
Defines functions getTraitsData getTraits getAccessions .authenticate

Documented in getAccessions getTraits getTraitsData

.icardaFIGSEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

# GUI for getting username and password from user

.authenticate <- function(){
  tt <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
  tcltk::tkwm.title(tt, "Login")
  ss <- "Please enter username and password"
  tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tklabel(tt, text = ss), columnspan = 2, padx = 50, pady = 10)
  usr <- tcltk::tclVar("")
  pwd <- tcltk::tclVar("")
  usr_label <- tcltk::tklabel(tt, text = "Username:")
  pwd_label <- tcltk::tklabel(tt, text = "Password:")
  usr_input <- tcltk::tkentry(tt, width = "30", textvariable = usr)
  pwd_input <- tcltk::tkentry(tt, width = "30", textvariable = pwd, show = "*")
  tcltk::tkgrid(usr_label, usr_input, sticky = "ew", padx = 5)
  tcltk::tkgrid(pwd_label, pwd_input, sticky = "ew", padx = 5)
  on_okay <- function() {
    .credentials <- list("username" = tcltk::tclvalue(usr), "password" = tcltk::tclvalue(pwd))
    assign(".credentials", .credentials, envir = .icardaFIGSEnv)
  ok_button <- tcltk::tkbutton(tt, text = " OK ", command = on_okay)
  tcltk::tkbind(pwd_input, "<Return>", on_okay)
  tcltk::tkgrid(ok_button, columnspan = 2, pady = 5)

#' @title Getting Accession Data from ICARDA's Genebank Documentation System
#' @description Return a data frame with accession data for the specified crop.
#' @param crop character. Crop for which to get accession data. See section 'Details' for available crops or use \code{\link[icardaFIGSr]{getCrops}} function. Default: "".
#' @param ori string. Country of origin using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes. Default: NULL.
#' @param IG integer. Unique identifier of accession. Default: "".
#' @param doi boolean. If \code{TRUE} , the function will return the digital object identifiers DOI for the accessions. Default: FALSE.
#' @param taxon boolean. If \code{TRUE}, the function will return the taxon information of the accessions. Default: FALSE.
#' @param collectionYear boolean. If \code{TRUE}, the function will return the year of the collecting mission. Default: FALSE.
#' @param coor boolean. If \code{TRUE}, returns only georeferenced accessions containing longitude and latitude. Default: FALSE.
#' @param available boolean. If \code{TRUE}, returns the availability of accessions for distribution, Default: FALSE.
#' @return A data frame with accession passport data for specified crop in \code{crop} from the locations in \code{ori}.
#' @details Types of crops available include:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{'Aegilops'}
#'   \item{'Barley'}
#'   \item{'Bread wheat'}
#'   \item{'Chickpea'}
#'   \item{'Durum wheat'}
#'   \item{'Faba bean'}
#'   \item{'Faba bean BPL'}
#'   \item{'Forage and range'}
#'   \item{'Lathyrus'}
#'   \item{'Lentil'}
#'   \item{'Medicago annual'}
#'   \item{'Not mandate cereals'}
#'   \item{'Pisum'}
#'   \item{'Primitive wheat'}
#'   \item{'Trifolium'}
#'   \item{'Vicia'}
#'   \item{'Wheat hybrids'}
#'   \item{'Wheat wild relatives'}
#'   \item{'Wild Cicer'}
#'   \item{'Wild Hordeum'}
#'   \item{'Wild Lens'}
#'   \item{'Wild Triticum'}
#'  }
#'  Alternatively, the list of available crops can be fetched from ICARDA's online server using \code{\link[icardaFIGSr]{getCrops}}.
#' @author Khadija Aouzal, Amal Ibnelhobyb, Zakaria Kehel, Fawzy Nawar
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'  # Obtain accession data for durum wheat
#'  durum <- getAccessions(crop = 'Durum wheat', coor = TRUE)
#' }
#' @rdname getAccessions
#' @export
#' @importFrom httr handle POST content

getAccessions <- function(crop = "", ori = NULL, IG = "", doi = FALSE, taxon = FALSE, collectionYear = FALSE,  coor = FALSE, available = FALSE) {
  query = ""
  if(!missing(crop)) {
    query <- paste("CROP_NAME = '", crop ,"'",  sep = "")
  if(!is.null(ori)) {
    ori = paste(ori, collapse = "','")
    if (query == "") {
      query <- paste(query, "ORI IN ('", ori, "')" , sep = "")
    } else {
      query <- paste(query, " AND ORI IN ('", ori, "')" , sep = "")
  if(!missing(IG)) {
    IG = paste(IG, collapse = ',')
    if (query == "") {
      query <- paste(query, "IG IN (", IG , ")" , sep = "")
    } else {
      query <- paste(query, " AND IG IN (", IG , ")" , sep = "")
  res = "error"
  if(query != "") {
    if (!(".credentials" %in% ls(envir = .icardaFIGSEnv, all.names = TRUE))) {
    credentials <- get(".credentials", envir = .icardaFIGSEnv)
    username <- credentials$username
    password <- credentials$password
    handle <- httr::handle("https://grs.icarda.org/web_services/accessionsToR.php")
    body <- list(
      user = username
      ,pass  = password
      ,crop = crop
      ,DataFilter = query
      ,coor = coor
      ,doi = doi
      ,taxon = taxon
      ,col_year = collectionYear
      ,available = available
    response <- httr::POST(handle = handle, body = body)
    res <- httr::content(response, type = "text/csv")
    pattern = "invalid"
    if(grepl(pattern, response, ignore.case = TRUE)){
      rm(.credentials, envir = .icardaFIGSEnv)

