
Defines functions parvar parquan parmed enorm parmin parmin.abs parmax.abs parmax mult average wsum add check.reduce imsplit.recur imsplit iiply idply ilply liply

Documented in add average enorm idply iiply ilply imsplit liply mult parmax parmax.abs parmed parmin parmin.abs parquan parvar wsum

##' Apply function to each element of a list, then combine the result as an image by appending along specified axis
##' This is just a shortcut for purrr::map followed by imappend
##' @param lst a list
##' @param fun function to apply
##' @param axis which axis to append along (e.g. "c" for colour)
##' @param ... further arguments to be passed to fun
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' build.im <- function(size) as.cimg(function(x,y) (x+y)/size,size,size)
##' liply(c(10,50,100),build.im,"y") %>% plot
##' @export
liply <- function(lst,fun,axis,...)
        purrr::map(lst,fun,...) %>% imappend(axis=axis)

##' Split an image along axis, apply function, return a list
##' Shorthand for imsplit followed by purrr::map
##' @param im image
##' @param axis axis for the split (e.g "c")
##' @param fun function to apply
##' @param ... extra arguments for function fun
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' parrots <- load.example("parrots")
##' ilply(parrots,"c",mean) #mean luminance per colour channel
##' @export
ilply <- function(im,axis,fun,...)
        imsplit(im,axis) %>% purrr::map(fun,...)
##' Split an image along axis, map function, return a data.frame
##' Shorthand for imsplit followed by purrr::map_df
##' @param im image
##' @param axis axis for the split (e.g "c")
##' @param fun function to apply
##' @param ... extra arguments to function fun
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' idply(boats,"c",mean) #mean luminance per colour channel
##' @export
idply <- function(im,axis,fun,...)
    # Extra as.data.frame(t(...)) added to force output to resemble plyr::ldply
        imsplit(im,axis) %>% purrr::map_df(function(x, ...) as.data.frame(t(fun(x, ...))), .id = ".id")

##' Split an image, apply function, recombine the results as an image
##' This is just imsplit followed by purrr::map followed by imappend
##' @param im image
##' @param axis axis for the split (e.g "c")
##' @param fun function to apply
##' @param ... extra arguments to function fun
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' ##' #Normalise colour channels separately, recombine
##' iiply(boats,"c",function(v) (v-mean(v))/sd(v)) %>% plot 
##' @export
iiply <- function(im,axis,fun,...)
        imsplit(im,axis) %>% purrr::map(fun,...) %>% imappend(axis=axis)

##' Split an image along a certain axis (producing a list)
##' Use this if you need to process colour channels separately, or frames separately, or rows separately, etc. You can also use it to chop up an image into blocks.
##' Returns an "imlist" object, which is essentially a souped-up list. 
##' @param im an image 
##' @param axis the axis along which to split (for example 'c')
##' @param nb number of objects to split into. 
##' if nb=-1 (the default) the maximum number of splits is used, i.e. split(im,"c") produces a list containing all individual colour channels.
## if nb = -px, with px > 1 split into blocks of px pixels.
##' @seealso imappend (the reverse operation)
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' im <- as.cimg(function(x,y,z) x+y+z,10,10,5)
##' imsplit(im,"z") #Split along the z axis into a list with 5 elements
##' imsplit(im,"z",2) #Split along the z axis into two groups
##' imsplit(boats,"x",-200) %>% plot #Blocks of 200 pix. along x
##' imsplit(im,"z",2) %>% imappend("z") #Split and reshape into a single image
##' #You can also split pixsets
##' imsplit(boats > .5,"c") %>% plot
##' @export
imsplit <- function(im,axis,nb=-1)
    if (is.cimg(im))
        l <- im_split(im,axis,nb)
    else if (is.pixset(im))
        l <- px_split(im,axis,nb)
        stop("im must be either an image or pixset")
    d.ind <- index.coords[[axis]]
    d <- dim(im)
    if (nb!=-1)
        b.end <- map_dbl(l,function(v) dim(v)[d.ind]) %>% cumsum
        b.start <- c(1,b.end[-length(l)]+1)
        b.str <- sprintf("= %i - %i",b.start,b.end)
        names(l) <- paste(axis,b.str)
        names(l) <- paste(axis,1:length(l),sep=" = ")

imsplit.recur <- function(im,spl,nb=-1)
        if (length(spl) > 1)
                imsplit.recur(im,spl[[1]]) %>% purrr::map(imsplit.recur,spl=spl[-1])
                l <- im_split(im,axis,nb)
                d.ind <- index.coords[[axis]]
                d <- dim(im)
                if (nb!=-1)
                        b.end <- map_dbl(l,function(v) dim(v)[d.ind]) %>% cumsum
                        b.start <- c(1,b.end[-length(l)]+1)
                        b.str <- sprintf("= %i - %i",b.start,b.end)
                        names(l) <- paste(axis,b.str)
                        names(l) <- paste(axis,1:length(l),sep=" = ")

