#' Pairwise Interaction Strength
#' Friedman and Popescu's statistic of pairwise interaction strength, see Details.
#' Use `plot()` to get a barplot.
#' Following Friedman and Popescu (2008), if there are no interaction effects between
#' features \eqn{x_j} and \eqn{x_k}, their two-dimensional (centered) partial dependence
#' function \eqn{F_{jk}} can be written as the sum of the (centered) univariate partial
#' dependencies \eqn{F_j} and \eqn{F_k}, i.e.,
#' \deqn{
#' F_{jk}(x_j, x_k) = F_j(x_j)+ F_k(x_k).
#' }
#' Correspondingly, Friedman and Popescu's statistic of pairwise
#' interaction strength between \eqn{x_j} and \eqn{x_k} is defined as
#' \deqn{
#' H_{jk}^2 = \frac{A_{jk}}{\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n\big[\hat F_{jk}(x_{ij}, x_{ik})\big]^2},
#' }
#' where
#' \deqn{
#' A_{jk} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n\big[\hat F_{jk}(x_{ij}, x_{ik}) -
#' \hat F_j(x_{ij}) - \hat F_k(x_{ik})\big]^2
#' }
#' (check [partial_dep()] for all definitions).
#' **Remarks:**
#' 1. Remarks 1 to 5 of [h2_overall()] also apply here.
#' 2. \eqn{H^2_{jk} = 0} means there are no interaction effects between \eqn{x_j}
#' and \eqn{x_k}. The larger the value, the more of the joint effect of the two
#' features comes from the interaction.
#' 3. Since the denominator differs between variable pairs, unlike \eqn{H_j},
#' this test statistic is difficult to compare between variable pairs.
#' If both main effects are very weak, a negligible interaction can get a
#' high \eqn{H^2_{jk}}. Therefore, Friedman and Popescu (2008) suggests to calculate
#' \eqn{H^2_{jk}} only for *important* variables (see "Modification" below).
#' **Modification**
#' To be better able to compare pairwise interaction strength across variable pairs,
#' and to overcome the problem mentioned in the last remark, we suggest as alternative
#' the unnormalized test statistic on the scale of the predictions,
#' i.e., \eqn{\sqrt{A_{jk}}}. Set `normalize = FALSE` and `squared = FALSE` to obtain
#' this statistic.
#' Furthermore, instead of focusing on pairwise calculations for the most *important*
#' features, we can select features with *strongest overall interactions*.
#' @inheritParams h2_overall
#' @inherit h2_overall return
#' @inherit hstats references
#' @export
#' @seealso [hstats()], [h2()], [h2_overall()], [h2_threeway()]
#' @examples
#' # MODEL 1: Linear regression
#' fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ . + Petal.Width:Species, data = iris)
#' s <- hstats(fit, X = iris[, -1])
#' # Proportion of joint effect coming from pairwise interaction
#' # (for features with strongest overall interactions)
#' h2_pairwise(s)
#' h2_pairwise(s, zero = FALSE) # Drop 0
#' # Absolute measure as alternative
#' abs_h <- h2_pairwise(s, normalize = FALSE, squared = FALSE, zero = FALSE)
#' abs_h
#' abs_h$M
#' # MODEL 2: Multi-response linear regression
#' fit <- lm(as.matrix(iris[, 1:2]) ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width * Species, data = iris)
#' s <- hstats(fit, X = iris[, 3:5], verbose = FALSE)
#' x <- h2_pairwise(s)
#' plot(x)
h2_pairwise <- function(object, ...) {
#' @describeIn h2_pairwise Default pairwise interaction strength.
#' @export
h2_pairwise.default <- function(object, ...) {
stop("No default method implemented.")
#' @describeIn h2_pairwise Pairwise interaction strength from "hstats" object.
#' @export
h2_pairwise.hstats <- function(object, normalize = TRUE, squared = TRUE,
sort = TRUE, zero = TRUE, ...) {
statistic = "h2_pairwise",
object = object,
normalize = normalize,
squared = squared,
sort = sort,
zero = zero
#' Raw H2 Pairwise
#' Internal helper function that calculates numerator and denominator of
#' statistic in title.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x A list containing the elements "combs2", "v_pairwise_0", "K", "pred_names",
#' "F_jk", "F_j", "eps", and "w".
#' @returns A list with the numerator and denominator statistics.
h2_pairwise_raw <- function(x) {
num <- init_numerator(x, way = 2L)
denom <- num + 1
# Note that F_jk are in the same order as x[["combs2"]]
combs <- x[["combs2"]]
if (!is.null(combs)) {
for (nm in names(combs)) {
z <- combs[[nm]]
num[nm, ] <- with(
x, wcolMeans((F_jk[[nm]] - F_j[[z[1L]]] - F_j[[z[2L]]])^2, w = w)
denom[nm, ] <- with(x, wcolMeans(F_jk[[nm]]^2, w = w))
num <- .zap_small(num, eps = x[["eps"]]) # Numeric precision
list(num = num, denom = denom)
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