#' @title Getting Traits Associated with Crops from the ICARDA's Genebank Documentation System
#' @description Return a data frame containing traits associated with a particular crop, their description and related identifiers.
#' @param crop character. Crop for which to get available traits.
#' @return A data frame with traits that are associated with the crop specified in \code{crop}.
#' @details \code{getTraits} returns a data frame of traits together with their IDs and coding system used for each trait.
#' Possible inputs for \code{crop} include:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{'Aegilops'}
#'   \item{'Barley'}
#'   \item{'Bread wheat'}
#'   \item{'Chickpea'}
#'   \item{'Durum wheat'}
#'   \item{'Faba bean'}
#'   \item{'Faba bean BPL'}
#'   \item{'Forage and range'}
#'   \item{'Lathyrus'}
#'   \item{'Lentil'}
#'   \item{'Medicago annual'}
#'   \item{'Not mandate cereals'}
#'   \item{'Pisum'}
#'   \item{'Primitive wheat'}
#'   \item{'Trifolium'}
#'   \item{'Vicia'}
#'   \item{'Wheat hybrids'}
#'   \item{'Wheat wild relatives'}
#'   \item{'Wild Cicer'}
#'   \item{'Wild Hordeum'}
#'   \item{'Wild Lens'}
#'   \item{'Wild Triticum'}
#'  }
#'  A list of available crops to use as input for \code{crop} can also be obtained from ICARDA's online server using \code{\link[icardaFIGSr]{getCrops}}.
#' @author Khadija Aouzal, Amal Ibnelhobyb, Zakaria Kehel, Fawzy Nawar
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'  # Get traits for bread wheat
#'  breadTraits <- getTraits(crop = 'Bread wheat')
#' }
#' @rdname getTraits
#' @export
#' @importFrom httr handle POST content

getTraits <- function(crop) {
  if (missing(crop)) {
    print("Please specify a crop from the list below:")
  } else {
    if (!(".credentials" %in% ls(envir = .icardaFIGSEnv, all.names = TRUE))) {
    credentials <- get(".credentials", envir = .icardaFIGSEnv)
    username <- credentials$username
    password <- credentials$password
    handle <- httr::handle("https://grs.icarda.org/web_services/getTraits.php")
    body <- list(
      user = username
      ,pass  = password
      ,crop = crop
    response <- httr::POST(handle = handle, body = body)
    result <- httr::content(response, type = "text/csv")
    pattern = "invalid"
    if(grepl(pattern, response, ignore.case = TRUE)){
      rm(.credentials, envir = .icardaFIGSEnv)

#' @title Getting Trait Values of Accessions for a Specific Trait
#' @description Return a data frame with observed values of accessions for associated Trait
#' @param IG factor. Unique identifier of accession.
#' @param traitID integer. Unique identifier of trait (from \code{\link[icardaFIGSr]{getTraits}}).
#' @return A data frame with scores for the trait specified in \code{traitID} for the accessions given in \code{IG}.
#' @details Possible inputs for \code{traitID} can be found using the \code{\link[icardaFIGSr]{getTraits}} function (see section 'Examples').
#' @author Khadija Aouzal, Amal Ibnelhobyb, Zakaria Kehel, Fawzy Nawar
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#'  # Check trait ID for septoria and get septoria data for durum wheat
#'  durum <- getAccessions(crop = 'Durum wheat', coor = TRUE)
#'  durumTraits <- getTraits(crop = 'Durum wheat')
#'  septoria <- getTraitsData(IG = durum$IG, traitID = 145)
#' }
#' @rdname getTraitsData
#' @export
#' @importFrom httr handle POST content

getTraitsData <- function(IG, traitID) {
  IG = paste(IG, collapse = ',')
  if(traitID == "") {
    print("Error: Please provide a valid traitID")
    result = NULL
  } else {
    if (!(".credentials" %in% ls(envir = .icardaFIGSEnv, all.names = TRUE))) {
    credentials <- get(".credentials", envir = .icardaFIGSEnv)
    username <- credentials$username
    password <- credentials$password
    handle <- httr::handle("https://grs.icarda.org/web_services/getTraitsData.php")
    body <- list(
      user = username
      ,pass  = password
      ,traitID = traitID
      ,IGs = IG
    response <- httr::POST(handle = handle, body = body)
    result <- httr::content(response, type = "text/csv", col_types = "nnncnnnnnnnn")
    pattern = "invalid"
    if(grepl(pattern, response, ignore.case = TRUE)){
      rm(.credentials, envir = .icardaFIGSEnv)

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icardaFIGSr documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:21 a.m.