##' Combining images
##' These functions take a list of images and combine them by adding, multiplying, taking the parallel min or max, etc.
##' The max. in absolute value of (x1,x2) is defined as x1 if (|x1| > |x2|), x2 otherwise. It's useful for example in getting the most extreme value while keeping the sign. 
##' "parsort","parrank" and "parorder" aren't really reductions because they return a list of the same size. They perform a pixel-wise sort (resp. order and rank) across the list.
##' parvar returns an unbiased estimate of the variance (as in the base var function). parsd returns the square root of parvar. parquan returns the specified quantile, and defines this in the same manner as the default R quantile function (type = 7). Using parmed and parquan with quan = 0.5 will return the same result, but parmed will be slightly faster (but only a few percent).
##' To correctly use multiple threads users should set \option{nthreads} in \code{\link{cimg.use.openmp}}. You also need to be careful that this is not higher than the value in the system environment variable OMP_THREAD_LIMIT (this can be checked with Sys.getenv('OMP_THREAD_LIMIT')). The OMP_THREAD_LIMIT thread limit usually needs to be correctly set before launching R, so using Sys.setenv once a session has started is not certain to work.
##' @name imager.combine
##' @param x a list of images
##' @param prob probability level for parquan, default of 0.5 returns the median
##' @param na.rm ignore NAs (default FALSE)
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' im1 <- as.cimg(function(x,y) x,50,50)
##' im2 <- as.cimg(function(x,y) y,50,50)
##' im3 <- as.cimg(function(x,y) cos(x/10),50,50)
##' l <- imlist(im1,im2,im3)
##' add(l) %>% plot #Add the images
##' average(l) %>% plot #Average the images
##' mult(l) %>% plot #Multiply
##' wsum(l,c(.1,8,.1)) %>% plot #Weighted sum
##' parmax(l) %>% plot #Parallel max
##' parmin(l) %>% plot #Parallel min
##' parmed(l) %>% plot #Parallel median
##' parsd(l) %>% plot #Parallel std. dev
##' #parsort can also be used to produce parallel max. and min
##' (parsort(l)[[1]]) %>% plot("Parallel min")
##' (parsort(l)[[length(l)]]) %>% plot("Parallel max")
##' #Resize boats so the next examples run faster
##' im <- imresize(boats,.5)
##' #Edge detection (Euclidean norm of gradient)
##' imgradient(im,"xy") %>% enorm %>% plot
##' #Pseudo-artistic effects
##' l <- map_il(seq(1,35,5),~ boxblur(im,.))
##' parmin(l) %>% plot
##' average(l) %>% plot
##' mult(l) %>% plot
##' #At each pixel, which colour channel has the maximum value?
##' imsplit(im,"c") %>% which.parmax %>% table
##' #Same thing using parorder (ties are broken differently)!!!
##' imsplit(im,"c") %>% { parorder(.)[[length(.)]] } %>% table
##' @author Simon Barthelme
##' @seealso imsplit,Reduce

check.reduce <- function(l)
    l <- as.imlist(l)
    if (length(l) > 1) #Check dimensions
        ok <- sapply(l,dim) %>% { apply(.,1,stats::sd) == 0 } %>% all
        if (!ok)
            stop("Images must all be the same size")

