

test_that("Correct table sort", {
  mtcatr_proc_data <- structure(
    list(cyl = c("4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders",
                 "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders",
                 "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders",
                 "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders",
                 "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders",
                 "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders",
                 "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders",
                 "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "4 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders",
                 "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders",
                 "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders",
                 "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders",
                 "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders",
                 "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders",
                 "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders",
                 "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "6 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders",
                 "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders",
                 "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders",
                 "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders",
                 "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders",
                 "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders", "8 Cylinders"),
         gear = c("3 Gears",
                  "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears",
                  "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "4 Gears",
                  "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears",
                  "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "5 Gears",
                  "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears",
                  "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "3 Gears",
                  "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears",
                  "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "4 Gears",
                  "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears",
                  "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "4 Gears", "5 Gears",
                  "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears",
                  "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "3 Gears",
                  "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears",
                  "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "3 Gears", "5 Gears",
                  "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears",
                  "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears", "5 Gears"),
         per_metric = c("hp",
                        "hp", "hp", "hp", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg", "qsec", "qsec",
                        "qsec", "qsec", "hp", "hp", "hp", "hp", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg",
                        "mpg", "qsec", "qsec", "qsec", "qsec", "hp", "hp", "hp", "hp",
                        "mpg", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg", "qsec", "qsec", "qsec", "qsec", "hp",
                        "hp", "hp", "hp", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg", "qsec", "qsec",
                        "qsec", "qsec", "hp", "hp", "hp", "hp", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg",
                        "mpg", "qsec", "qsec", "qsec", "qsec", "hp", "hp", "hp", "hp",
                        "mpg", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg", "qsec", "qsec", "qsec", "qsec", "hp",
                        "hp", "hp", "hp", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg", "qsec", "qsec",
                        "qsec", "qsec", "hp", "hp", "hp", "hp", "mpg", "mpg", "mpg",
                        "mpg", "qsec", "qsec", "qsec", "qsec"),
         summary_stat = c("Mean",
                          "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD",
                          "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min",
                          "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max",
                          "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean",
                          "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD",
                          "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min",
                          "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max",
                          "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean",
                          "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD",
                          "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min",
                          "Max", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max"),
         value = c(97, NA, 97, 97,
                   21.5, NA, 21.5, 21.5, 20, NA, 20, 20, 76, 20.1, 52, 109, 26.9,
                   4.8, 21.4, 33.9, 19.6, 1.5, 18.5, 22.9, 102, 15.6, 91, 113, 28.2,
                   3.1, 26, 30.4, 16.8, 0.1, 16.7, 16.9, 107.5, 3.5, 105, 110, 19.8,
                   2.3, 18.1, 21.4, 19.8, 0.6, 19.4, 20.2, 116.5, 7.5, 110, 123,
                   19.8, 1.6, 17.8, 21, 17.7, 1.1, 16.5, 18.9, 175, NA, 175, 175,
                   19.7, NA, 19.7, 19.7, 15.5, NA, 15.5, 15.5, 194.2, 33.4, 150,
                   245, 15.1, 2.8, 10.4, 19.2, 17.1, 0.8, 15.4, 18, 299.5, 50.2,
                   264, 335, 15.4, 0.6, 15, 15.8, 14.6, 0.1, 14.5, 14.6)),
    class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"),
    row.names = c(NA, -96L))

  out_str <- mtcatr_proc_data  %>%
    arrange(per_metric, summary_stat) %>%
    tidyHtmlTable(header = gear,
                  cgroup = cyl,
                  rnames = summary_stat,
                  rgroup = per_metric,
                  skip_removal_warning = TRUE,
                  label = "test_table")

  read_html(out_str) %>%
    xml_find_first("//thead") %>%
    xml_find_all(".//tr/th") %>%
    xml_contents() %>%
    as_list() %>%
    unlist() %>%
    str_trim %>%
    keep(~. != "") %>%
    expect_equivalent(c(paste(c(4, 6, 8), "Cylinders"),
                        paste(3:5, "Gears"),
                        paste(3:5, "Gears"),
                        paste(c(3, 5), "Gears")))

  read_html(out_str) %>%
    xml_find_all("//table") %>%
    xml_find_first("//tbody") %>%
    xml_find_all(".//tr/*[1]") %>%
    xml_contents() %>%
    as_list() %>%
    unlist() %>%
    keep(~!stringr::str_detect(., "^\\s")) %>%
    expect_equivalent(mtcatr_proc_data  %>%
                        distinct(per_metric) %>%
                        arrange(per_metric) %>%

