
Defines functions latent.fit

Documented in latent.fit

#' @title
#' Fitting procedure of the latent variable model
#' @author
#' Quentin Sebille
#' @description
#' Metropolis-within-Gibbs algorithm that returns posterior distribution (as Markov chains) for the marginal GEV parameters of an observed spatial process.
#' This function is close to \code{hkevp.fit} but with less parameters since conditional independence is assumed and only the margins are estimated.
#' In \code{SpatialExtremes} library, a similar function can be found under the name \code{latent}.
#' @param y
#' A matrix of observed block maxima. Each column corresponds to a site position.
#' @param sites
#' The coordinates of the sites where the data are observed. Each row corresponds to a site position.
#' @param niter
#' The number of MCMC iterations.
#' @param nburn
#' The number of first MCMC iterations that are discarded. Zero by default.
#' @param nthin
#' The size of the MCMC thinning. One by default (i.e. no thinning).
#' @param quiet
#' A logical indicating if the progression of the routine should be displayed. TRUE by default.
#' @param trace
#' If \code{quiet} is FALSE, the log-likelihood of the model is displayed each block of \code{trace} MCMC steps to observe fitting progression.
#' @param gev.vary
#' A logical vector of size three indicating if the GEV parameters (respectively the location, the scale and the shape) are spatially-varying. If not (by default for the shape), the parameter is the same at each position.
#' @param spatial.covariates
#' A numerical matrix of spatial covariates. Each row corresponds to a site position. See details.
#' @param log.scale
#' A logical value indicating if the GEV scale parameter \eqn{\sigma} is modelled by its log. FALSE by default. See details.
#' @param correlation
#' A character string indicating the form of the correlation function associated to the latent Gaussian processes that describes the marginal parameters. Must be one of \code{"expo"}, \code{"gauss"}, \code{"mat32"} (By default) and \code{"mat52"}, respectively corresponding to the exponential, Gaussian, Matern-3/2 and Matern-5/2 correlation functions.
#' @param mcmc.init
#' A named list indicating the initial states of the chains. See details.
#' @param mcmc.prior
#' A named list indicating the hyperparameters of the prior distributions. See details.
#' @param mcmc.jumps
#' A named list indicating the amplitude of the jumps to propose the MCMC candidates. See details.
#' @details
#' Details of the MCMC procedure are presented in \cite{Davison et al. (2012)}. This function follows the indications and the choices of the authors, with the exception of several small changes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{The scale parameter \eqn{\sigma} can be modelled like the two other marginal parameters as in \cite{Davison et al. (2012)} or by its logarithm as in \cite{Reich and Shaby (2012)}. For this, use the argument \code{log.scale}, set to FALSE by default.}
#' \item{The Inverse-Gamma prior distributions defined for the bandwith parameter \eqn{\tau} and for the ranges \eqn{\lambda} of the latent processes are replaced by a Beta distribution over the interval \eqn{[0,2D_{max}]}, where \eqn{D_{max}} stands for the maximum distance between two sites.}}
#' If the the parameters are assumed spatially-varying, the user can provide spatial covariates to fit the mean of the latent Gaussian processes. Recall for instance for the GEV location parameter that:
#' \deqn{\mu(s) = \beta_{0,\mu} + \beta_{1,\mu} c_1(s) + ... + \beta_{p,\mu} c_p(s) ~.}
#' The given matrix \code{spatial.covariates} that represents the \eqn{c_i(s)} elements should have the first column filled with ones to account for the intercept \eqn{\beta_0}.
#' The arguments \code{mcmc.init}, \code{mcmc.prior} and \code{mcmc.jumps} are named list that have default values. The user can make point changes in these arguments, by setting \code{mcmc.init = list(loc = .5)} for instance, but must respect the constraints of each element:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{mcmc.init}: all elements are of length one. The possible elements are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{loc}, \code{scale} and \code{shape} (GEV parameters).}
#' \item{\code{range} and \code{sill} of the correlation functions.}}}
#' \item{mcmc.prior: the possible elements are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{constant.gev}: a \eqn{2 \times 3} matrix of normal parameters for spatially-constant \eqn{\mu}, \eqn{\sigma} and \eqn{\xi}. The first row are the means, the second are the standard deviations.}
#' \item{\code{beta.sd}: the normal sd prior of all \eqn{\beta} parameters (a single value).}
#' \item{\code{range}: the two Beta parameters.}
#' \item{\code{sill}: the two Inverse-Gamma parameters.}}}
#' \item{mcmc.jumps: the possible elements are \code{gev} and \code{range}, vectors of length 3 (for each GEV parameter).}}
#' @return
#' A named list with following elements (less elements if \code{fit.margins} is \code{FALSE}):
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{GEV}: the Markov chains associated to the GEV parameters. The dimensions of the array correspond respectively to the sites positions, the three GEV parameters and the states of the Markov chains.}
#' \item{\code{llik}: the log-likelihood of the model for each step of the algorithm.}
#' \item{\code{time}: time (in sec) spent for the fit.}
#' \item{\code{spatial}: a named list with four elements linked to the GEV spatially-varying parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{vary}: the argument \code{gev.vary}.}
#' \item{\code{beta}: the \eqn{\beta} parameters for each GEV parameter. The dimensions correspond respectively to the steps of the Markov chains, the \eqn{p} spatial covariates and the GEV parameters}
#' \item{\code{sills}: the Markov chains associated to the sills in the correlation functions of the latent Gaussian processes.}
#' \item{\code{ranges}: the Markov chains associated to the ranges in the correlation functions of the latent Gaussian processes.}}}
#' \item{\code{data}: the data fitted.}
#' \item{\code{sites}: the sites where the data are observed.}
#' \item{\code{spatial.covariates}: the spatial covariates.}
#' \item{\code{correlation}: the type of correlation function for the marginal latent processes.}
#' \item{\code{nstep}: the number of steps at the end of the routine after burn-in and thinning.}
#' \item{\code{log.scale}: a boolean indicating if the scale parameter has been modelled via its logarithm.}
#' \item{\code{fit.type}: "latent" character string to specify the type of fit.}}
#' @seealso hkevp.fit
#' @export
#' @references
#' Reich, B. J., & Shaby, B. A. (2012). A hierarchical max-stable spatial model for extreme precipitation. The annals of applied statistics, 6(4), 1430. <DOI:10.1214/12-AOAS591>
#' Davison, A. C., Padoan, S. A., & Ribatet, M. (2012). Statistical modeling of spatial extremes. Statistical Science, 27(2), 161-186. <DOI:10.1214/11-STS376>
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Simulation of HKEVP:
#' sites <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:4,1:4))
#' loc <- sites[,1]*10
#' scale <- 3
#' shape <- .2
#' alpha <- 1
#' tau <- 2
#' ysim <- hkevp.rand(15, sites, sites, loc, scale, shape, alpha, tau)
#' # Latent Variable Model fit:
#' set.seed(1)
#' fit <- latent.fit(ysim, sites, niter = 10000, nburn = 5000, nthin = 5)
#' mcmc.plot(fit, TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(2,2))
#' apply(fit$GEV[,1,], 1, acf)
#' }
latent.fit <- function(y, sites, niter, nburn, nthin, quiet, trace, gev.vary, spatial.covariates, log.scale, correlation, mcmc.init, mcmc.prior, mcmc.jumps)
  ## Default values for missing arguments ##
  # General arguments
  if (!is.matrix(y)) stop("Argument y must be a matrix!")
  if (!is.matrix(sites)) stop("Argument sites must be a matrix!")
  if (missing(nburn)) nburn <- 0
  if (missing(nthin)) nthin <- 1
  if (missing(quiet)) quiet <- FALSE
  if (missing(trace)) trace <- max(floor(niter/10), 1)
  if (sum(colSums(!is.na(y)) == 0) > 0) stop("Argument y must have at least one observation per column!")
  if (ncol(y) != nrow(sites)) stop("Argument y and sites do not match!")
  if (nburn < 0 | nburn >= niter) stop("Invalid nburn parameter!")
  if (nthin <= 0 | nthin >= niter) stop("Invalid nthin parameter!")
  if (trace <= 0) trace <- 1
  trace <- floor(trace) # Protection against possible seg.fault!