##' @describeIn imager.combine Add images
##' @export
add <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE) {
    x <- check.reduce(x)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Weighted sum of images
##' @param w weights (must be the same length as the list)
##' @export
wsum <- function(x,w,na.rm=FALSE)
    if (length(w)!=length(x)) stop("weights must the same length as input")
    check.reduce(x) %>% reduce_wsum(w,na_rm=na.rm)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Average images
##' @export
average <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE) check.reduce(x) %>% reduce_average(na_rm=na.rm)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Multiply images (pointwise)
##' @export
mult <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE) check.reduce(x) %>% reduce_prod(na_rm=na.rm)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Parallel max over images 
##' @export
parmax <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE) check.reduce(x) %>% reduce_minmax(na_rm=na.rm,max=TRUE)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Parallel max in absolute value over images, 
##' @export
parmax.abs <- function(x) maxmin.abs(x,TRUE)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Parallel min in absolute value over images, 
##' @export
parmin.abs <- function(x) maxmin.abs(x,FALSE)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Parallel min over images 
##' @export
parmin <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE) check.reduce(x) %>% reduce_minmax(na_rm=na.rm,max=FALSE)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Euclidean norm (i.e. sqrt(A^2 + B^2 + ...))
##' @export
enorm <- function(x) check.reduce(x) %>% reduce_list(5)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Parallel Median over images
##' @export
parmed <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE) check.reduce(x) %>% reduce_med(na_rm=na.rm)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Parallel Quantile over images
##' @export
parquan <- function(x,prob=0.5,na.rm=FALSE)
    if(prob < 0 | prob > 1){
        stop('prob must be between 0-1')
    check.reduce(x) %>% reduce_med(na_rm=na.rm, doquan=TRUE, prob=prob)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Variance
##' @export
parvar <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE)
    if (na.rm)
        nValid <- map_il(x,px.na) %>% { length(x) - add(.) }
        avg <- add(x,na.rm=TRUE)/nValid
        map_il(x,~ (.-avg)^2) %>% add(na.rm=TRUE) %>% { ./(nValid-1) }
        n <- length(x)
        avg <- average(x)
        map_il(x,~ (.-avg)^2) %>% add %>% { ./(n-1) }

##' @describeIn imager.combine Std. deviation 
##' @export
parsd <- function(x,na.rm=FALSE) parvar(x,na.rm=na.rm) %>% sqrt

##' @describeIn imager.combine Parallel all (for pixsets)
##' @export
parall <- function(x) check.reduce(x) %>% Reduce(function(a,b) a & b,.)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Parallel any (for pixsets)
##' @export
parany <- function(x) check.reduce(x) %>% Reduce(function(a,b) a | b,.)

##' @describeIn imager.combine Test equality
##' @export
equal <- function(x)
    if (length(x) == 1)
        stop("x has only one element")
        acc <- px.all(x[[1]])
        v <- x[[1]]
        x <- x[-1]
        for (xv in x)
            acc[xv!=v] <- FALSE

##' @describeIn imager.combine index of parallel maxima
##' @export
which.parmax <- function(x) maxmin.ind(x,max=TRUE)

##' @describeIn imager.combine index of parallel minima
##' @export
which.parmin <- function(x) maxmin.ind(x,max=FALSE)

##' @describeIn imager.combine pixel-wise sort
##' @param increasing if TRUE, sort in increasing order (default TRUE)
##' @export
parsort <- function(x,increasing=TRUE) check.reduce(x) %>% psort(increasing)

##' @describeIn imager.combine pixel-wise order 
##' @export
parorder <- function(x,increasing=TRUE) check.reduce(x) %>% porder(increasing)

##' @describeIn imager.combine pixel-wise rank
##' @export
parrank <- function(x,increasing=TRUE) check.reduce(x) %>% prank(increasing)

maxmin.abs <- function(L,max=TRUE)
    n <- length(L)
    cmax <- abs(L[[1]])
    out <- L[[1]]
    for (ind in 2:n)
        aL <- abs(L[[ind]])
        if (max)
            v <- aL > cmax
            v <- aL < cmax
        out[v] <- L[[ind]][v]
        cmax[v] <- aL[v]

maxmin.ind <- function(L,max=TRUE)
    n <- length(L)
    pind <- L[[1]]*0 + 1
    cmax <- L[[1]]
    for (ind in 2:n)
        if (max)
            v <- L[[ind]] > cmax
            v <- L[[ind]] < cmax
        pind[v] <- ind
        cmax[v] <- L[[ind]][v]

#' Combine a list of images into a single image
#' All images will be concatenated along the x,y,z, or c axis.
#' @param imlist a list of images (all elements must be of class cimg)
#' @param axis the axis along which to concatenate (for example 'c')
#' @seealso imsplit (the reverse operation)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
#' imappend(list(boats,boats),"x") %>% plot
#' imappend(list(boats,boats),"y") %>% plot
#' purrr::map(1:3, ~imnoise(100,100)) %>% imappend("c") %>% plot
#' boats.gs <- grayscale(boats)
#' purrr::map(seq(1,5,l=3),function(v) isoblur(boats.gs,v)) %>% imappend("c") %>% plot
#' #imappend also works on pixsets
#' imsplit(boats > .5,"c") %>% imappend("x") %>% plot
##' @export
imappend <- function(imlist,axis)
    if (all(map_lgl(imlist,is.cimg)))
    else if (all(map_lgl(imlist,is.pixset)))
        stop("List contains unknown image type (must be all images, or all pixsets)")

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