  out_str <- mtcatr_proc_data  %>%
    arrange(desc(per_metric), summary_stat) %>%
    tidyHtmlTable(header = gear,
                  cgroup = cyl,
                  rnames = summary_stat,
                  rgroup = per_metric,
                  skip_removal_warning = TRUE)

  read_html(out_str) %>%
    xml_find_all("//table") %>%
    xml_find_first("//tbody") %>%
    xml_find_all(".//tr/*[1]") %>%
    xml_contents() %>%
    as_list() %>%
    unlist() %>%
    keep(~!stringr::str_detect(., "^\\s")) %>%
    expect_equivalent(mtcatr_proc_data  %>%
                        distinct(per_metric) %>%
                        arrange(per_metric) %>%
                        extract2(1) %>%

  out_str <- mtcatr_proc_data  %>%
    arrange(cyl, gear) %>%
    tidyHtmlTable(header = summary_stat,
                  cgroup = per_metric,
                  rnames = gear,
                  rgroup = cyl,
                  skip_removal_warning = TRUE,
                  label = "test_table",
                  rowlabel = "row")

  read_html(out_str) %>%
    xml_find_first("//thead") %>%
    xml_find_all(".//tr/th") %>%
    xml_contents() %>%
    as_list() %>%
    unlist() %>%
    str_trim %>%
    keep(~. != "") %>%
    expect_equivalent(c("hp", "mpg", "qsec",
                        rep(c("Max", "Mean", "Min", "SD"),
                            times = 3)))

  parsed_table <- readHTMLTable(as.character(out_str))[["test_table"]]
  group_idx_of_interest <- which(parsed_table$row == "8 Cylinders")
  subtable <- parsed_table[(group_idx_of_interest + 1):nrow(parsed_table),]
  subdata <- mtcatr_proc_data %>%
    filter(cyl == "8 Cylinders")

  check_subdata <- function(pm, st, gr_regexp, no) {
    subdata %>%
      filter(per_metric == pm & summary_stat == st & str_detect(gear, gr_regexp)) %>%
      pluck("value") %>%
      as.character() %>%
      if_else(is.na(.), "", .) %>%
      expect_equal(subtable[str_detect(subtable$row, gr_regexp),
                            which(colnames(subtable) == st)[no]] %>%

  check_subdata(pm = "hp", st = "Max", gr_regexp = "3", no = 1)
  check_subdata(pm = "mpg", st = "Max", gr_regexp = "3", no = 2)
  check_subdata(pm = "qsec", st = "Max", gr_regexp = "3", no = 3)
  check_subdata(pm = "qsec", st = "Min", gr_regexp = "3", no = 3)
  check_subdata(pm = "qsec", st = "Mean", gr_regexp = "3", no = 3)
  check_subdata(pm = "qsec", st = "Mean", gr_regexp = "5", no = 3)
  check_subdata(pm = "qsec", st = "SD", gr_regexp = "5", no = 3)
  check_subdata(pm = "hp", st = "SD", gr_regexp = "5", no = 1)

  out_str <- mtcatr_proc_data  %>%
    arrange(desc(cyl), gear) %>%
    mutate(per_metric = factor(per_metric, levels = c("qsec", "hp", "mpg"))) %>%
    tidyHtmlTable(header = summary_stat,
                  cgroup = per_metric,
                  rnames = gear,
                  rgroup = cyl,
                  skip_removal_warning = TRUE,
                  label = "test_table",
                  rowlabel = "row")

  parsed_table <- readHTMLTable(as.character(out_str))[["test_table"]]
  group_idx_of_interest <- which(parsed_table$row == "6 Cylinders")
  end_group_idx_of_interest <- which(parsed_table$row == "4 Cylinders")
  subtable <- parsed_table[(group_idx_of_interest + 1):(end_group_idx_of_interest - 1),]
  subdata <- mtcatr_proc_data %>%
    filter(cyl == "6 Cylinders")

  check_subdata(pm = "qsec", st = "SD", gr_regexp = "4", no = 1)
  check_subdata(pm = "hp", st = "SD", gr_regexp = "4", no = 2)
  check_subdata(pm = "mpg", st = "SD", gr_regexp = "4", no = 3)
  check_subdata(pm = "mpg", st = "SD", gr_regexp = "5", no = 3)
  check_subdata(pm = "mpg", st = "Max", gr_regexp = "5", no = 3)

Try the htmlTable package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

htmlTable documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 6:26 p.m.