
heemod - Health Economic Evaluation MODelling

Markov Models for Health Economic Evaluations. An implementation of the modelling and reporting features described in reference textbooks and guidelines: deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analysis, heterogeneity analysis, time dependency on state-time and model-time (semi-Markov and non-homogeneous Markov models), etc.

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Filipović-Pierucci A, Zarca K and Durand-Zaleski I (2017). “Markov Models for Health Economic Evaluation: The R Package heemod.” ArXiv e-prints. R package version 0.8.0, 1702.03252


Main features: * Accounting for time-dependency: * For both model time and state time. * Time-varying transition probabilities. * Time-varying values attached to states. * Probabilistic uncertainty analysis (PSA). * With correlated resampling. * Covariance analysis for PSA. * Expected value of perfect information (EVPI). * Deterministic sensitivity analysis (DSA).

Other features:

Most of the analyses presented in Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation can be performed with heemod. See the Reproducing Exact Results from DMHEE vignette for an exact reproduction of the analyses from the book.

Learning heemod

To get started read the An Introduction to heemod vignette. Specific analysis examples (mostly inspired from Decision Modelling for Health Economic Evaluation) can be found in the package vignettes.


Kevin Zarca and Antoine Filipović-Pierucci.


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heemod documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:17 a.m.