create_matrix_from_tabular: Create a Transition Matrix From Tabular Input

View source: R/tabular_input.R

create_matrix_from_tabularR Documentation

Create a Transition Matrix From Tabular Input


Transforms tabular input defining a transition matrix into an heemod object.


create_matrix_from_tabular(trans_probs, state_names, df_env = globalenv())



Result for one model of parse_multi_spec().


The names of the states used in the transition matrix.


An environment containing external data.


The data frame trans_probs should have columns from, to, and prob, where prob is the probability of a transition from the from state to the to state. Prob can be defined in terms of parameters, just as when using define_transition at the keyboard. Probabilities of 0 need not be specified - they will be automatically inserted.

All state names must be used in the from column of the transition matrix (otherwise you can just get rid of the state). Absorbing states should have a transition from and to themselves with probability 1.


A transition matrix.

heemod documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:17 a.m.