  # Margins
  if (missing(gev.vary)) gev.vary <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (length(gev.vary)!=3 | typeof(gev.vary)!="logical") stop("Invalid gev.vary parameter!")
  if (missing(spatial.covariates)) spatial.covariates <- cbind(1, sites)
  if (nrow(spatial.covariates) != nrow(sites)) stop("Arguments sites and spatial.covariates do not match!")
  if (missing(log.scale)) log.scale <- FALSE
  if (missing(correlation)) correlation <- "mat32"
  if (!(correlation %in% c("expo", "gauss", "mat32", "mat52"))) stop("Argument correlation must be one of 'expo', 'gauss', 'mat32' or 'mat52'!")

  # Initial states
  loc.init <- median(y, na.rm = TRUE)
  scale.init <- 5
  shape.init <- .01
  range.init <- max(dist(sites))/2
  sill.init <- 1
  if (missing(mcmc.init)) mcmc.init <- list()
  if (!is.list(mcmc.init)) stop("Argument mcmc.init must be a list!")
  if (is.null(mcmc.init$loc)) mcmc.init$loc <- loc.init
  if (is.null(mcmc.init$scale)) mcmc.init$scale <- scale.init
  if (is.null(mcmc.init$shape)) mcmc.init$shape <- shape.init
  if (is.null(mcmc.init$range)) mcmc.init$range <- range.init
  if (is.null(mcmc.init$sill)) mcmc.init$sill <- sill.init
  if (any(lapply(mcmc.init, length) != 1)) stop("Argument mcmc.init is ill-defined!")
  if (mcmc.init$shape == 0) mcmc.init$shape <- .001  # Cannot account for exact 0 shape
  if (mcmc.init$range<=0 | mcmc.init$range>max(dist(sites))*2)
    stop("Invalid initial state for range: should be between 0 and 2*Dmax!")
  if (mcmc.init$sill <= 0) stop("Invalid initial state for sills: must be positive!")
  if (log.scale)  mcmc.init$scale <- log(mcmc.init$scale)

