
Defines functions contextualMF medianFilter quantileFilter meanFilter convolutionMedian convolutionQuantile convolution2D

Documented in contextualMF convolution2D convolutionMedian convolutionQuantile meanFilter medianFilter quantileFilter

#' @title IMAGing engINE, Tools for application of image filters to data matrices
#' @author Wencheng Lau-Medrano, \email{luis.laum@gmail.com}
#' @name image-package
#' @description Provides fast application of image filters to data matrices,
#' using R and C++ algorithms.
#' @details This package uses C++ algorithms called 'engines'. More details are
#' shown in the vignette.
#' @aliases imagine-package imagine
#' @docType package
#' @concept image-matrix
#' @concept image-filter

#' @title Make convolution calculations from numeric matrix
#' @rdname convolutions
#' @param X A numeric \code{matrix} object used for apply filters.
#' @param kernel A little matrix used as mask for each cell of \code{X}.
#' @param probs \code{numeric} vector of probabilities with values in [0,1].
#' @param times How many times do you want to apply the filter?
#' @param normalize \code{logical} indicating if results will (or not) be
#' normalized. See details.
#' @description This function takes a \code{matrix} object, and for each cell
#' multiplies its neighborhood by the \code{kernel}. Finally, it returns for
#' each cell the mean of the kernel-weighted sum.
#' @return \code{convolution2D} returns a \code{matrix} object with the same
#' dimensions of \code{X}.
#' @details
#' Convolution is a mathematical operation which allows the multiplication of
#' two arrays of numbers, in order to produce an array of numbers of the same
#' dimensionality. Valid results (showed in output) will be only those with
#' non-NA values, so NA holes on a matrix will expand in the order of the kernel
#' size.
#' Normalization consists on dividing the output in every window calculation by
#' the \code{sum(abs(as.numeric(kernel)))} (disabled by default).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate example matrix
#' nRows <- 50
#' nCols <- 100
#' myMatrix <- matrix(runif(nRows*nCols, 0, 100), nrow = nRows, ncol = nCols)
#' kernel <- diag(3)
#' # Make convolution
#' myOutput1 <- convolution2D(myMatrix, kernel)
#' myOutput2 <- convolutionQuantile(myMatrix, kernel, probs = 0.7)
#' # Plot results
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' image(myMatrix, zlim = c(0, 100))
#' image(myOutput1, zlim = c(0, 100))
#' image(myOutput2, zlim = c(0, 100))
convolution2D <- function(X, kernel, times = 1, normalize = FALSE){


  # Check and validation of arguments
  checkedArgs <- list(X = X, kernel = kernel, times = times)
  checkedArgs <- checkArgs(imagineArgs = checkedArgs, type = "convolution2D")

  # Apply filters
  output <- checkedArgs$X
  for(i in seq(checkedArgs$times)){
    gc(reset = TRUE)

    output <- with(checkedArgs, engine1(data = output, kernel = kernel))

      output <- output/sum(abs(as.numeric(kernel)), na.rm = TRUE)


#' @rdname convolutions
#' @return \code{convolutionQuantile} uses the kernel but, for each cell, it
#' returns the position of quantile 'probs' (value between 0 and 1).
#' @export
convolutionQuantile <- function(X, kernel, probs, times = 1, normalize = FALSE){

  # Check and validation of arguments
  checkedArgs <- list(X = X, kernel = kernel, probs = probs, times = times)
  checkedArgs <- checkArgs(imagineArgs = checkedArgs, type = "convolutionQuantile")

  # Apply filters
  output <- checkedArgs$X
  for(i in seq(checkedArgs$times)){
    gc(reset = TRUE)

    output <- with(checkedArgs,
                   engine2(data = output, kernel = kernel, probs = probs))

      output <- output/sum(abs(as.numeric(kernel)), na.rm = TRUE)


#' @rdname convolutions
#' @return \code{convolutionMedian} is a wrapper of \code{convolutionQuantile}
#' with probs = 0.5.
#' @export
convolutionMedian <- function(X, kernel, times = 1){

  output <- convolutionQuantile(X = X, kernel = kernel, probs = 0.5, times = times)


