
Defines functions oauth_flow_auth_code_fetch can_fetch_oauth_code is_base64_json is_string_url oauth_flow_auth_code_read is_hosted_session oauth_flow_auth_code_pkce oauth_flow_auth_code_parse parse_form_urlencoded oauth_flow_auth_code_listen oauth_flow_auth_code_url oauth_redirect_uri normalize_redirect_uri oauth_flow_auth_code req_oauth_auth_code

Documented in oauth_flow_auth_code oauth_flow_auth_code_listen oauth_flow_auth_code_parse oauth_flow_auth_code_pkce oauth_flow_auth_code_url oauth_redirect_uri req_oauth_auth_code

#' OAuth with authorization code
#' @description
#' Authenticate using the OAuth **authorization code flow**, as defined
#' by `r rfc(6749, 4.1)`.
#' This flow is the most commonly used OAuth flow where the user
#' opens a page in their browser, approves the access, and then returns to R.
#' When possible, it redirects the browser back to a temporary local webserver
#' to capture the authorization code. When this is not possible (e.g. when
#' running on a hosted platform like RStudio Server), provide a custom
#' `redirect_uri` and httr2 will prompt the user to enter the code manually.
#' Learn more about the overall OAuth authentication flow in
#' <https://httr2.r-lib.org/articles/oauth.html>.
#' # Security considerations
#' The authorization code flow is used for both web applications and native
#' applications (which are equivalent to R packages). `r rfc(8252)` spells out
#' important considerations for native apps. Most importantly there's no way
#' for native apps to keep secrets from their users. This means that the
#' server should either not require a `client_secret` (i.e. a public client
#' not an confidential client) or ensure that possession of the `client_secret`
#' doesn't bestow any meaningful rights.
#' Only modern APIs from the bigger players (Azure, Google, etc) explicitly
#' native apps. However, in most cases, even for older APIs, possessing the
#' `client_secret` gives you no ability to do anything harmful, so our
#' general principle is that it's fine to include it in an R package, as long
#' as it's mildly obfuscated to protect it from credential scraping. There's
#' no incentive to steal your client credentials if it takes less time to
#' create a new client than find your client secret.
#' @export
#' @family OAuth flows
#' @seealso [oauth_flow_auth_code_url()] for the components necessary to
#'   write your own auth code flow, if the API you are wrapping does not adhere
#'   closely to the standard.
#' @inheritParams req_perform
#' @param client An [oauth_client()].
#' @param auth_url Authorization url; you'll need to discover this by reading
#'   the documentation.
#' @param scope Scopes to be requested from the resource owner.
#' @param pkce Use "Proof Key for Code Exchange"? This adds an extra layer of
#'   security and should always be used if supported by the server.
#' @param auth_params A list containing additional parameters passed to
#'   [oauth_flow_auth_code_url()].
#' @param token_params List containing additional parameters passed to the
#'   `token_url`.
#' @param host_name,host_ip,port `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#'   Now use `redirect_uri` instead.
#' @param redirect_uri URL to redirect back to after authorization is complete.
#'   Often this must be registered with the API in advance.
#'   httr2 supports three forms of redirect. Firstly, you can use a `localhost`
#'   url (the default), where httr2 will set up a temporary webserver to listen
#'   for the OAuth redirect. In this case, httr2 will automatically append a
#'   random port. If you need to set it to a fixed port because the API requires
#'   it, then specify it with (e.g.) `"http://localhost:1011"`. This technique
#'   works well when you are working on your own computer.
#'   Secondly, you can provide a URL to a website that uses Javascript to
#'   give the user a code to copy and paste back into the R session (see
#'   <https://www.tidyverse.org/google-callback/> and
#'   <https://github.com/r-lib/gargle/blob/main/inst/pseudo-oob/google-callback/index.html>
#'   for examples). This is less convenient (because it requires more
#'   user interaction) but also works in hosted environments like RStudio
#'   Server.
#'   Finally, hosted platforms might set the `HTTR2_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL` and
#'   `HTTR2_OAUTH_CODE_SOURCE_URL` environment variables. In this case, httr2
#'   will use `HTTR2_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL` for redirects by default, and poll the
#'   `HTTR2_OAUTH_CODE_SOURCE_URL` endpoint with the state parameter until it
#'   receives a code in the response (or encounters an error). This delegates
#'   completion of the authorization flow to the hosted platform.
#' @param cache_disk Should the access token be cached on disk? This reduces
#'   the number of times that you need to re-authenticate at the cost of
#'   storing access credentials on disk.
#'   Learn more in <https://httr2.r-lib.org/articles/oauth.html>.
#' @param cache_key If you want to cache multiple tokens per app, use this
#'   key to disambiguate them.
#' @returns `req_oauth_auth_code()` returns a modified HTTP [request] that will
#'   use OAuth; `oauth_flow_auth_code()` returns an [oauth_token].
#' @examples
#' req_auth_github <- function(req) {
#'   req_oauth_auth_code(
#'     req,
#'     client = example_github_client(),
#'     auth_url = "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize"
#'   )
#' }
#' request("https://api.github.com/user") |>
#'   req_auth_github()
req_oauth_auth_code <- function(req,
                                scope = NULL,
                                pkce = TRUE,
                                auth_params = list(),
                                token_params = list(),
                                redirect_uri = oauth_redirect_uri(),
                                cache_disk = FALSE,
                                cache_key = NULL,
                                host_name = deprecated(),
                                host_ip = deprecated(),
                                port = deprecated()) {

