
Defines functions hc_theme_flat

Documented in hc_theme_flat

#' Flat theme for highcharts
#' Flat and flatdark theme is inspired by
#' \url{https://github.com/chriskempson/base16} and
#' \url{https://github.com/Mikata-Project/ggthemr#flat}
#' @param ... A named parameters to modify the theme.
#' @examples
#' highcharts_demo() %>%
#'   hc_add_theme(hc_theme_flat())
#' @export
hc_theme_flat <- function(...) {
  theme <-
      colors = c(
        "#f1c40f", "#2ecc71", "#9b59b6", "#e74c3c",
        "#34495e", "#3498db", "#1abc9c", "#f39c12", "#d35400"
      chart = list(
        backgroundColor = "#ECF0F1"
      xAxis = list(
        gridLineDashStyle = "Dash",
        gridLineWidth = 1,
        gridLineColor = "#BDC3C7",
        lineColor = "#BDC3C7",
        minorGridLineColor = "#BDC3C7",
        tickColor = "#BDC3C7",
        tickWidth = 1
      yAxis = list(
        gridLineDashStyle = "Dash",
        gridLineColor = "#BDC3C7",
        lineColor = "#BDC3C7",
        minorGridLineColor = "#BDC3C7",
        tickColor = "#BDC3C7",
        tickWidth = 1
      legendBackgroundColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
      background2 = "#505053",
      dataLabelsColor = "#B0B0B3",
      textColor = "#34495e",
      contrastTextColor = "#F0F0F3",
      maskColor = "rgba(255,255,255,0.3)"

  theme <- structure(theme, class = "hc_theme")

  if (length(list(...)) > 0) {
    theme <- hc_theme_merge(


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highcharter documentation built on Jan. 3, 2022, 5:08 p.m.