#' Zap Small Values
#' Internal function. Sets very small or non-finite (NA, ...) values in vector,
#' matrix or data.frame to 0.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x Vector, matrix, or data.frame.
#' @param eps Threshold, below which absolute values are set to 0.
#' @returns Same as `x` but with values below `eps` replaced by 0.
.zap_small <- function(x, eps = 1e-8) {
zero <- abs(x) < eps | !is.finite(x)
if (any(zero)) {
x[zero] <- 0
#' Initializer of Numerator Statistics
#' Internal helper function that returns a matrix of all zeros with the right
#' column and row names for statistics of any "way". If some features have been dropped
#' from the statistics calculations, they are added as 0.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x A list containing the elements "v", "K", "pred_names", "v_pairwise",
#' "v_threeway", "pairwise_m", "threeway_m".
#' @param way Integer between 1 and 3 of the order of the interaction.
#' @returns A matrix of all zeros.
init_numerator <- function(x, way = 1L) {
stopifnot(way %in% 1:3)
v <- x[["v"]]
K <- x[["K"]]
pred_names <- x[["pred_names"]]
# Simple case
if (way == 1L) {
return(matrix(nrow = length(v), ncol = K, dimnames = list(v, pred_names)))
# Determine v_cand_0, which is v_cand with additional features to end up with length m
if (way == 2L) {
v_cand <- x[["v_pairwise"]]
m <- x[["pairwise_m"]]
} else {
v_cand <- x[["v_threeway"]]
m <- x[["threeway_m"]]
m_miss <- m - length(v_cand)
if (m_miss > 0L) {
v_cand_0 <- c(v_cand, utils::head(setdiff(v, v_cand), m_miss))
v_cand_0 <- v[v %in% v_cand_0] # Bring into order of v
} else {
v_cand_0 <- v_cand
# Get all interactions of order "way". c() turns the array into a vector
cn0 <- c(utils::combn(v_cand_0, m = way, FUN = paste, collapse = ":"))
matrix(0, nrow = length(cn0), ncol = K, dimnames = list(cn0, pred_names))
#' Postprocessing of Statistics
#' Function to apply typical postprocessing steps to a Friedman-Popescu type statistic.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @inheritParams H2_overall
#' @param num Matrix with numerator statistics.
#' @param denom Vector or matrix with denominator statistics.
#' @returns Matrix of statistics, or `NULL`.
postprocess <- function(num, denom = rep(1, times = NCOL(num)),
normalize = TRUE, squared = TRUE,
sort = TRUE, zero = TRUE) {
is.matrix(denom) || is.vector(denom), # already covered by the next condition
is.matrix(denom) && all(dim(num) == dim(denom)) || ## h2_pairwise/threeway
is.vector(denom) && length(denom) == ncol(num) ## all other stats
if (normalize) {
if (is.matrix(denom)) {
out <- num / denom
} else {
out <- sweep(num, MARGIN = 2L, STATS = denom, FUN = "/")
out[is.nan(out)] <- 0 # Deal explicitly with 0/0 cases
} else {
out <- num
if (!squared) {
out <- sqrt(out)
if (sort) {
out <- out[order(-rowSums(out)), , drop = FALSE]
if (!zero) {
out <- out[rowSums(out != 0) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
if (length(out) == 0L) NULL else out
#' Basic Statistic Function
#' Internal helper function that provides an object of class "hstats_matrix".
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @param statistic Name of statistic as stored in "hstats" object.
#' @inheritParams h2_overall
#' @returns A character string.
get_hstats_matrix <- function(statistic, object, normalize = TRUE, squared = TRUE,
sort = TRUE, zero = TRUE, ...) {
s <- object[[statistic]]
if (!is.null(s)) {
M <- postprocess(
num = s$num,
denom = s$denom,
normalize = normalize,
squared = squared,
sort = sort,
zero = zero
} else {
M = M,
mrep = NULL,
statistic = statistic,
description = get_description(statistic, normalize = normalize, squared = squared)
class = "hstats_matrix"
#' Description Text
#' Internal helper function that provides the description text of a statistic.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
#' @param statistic Name of statistic.
#' @param normalize Flag.
#' @param squared Flag.
#' @returns A character string.
get_description <- function(statistic, normalize = TRUE, squared = FALSE) {
stat_names <- c(
h2 = "H",
h2_overall = "Overall H",
h2_pairwise = "Pairwise H",
h2_threeway = "Three-way H",
pd_importance = "PDI"
if (squared) "^2" else "",
if (normalize) " (normalized)" else " (unnormalized)"
# Methods
#' Prints "hstats_matrix" Object
#' Print method for object of class "hstats_matrix".
#' @param x An object of class "hstats_matrix".
#' @param top_m Number of rows to print.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @returns Invisibly, the input is returned.
#' @export
print.hstats_matrix <- function(x, top_m = Inf, ...) {
M <- utils::head(x[["M"]], top_m)
if (!(x[["statistic"]] %in% c("h2_pairwise", "h2_threeway")) || length(M) == 1L) {
M <- drop(M)
#' Dimensions of "hstats_matrix" Object
#' Implies `nrow()` and `ncol()`.
#' @param x An object of class "hstats_matrix".
#' @returns
#' A numeric vector of length two providing the number of rows and columns
#' of "M" object stored in `x`.
#' @examples
#' fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ . + Petal.Width:Species, data = iris)
#' s <- hstats(fit, X = iris[-1])
#' x <- h2_pairwise(s)
#' dim(x)
#' nrow(x)
#' ncol(x)
#' @export
dim.hstats_matrix <- function(x) {
#' Dimnames of "hstats_matrix" Object
#' Extracts dimnames of the "M" matrix in `x`. Implies `rownames()` and `colnames()`.
