## File Name: RcppExports.R
## File Version: 1.005013
# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393
immer_ccml_proc_freq_item_pair <- function(dat, dat_resp, K, weights, ii, jj) {
.Call('_immer_immer_ccml_proc_freq_item_pair', PACKAGE='immer', dat, dat_resp, K, weights, ii, jj)
immer_ccml_proc_freq <- function(dat, dat_resp, K, weights) {
.Call('_immer_immer_ccml_proc_freq', PACKAGE='immer', dat, dat_resp, K, weights)
immer_ccml_calc_item_intercepts <- function(b_fixed, A_, par) {
.Call('_immer_immer_ccml_calc_item_intercepts', PACKAGE='immer', b_fixed, A_, par)
immer_ccml_probs <- function(b, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, max_ll_index) {
.Call('_immer_immer_ccml_probs', PACKAGE='immer', b, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, max_ll_index)
immer_ccml_probs_from_par <- function(b_fixed, A_, par, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, max_ll_index, pp1, pp2, h1, h2) {
.Call('_immer_immer_ccml_probs_from_par', PACKAGE='immer', b_fixed, A_, par, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, max_ll_index, pp1, pp2, h1, h2)
immer_ccml_opt_function <- function(b, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, n, ntot, max_ll_index) {
.Call('_immer_immer_ccml_opt_function', PACKAGE='immer', b, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, n, ntot, max_ll_index)
immer_ccml_opt_function_par <- function(b_fixed, A_, par, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, n, ntot, max_ll_index) {
.Call('_immer_immer_ccml_opt_function_par', PACKAGE='immer', b_fixed, A_, par, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, n, ntot, max_ll_index)
immer_ccml_gradient <- function(b, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, n, ntot, max_ll_index) {
.Call('_immer_immer_ccml_gradient', PACKAGE='immer', b, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, n, ntot, max_ll_index)
immer_ccml_gradient_par <- function(b_fixed, A_, par, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, n, ntot, max_ll_index) {
.Call('_immer_immer_ccml_gradient_par', PACKAGE='immer', b_fixed, A_, par, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, n, ntot, max_ll_index)
immer_ccml_se <- function(b_fixed, A_, par, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, n, ntot, max_ll_index, h) {
.Call('_immer_immer_ccml_se', PACKAGE='immer', b_fixed, A_, par, ll_index1, item10, item20, cat1, cat2, n, ntot, max_ll_index, h)
immer_cml_splitvec <- function(esf_par1, splitvec_len_pp) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cml_splitvec', PACKAGE='immer', esf_par1, splitvec_len_pp)
immer_cml_extract_parmindex <- function(esf_par0, parm_index_pp) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cml_extract_parmindex', PACKAGE='immer', esf_par0, parm_index_pp)
psychotools_esf <- function(esf_par, order, diff) {
.Call('_immer_psychotools_esf', PACKAGE='immer', esf_par, order, diff)
immer_cml_cloglik_helper <- function(esf_par0, parm_index, splitvec_len, suffstat, score_freq, diff, NP) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cml_cloglik_helper', PACKAGE='immer', esf_par0, parm_index, splitvec_len, suffstat, score_freq, diff, NP)
immer_cml_agrad_helper <- function(esf_par0, parm_index, splitvec_len, suffstat, score_freq, diff, NP, W, W_logical, gr1_list) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cml_agrad_helper', PACKAGE='immer', esf_par0, parm_index, splitvec_len, suffstat, score_freq, diff, NP, W, W_logical, gr1_list)
immer_cmml_calc_probs <- function(tau, rho, item_table) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_calc_probs', PACKAGE='immer', tau, rho, item_table)
immer_cmml_probs_derivatives_tau_rho <- function(tau, rho, item_table, rho_index, N_rho, tau_index, N_tau) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_probs_derivatives_tau_rho', PACKAGE='immer', tau, rho, item_table, rho_index, N_rho, tau_index, N_tau)
immer_derivative_correlation <- function(cov12, var1, var2, cov12_der, var1_der, var2_der) {
.Call('_immer_immer_derivative_correlation', PACKAGE='immer', cov12, var1, var2, cov12_der, var1_der, var2_der)
