
## ----global.options, include = FALSE------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.align = 'center',
  fig.width = 6,
  fig.height = 4

## ----setup, include=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
pkgs <- c("iheiddown", "magrittr", "ggplot2")
lapply(pkgs, library, character.only = TRUE)

## ---- echo = FALSE, out.width="80%", fig.cap="Step 1: Open a project"---------
  knitr::include_graphics("images/problemset/0-Open_Project.png", dpi = 144)

## ---- echo = FALSE, out.width="80%", fig.cap="Step 2: Select a template"------
  knitr::include_graphics("images/problemset/1-Create_PS.png", dpi = 144)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

iheiddown documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:52 p.m.