  redirect <- normalize_redirect_uri(
    redirect_uri = redirect_uri,
    host_name = host_name,
    host_ip = host_ip,
    port = port

  params <- list(
    client = client,
    auth_url = auth_url,
    scope = scope,
    pkce = pkce,
    auth_params = auth_params,
    token_params = token_params,
    redirect_uri = redirect$uri

  cache <- cache_choose(client, cache_disk, cache_key)
  req_oauth(req, "oauth_flow_auth_code", params, cache = cache)

#' @export
#' @rdname req_oauth_auth_code
oauth_flow_auth_code <- function(client,
                                 scope = NULL,
                                 pkce = TRUE,
                                 auth_params = list(),
                                 token_params = list(),
                                 redirect_uri = oauth_redirect_uri(),
                                 host_name = deprecated(),
                                 host_ip = deprecated(),
                                 port = deprecated()
) {

  oauth_flow_check("authorization code", client, interactive = TRUE)

  redirect <- normalize_redirect_uri(
    redirect_uri = redirect_uri,
    host_name = host_name,
    host_ip = host_ip,
    port = port

  if (pkce) {
    code <- oauth_flow_auth_code_pkce()
    auth_params$code_challenge <- code$challenge
    auth_params$code_challenge_method <- code$method
    token_params$code_verifier <- code$verifier

  state <- base64_url_rand(32)

  # Redirect user to authorisation url.
  user_url <- oauth_flow_auth_code_url(client,
    auth_url = auth_url,
    redirect_uri = redirect$uri,
    scope = scope,
    state = state,
    auth_params = auth_params

  if (redirect$can_fetch_code) {
    # Wait a bit to give the user a chance to click through the authorisation
    # process.
    if (!is_testing()) {
      sys_sleep(2, "for browser-based authentication", progress = FALSE)

    code <- oauth_flow_auth_code_fetch(state)
  } else if (redirect$localhost) {
    # Listen on localhost for the result
    result <- oauth_flow_auth_code_listen(redirect$uri)
    code <- oauth_flow_auth_code_parse(result, state)
  } else {
    # Allow the user to retrieve the token out of band manually and enter it
    # into the console. This is what {gargle} terms the "pseudo out-of-band"
    # flow.
    code <- oauth_flow_auth_code_read(state)

