#' Syntax Highlighter for R
#' Syntax highlighter for R based on output from the R parser
#' @seealso
#' The main function of the package is \code{\link{highlight}}.
#' \code{\link{highlight}} delegates rendering the document to
#' \code{\link{renderer}}s, such as the \code{\link{renderer_latex}}
#' or \code{\link{renderer_html}} and is helped by a
#' detective to make sense of the results
#' from the parser. The package ships a \code{\link{simple_detective}}.
#' The package also defines a custom sweave driver
#' (\code{\link{HighlightWeaveLatex}}) for latex based
#' on the standard sweave latex driver (\code{\link[utils]{RweaveLatex}})
#' using \code{\link{highlight}} to perform syntax
#' highlighting of R code chunks.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' dump( "glm" , file = tf )
#' # rendering in html
#' highlight( tf, output = stdout(),
#' renderer = renderer_html() )
#' # rendering in latex
#' highlight( tf, output = stdout(),
#' renderer = renderer_latex() )
#' # Sweave driver using syntax highlighting
#' if( require( grid ) ){
#' v <- vignette( "grid", package = "grid" )$file
#' file.copy( v, "grid.Snw" )
#' Sweave( "grid.Snw", driver= HighlightWeaveLatex() )
#' system( "pdflatex grid.tex" )
#' if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
#' shell.exec( "grid.pdf" )
#' } else {
#' system(paste(shQuote(getOption("pdfviewer")), "grid.pdf" ),
#' wait = FALSE)
#' }
#' }
#' unlink( tf )
#' }
#' @docType package
#' @name highlight-package
subsetParseData <- function( p, i = 0, styles){
data <- getParseData(p)
data$styles <- rep("", nrow(data) )
data$styles[ data$terminal ] <- styles
if( is.null(i) || i == 0 ){
srcref <- attr(p, "srcref")[[i]]
line1 <- srcref[1L]
line2 <- srcref[3L]
col1 <- srcref[5L]
col2 <- srcref[6L]
if(line1 == line2){
data <- data[ data$line1 == line1 & data$col1 >= col1 & data$col2 <= col2, ]
} else {
data <- data[
( data$line1 > line1 & data$line2 < line2 ) |
( data$line1 == line1 & data$col1 >= col1 ) |
( data$line2 == line2 & data$col2 <= col2 )
#' syntax highlighting based on the R parser
#' The \code{highlight} function performs syntax highlighting based on the
#' results of the \code{\link[base]{parse}} and the investigation
#' of a detective.
#' @param file code file to parse. This is only used if the \code{parse.output} is given
#' @param output where to write the rendered text. If this is anything else than the
#' default (standard output), the \code{\link{sink}} function
#' is used to redirect the standard output to the output.
#' @param detective the detective chooses the style to apply to each token, basing its
#' investigation on the results of the \code{\link[base]{parse}}
#' @param renderer highlight delegates rendering the information to the renderer. This
#' package includes html and latex renderers. See \code{\link{renderer_html}}
#' and \code{\link{renderer_latex}}
#' @param encoding encoding to assume for the file. the argument is directly passed
#' to the \code{\link[base]{parse}}.
#' @param parse.output output from the \code{\link[base]{parse}}. If this is given, the
#' arguments \code{file} and \code{encoding} are not used
#' @param styles result of the detective investigation. A character vector
#' with as many elements as there are tokens in the parser output
#' @param expr In case we want to render only one expression and not the full parse
#' tree, this argument can be used to specify which expression
#' to render. The default (NULL) means render all expressions. This
#' feature is used by the sweave driver shipped with this package. See
#' \code{\link{HighlightWeaveLatex}}
#' @param final.newline logical. Indicates if a newline character is added after all tokens.
#' @param showPrompts if TRUE, the highlighted text will show standard and continue prompt
#' @param prompt standard prompt
#' @param continue continue prompt
#' @param initial.spaces should initial spaces be displayed or skipped.
#' @param size font size. only respected by the latex renderer so far.
#' @param show_line_numbers logical. When TRUE, line numbers are shown in the output.
#' @param \dots additional arguments, currently ignored.
#' @return The resulting formatted text is returned invisibly. It is also
#' written to the output if the output is not \code{NULL}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{renderer_html}} and \code{\link{renderer_latex}} are the
#' two implementation of renderers currently available in this package.
#' \code{\link{simple_detective}} is an example detective which does a very
#' simple investigation.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' dump( "jitter", file = tf )
#' highlight( file = tf, detective = simple_detective,
#' renderer = renderer_html( document = TRUE ) )
#' highlight( file = tf, detective = simple_detective,
#' renderer = renderer_latex( document = TRUE ) )
#' }
#' @export
highlight <- function( file, output = stdout(),
detective = simple_detective, renderer, encoding = "unknown",
parse.output = parse( file, encoding = encoding, keep.source = TRUE ),
styles = detective( parse.output ),
expr = NULL,
final.newline = FALSE,
showPrompts = FALSE,
prompt = getOption( "prompt" ) ,
continue = getOption( "continue"),
initial.spaces = TRUE,
size = NULL,
show_line_numbers = FALSE,
... ){
size <- match.arg( size )
# forcing the arguments in a certain order
force( parse.output )
force( styles )
force( renderer )
# only terminal symbols matter
data <- subsetParseData( parse.output, expr, styles )
data$top_level <- .Call( "top_level", data$parent, PACKAGE = "highlight" )
data <- data[ data[["terminal"]], ]
# let the renderer do its thing
data$ftokens <- renderer$formatter(
tokens = renderer$translator( as.character( data[, "text"] ), size = size ),
styles = data[, "styles"] )
# useful to only render a given expression and not all of them.
# this is mainly used in the sweave driver
startline <- if( !is.null( expr ) ) as.integer( data[1, "line1" ] ) else 1L
line_numbers <- seq( startline, max(data$line2))
width <- max( nchar( line_numbers ) )
line_numbers <- renderer$formatter(
sprintf( sprintf( "%%0%dd ", width ), line_numbers ),
rep( "line", length(line_numbers) )
# paste everything together in C++ using Rcpp
highlighted_text <- c( if( !is.null(renderer$header) ) renderer$header(),
.Call( "get_highlighted_text",
max(data$line2) ,
if( showPrompts) renderer$formatter( renderer$translator( prompt, size = size ) , "prompt" ) else "",
if( showPrompts) renderer$formatter( renderer$translator( continue, size = size ) , "prompt" ) else "",
initial.spaces = initial.spaces,
isTRUE( show_line_numbers),
PACKAGE = "highlight"
if( !is.null(renderer$footer) ) renderer$footer() )
# maybe write the result to the output connection
if( !is.null(output) ){
try( writeLines( highlighted_text, output, sep = "" ), silent = TRUE )
invisible( highlighted_text )
fm <- formals(highlight)
fm[[ which( names(fm) == "size") ]] <- LATEX_SIZES
formals( highlight ) <- fm
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.