#' @param x An object of class "hstats_matrix".
#' @returns Dimnames of the statistics matrix.
#' @examples
#' fit <- lm(as.matrix(iris[1:2]) ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width * Species, data = iris)
#' s <- hstats(fit, X = iris[3:5], verbose = FALSE)
#' x <- h2_pairwise(s)
#' dimnames(x)
#' rownames(x)
#' colnames(x)
#' @export
dimnames.hstats_matrix <- function(x) {
#' Dimnames (Replacement Method) of "hstats_matrix"
#' This implies `colnames(x) <- ...`.
#' @param x An object of class "hstats_matrix".
#' @param value A list with rownames and column names compliant with `$M` (and `$SE`).
#' @returns Like `x`, but with replaced dimnames.
#' @examples
#' fit <- lm(as.matrix(iris[1:2]) ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width * Species, data = iris)
#' s <- hstats(fit, X = iris[3:5], verbose = FALSE)
#' x <- h2_overall(s)
#' colnames(x) <- c("Sepal Length", "Sepal Width")
#' plot(x)
#' rownames(x)[2:3] <- c("Petal Width", "Petal Length")
#' plot(x)
#' @export
`dimnames<-.hstats_matrix` <- function(x, value) {
dimnames(x[["M"]]) <- value
if (!is.null(x[["SE"]])) {
dimnames(x[["SE"]]) <- value
#' Subsets "hstats_matrix" Object
#' Use standard square bracket subsetting to select rows and/or columns of
#' statistics "M" (and "SE" in case of permutation importance statistics).
#' Implies `head()` and `tail()`.
#' @param x An object of class "hstats_matrix".
#' @param i Row subsetting.
#' @param j Column subsetting.
#' @param ... Currently unused.
#' @returns A new object of class "hstats_matrix".
#' @examples
#' fit <- lm(as.matrix(iris[1:2]) ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width * Species, data = iris)
#' imp <- perm_importance(fit, X = iris, y = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"))
#' head(imp, 1)
#' tail(imp, 2)
#' imp[1, "Sepal.Length"]
#' imp[1]
#' imp[, "Sepal.Width"]$SE
#' plot(imp[, "Sepal.Width"])
#' @export
`[.hstats_matrix` <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
x$M <- x$M[i, j, drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(x$SE)) {
x$SE <- x$SE[i, j, drop = FALSE]
#' Plots "hstats_matrix" Object
#' Plot method for objects of class "hstats_matrix".
#' @importFrom ggplot2 .data
#' @param x An object of class "hstats_matrix".
#' @param top_m How many rows should be plotted? `Inf` for all.
#' @param fill Fill color of ungrouped bars. The default equals the global option
#' `hstats.fill = "#fca50a"`. To change the global option, use
#' `options(stats.fill = new value)`.
#' @param swap_dim Switches the role of grouping and facetting (default is `FALSE`).
#' @param viridis_args List of viridis color scale arguments, see
#' `[ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_d()]`.
#' The default points to the global option `hstats.viridis_args`,
#' which corresponds to `list(begin = 0.2, end = 0.8, option = "B")`.
#' E.g., to switch to a standard viridis scale, you can change the default via
#' `options(hstats.viridis_args = list())`, or set `viridis_args = list()`.
#' @param facet_scales Value passed as `scales` argument to `[ggplot2::facet_wrap()]`.
#' @param ncol Passed to `[ggplot2::facet_wrap()]`.
#' @param rotate_x Should x axis labels be rotated by 45 degrees?
#' @param err_type The error type to show, by default "SE" (standard errors). Set to
#' "SD" for standard deviations (SE * sqrt(m_rep)), or "No" for no bars.
#' Currently, supported only for [perm_importance()].
#' @param ... Passed to [ggplot2::geom_bar()].
#' @export
#' @returns An object of class "ggplot".
plot.hstats_matrix <- function(x, top_m = 15L,
fill = getOption("hstats.fill"),
swap_dim = FALSE,
viridis_args = getOption("hstats.viridis_args"),
facet_scales = "fixed",
ncol = 2L, rotate_x = FALSE,
err_type = c("SE", "SD", "No"), ...) {
err_type <- match.arg(err_type)
M <- x[["M"]]
if (is.null(M)) {
message("Nothing to plot!")
M <- utils::head(M, top_m)
err <- utils::head(x[["SE"]], top_m)
if (is.null(err)) {
err_type <- "No"
} else if (err_type == "SD") {
err <- err * sqrt(x[["m_rep"]])
df <- mat2df(M)
if (err_type != "No") {
df[["error_"]] <- mat2df(err)[["value_"]]
df <- barplot_reverter(df, group = !swap_dim)
if (is.null(viridis_args)) {
viridis_args <- list()
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, ggplot2::aes(x = value_, y = variable_)) +
ggplot2::ylab(ggplot2::element_blank()) +
K <- ncol(M)
grouped <- K > 1L && !swap_dim
if (!grouped) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_bar(fill = fill, stat = "identity", ...)
} else {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_bar(
ggplot2::aes(fill = varying_), stat = "identity", position = "dodge", ...
) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank()) +, viridis_args) +
ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(reverse = TRUE))
if (err_type != "No") {
if (!grouped) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_errorbar(
ggplot2::aes(xmin = value_ - error_, xmax = value_ + error_),
width = 0,
color = "black"
} else {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_errorbar(
ggplot2::aes(xmin = value_ - error_, xmax = value_ + error_, group = varying_),
width = 0,
color = "black",
position = ggplot2::position_dodge(0.9)
if (K > 1L && swap_dim) {
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap("varying_", ncol = ncol, scales = facet_scales)
if (nrow(M) == 1L) {
p <- p + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank())
if (rotate_x) {
p <- p + rotate_x_labs()
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