  # Get access/refresh token from authorisation code
  # https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-4.1.3
    grant_type = "authorization_code",
    code = code,
    redirect_uri = redirect_uri,

normalize_redirect_uri <- function(redirect_uri,
                                   host_name = deprecated(),
                                   host_ip = deprecated(),
                                   port = deprecated(),
                                   error_call = caller_env()) {

  parsed <- url_parse(redirect_uri)

  if (lifecycle::is_present(host_name)) {
      when = "1.0.0",
      what = "oauth_flow_auth_code(host_name)",
      with = "oauth_flow_auth_code(redirect_uri)"
    parsed$hostname <- host_name

  if (lifecycle::is_present(port)) {
      when = "1.0.0",
      what = "oauth_flow_auth_code(port)",
      with = "oauth_flow_auth_code(redirect_uri)"
    parsed$port <- port

  if (lifecycle::is_present(host_ip)) {
    lifecycle::deprecate_warn("1.0.0", "oauth_flow_auth_code(host_ip)")

  localhost <- parsed$hostname %in% c("localhost", "")

  if (localhost) {
    check_installed("httpuv", "desktop OAuth")
    if (is_hosted_session()) {
        "Can't use localhost {.arg redirect_uri} in a hosted environment.",
        call = error_call

    if (is.null(parsed$port)) {
      parsed$port <- httpuv::randomPort()

    uri = url_build(parsed),
    localhost = localhost,
    can_fetch_code = can_fetch_oauth_code(redirect_uri)


#' Default redirect url for OAuth
#' The default redirect uri used by [req_oauth_auth_code()]. Defaults to
#' `http://localhost` unless the `HTTR2_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL` envvar is set.
#' @export
oauth_redirect_uri <- function() {
  Sys.getenv("HTTR2_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL", "http://localhost")

# Authorisation request: make a url that the user navigates to
# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-4.1.1

#' OAuth authorization code components
#' @description
#' These low-level functions can be used to assemble a custom flow for
#' APIs that are further from the spec:
#' * `oauth_flow_auth_code_url()` generates the url that should be opened in a
#'   browser.
#' * `oauth_flow_auth_code_listen()` starts a temporary local webserver that
#'   listens for the response from the resource server.
#' * `oauth_flow_auth_code_parse()` parses the query parameters returned from
#'   the server redirect, verifying that the `state` is correct, and returning
#'   the authorisation code.
#' * `oauth_flow_auth_code_pkce()` generates code verifier, method, and challenge
#'   components as needed for PKCE, as defined in `r rfc(7636)`.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @param state Random state generated by `oauth_flow_auth_code()`. Used to
#'   verify that we're working with an authentication request that we created.
#'   (This is an unlikely threat for R packages since the webserver that
#'   listens for authorization responses is transient.)
oauth_flow_auth_code_url <- function(client,
                                     redirect_uri = NULL,
                                     scope = NULL,
                                     state = NULL,
                                     auth_params = list()) {
  url <- url_parse(auth_url)
  url$query <- modify_list(url$query,
    response_type = "code",
    client_id = client$id,
    redirect_uri = redirect_uri,
    scope = scope,
    state = state,

#' @export
#' @rdname oauth_flow_auth_code_url
oauth_flow_auth_code_listen <- function(redirect_uri = "http://localhost:1410") {
  parsed <- url_parse(redirect_uri)
  port <- as.integer(parsed$port)
  path <- parsed$path %||% "/"

  complete <- FALSE
  info <- NULL
  listen <- function(env) {
    if (!identical(env$PATH_INFO, path)) {
        status = 404L,
        headers = list("Content-Type" = "text/plain"),
        body = "Not found"

    query <- env$QUERY_STRING
    if (!is.character(query) || identical(query, "")) {
      complete <<- TRUE
    } else {
      complete <<- TRUE
      info <<- parse_form_urlencoded(query)

      status = 200L,
      headers = list("Content-Type" = "text/plain"),
      body = "Authentication complete. Please close this page and return to R."
  server <- httpuv::startServer("", port, list(call = listen))

  # TODO: make this a progress bar
  inform("Waiting for authentication in browser...")
  inform("Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort")
  while (!complete) {
  httpuv::service() # send data back to client

  if (is.null(info)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Authentication failed; invalid url from server.")


