
Defines functions darcyweisbach return_fcn typeks_fcn type3_fcn

Documented in darcyweisbach

#' Solves the Darcy-Weisbach Equation for the either head loss (hf),
#' flow rate (Q), diameter (D), or roughness height (ks).
#' This function solves the Darcy-Weisbach friction loss equation
#' for with water in circular pipes. the function solves for
#' either head loss (hf), flow rate (Q), diameter (D),or roughness height,
#' (ks) whichever is missing (not included as an argument).
#' @param Q numeric vector that contains the flow rate [\eqn{m^3 s^{-1}}{m^3/s} or \eqn{ft^3 s^{-1}}{ft^3/s}]
#' @param D numeric vector that contains the pipe diameter [\eqn{m}{m} or \eqn{ft}{ft}]
#' @param hf numeric vector that contains the head loss through the pipe section [\eqn{m}{m} or \eqn{ft}{ft}]
#' @param L numeric vector that contains the pipe length [\eqn{m}{m} or \eqn{ft}{ft}],
#' @param ks numeric vector that contains the equivalent sand roughness height.
#'  Units should be consistent with other input [\eqn{m}{m} or \eqn{ft}{ft}]
#' @param nu numeric vector that contains the kinematic viscosity of water,
#'  [\eqn{m^2 s^{-1}}{m^2/s} or \eqn{ft^2 s^{-1}}{ft^2/s}].
#' @param units character vector that contains the system of units [options are
#'   \code{SI} for International System of Units and \code{Eng} for English (US customary)
#'   units. This is used for compatibility with iemisc package
#' @param ret_units If set to TRUE the value(s) returned are of class \code{units} with
#' units attached to the value. [Default is FALSE]
#' @return Returns a list including the missing parameter (hf, Q, D, or ks):
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Q - flow rate.
#'   \item V - flow velocity.
#'   \item L - pipe length.
#'   \item hf - head loss due to friction
#'   \item f - Darcy-Weisbach friction factor
#'   \item ks - roughness height
#'   \item Re - Reynolds number
#' }
#' @details The Darcy-Weisbach equation was developed to estimate the head loss, \eqn{h_f}, due to friction over 
#' a length of pipe. For circular pipes it is expressed as: 
#' \deqn{h_f = \frac{fL}{D}\frac{V^2}{2g} = \frac{8fL}{\pi^{2}gD^{5}}Q^{2}}
#' where \eqn{f} is the friction factor (calculated with the \code{colebrook} function and \eqn{g}
#' is the gravitational acceleration (\eqn{9.81\frac{m}{s^2}} or \eqn{32.2\frac{ft}{s^2}}).
#' @examples
#' #Type 2 (solving for flow rate, Q): SI Units
#' D <- .5
#' L <- 10
#' hf <- 0.006*L
#' T <- 20
#' ks <- 0.000046
#' darcyweisbach(D = D, hf = hf, L = L, ks = ks, nu = kvisc(T=T, units='SI'), units = c('SI'))
#' #Type 3 (solving for diameter, D): Eng (US) units
#' Q <- 37.5     #flow in ft^3/s
#' L <- 8000     #pipe length in ft
#' hf <- 215     #head loss due to friction, in ft
#' T <- 68       #water temperature, F
#' ks <- 0.0008  #pipe roughness, ft
#' darcyweisbach(Q = Q, hf = hf, L = L, ks = ks, nu = kvisc(T=T, units='Eng'), units = c('Eng'))
#' @seealso \code{\link{colebrook}} for friction factor calculation
#' @name darcyweisbach
type3_fcn <- function(D, Q, hf, L, ks, nu, g) {
  # -2.0*sqrt((2*D*g*hf)/L)*log((ks/D)/3.7 +
  # (2.51*(nu/D)*sqrt(L/(g*D*hf)))) - 4*Q/(pi * D^2)
  -0.965 * D^2 * sqrt((D * g * hf)/L) * log((ks/D)/3.7 + (1.784 * (nu/D)/sqrt((g * D * hf/L)))) - Q
typeks_fcn <- function(ks, D, Q, hf, L, nu, g) {
  # -2.0*sqrt((2*D*g*hf)/L)*log((ks/D)/3.7 +
  # (2.51*(nu/D)*sqrt(L/(g*D*hf)))) - 4*Q/(pi * D^2)
  -0.965 * D^2 * sqrt((D * g * hf)/L) * log((ks/D)/3.7 + (1.784 * (nu/D)/sqrt((g * D * hf/L)))) - Q
#attaches units to output if specified
units::units_options(allow_mixed = TRUE)
return_fcn <- function(x = NULL, units = NULL, ret_units = FALSE) {
  vnames <- names(x)
  if (units == "SI") {
    out_units <- c("m^3/s","m/s","m","m","m","1","m","1")
  } else {
    out_units <- c("ft^3/s","ft/s","ft","ft","ft","1","ft","1")
  if( ret_units ) {
    if(length(out_units) != length(as.numeric(x))) stop("Length of units vector not equal to output list")
    a <- units::mixed_units(as.numeric(x), out_units)
    names(a) <- vnames
    x <- a