#' @title Make a 2D filter calculations from numeric matrix
#' @rdname basic2DFilter
#' @param X A numeric \code{matrix} object used for apply filters.
#' @param radius Size of squared or rectangular kernel to apply median. See
#' Details.
#' @param probs \code{numeric} vector of probabilities with values in [0,1].
#' @param times How many times do you want to apply the filter?
#' @description This functions take a \code{matrix} object, and for each cell
#' calculate mean, median or certain quantile around a squared/rectangular
#' neighborhood.
#' @return A \code{matrix} object with the same dimensions of \code{X}.
#' @details \code{radius} must be defined as a 2-length numeric vector
#' specifying the number of rows and columns of the window which will be used to
#' make calculations. If the length of radius is 1, the window will be a square.
#' Functions use C++ algorithms for running some statistical calculations. The
#' mean is far obvious, however, there are several ways to perform quantiles.
#' \code{quantileFilter} function uses
#' \href{https://arma.sourceforge.net/docs.html#quantile}{arma::quantile}: a
#' RcppArmadillo function, which is equivalent to use R \link[stats]{quantile}
#' funtion with \code{type = 5}.
#' \code{medianFilter} is a wraper of \code{quantileFilter}, so the same
#' observations are applied to it.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate example matrix
#' nRows <- 50
#' nCols <- 100
#' myMatrix <- matrix(runif(nRows*nCols, 0, 100), nrow = nRows, ncol = nCols)
#' radius <- 3
#' # Make convolution
#' myOutput1 <- meanFilter(X = myMatrix, radius = radius)
#' myOutput2 <- quantileFilter(X = myMatrix, radius = radius, probs = 0.1)
#' myOutput3 <- medianFilter(X = myMatrix, radius = radius)
#' # Plot results
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' image(myMatrix, zlim = c(0, 100), title = "Original")
#' image(myOutput1, zlim = c(0, 100), title = "meanFilter")
#' image(myOutput2, zlim = c(0, 100), title = "quantileFilter")
#' image(myOutput3, zlim = c(0, 100), title = "medianFilter")
meanFilter <- function(X, radius, times = 1){

  # Check and validation of arguments
  checkedArgs <- list(X = X,
                      radius = rep(x = radius, length.out = 2),
                      times = times)
  checkedArgs <- checkArgs(imagineArgs = checkedArgs, type = "meanFilter")

  # Apply filters
  output <- checkedArgs$X
  for(i in seq(checkedArgs$times)){
    gc(reset = TRUE)

    output <- with(checkedArgs, engine3(data = output, radius = radius))


#' @rdname basic2DFilter
#' @return \code{quantileFilter} don't use a kernel but, for each cell, it
#' returns the position of quantile 'probs' (value between 0 and 1).
#' @export
quantileFilter <- function(X, radius, probs, times = 1){

  # Check and validation of arguments
  checkedArgs <- list(X = X,
                      radius = rep(x = radius, length.out = 2),
                      probs = probs,
                      times = times,
                      na = NA)
  checkedArgs <- checkArgs(imagineArgs = checkedArgs, type = "quantileFilter")

  # Apply filters
  output <- checkedArgs$X
  for(i in seq(checkedArgs$times)){
    gc(reset = TRUE)

    output <- with(checkedArgs,
                   engine4(data = output, radius = radius, probs = probs))


#' @rdname basic2DFilter
#' @return \code{medianFilter} is a wrapper of \code{quantileFilter} with
#' \code{probs = 0.5}.
#' @export
medianFilter <- function(X, radius, times = 1){

  output <- quantileFilter(X = X, radius = radius, probs = 0.5, times = times)


#' Performs Contextual Median Filter
#' @param X A numeric \code{matrix} object used for apply filters.
#' @description This function performs the Contextual Median Filter (CMF)
#' algorithm proposed by Belkin & O'Reilly (2009), based on the pseudo-code
#' written on the paper.
#' @details
#' Following the definition of CMF, since \strong{imagine} v.2.0.0, \code{times}
#' argument will not be available anymore.
#' \strong{imagine} offers the CMF algorithm but for the using to find out
#' oceanographic fronts, it is recommended to see and use the functions of the
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=grec}{\strong{grec}} package.
#' @references Belkin, I. M., & O'Reilly, J. E. (2009). An algorithm for oceanic
#' front detection in chlorophyll and SST satellite imagery. Journal of Marine
#' Systems, 78(3), 319-326 (\doi{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.11.018}).
#' @export
#' @return \code{contextualMF} returns a \code{matrix} object with the same
#' dimensions of \code{X}.
contextualMF <- function(X){

  # Check and validation of arguments
  checkedArgs <- list(X = X)
  checkedArgs <- checkArgs(imagineArgs = checkedArgs, type = "contextualMF")

  # Apply filters
  output <- with(checkedArgs, engine5(data = X))


#' @title Data matrix to be used as example image.
#' @name wbImage
#' @description \code{matrix} object containig numeric data to plot a image. The
#' photo was taken by the author on 2016.
#' @aliases wbImage
#' @docType data
#' @usage wbImage
#' @format A \code{matrix} with dimnensions 1280x720.

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imagine documentation built on April 27, 2023, 5:12 p.m.