### initialize -- initialization, called by new ("hyperSpec", ...)
### C. Beleites
##' @include paste.row.R
##' @noRd
.initialize <- function (.Object, spc = NULL, data = NULL, wavelength = NULL, labels = NULL){
## do the small stuff first, so we need not be too careful about copies
## the wavelength axis
if (! is.null (wavelength) && ! is.numeric (wavelength))
stop ("wavelength is not numeric but ", class (wavelength), ".")
if (!is.null (spc)){
if (is.null (dim (spc))){
nwl <- length (spc)
if (.options$gc) gc ()
dim (spc) <- c(1, nwl)
if (.options$gc) gc ()
} else {
nwl <- ncol (spc)
} else if (!is.null (data$spc))
nwl <- ncol (data$spc)
nwl <- 0
if (is.null (wavelength)){
## guess from spc's colnames
if (!is.null (spc))
wavelength <- as.numeric (colnames (spc))
if (length (wavelength) == 0L || any ( (wavelength)))
wavelength <- as.numeric (colnames (data$spc))
if (length (wavelength) == 0L || any ( (wavelength)))
wavelength <- seq_len (nwl) # guessing didn't work
} else if (! is.numeric (wavelength)) {
stop ("wavelength must be numeric.")
.Object@wavelength <- wavelength
## column + wavelength axis labels
if (is.null (labels) || length (labels) == 0L){
cln <- c (colnames (data), '.wavelength')
if (! any (grepl ("spc", cln)))
cln <- c (cln, "spc")
labels <- vector ("list", length (cln))
names (labels) <- cln
rm (cln)
## transform labels into expressions
.make.expression <- function (x){
if (is.language (x) && ! is.expression (x))
class (x) <- "expression"
else if (is.character (x))
x <- as.expression (x)
labels <- lapply (labels, .make.expression)
.Object@label <- labels
rm (labels)
if (.options$gc) gc ()
if (! is.null (data$spc) && ! (is.null (spc)))
warning ("Spectra in data are overwritten by argument spc.")
## deal with spectra
if (is.null (spc) && is.null (data$spc)){
spc <- structure(numeric (0), .Dim = c(0L, 0L))
if (! is.null (spc) && !is.matrix (spc)) {
spc <- as.matrix (spc)
if (ncol (spc) == 1L)
spc <- t (spc)
if (!is.null (spc) && !is.numeric(spc) && !all ( (spc))){
dim <- dim (spc)
spc <- suppressWarnings (as.numeric(spc))
if (all ( (spc)))
stop ("spectra matrix needs to be numeric or convertable to numeric")
warning ("spectra matrix is converted from ", class (data$spc), " to numeric.")
dim (spc) <- dim
if (.options$gc) gc ()
if (! is.null (spc)){
attr (spc, "class") <- "AsIs" # I seems to make more than one copy
if (.options$gc) gc ()
## deal with extra data
if (is.null (data)){
data <- data.frame (spc = spc)
} else if (! is.null (spc)){
if (nrow (data) == 1 && nrow (spc) > 1)
data <- data [rep (1, nrow (spc)), , drop = FALSE]
data$spc <- spc
rm (spc)
if (.options$gc) gc ()
attr (data$spc, "class") <- NULL # more than one copy!?
if (.options$gc) gc ()
.Object@data <- data
if (.options$gc) gc ()
.Object <- .fix_spc_colnames (.Object) # for consistency with .wl<-
## finally: check whether we got a valid hyperSpec object
validObject (.Object)
##' Creating a hyperSpec Object
##' Like other S4 objects, a hyperSpec object can be created by \code{new}. The
##' hyperSpec object is then \code{initialize}d using the given parameters.
##' If option \code{gc} is \code{TRUE}, the initialization will have frequent
##' calls to \code{gc ()} which can help to avoid swapping or running out of
##' memory.
##' @name initialize
##' @rdname initialize
##' @aliases initialize,hyperSpec-method initialize create
##' create,hyperSpec-method new,hyperSpec-method new
##' @docType methods
##' @param .Object the new \code{hyperSpec} object.
##' @param data \code{data.frame}, possibly with the spectra in
##' \code{data$spc}, and further variates in more columns. A matrix can be
##' entered as \emph{one} column of a data frame by: \code{data.frame (spc =
##' I (as.matrix (spc)))}.
##' However, it will usually be more convenient if the spectra are given in
##' \code{spc}
##' @param spc the spectra matrix.
##' \code{spc} does not need to be a matrix, it is converted explicitly by
##' \code{I (as.matrix (spc))}.
##' @param wavelength The wavelengths corresponding to the columns of
##' \code{data}. If no wavelengths are given, an appropriate vector is
##' derived from the column names of \code{data$spc}. If this is not
##' possible, \code{1 : ncol (data$spc)} is used instead.