#' @export
#' @rdname darcyweisbach
darcyweisbach <- function(Q = NULL, D = NULL, hf = NULL, L = NULL, ks = NULL,
                          nu = NULL, units = c("SI", "Eng"), ret_units = FALSE ) {
  checks <- c(Q, D, hf, L, ks)
  units <- units
  if (length(units) != 1) stop("Incorrect unit system. Specify either SI or Eng.")
  #check if any values have class 'units' and change to numeric if necessary
  for( i  in c("Q", "D", "hf", "L", "ks", "nu") ) {
    v <- get(i)
    if(inherits(v, "units")) assign(i, units::drop_units(v))
  if (length(checks) < 4) {
    stop("There are not at least 4 known variables. Try again with at least 4 known variables.")
  if (length(c(Q, D, hf, ks)) != 3) {
    stop("One of the four variables Q, D, hf, ks must be missing.")
  if (any(c(Q, D, hf, L, nu) == 0)) {
    stop("Either Q, D, hf, L, nu is 0. None of these variables can be 0. Try again.")
  if (units == "SI") {
    g <- 9.80665     # m / s^2
    dmin <- 0.00025  #m smallest pipe size
    dmax <- 3.5      #m maximum pipe size
  } else if (units == "Eng") {
    g <- 32.2        #ft / s^2
    dmin <- 0.0082  #ft
    dmax <- 12      #ft
  } else if (all(c("SI", "Eng") %in% units == FALSE) == FALSE) {
    stop("Incorrect unit system. Try again.")
  if (missing(hf)) {
    message(sprintf("hf missing: solving a Type 1 problem\n"))
    if (D < dmin | D > dmax) {
      stop(sprintf("Diameter: %.5f. outside allowable range: %.5f, %.5f\n",D, dmin,dmax))
    V <- velocity(D, Q)
    Re <- reynolds_number(V = V, D = D, nu = nu)
    f <- colebrook(ks = ks, V = V, D = D, nu = nu)
    hf <- f * L * V^2/(D * 2 * g)
    if (Re < 4000) {
      message(sprintf("Low Reynolds number: %.0f indicates not rough turbulent, Colebrook eq. not valid\n",Re))
    out <- list(Q = Q, V = V, L = L, D = D, hf = hf, f = f, ks = ks, Re = Re)
    return(return_fcn(x = out, units = units, ret_units = ret_units))
  } else if (missing(Q)) {
    message(sprintf("Q missing: solving a Type 2 problem\n"))
    if (D < dmin | D > dmax) {
      stop(sprintf("Diameter: %.5f. outside allowable range: %.5f, %.5f\n",D, dmin,dmax))
    # solve with explicit equation for velocity - any consistent units
    pt1 <- (ks/D)/3.7 + (2.51 * (nu/D) * sqrt(L/(g * D * hf)))
    V <- -2 * sqrt((2 * D * g * hf)/L) * log10(pt1)
    Q <- V * pi * (D/2)^2
    Re <- reynolds_number(V = V, D = D, nu = nu)
    f <- colebrook(ks = ks, V = V, D = D, nu = nu)
    if (Re < 4000) {
      message(sprintf("Low Reynolds number: %.0f indicates not rough turbulent, Colebrook eq. not valid\n",Re))
    out <- list(Q = Q, V = V, L = L, D = D, hf = hf, f = f, ks = ks, Re = Re)
    return(return_fcn(x = out, units = units, ret_units = ret_units))
  } else if (missing(D)) {
    message(sprintf("D missing: solving a Type 3 problem\n"))
    D <- uniroot(type3_fcn, interval = c(dmin, dmax), Q, hf, L, ks, nu, g)$root
    Re <- reynolds_number(V = velocity(D = D, Q = Q), D = D, nu = nu)
    f <- colebrook(ks = ks, V = velocity(D = D, Q = Q), D = D, nu = nu)
    if (Re < 4000) {
      message(sprintf("Low Reynolds number: %.0f indicates not rough turbulent, Colebrook eq. not valid\n",Re))
    out <- list(Q = Q, V = velocity(D = D, Q = Q), L = L, D = D, hf = hf, f = f, ks = ks, Re = Re)
    return(return_fcn(x = out, units = units, ret_units = ret_units))
  } else if (missing(ks)) {
    message(sprintf("ks missing: solving for missing roughness height\n"))
    ks <- uniroot(typeks_fcn, interval = c(0, 0.1), D, Q, hf, L, nu, g)$root
    Re <- reynolds_number(V = velocity(D = D, Q = Q), D = D, nu = nu)
    f <- colebrook(ks = ks, V = velocity(D = D, Q = Q), D = D, nu = nu)
    if (Re < 4000) {
      message(sprintf("Low Reynolds number: %.0f indicates not rough turbulent, Colebrook eq. not valid\n",Re))
    out <- list(Q = Q, V = velocity(D = D, Q = Q), L = L, D = D, hf = hf, f = f, ks = ks, Re = Re)
    return(return_fcn(x = out, units = units, ret_units = ret_units))

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