immer_cmml_trafo_irt_parameters <- function(LAM, PHI, PSI, GAM, item_pairs, LAM_index, N_LAM, PHI_index, N_PHI, PSI_index, N_PSI, tau_index, N_tau, GAM_index, N_GAM, rho_index, N_rho) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_trafo_irt_parameters', PACKAGE='immer', LAM, PHI, PSI, GAM, item_pairs, LAM_index, N_LAM, PHI_index, N_PHI, PSI_index, N_PSI, tau_index, N_tau, GAM_index, N_GAM, rho_index, N_rho)
immer_cmml_trafo_variances_covariances <- function(LAM, PHI, PSI, GAM, item_pairs, LAM_index, N_LAM, PHI_index, N_PHI, PSI_index, N_PSI, tau_index, N_tau, GAM_index, N_GAM, rho_index, N_rho) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_trafo_variances_covariances', PACKAGE='immer', LAM, PHI, PSI, GAM, item_pairs, LAM_index, N_LAM, PHI_index, N_PHI, PSI_index, N_PSI, tau_index, N_tau, GAM_index, N_GAM, rho_index, N_rho)
immer_cmml_trafo_irt_parameters_derivative <- function(LAM, PHI, PSI, GAM, item_pairs, LAM_index, N_LAM, PHI_index, N_PHI, PSI_index, N_PSI, tau_index, N_tau, GAM_index, N_GAM, rho_index, N_rho) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_trafo_irt_parameters_derivative', PACKAGE='immer', LAM, PHI, PSI, GAM, item_pairs, LAM_index, N_LAM, PHI_index, N_PHI, PSI_index, N_PSI, tau_index, N_tau, GAM_index, N_GAM, rho_index, N_rho)
immer_cmml_calc_prob_pars <- function(LAM, PHI, PSI, GAM, item_pairs, LAM_index, N_LAM, PHI_index, N_PHI, PSI_index, N_PSI, tau_index, N_tau, GAM_index, N_GAM, rho_index, N_rho, item_table) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_calc_prob_pars', PACKAGE='immer', LAM, PHI, PSI, GAM, item_pairs, LAM_index, N_LAM, PHI_index, N_PHI, PSI_index, N_PSI, tau_index, N_tau, GAM_index, N_GAM, rho_index, N_rho, item_table)
immer_cmml_derivative_fa_parameters <- function(LAM, PHI, PSI, GAM, item_pairs, LAM_index, N_LAM, PHI_index, N_PHI, PSI_index, N_PSI, tau_index, N_tau, GAM_index, N_GAM, rho_index, N_rho, item_table) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_derivative_fa_parameters', PACKAGE='immer', LAM, PHI, PSI, GAM, item_pairs, LAM_index, N_LAM, PHI_index, N_PHI, PSI_index, N_PSI, tau_index, N_tau, GAM_index, N_GAM, rho_index, N_rho, item_table)
immer_cmml_derivative_designmatrix <- function(probs_der_par, W_par, par, do_log) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_derivative_designmatrix', PACKAGE='immer', probs_der_par, W_par, par, do_log)
immer_cmml_basispar_to_probs <- function(basispar, basispar_design, basispar_length, W_LAM, LAM_init, LAM_index, W_GAM, GAM_init, GAM_index, W_PHI, PHI_init, PHI_index, W_PSI, PSI_init, PSI_index, N_LAM, N_GAM, N_PHI, N_PSI, item_pairs, item_table, tau_index, rho_index, N_rho, N_tau, do_log_LAM, do_log_GAM, do_log_PHI, do_log_PSI) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_basispar_to_probs', PACKAGE='immer', basispar, basispar_design, basispar_length, W_LAM, LAM_init, LAM_index, W_GAM, GAM_init, GAM_index, W_PHI, PHI_init, PHI_index, W_PSI, PSI_init, PSI_index, N_LAM, N_GAM, N_PHI, N_PSI, item_pairs, item_table, tau_index, rho_index, N_rho, N_tau, do_log_LAM, do_log_GAM, do_log_PHI, do_log_PSI)
immer_cmml_basispar_to_derivatives <- function(basispar, basispar_design, basispar_length, W_LAM, LAM_init, LAM_index, W_GAM, GAM_init, GAM_index, W_PHI, PHI_init, PHI_index, W_PSI, PSI_init, PSI_index, N_LAM, N_GAM, N_PHI, N_PSI, item_pairs, item_table, tau_index, rho_index, N_rho, N_tau, do_log_LAM, do_log_GAM, do_log_PHI, do_log_PSI) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_basispar_to_derivatives', PACKAGE='immer', basispar, basispar_design, basispar_length, W_LAM, LAM_init, LAM_index, W_GAM, GAM_init, GAM_index, W_PHI, PHI_init, PHI_index, W_PSI, PSI_init, PSI_index, N_LAM, N_GAM, N_PHI, N_PSI, item_pairs, item_table, tau_index, rho_index, N_rho, N_tau, do_log_LAM, do_log_GAM, do_log_PHI, do_log_PSI)
immer_cmml_proc_freq <- function(dat, dat_resp, K, weights) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_proc_freq', PACKAGE='immer', dat, dat_resp, K, weights)
immer_cmml_proc_generate_rho_index <- function(I) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_proc_generate_rho_index', PACKAGE='immer', I)
immer_cmml_proc_generate_tau <- function(maxK, K) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_proc_generate_tau', PACKAGE='immer', maxK, K)
immer_cmml_proc_generate_LAM <- function(Q) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_proc_generate_LAM', PACKAGE='immer', Q)