##' @param labels A \code{list} containing the labels for the columns of the
##' \code{data} slot of the \code{hyperSpec} object and for the wavelength
##' (in \code{label$.wavelength}). The labels should be given in a form ready
##' for the text-drawing functions (see \code{\link[grDevices]{plotmath}}).
##' If \code{label} is not given, a list containing \code{NULL} for each of the
##' columns of\code{data} and \code{wavelength} is used.
##' @author C.Beleites
##' @seealso \code{\link[methods]{new}} for more information on creating and
##' initializing S4 objects.
##' \code{\link[grDevices]{plotmath}} on expressions for math annotations as
##' for slot \code{label}.
##' \code{\link{hy.setOptions}}
##' @keywords methods datagen
##' @examples
##' new ("hyperSpec")
##' spc <- matrix (rnorm (12), ncol = 4)
##' new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc)
##' new ("hyperSpec", data = data.frame (x = letters[1:3]),
##' spc = spc)
##' colnames (spc) <- 600:603
##' new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc) # wavelength taken from colnames (spc)
##' # given wavelengths precede over colnames of spc
##' new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc, wavelength = 700:703)
##' # specifying labels
##' h <- new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc, data = data.frame (pos = 1 : 3),
##' label = list (spc = "I / a.u.",
##' .wavelength = expression (tilde (nu) / cm^-1),
##' pos = expression ("/" (x, mu*m)))
##' )
##' plot (h)
##' plotc (h, spc ~ pos)
setMethod ("initialize", "hyperSpec", .initialize)
##' @include unittest.R
.test (.initialize) <- function (){
context (".initialize / new (\"hyperSpec\")")
test_that("empty hyperSpec object", {
expect_equal (dim (new ("hyperSpec")), c (nrow = 0L, ncol = 1L, nwl = 0L))
test_that("vector for spc", {
h <- new ("hyperSpec", spc = 1 : 4)
expect_equal (h@data$spc, matrix (1 : 4, nrow = 1, dimnames = list (NULL, 1:4)))
expect_equal (as.numeric (colnames (h@data$spc)), 1:4)
expect_equal (dim (h), c (nrow = 1L, ncol = 1L, nwl = 4L))
expect_equal (h@wavelength, 1 : 4)
test_that("matrix for spc", {
spc <- matrix (c(1 : 12), nrow = 3)
h <- new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc)
expect_equivalent (h@data$spc, spc)
expect_equal (dimnames (h@data$spc), list (NULL, as.character (1:4)))
expect_equal (dim (h@data$spc), dim (spc))
expect_equal (dim (h), c (nrow = 3L, ncol = 1L, nwl = 4L))
expect_equal (h@wavelength, 1 : 4)
spc <- matrix (c(1 : 12), nrow = 3)
test_that("matrix with numbers in colnames for spc", {
colnames(spc) <- c(600, 601, 602, 603)
h <- new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc)
expect_equal (h@data$spc, spc)
expect_equal (dim (h), c (nrow = 3L, ncol = 1L, nwl = 4L))
expect_equal (h@wavelength, c(600, 601, 602, 603))
colnames(spc) <- c(600, 601, 602, 603)
test_that("spc and data given", {
h <- new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc, data = data.frame (x = 3))
expect_equal (h@data$spc, spc)
expect_equal (dim (h), c (nrow = 3L, ncol = 2L, nwl = 4L))
expect_equal (h@wavelength, c(600, 601, 602, 603))
expect_equal (h@data$x, rep (3, 3L))
test_that("spc and data given, data has $spc column (which should be overwritten with warning)", {
expect_warning(h <- new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc, data = data.frame (spc = 11:13)))
expect_equal (h@data$spc, spc)
expect_equal (dim (h), c (nrow = 3L, ncol = 1L, nwl = 4L))
expect_equal (h@wavelength, c(600, 601, 602, 603))
test_that("spc and data given, different numbers of rows", {
expect_error (new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc, data = data.frame (x = 11:12)))
test_that("only data given, data has $spc column with `I()`-protected matrix", {
h <- new ("hyperSpec", data = data.frame (spc = I (spc)))
expect_equal (h@data$spc, spc)
expect_equal (dim (h), c (nrow = 3L, ncol = 1L, nwl = 4L))
expect_equal (h@wavelength, c(600, 601, 602, 603))
test_that("spc is data.frame", {
h <- new ("hyperSpec", spc = (spc))
expect_equal (h@data$spc, spc)
expect_equal (dim (h), c (nrow = 3L, ncol = 1L, nwl = 4L))
test_that("uncommon spectra matrix class that can be converted to numeric", {
expect_warning (new ("hyperSpec", flu > 100))
test_that("spectra matrix class cannot be converted to numeric", {
expect_error (new ("hyperSpec", matrix (letters [1:6], 3)))
test_that ("error if wavelength is not numeric", {
expect_error(new ("hyperSpec", spc = NA, wavelength = letters [1:3]))
test_that("gc option", {
option <- hy.getOption("gc")
on.exit(hy.setOptions(gc = option))
hy.setOptions(gc = TRUE)
spc <- new ("hyperSpec", spc = flu [[]])
expect_equal(spc [[]], flu [[]])
#' as.hyperSpec: convenience conversion functions
#' These functions are shortcuts to convert other objects into hypeSpec objects.
