, ...

# label a plot area - a helper function
#' @noRd
labelplot <- function(main, cex=2) {
  text(x=sum(par("usr")[1:2])/2, y=sum(par("usr")[3:4])/2, main, cex=cex, adj=c(0.5, 0.5))

# title element
#' @noRd
titlepart <- function(main, titleheight=0.1) {
  titlefun <- function(cex=2) {
    plot(0, type="n", xaxt="none", yaxt="none", xlim=0:1, ylim=0:1, bty="n")
    labelplot(main=main, cex=cex)
  # return a list including a new function
  list(height=titleheight, FUN=titlefun)

# add label(s) around a component - see imagepart comments for use
# if vertical==TRUE, label on the bottom by default; otherwise on the right
#' @noRd
labelfct <- function(vertical=TRUE, r.cex=1, c.cex=1, label=NULL) {
  if (!is.null(label)) {
    cex.a <- c(c.cex, r.cex, c.cex, r.cex)
    if (length(label) == 1) {
      tmp <- label[1]
      label <- rep("", 4)
      label[ifelse(vertical, 1, 4)] <- tmp
    } else if (length(label) == 2) {
      cex.a <- rep(label[2], 4)
      tmp <- label[1]
      label <- rep("", 4)
      label[ifelse(vertical, 1, 4)] <- tmp
    } else if (length(label) >= 5) {
      cex.a <- rep(label[5:length(label)], length.out=4)
      label <- label[1:4]
    centers <- c(mean(par("usr")[1:2]), mean(par("usr")[3:4]), mean(par("usr")[1:2]), mean(par("usr")[3:4]))
    for (i in 1:4) {
      if (!is.na(label[i])) {
        axis(i, centers[i], las = 2, tick = FALSE, line=FALSE, labels = label[i], cex.axis = cex.a[i])

# !HS! add a separate axispart?

# heatmap/similar image part
# label is a one-element vector (label at default position), a two-element vector (label and cex.override),
#  a four-element vector (bottom, left, top, right) or a five-to-eight element vector (bottom, left, top, right, cex.override(s)) or NULL
# if a long label vector is used, the unused components should be empty strings or NAs
#' @noRd
imagepart2 <- function(img, height=0.1, width=0.1, ColLab=NULL, RowLab=NULL, r.cex=1, c.cex=1, label=NULL, na.color="gray80", ..., add.sig=FALSE, pv=NULL, order_list=TRUE,
                       genes2highl=NULL) {
  imagefct <- function(zoomx=NULL, zoomy=NULL) {
    # transpose img, as the function image() treats it in a strange way
    img <- t(img)
    xlim <- if (!is.null(zoomx)) zoomx else c(0.5, nrow(img)+0.5)
    ylim <- if (!is.null(zoomy)) zoomy else c(0.5, ncol(img)+0.5)
    image(1:nrow(img), 1:ncol(img), img, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...)
    if (!is.null(na.color) && any(is.na(img))) {
      image(1:nrow(img), 1:ncol(img), ifelse(is.na(img), 1, NA), axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", col = na.color, add = TRUE)
    # VF: add stars representing p-values from eset_cor
    if (add.sig) {
      if (is.null(pv)) stop("No p-values provided...")
      stars <- sigstars(pv)
      if (order_list) {
        diag(stars) <- ""
      } else {
        diag(stars[nrow(stars):1, ]) <- ""
      text(rep(1:nrow(img), each=ncol(img)), rep(1:ncol(img), nrow(img)), labels=stars, cex=1.8)
    # VF: add semi-transparent rectangles to highlight selected genes
    if (!is.null(genes2highl)) {
      vert <- which(ColLab %in% genes2highl)
      hori <- which(RowLab %in% genes2highl)
      try(rect(vert-.5, 0.7, vert+.5, ncol(img)+.3, col="#FFFFFF25", border="#4B4B4B84", lwd=1.5), silent=TRUE)
      try(rect(0.7, hori-.5, nrow(img)+.3, hori+.5, col="#FFFFFF25", border="#4B4B4B84", lwd=1.5), silent=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(ColLab)) {
      axis(1, 1:nrow(img), las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, labels = ColLab, cex.axis = c.cex)
    if (!is.null(RowLab)) {
      axis(4, 1:ncol(img), las = 2, tick = FALSE, labels = RowLab, cex.axis = r.cex)
    labelfct(vertical = nrow(img) == 1, r.cex=r.cex, c.cex=c.cex, label=label)
  list(FUN=imagefct, height=height, width=width)

# add stars depicting significance level
#' @noRd
sigstars <- function(pv)
  pm <- matrix(data="", nrow=nrow(pv), ncol=ncol(pv))
  pm[pv < 0.05] <- "*"
  pm[pv < 0.01] <- "**"
  pm[pv < 0.001] <- "***"

# dendrogram part
# dendro can be an hclust, a dendrogram or a forest (something that becomes a list of dendrograms after lapply(FUN=as.dendrogram))
#' @noRd
dendropart <- function(dendro, height=0.2, width=0.2, horiz=FALSE) {
  dendrofct <- function(zoomx=NULL, zoomy=NULL) {
    xlim <- if(horiz) zoomy else zoomx
    if (!is.null(dendro)) {
      plf(dendro, horiz=horiz, axes = FALSE, xaxs = ifelse(horiz, "r", "i"), yaxs = ifelse(horiz, "i", "r"), leaflab = "none", xlim=xlim)
    } else {
      plot(0, xlim=0:1, ylim=0:1, type="n", xaxt="none", yaxt="none", bty="n")
  list(FUN=dendrofct, height=height, width=width)