immer_cmml_proc_generate_PHI <- function(D, use_diag) {
.Call('_immer_immer_cmml_proc_generate_PHI', PACKAGE='immer', D, use_diag)
pbivnorm_drezner <- function(a, b, rho) {
.Call('_immer_pbivnorm_drezner', PACKAGE='immer', a, b, rho)
pbivnorm_drezner_derivative <- function(a, b, rho) {
.Call('_immer_pbivnorm_drezner_derivative', PACKAGE='immer', a, b, rho)
immer_logdnorm2_derivative <- function(x, y, mu1, mu2, var1, var2, cov12) {
.Call('_immer_immer_logdnorm2_derivative', PACKAGE='immer', x, y, mu1, mu2, var1, var2, cov12)
subimmer_sample_prob_index <- function(probs, rn) {
.Call('_immer_subimmer_sample_prob_index', PACKAGE='immer', probs, rn)
subimmer_probs_gpcm_rcpp <- function(x, theta, b, a, K, x_ind) {
.Call('_immer_subimmer_probs_gpcm_rcpp', PACKAGE='immer', x, theta, b, a, K, x_ind)
subimmer_probs_hrm_rcpp <- function(x, xi, phi, psi, K, x_ind) {
.Call('_immer_subimmer_probs_hrm_rcpp', PACKAGE='immer', x, xi, phi, psi, K, x_ind)
subimmer_probs_gpcm_testlet_rcpp <- function(x, theta, u, b, a, K, x_ind) {
.Call('_immer_subimmer_probs_gpcm_testlet_rcpp', PACKAGE='immer', x, theta, u, b, a, K, x_ind)
immer_sampling_xi <- function(x, theta, b, a, K, x_ind, phi, psi, eps, pid, rater, N) {
.Call('_immer_immer_sampling_xi', PACKAGE='immer', x, theta, b, a, K, x_ind, phi, psi, eps, pid, rater, N)
probs_gpcm_rcpp <- function(x, theta, b, a, K, x_ind) {
.Call('_immer_probs_gpcm_rcpp', PACKAGE='immer', x, theta, b, a, K, x_ind)
probs_hrm_rcpp <- function(x, xi, phi, psi, K, x_ind) {
.Call('_immer_probs_hrm_rcpp', PACKAGE='immer', x, xi, phi, psi, K, x_ind)
sample_prob_index <- function(probs, rn) {
.Call('_immer_sample_prob_index', PACKAGE='immer', probs, rn)
probs_gpcm_testlet_rcpp <- function(x, theta, u, b, a, K, x_ind) {
.Call('_immer_probs_gpcm_testlet_rcpp', PACKAGE='immer', x, theta, u, b, a, K, x_ind)
immer_gpcm_prob_one_item_one_person <- function(theta1, b_ii, a) {
.Call('_immer_immer_gpcm_prob_one_item_one_person', PACKAGE='immer', theta1, b_ii, a)
immer_gpcm_calc_probs <- function(theta, b, a) {
.Call('_immer_immer_gpcm_calc_probs', PACKAGE='immer', theta, b, a)
immer_irt_likelihood_gpcm <- function(probs, dat, dat_resp, TP, K) {
.Call('_immer_immer_irt_likelihood_gpcm', PACKAGE='immer', probs, dat, dat_resp, TP, K)
immer_jml_update_item_derivatives <- function(theta, score_items, N, K, I, dat_resp, b, A_, xsi, max_incr, b_fixed, ItemScore, update, update_weights) {
.Call('_immer_immer_jml_update_item_derivatives', PACKAGE='immer', theta, score_items, N, K, I, dat_resp, b, A_, xsi, max_incr, b_fixed, ItemScore, update, update_weights)
immer_jml_update_theta_derivatives <- function(theta, score_pers, N, K, I, b, max_incr, dat_resp, update) {
.Call('_immer_immer_jml_update_theta_derivatives', PACKAGE='immer', theta, score_pers, N, K, I, b, max_incr, dat_resp, update)
immer_latent_regression_prior_normal <- function(mu, sigma, theta) {
.Call('_immer_immer_latent_regression_prior_normal', PACKAGE='immer', mu, sigma, theta)
immer_latent_regression_posterior <- function(like, prior, weights) {
.Call('_immer_immer_latent_regression_posterior', PACKAGE='immer', like, prior, weights)
immer_latent_regression_calc_mu_sigma <- function(X, group, G, beta, gamma) {
.Call('_immer_immer_latent_regression_calc_mu_sigma', PACKAGE='immer', X, group, G, beta, gamma)
immer_add_elements <- function(x, pos, h) {
.Call('_immer_immer_add_elements', PACKAGE='immer', x, pos, h)
immer_latent_regression_calc_individual_likelihood <- function(X, group, G, pars, theta, weights, like) {
.Call('_immer_immer_latent_regression_calc_individual_likelihood', PACKAGE='immer', X, group, G, pars, theta, weights, like)
immer_latent_regression_calc_individual_likelihood_increment <- function(X, group, G, pars, theta, weights, like, pos1, h1, pos2, h2) {
.Call('_immer_immer_latent_regression_calc_individual_likelihood_increment', PACKAGE='immer', X, group, G, pars, theta, weights, like, pos1, h1, pos2, h2)
immer_latent_regression_vcov_xpd <- function(X, group, G, pars, theta, weights, like, h) {
.Call('_immer_immer_latent_regression_vcov_xpd', PACKAGE='immer', X, group, G, pars, theta, weights, like, h)
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