  # Prior distributions
  constant.gev.prior <- rbind(rep(0,3), c(10, 1, .25))  # Normal
  beta.sd.prior <- 100  # Normal
  sill.prior <- c(.1,.1)  # Inverse-Gamma
  range.prior <- c(2,5)  # Beta
  illdefined.prior <- FALSE
  if (missing(mcmc.prior)) mcmc.prior <- list()
  if (!is.list(mcmc.prior)) stop("Argument mcmc.prior must be a list!")
  if (is.null(mcmc.prior$constant.gev)) mcmc.prior$constant.gev <- constant.gev.prior
  if (is.null(mcmc.prior$beta.sd)) mcmc.prior$beta.sd <- beta.sd.prior
  if (is.null(mcmc.prior$range)) mcmc.prior$range <- range.prior
  if (is.null(mcmc.prior$sill)) mcmc.prior$sill <- sill.prior
  if (any(dim(mcmc.prior$constant.gev) != c(2,3))) illdefined.prior <- TRUE
  if (length(mcmc.prior$beta.sd) != 1)  illdefined.prior <- TRUE
  if (length(mcmc.prior$range) != 2)  illdefined.prior <- TRUE
  if (length(mcmc.prior$sill) != 2)  illdefined.prior <- TRUE
  if (illdefined.prior) stop("Argument mcmc.prior is ill-defined!")
  mcmc.prior$sill <- matrix(mcmc.prior$sill, 2, 3)
  mcmc.prior$range <- matrix(mcmc.prior$range, 2, 3)

  # Jumps length to generate candidates
  gev.jumps <- c(1, .1, .01)
  range.jumps <- c(1, 1, 1)
  illdefined.jumps <- FALSE
  if (missing(mcmc.jumps)) mcmc.jumps <- list()
  if (!is.list(mcmc.jumps)) stop("Argument mcmc.jumps must be a list!")
  if (is.null(mcmc.jumps$gev)) mcmc.jumps$gev <-  gev.jumps
  if (is.null(mcmc.jumps$range)) mcmc.jumps$range <- range.jumps
  if (length(mcmc.jumps$gev) != 3) illdefined.jumps <- TRUE
  if (length(mcmc.jumps$range) != 3) illdefined.jumps <- TRUE
  if (illdefined.jumps) stop("Argument mcmc.jumps is ill-defined!")

  # Distance and NA matrices
  dss <- as.matrix(dist(sites))
  na.mat <- 1 - is.na(y)  # Matrix of missing values

  # Missing values are replaced by 0 but ignored in the MCMC function
  y0 <- y
  y0[is.na(y)] <- 0

  ## Calling C++ function ##
  # C++ function
  if (!quiet) cat("MCMC begins...\n")
    result <- mcmc_latent(
      Y = y0,
      sites = sites,
      niter = niter,
      nburn = nburn,
      trace = trace,
      quiet = quiet,
      dss = dss,
      nas = na.mat,
      spatial_covariates = spatial.covariates,
      log_scale = log.scale,
      gev_vary = gev.vary,
      correlation = correlation,
      gevloc_init = mcmc.init$loc,
      gevscale_init = mcmc.init$scale,
      gevshape_init = mcmc.init$shape,
      ranges_init = mcmc.init$range,
      sills_init = mcmc.init$sill,
      constant_gev_prior = mcmc.prior$constant.gev,
      beta_variance_prior = mcmc.prior$beta.sd,
      range_prior = mcmc.prior$range,
      sill_prior = mcmc.prior$sill,
      gev_jumps = mcmc.jumps$gev,
      range_jumps = mcmc.jumps$range)

  # Burn-in period and thinning
  mcmc.index <- seq(nburn+1, niter, by = nthin)
  result$GEV <- result$GEV[,,mcmc.index]
  result$llik <- matrix(result$llik[mcmc.index])
  result$spatial$beta <- result$spatial$beta[mcmc.index,,]
  result$spatial$sills <- result$spatial$sills[mcmc.index,]
  result$spatial$ranges <- result$spatial$ranges[mcmc.index,]

  if (log.scale) result$GEV[,2,] <- exp(result$GEV[,2,])  # GEV log scale transformed to GEV scale
  result$data <- y
  result$sites <- sites
  result$spatial.covariates <- spatial.covariates
  result$correlation <- correlation
  result$nstep <- length(mcmc.index)
  result$log.scale <- log.scale
  result$fit.type <- "latent"


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