#' dummy/empty plot part - mostly as a tool in layout design
# note that specifying both height and width is OK - only the appropriate one based on the layout position of the part is used
#' @noRd
emptypart <- function(main="", height=0.001, width=0.001, verbose=(main != ""), ...) {
  emptyfct <- function(main="", cex=2, ...) {
    if (main=="") {
      opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
    plot(0, xlim=0:1, ylim=0:1, type="n", xaxt="none", yaxt="none", ...)
  plotfun <- function() {
    emptyfct(bty=ifelse(verbose, "o", "n"), ...)
    if (verbose) labelplot(main)
  list(height=height, width=width, FUN=plotfun)

# !HS! support splitting bottomextra into "slices" for additional legends(?)
# !HS! relate sum of widths to sum of bottomextra widths, determine breaks, duplicate columns if needed to achieve unaligned breaks
# heights and widths can be specified in centimeters using lcm(...)
# A NULL in a top/bottom/left/right list leaves a tiny space
#' @noRd
hlayout <- function(
  main = NULL,
  topextra = NULL,
  top = list(),
  bottom = list(),
  left = list(),
  right = list(),
  topleft = NULL, topright = NULL,
  bottomleft = NULL, bottomright = NULL,
  bottomextra = NULL,
  zoomx = NULL,
  zoomy = NULL,
  execute = TRUE
) {
  # avoid "flipping" the zoomed part
  if (!is.null(zoomx)) zoomx <- sort(zoomx)
  if (!is.null(zoomy)) zoomy <- sort(zoomy)

  top <- lapply(top, function(x) { if (is.null(x)) emptypart() else x })
  bottom <- lapply(bottom, function(x) { if (is.null(x)) emptypart() else x })
  left <- lapply(left, function(x) { if (is.null(x)) emptypart() else x })
  right <- lapply(right, function(x) { if (is.null(x)) emptypart() else x })

  # prepare the layout matrix and row heights, column widths
  lmat <- matrix(1, 1, 1)
  if (length(top) > 0)
    lmat <- rbind(matrix(length(top):1 + max(lmat), ncol=1), lmat)
  if (length(bottom) > 0)
    lmat <- rbind(lmat, matrix(1:length(bottom) + max(lmat), ncol=1))
  heights <- c(lapply(rev(top), function(x) x$height), 1, lapply(bottom, function(x) x$height))

  template <- c(rep(0, length(top)), 1, rep(0, length(bottom)))
  if (length(left) > 0) {
    tl <- if (!is.null(topleft)) max(lmat) + length(left) + 1 else 0
    bl <- if (!is.null(bottomleft)) max(lmat) + length(left) + 1 + sign(tl) else 0
    tpl2 <- c(rep(tl, length(top)), 0, rep(bl, length(bottom)))
    lmat <- cbind(outer(template, length(left):1 + max(lmat), "*") + outer(tpl2, rep(1, length(left)), "*"), lmat)
  if (length(right) > 0) {
    tr <- if (!is.null(topright)) max(lmat) + length(right) + 1 else 0
    br <- if (!is.null(bottomright)) max(lmat) + length(right) + 1 + sign(tr) else 0
    tpl2 <- c(rep(tr, length(top)), 0, rep(br, length(bottom)))
    lmat <- cbind(lmat, outer(template, 1:length(right) + max(lmat), "*") + outer(tpl2, rep(1, length(right)), "*"))
  widths <- c(lapply(rev(left), function(x) x$width), 1, lapply(right, function(x) x$width))

  # add device-wide extra parts on the top and the bottom of the layout
  if (!is.null(topextra)) {
    heights <- c(topextra$height, heights)
    lmat <- rbind(matrix(max(lmat)+1, nrow=1, ncol=ncol(lmat)), lmat)
  if (!is.null(bottomextra)) {
    heights <- c(heights, bottomextra$height)
    lmat <- rbind(lmat, matrix(max(lmat)+1, nrow=1, ncol=ncol(lmat)))

  # prepare a list of calls to create the plots
  # main is a necesary part - make an empty part if nothing else given
  if (is.null(main)) {
    main <- list(FUN=function() {
      plot(0, type="n", xaxt="none", yaxt="none", bty="n")

  # move main last so that its coordinate system will stay active at the end
  lmat[which(lmat == 1)] <- max(lmat) + 1
  lmat <- ifelse(lmat > 0, lmat - 1, lmat)

  # make a list of parts, filter out nulls
  partlist <- c(top, bottom, left, list(topleft, bottomleft), right, list(topright, bottomright, topextra, bottomextra, main))
  partlist <- partlist[!sapply(partlist, is.null)]
  # create the evaluation-ready list of plot actions/functions - this is a bit tricky
  plotlist <- lapply(partlist, function(x) {
    # this way, we can make the top-level ... arguments available to the called functions
    g <- list(x$FUN, ...)
    if ("zoomx" %in% names(as.list(args(x$FUN)))) g$zoomx <- zoomx
    if ("zoomy" %in% names(as.list(args(x$FUN)))) g$zoomy <- zoomy
    mode(g) <- "call"

  # actually do the plots
  if (execute) {
    # !HS! setting par here???
    opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
    # this is needed for cm heights and widths
    heights <- c(heights, recursive=TRUE)
    widths <- c(widths, recursive=TRUE)
    lo <- layout(lmat, heights=heights, widths=widths)
    lapply(plotlist, eval)
  } else {
    # support for "manual adjustments" - modifications of layout before plotting
    invisible(list(lmat=lmat, heights=heights, widths=widths, plotlist=plotlist))

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heatmapFlex documentation built on Aug. 19, 2021, 9:07 a.m.