# application/x-www-form-urlencoded defined in
# https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h-
# Spaces are first replaced by +
parse_form_urlencoded <- function(query) {
  query <- query_parse(query)
  query[] <- gsub("+", " ", query, fixed = TRUE)

# Authorisation response: get query params back from redirect
# https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-4.1.2
#' @export
#' @rdname oauth_flow_auth_code_url
#' @param query List of query parameters returned by `oauth_flow_auth_code_listen()`.
oauth_flow_auth_code_parse <- function(query, state) {
  if (has_name(query, "error")) {
    # https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-
    # Never see problems with redirect_uri
    oauth_flow_abort(query$error, query$error_description, query$error_uri)

  if (query$state != state) {
    cli::cli_abort("Authentication failure: state does not match.")


#' @export
#' @rdname oauth_flow_auth_code_url
oauth_flow_auth_code_pkce <- function() {
  # https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7636#section-4.1
  # It is RECOMMENDED that the output of a suitable random number generator
  # be used to create a 32-octet sequence.  The octet sequence is then
  # base64url-encoded to produce a 43-octet URL safe string to use as the
  # code verifier.
  verifier <- base64_url_rand(32)

    verifier = verifier,
    method = "S256",
    challenge = base64_url_encode(openssl::sha256(charToRaw(verifier)))

# Try to determine whether we can redirect the user's browser to a server on
# localhost, which isn't possible if we are running on a hosted platform.
# Currently this detects RStudio Server, Posit Workbench, and Google Colab. It
# is based on the strategy pioneered by the {gargle} package.
is_hosted_session <- function() {
  if (nzchar(Sys.getenv("COLAB_RELEASE_TAG"))) {
  # If RStudio Server or Posit Workbench is running locally (which is possible,
  # though unusual), it's not acting as a hosted environment.
  Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PROGRAM_MODE") == "server" &&
    !grepl("localhost", Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_HTTP_REFERER"), fixed = TRUE)

oauth_flow_auth_code_read <- function(state) {
  code <- trimws(readline("Enter authorization code or URL: "))

  if (is_string_url(code)) {
    # minimal setup where user copy & pastes a URL
    parsed <- url_parse(code)

    code <- parsed$query$code
    new_state <- parsed$query$state
  } else if (is_base64_json(code)) {
    # {gargle} style, where the user copy & pastes a base64-encoded JSON
    # object with both the code and state. This is used on
    # https://www.tidyverse.org/google-callback/
    json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(openssl::base64_decode(code)))

    code <- json$code
    new_state <- json$state
  } else {
    # Full manual approach, where the code and state are entered
    # independently.

    new_state <- trimws(readline("Enter state parameter: "))

  if (!identical(state, new_state)) {
    abort("Authentication failure: state does not match")


is_string_url <- function(x) grepl("^https?://", x)

is_base64_json <- function(x) {
    error = function(err) FALSE

# Determine whether we can fetch the OAuth authorization code from an external
# source without user interaction.
can_fetch_oauth_code <- function(redirect_url) {
  nchar(Sys.getenv("HTTR2_OAUTH_CODE_SOURCE_URL")) &&
    Sys.getenv("HTTR2_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL") == redirect_url

# Fetch the authorization code from an external source that is serving as a
# redirect URL. This assumes a very simple API that takes the state parameter in
# the query string and returns a JSON object with a `code` key.
oauth_flow_auth_code_fetch <- function(state) {
  req <- request(Sys.getenv("HTTR2_OAUTH_CODE_SOURCE_URL"))
  req <- req_url_query(req, state = state)
  req <- req_retry(
    max_seconds = 60,
    # The endpoint may temporarily return a 404 when no code is found for a
    # given state because the user hasn't finished clicking through yet.
    is_transient = ~ resp_status(.x) %in% c(404, 429, 503)
  resp <- req_perform(req)
  body <- resp_body_json(resp)

# Make base::readline() mockable
readline <- NULL

Try the httr2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

httr2 documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 1:08 a.m.