#' @param X the object to convert.
#' A matrix is assumed to contain the spectra matrix,
#' a data.frame is assumed to contain extra data.
#' @param ... additional parameters that should be handed over to \code{new ("hyperSpec")} (initialize)
#' @return hyperSpec object
#' @seealso \code{\link[hyperSpec]{initialize}}
#' @export
setGeneric ("as.hyperSpec",
function (X, ...){
stop ("as.hyperSpec is not available for objects of class ", class (X))
#' @include guesswavelength.R
.as.hyperSpec.matrix <- function (X, wl = guess.wavelength (colnames (X)), ...){
new ("hyperSpec", spc = X, wavelength = wl, ...)
#' @rdname as.hyperSpec
#' @param wl wavelength vector. Defaults to guessing from the column names in \code{X}
#' @param spc spectra matrix
#' @param labels list with labels
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tmp <- data.frame(flu [[,, 400 ~ 410]])
#' (wl <- colnames (tmp))
#' guess.wavelength (wl)
setMethod ("as.hyperSpec", "matrix", .as.hyperSpec.matrix) <- function (X, spc = NULL, wl = guess.wavelength (spc), labels = attr (X, "labels"), ...){
# TODO: remove after 31.12.2020
if (!all (! (guess.wavelength(colnames(X)))))
warning (" has changed its behaviour. Use as.hyperSpec (as.matrix (X)) instead.")
if (is.null (spc)){
spc <- matrix (ncol = 0, nrow = nrow (X))
wl <- numeric (0)
new ("hyperSpec", data = X, wavelength = wl, spc = spc, labels = labels, ...)
#' @rdname as.hyperSpec
#' @note \emph{Note that the behaviour of \code{as.hyperSpec (X)} was changed: it now assumes \code{X} to be extra data,
#' and returns a hyperSpec object with 0 wavelengths. To get the old behaviour}
setMethod ("as.hyperSpec", "data.frame",
##' @include unittest.R
.test (as.hyperSpec) <- function (){
context ("as.hyperSpec")
spc <- matrix(1:12,ncol = 3)
wl <- seq(600, 601, length.out = ncol(spc))
test_that("only spc is given", {
expect_identical (new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc), as.hyperSpec(X = spc))
test_that("data.frame", {
tmp <- as.hyperSpec(flu$..)
expect_equal(tmp$.., flu$..)
expect_equal(dim (tmp), c (nrow = 6L, ncol = 3L, nwl = 0L))
expect_equal(wl (tmp), numeric (0))
test_that("data.frame with labels attribute", {
tmp <- flu$..
attr (tmp, "labels") <- labels (flu)
tmp <- as.hyperSpec(tmp)
expect_equal(tmp$.., flu$..)
expect_equal(dim (tmp), c (nrow = 6L, ncol = 3L, nwl = 0L))
expect_equal(wl (tmp), numeric (0))
expect_equal(labels (tmp) [order (names (labels (tmp)))],
lapply (labels (flu) [order (names (labels (flu)))], as.expression))
test_that("spc with characters in colnames", {
colnames(spc) <- make.names(wl)
h <- as.hyperSpec(X = spc)
expect_equivalent (h@data$spc, spc)
expect_equal (dim (h@data$spc), dim (spc))
expect_equal (dim (h), c (nrow = nrow(spc), ncol = 1L, nwl = ncol(spc)))
expect_equal (h@wavelength, wl)
expect_equal (as.numeric (colnames (h@data$spc)), wl)
test_that("ignore colnames if wl is set", {
colnames(spc) <- c(601,602,603)
expect_identical (new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc, wavelength = wl), as.hyperSpec(X = spc, wl = wl))
test_that("set additional parameters", {
dt <- data.frame(x=1:4,y=letters[1:4])
lbs <- list (spc = "I / a.u.", .wavelength = expression (tilde (nu) / cm^-1))
expect_identical (new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc, data = dt, label = lbs), as.hyperSpec(X = spc, data = dt, label = lbs))
test_that ("error on unknown class", {
tmp <- NA
class (tmp) <- "foo"
expect_error (as.hyperSpec(tmp))
test_that ("colnames of spectra matrix correctly set (as done by wl<-)", {
tmp <- new ("hyperSpec", spc = spc, wavelength = wl)
expect_equal (colnames (tmp$spc), as.character (signif (wl, 6)))
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