#' initial estimation of the model parameters for a specified emission distribution
#' Provides the initial estimates of the model parameters of a specified emission
#' distribution characterized by the \code{mstep} function, for an initial clustering
#' obtained by \code{\link{initial_cluster}}
#' @author Morteza Amini, \email{}, Afarin Bayat, \email{}
#' @param clus an initial clustering obtained by \code{initial_cluster}
#' @param mstep the mstep function of the EM algorithm with an style simillar to that of \code{\link{mixmvnorm_mstep}}
#' @param verbose logical. if TRUE the outputs will be printed
#' @param ... additional parameters of the \code{mstep} function
#' @return a list containing the following items:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{emission} list the estimated parameterers of the emission distribution
#' \item \code{leng} list of waiting times in each state for each sequence
#' \item \code{clusters} the exact clusters of each observation (available if \code{ltr}=FALSE)
#' \item \code{nmix} the number of mixture components (a vector of positive (non-zero) integers of length \code{nstate})
#' \item \code{ltr} logical. if TRUE a left to right hidden hybrid Markovian/semi-Markovianmodel is assumed
#' }
#' @examples
#' J <- 3
#' initial <- c(1, 0, 0)
#' semi <- c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
#' P <- matrix(c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.7), nrow = J,
#' byrow = TRUE)
#' par <- list(mu = list(list(7, 8), list(10, 9, 11), list(12, 14)),
#' sigma = list(list(3.8, 4.9), list(4.3, 4.2, 5.4), list(4.5, 6.1)),
#' mix.p = list(c(0.3, 0.7), c(0.2, 0.3, 0.5), c(0.5, 0.5)))
#' sojourn <- list(shape = c(0, 3, 0), scale = c(0, 10, 0), type = "gamma")
#' model <- hhsmmspec(init = initial, transition = P, parms.emis = par,
#' dens.emis = dmixmvnorm, sojourn = sojourn, semi = semi)
#' train <- simulate(model, nsim = c(10, 8, 8, 18), seed = 1234,
#' remission = rmixmvnorm)
#' clus = initial_cluster(train, nstate = 3, nmix = c(2 ,2, 2),ltr = FALSE,
#' final.absorb = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
#' par = initial_estimate(clus, verbose = TRUE)
#' @export
initial_estimate <- function(clus, mstep = mixmvnorm_mstep, verbose = FALSE, ...)
mix.clus = clus$mix.clus
state.clus = clus$state.clus
ltr = clus$ltr
final.absorb = clus$final.absorb
nmix = clus$nmix
clust.X = clus$clust.X
num.units = length(clust.X)
p = ncol(clust.X[[1]][[1]])
nstate = length(clust.X[[1]])
if(verbose) cat("Intitial estimation .... \n")
artx = matrix(1,10,p)
artwt1 = matrix(1,10,nstate)
artwt2 = list()
for(j in 1:nstate) artwt2[[j]] = matrix(1,10,nmix[j])
artem = tryCatch({mstep(artx,artwt1,artwt2,...)},
error=function(e){stop(paste("The following error has occurred in artificial application of your your mstep function:","\n",e))})
artem = tryCatch({mstep(artx,artwt1,...)},
error=function(e){stop(paste("The following error has occurred in artificial application of your your mstep function:","\n",e))})
leng = list()
if(any(nmix>1) & !("mix.p" %in% names(artem))) stop("mstep function is not suitable for mixture emissions!")
Tx = list()
for(j in 1:nstate){
for(mp in 1:num.units){
Tx[[j]]= clust.X[[mp]][[j]]
if(num.units>1) for(m in setdiff(1:num.units,mp)) Tx[[j]]= rbind(Tx[[j]],clust.X[[m]][[j]])
Tx[[j]] = as.matrix(Tx[[j]][apply(Tx[[j]],1,function(xx) !any(,])
if(verbose) cat("State ",j," estimation \n")
leng[[j]]= 0
for(m in 1:num.units){
if(j < nstate | !final.absorb)
}# for m
mixind = which(names(artem)=="mix.p")
for(k in 1:nmix[j]){
Dmat = as.matrix(Tx[[j]][mix.clus[[j]] == k,])
if(ncol(Dmat) == 1 & p > 1) Dmat = t(Dmat)
wt1 = as.matrix(rep(1/nrow(Dmat),nrow(Dmat)))
wt2 = list(as.matrix(rep(1,nrow(Dmat))))
em = mstep(Dmat,wt1,wt2,...)
for(l in setdiff(1:length(artem),mixind)){
artem[[l]][[j]][[k]] = em[[l]][[1]]
if(length(artem[[l]][[j]][[k]])==p) names(artem[[l]][[j]][[k]])<-colnames(clust.X[[1]][[1]])
if(ncol(artem[[l]][[j]][[k]])==p) colnames(artem[[l]][[j]][[k]])<-colnames(clust.X[[1]][[1]])
}#for l
if(verbose) cat("Mixture component ",k," estimation\n")
artem[[mixind]][[j]][k] = sum(mix.clus[[j]] == k)/length(mix.clus[[j]])
}# for k
Dmat = Tx[[j]]
wt1 = as.matrix(rep(1/nrow(Dmat),nrow(Dmat)))
wt2 = list(as.matrix(rep(1,nrow(Dmat))))
em = mstep(Dmat,wt1,wt2,...)
for(l in setdiff(1:length(artem),mixind)){
artem[[l]][[j]] = em[[l]][[1]]
if(length(artem[[l]][[j]])==p) names(artem[[l]][[j]])<-colnames(clust.X[[1]][[1]])
if(ncol(artem[[l]][[j]])==p) colnames(artem[[l]][[j]])<-colnames(clust.X[[1]][[1]])
}#if else
Dmat = Tx[[j]]
wt = as.matrix(rep(1/nrow(Dmat),nrow(Dmat)))
em = mstep(Dmat,wt,...)
for(l in 1:length(artem)){
artem[[l]][[j]] = em[[l]][[1]]
}#ifelse null nmix
}# for j
ret = list(emission = artem, leng=leng, state.clus=state.clus, ltr=ltr, nmix=nmix)
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