#' Dark Unica theme for highcharts
#' @param ... A named parameters to modify the theme.
#' @examples
#' highcharts_demo() %>%
#' hc_add_theme(hc_theme_darkunica())
#' @export
hc_theme_darkunica <- function(...) {
theme <-
colors = c(
"#2b908f", "#90ee7e", "#f45b5b", "#7798BF",
"#aaeeee", "#ff0066", "#eeaaee", "#55BF3B"
chart = list(
backgroundColor = list(
linearGradient = list(x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 1, y2 = 1),
stops = list(
list(0, "#2a2a2b"),
list(1, "#3e3e40")
style = list(
fontFamily = "Unica One, sans-serif"
plotBorderColor = "#606063"
title = list(
style = list(
color = "#E0E0E3",
textTransform = "uppercase",
fontSize = "20px"
subtitle = list(
style = list(
color = "#E0E0E3",
textTransform = "uppercase"
xAxis = list(
gridLineColor = "#707073",
labels = list(
style = list(
color = "#E0E0E3"
lineColor = "#707073",
minorGridLineColor = "#505053",
tickColor = "#707073",
title = list(
style = list(
color = "#A0A0A3"
yAxis = list(
gridLineColor = "#707073",
labels = list(
style = list(
color = "#E0E0E3"
lineColor = "#707073",
minorGridLineColor = "#505053",
tickColor = "#707073",
tickWidth = 1,
title = list(
style = list(
color = "#A0A0A3"
tooltip = list(
backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)",
style = list(
color = "#F0F0F0"
plotOptions = list(
series = list(
dataLabels = list(
color = "#B0B0B3"
marker = list(
lineColor = "#333"
boxplot = list(
fillColor = "#505053"
candlestick = list(
lineColor = "white"
errorbar = list(
color = "white"
legend = list(
itemStyle = list(
color = "#E0E0E3"
itemHoverStyle = list(
color = "#FFF"
itemHiddenStyle = list(
color = "#606063"
credits = list(
style = list(
color = "#666"
labels = list(
style = list(
color = "#707073"
drilldown = list(
activeAxisLabelStyle = list(
color = "#F0F0F3"
activeDataLabelStyle = list(
color = "#F0F0F3"
navigation = list(
buttonOptions = list(
symbolStroke = "#DDDDDD",
theme = list(
fill = "#505053"
rangeSelector = list(
buttonTheme = list(
fill = "#505053",
stroke = "#000000",
style = list(
color = "#CCC"
states = list(
hover = list(
fill = "#707073",
stroke = "#000000",
style = list(
color = "white"
select = list(
fill = "#000003",
stroke = "#000000",
style = list(
color = "white"
inputBoxBorderColor = "#505053",
inputStyle = list(
backgroundColor = "#333",
color = "silver"
labelStyle = list(
color = "silver"
navigator = list(
handles = list(
backgroundColor = "#666",
borderColor = "#AAA"
outlineColor = "#CCC",
maskFill = "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)",
series = list(
color = "#7798BF",
lineColor = "#A6C7ED"
xAxis = list(
gridLineColor = "#505053"
scrollbar = list(
barBackgroundColor = "#808083",
barBorderColor = "#808083",
buttonArrowColor = "#CCC",
buttonBackgroundColor = "#606063",
buttonBorderColor = "#606063",
rifleColor = "#FFF",
trackBackgroundColor = "#404043",
trackBorderColor = "#404043"
legendBackgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
background2 = "#505053",
dataLabelsColor = "#B0B0B3",
textColor = "#C0C0C0",
contrastTextColor = "#F0F0F3",
maskColor = "rgba(255,255,255,0.3)"
theme <- structure(theme, class = "hc_theme")
if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
theme <- hc_theme_merge(
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