
Defines functions kmeans_procedure

Documented in kmeans_procedure

###  Function for the k-means procedure  ###

#' @title K-means procedure
#' @description This function allows to perform k-means clustering with constrained on the size of clusters
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @import dplyr
#' @param data a R data frame.
#' @param columns a vector of columns names of the data frame on which we perform the kmeans algorithm. These features have to be numeric.
#' @param threshold_min an integer. It represents the minimum size for cluster.
#' @param threshold_max an integer. It represents the maximum size fo cluster.
#' @param verbose a boolean. If set to TRUE print the current state of the procedure (by default set to FALSE).
#' @param seed an integer. This represents the seed for the random call (if we want the output to be reproducible).
#' @return a R data frame. This contains the id of the original data frame and a column `cluster` representing
#' the cluster to which the observation belongs to.
#' @author Simon CORDE
#' @keywords kmeans cluster sizes
#' @references Link to the author's github package repository:
#' \url{https://github.com/Redcart/helda}
#' @export kmeans_procedure
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data <- iris %>% select(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal.Width)
#' features <- colnames(data)
#' result <- kmeans_procedure(data = data, columns = features, threshold_min = 2, threshold = 10,
#' verbose=FALSE, seed=10)

kmeans_procedure <- function(data, columns, threshold_min, threshold_max, verbose = FALSE, seed = 42)

  cluster_bis <- NULL


  i <- 1
  b <- 1
  k <- 2
  c <- 1

  n_observation <- 1:dim(data)[1]
  cluster <- NA

  liste_clusterise <- data.frame(n_observation, cluster)

  test <- FALSE

  ## While clusters are not all filled
  while (test == FALSE)

      if (verbose == TRUE)

        cat(paste("loop : " , b, " nb of clusters : ", k, " n cluster : ", c))


      liste_temp <- liste_clusterise %>%
        filter(is.na(cluster)) %>%
        rename(cluster_bis = cluster) %>%
        select(n_observation, cluster_bis)

      ## We perform clustering on observations that do not have one

      assign(paste("model_kmeans_", b, ".", k, sep = ""),
             kmeans(data[liste_temp$n_observation, columns], centers = k, iter.max = 50, nstart = 5, algorithm = "Lloyd"))

      assign(paste("volume_cluster_", b, ".", k, sep = ""),
             table(eval(as.name(paste("model_kmeans_", b, ".", k, sep = "")))$cluster))

      eval(as.name(paste("volume_cluster_", b, ".", k, sep = "")))

      # If at least one cluster has size between threshold_min and threshold_max
      if (any(between(eval(as.name(paste("volume_cluster_", b, ".", k, sep = ""))), threshold_min, threshold_max)))

        # We fill in the cluster(s) in that case
        for (i in 1:k)

          # We also fill in clusters whose size would fall below the minimum treshold
            if (eval(as.name(paste("volume_cluster_", b, ".", k, sep = "")))[i] <= threshold_max)

               liste_temp$cluster_bis[eval(as.name(paste("model_kmeans_", b, ".", k, sep = "")))$cluster==i] <- c

               liste_clusterise <- liste_clusterise %>%
                 left_join(liste_temp, by = "n_observation") %>%
                 mutate(cluster = ifelse(is.na(cluster), cluster_bis, cluster)) %>%

                 c <- c + 1



          b <- b + 1
          k <- 2


      # If every size cluster is above the maximum threshold we keep increasing the number of clusters
      else if (all(eval(as.name(paste("volume_cluster_", b, ".", k, sep = ""))) > threshold_max))

          k <- k + 1


      # If one cluster has size below the minimum threshold and the other above the maximum threshold
      else if (any(eval(as.name(paste("volume_cluster_", b, ".", k, sep = ""))) < threshold_min))

        # We get back to the previous kmeans and fill in the clusters
        for (i in 1:(k-1))
            liste_temp$cluster_bis[eval(as.name(paste("model_kmeans_", b, ".", k-1, sep = "")))$cluster==i] <- c

            liste_clusterise <- liste_clusterise %>%
              left_join(liste_temp, by = "n_observation") %>%
              mutate(cluster = ifelse(is.na(cluster), cluster_bis, cluster)) %>%

            c <- c + 1


      # Are all observations clusterized ?
      test <- sum(is.na(liste_temp$cluster)) == 0

      if (verbose  == TRUE)




    results <- list()
    results$clusters <- liste_clusterise$cluster
    results$frequencies <- table(liste_clusterise$cluster)



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helda documentation built on Jan. 6, 2021, 5:09 p.m.