Man pages for hsdar
Manage, Analyse and Simulate Hyperspectral Data

addcpManually add fix point to continuum line
applyDistMat3DApply function for class DistMat3D
applySpeclibApply function for class Speclib
attributes_speclibHandling supplementary information (SI) of spectra
bandnamesHandling names of bands
bdriBand depth ratio indices
BorutaMethods for Function 'Boruta'
cancer_spectraHyperspectral samples
caret_createDataPartition-methodsMethods for Function 'createDataPartition'
caret_createFolds-methodsMethods for Function 'createFolds' and 'createMultiFolds'
caret_createResample-methodsMethods for Function 'createResample'
caret_featurePlot-methodsMethods for Function 'featurePlot'
caret_gafsMethods for Function 'gafs'
caret_preProcess-methodsMethods for Function 'preProcess'
caret_rfeMethods for Function 'rfe'
caret_safsMethods for Function 'safs'
caret_setPredictorSet predictor variable(s)
caret_setResponseSet response variable
caret_sfbMethods for Function 'sbf'
caret_showCaretParametersShow caret related parameters
caret_train-methodsMethods for Function 'train'
checkhullCheck continuum line
Clman-class* Clman class
Clman-methodsMethods to create, manipulate and query objects of class...
cor.test.normalized.ratio.indexTest for association/correlation between nri values and...
cut.specfeatCut absorption features
deletecpDelete fix point
dim_speclibDimensions of Speclib
DistMat3D-class* DistMat3D class
DistMat3D-methodsMethods to create, manipulate and query objects of class...
dist_speclibDistance between spectra
feature_propertiesCalculation of properties of features
getcpGet fix points
get.gaussian.responseGaussian response function
getNRIReturn nri-values
get_reflectanceGet reflectance values
glm.normalized.ratio.index(Generalised) Linear models from normalised ratio indices
hsdardocsLoad additional documents
hsdar-packageManage, analyse and simulate hyperspectral data in R
HyperSpecRasterHandle hyperspectral cubes using raster package (deprecated)
HyperSpecRaster-classHyperSpecRaster* class (deprecated)
id_speclibHandling IDs of spectra
makehullRe-calculate hull
maskMask spectra
meanfilterApply mean filter
merge_speclibMerge speclibs
normalized.ratio.indexNormalised ratio index performing model(s) with NRI
normalized.ratio.index-methodsMethods for * Nri-class
Nri-class* Nri class
plot.glm.normalized.ratio.indexPlot function for (g)lm.nri and cor.test.nri
plot.specfeatPlot Specfeat
plot.speclibPlot speclib
postprocess_ASDRead ASD binary file
predictHyperspecPrediction based on train-object and Speclib
PROSAIL2RSimulate canopy spectrum
PROSPECT2RSimulate plant spectrum
rastermetaCreate list containing rastermeta-information
raster-methodsRasterbased methods for spectra
read_ASDRead ASD binary file
read.headerGet reflectance values
rededgeRed edge parameter
sensorCharacteristicsSensor characteristics
simple.ratio.indexSimple ratio index
smooth_speclibSmooth spectra
specfeatFunction to isolate absorption features
Specfeat-class* Specfeat class
speclibMethods to create objects of class Speclib
Speclib-class* Speclib class
speclib_indexingIndexing Speclib
speclib_raster_methodsFunctions for processing large hyperspectral raster files
spectraHandling spectra
spectral_dataHyperspectral samples
spectralInterpolationInterpolate spectra
spectralResamplingSpectral resampling
subset_nriSubsetting 'Nri'-objects
subset_speclibSubsetting speclibs
transformTransform spectra
t.test.nrit-test for nri values
unmixUnmix spectra
updateclCheck transformed Speclib
usagehistoryHistory of usage
USGSimport USGS spectra
wavelengthHandling wavelength and fwhm
hsdar documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:35 p.m.