
Defines functions defaultPngDevice plotTag capturePlot

Documented in capturePlot defaultPngDevice plotTag

#' Capture a plot as a saved file
#' Easily generates a .png file (or other graphics file) from a plotting
#' expression.
#' @param expr A plotting expression that generates a plot (or yields an object
#'   that generates a plot when printed, like a ggplot2). We evaluate this
#'   expression after activating the graphics device (`device`).
#' @param filename The output filename. By default, a temp file with `.png`
#'   extension will be used; you should provide a filename with a different
#'   extension if you provide a non-PNG graphics device function.
#' @param device A graphics device function; by default, this will be either
#'   [grDevices::png()], [ragg::agg_png()], or [Cairo::CairoPNG()], depending on
#'   your system and configuration. See [defaultPngDevice()].
#' @param width,height,res,... Additional arguments to the `device` function.
#' @seealso [plotTag()] saves plots as a self-contained `<img>`
#'   tag.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_interactive()
#' # Default settings
#' res <- capturePlot(plot(cars))
#' # View result
#' browseURL(res)
#' # Clean up
#' unlink(res)
#' # Custom width/height
#' pngpath <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
#' capturePlot(plot(pressure), pngpath, width = 800, height = 375)
#' browseURL(pngpath)
#' unlink(pngpath)
#' # Use a custom graphics device (e.g., SVG)
#' if (capabilities("cairo")) {
#'   svgpath <- capturePlot(
#'     plot(pressure),
#'     tempfile(fileext = ".svg"),
#'     grDevices::svg,
#'     width = 8, height = 3.75
#'   )
#'   browseURL(svgpath)
#'   unlink(svgpath)
#' }
#' @export
capturePlot <- function(expr, filename = tempfile(fileext = ".png"),
  device = defaultPngDevice(), width = 400, height = 400, res = 72,
  ...) {
  if (!is.function(device)) {
    stop(call. = FALSE, "The `device` argument should be a function, e.g. `grDevices::png`")

  expr <- rlang::enquo(expr)

  tempFile <- missing(filename)

  args <- rlang::list2(width = width, height = height, res = res)
  argnms <- names(formals(device))
  if (!"..." %in% argnms) {
    # Only include `width`, `height`, and `res` if the corresponding formal
    # parameters are present.
    args <- args[names(args) %in% argnms]
  args <- c(list(filename = filename), args, rlang::list2(...))

  do.call(device, args)
  dev <- grDevices::dev.cur()
  on.exit(grDevices::dev.off(dev), add = TRUE)

  # Call plot.new() so that even if no plotting operations are performed at
  # least we have a blank background. N.B. we need to set the margin to 0
  # temporarily before plot.new() because when the plot size is small (e.g.
  # 200x50), we will get an error "figure margin too large", which is triggered
  # by plot.new() with the default (large) margin. However, this does not
  # guarantee user's code in `expr` will not trigger the error -- they may have
  # to set par(mar = smaller_value) before they draw base graphics.
  op <- graphics::par(mar = rep(0, 4))
  # Prevent examples() from prompting
  tryCatch(graphics::plot.new(), finally = graphics::par(op))

    result <- withVisible(rlang::eval_tidy(expr))
    if (result$visible) {
  }, error = function(e) {
      if (tempFile && file.exists(filename))

#' Capture a plot as a self-contained `<img>` tag
#' @param expr A plotting expression that generates a plot (or yields an object
#'   that generates a plot when printed, like a ggplot2).
#' @param alt A single-element character vector that contains a text description
#'   of the image. This is used by accessibility tools, such as screen readers
#'   for vision impaired users.
#' @param device A graphics device function; by default, this will be either
#'   [grDevices::png()], [ragg::agg_png()], or [Cairo::CairoPNG()], depending on
#'   your system and configuration. See [defaultPngDevice()].
#' @param width,height The width/height that the generated tag should be
#'   displayed at, in logical (browser) pixels.
#' @param pixelratio Indicates the ratio between physical and logical units of
#'   length. For PNGs that may be displayed on high-DPI screens, use `2`;
#'   for graphics devices that express width/height in inches (like
#'   [grDevices::svg()], try `1/72` or `1/96`.
#' @param mimeType The MIME type associated with the `device`. Examples are
#'   `image/png`, `image/tiff`, `image/svg+xml`.
#' @param deviceArgs A list of additional arguments that should be included when
#'   the `device` function is invoked.
#' @param attribs A list of additional attributes that should be included on the
#'   generated `<img>` (e.g. `id`, `class`).
#' @param suppressSize By default, `plotTag` will include a `style`
#'   attribute with `width` and `height` properties specified in
#'   pixels. If you'd rather specify the image size using other methods (like
#'   responsive CSS rules) you can use this argument to suppress width
#'   (`"x"`), height (`"y"`), or both (`"xy"`) properties.
#' @return A [browsable()] HTML `<img>` tag object. Print it at
#'   the console to preview, or call [as.character()] on it to view the HTML
#'   source.
#' @seealso [capturePlot()] saves plots as an image file.
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_interactive()
#' img <- plotTag({
#'   plot(cars)
#' }, "A plot of the 'cars' dataset", width = 375, height = 275)
#' img
#' if (capabilities("cairo")) {
#'   plotTag(
#'     plot(pressure), "A plot of the 'pressure' dataset",
#'     device = grDevices::svg, width = 375, height = 275, pixelratio = 1/72,
#'     mimeType = "image/svg+xml"
#'   )
#' }
#' @export
plotTag <- function(expr, alt, device = defaultPngDevice(), width = 400, height = 400,
  pixelratio = 2, mimeType = "image/png", deviceArgs = list(), attribs = list(),
  suppressSize = c("none", "x", "y", "xy")) {

  suppressSize <- match.arg(suppressSize)
  if (suppressSize == "xy") {
    suppressSize <- c("x", "y")

  file <- rlang::eval_tidy(rlang::expr(capturePlot({{expr}},
    device = device,
    width = width * pixelratio,
    height = height * pixelratio,
    res = 72 * pixelratio,

  on.exit(unlink(file), add = TRUE)

    src = base64enc::dataURI(file = file, mime = mimeType),
    style = css(
      width = if (!"x" %in% suppressSize) validateCssUnit(width),
      height = if (!"y" %in% suppressSize) validateCssUnit(height)
    alt = alt,

#' Determine the best PNG device for your system
#' Returns the best PNG-based graphics device for your system, in the opinion of
#' the `htmltools` maintainers. On Mac,
#' [grDevices::png()] is used; on all other
#' platforms, either [ragg::agg_png()] or
#' [Cairo::CairoPNG()] are used if their packages
#' are installed. Otherwise, [grDevices::png()] is
#' used.
#' @return A graphics device function.
#' @export
defaultPngDevice <- function() {
  if (capabilities("aqua")) {
  } else if (is_installed("ragg")) {
  } else if (is_installed("Cairo")) {
  } else {

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htmltools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:19 a.m.