
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# mkuhn, 2022-03-22
# explore bootstrap distribution for delay parameter and what are best transformations

# command line arguments --------------------------------------------------

cmdArgs <- R.utils::commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE,
                                asValues = TRUE,
                                excludeReserved = FALSE, excludeEnvVars = TRUE,
                                defaults = list(slice=0, workers=6, nrep=100, seed=as.integer(Sys.Date())))

if (any(c('help', 'h') %in% names(cmdArgs))){
  cat('Run Monte-Carlo simulations with delayed Exponential or Weibull data for a single group setting.\n')
  cat('A confidence interval is constructed for all involved parameters and its properties "width" and "coverage" are calculted.\n')
  cat('Sample size, delay, scale and scale ratio (between the two groups) and shape use different fixed values that are specified within the script.\n')
  cat('Parameter options are:\n')
  cat('  --help\t print this help\n')
  cat('  --slice=\t run only for first scenarios, or drop first scenarios when negative.\n')
  cat('  --seed=\t if given, set random seed at the start of the script. Default is date-dependent. In the past, we used a fixed seed of 12. \n')
  cat('  --workers=\t number of parallel computations using future.callr and future.apply\n')
  cat('  --nrep=\t number of replicated bootstrap data sets to build confidence intervals for\n')
  cat('  --print/-p only print out scenarios and exit\n')
  quit(save = 'no')

mySlice <- cmdArgs[["slice"]]
stopifnot( is.numeric(mySlice) )
mySlice <- round(mySlice)

myWorkers <- cmdArgs[["workers"]]
stopifnot( is.numeric(myWorkers), length(myWorkers) == 1L, myWorkers >= 1 )

myNrep <- cmdArgs[["nrep"]]
stopifnot( is.numeric(myNrep), length(myNrep) == 1L, myNrep >= 1L )

mySeed <- cmdArgs[['seed']]
stopifnot( is.numeric(mySeed), length(mySeed) == 1L, mySeed >= 0L )

myPrint <- isTRUE(any(c('print', 'p') %in% tolower(names(cmdArgs))))

# init -------------------------------------------------------------------



# setup -------------------------------------------------------------------

if (mySeed > 0L){
  set.seed(mySeed) ##used to be: 12

future::plan(future.callr::callr(workers = ceiling(myWorkers)))

# vary n, delay, rate for exponential samples
simScenarios <- tidyr::expand_grid(
  n = c(12, 20),
  delay = c(0, 5, 10),
  rate = c(0.1, .5, 1, 2),
  R = c(1e2, 1e3, 1e4)

if (! dplyr::near(mySlice, 0)){
  simScenarios <- simScenarios %>% dplyr::slice_head(n=mySlice)

if (myPrint){
  cat('\n\nScenarios selected:\n')
  print(knitr::kable(simScenarios, format = 'pipe', digits = 2))
  cat('\nNbr of scenarios is:',NROW(simScenarios),'\n')

shift_delay <-  c(.00001, .0001, .001, .01, .1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40)
lbdVct <- seq(-4, 4, .1)

cat('\n', NROW(simScenarios), "scenarios to make simulations for.\n")

# simulation --------------------------------------------------------------

simScenarios <- simScenarios %>%
  rowwise() %>%
    # simulate data & fit model
    simdat = list(purrr::map(.x = seq_len(myNrep),
                             .f = ~incubate::delay_model(x = incubate::rexp_delayed(n=n, delay=n, rate=rate)))),

    # generate bs_data for delay
    simbsdat = list(purrr::map2(.x = simdat, .y = R,
                                .f = ~incubate:::bsDataStep(.x, bs_data = 'parametric', R = .y)[1L,, drop=TRUE])),
    # box-cox transformation for different delay-shifts
    #simbc = list({retMat <- = rbind,
    #                                args = purrr::map(.x = simbsdat,
    #                                                  .f = ~ {
    #                                                    vapply(X = shift_delay,
    #                                                           FUN = \(sh) {
    #                                                             yval <- .x - min(.x) + sh
    #                                                             fm <- = matrix(1, nrow = length(yval)), y = yval)
    #                                                             fm$y <- yval
    #                                                             bcList <- MASS::boxcox(fm, lambda = lbdVct, plotit = FALSE)
    #                                                             bcMaxInd <- which.max(bcList$y)
    #                                                         bcList$x[bcMaxInd]
    #                                                             # c(shift = sh,
    #                                                             #   bcMaxLbd = bcList$x[bcMaxInd],
    #                                                             #   border = dplyr::case_when(
    #                                                             #     bcMaxInd == 1 ~ -1,
    #                                                             #     bcMaxInd == length(lbdVct) ~ +1,
    #                                                             #     TRUE ~0))
    #                                                           }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = 1L)
    #                                                    )}))
    #colnames(retMat) <- shift_delay
    #cbind(runID = seq_len(length.out = NROW(retMat)), retMat) %>%
    #  tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    #  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = !runID, names_to = 'delay_shift', names_transform = as.numeric, values_to = 'lambda')}),

    # log-displacement transformation
    simld = list(purrr::map_dbl(.x = simbsdat,
                            .f = ~ { yval <- .x - min(.x) # min is probably influenced by R..
                            fm <- = matrix(1, nrow = length(yval)), y = yval)
                            fm$y <- yval
                            ldList <- MASS::logtrans(fm, alpha = c(0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1,, 5, by=.25),,20, by=2)), plotit = FALSE)

                            ldMaxInd <- which.max(ldList$y)
                            ldList$x[ldMaxInd] #+ min(yval)
    # drop simulated bootstrap distribution of delay
    simbsdat = NULL

cat('Sim scenarios done\n')

# write out results -------------------------------------------------------

cat('We save the output relative to directory ', getwd(), '\n')

DATE_TAG <- format(Sys.Date(), '%Y-%m-%d')
saveRDS(simScenarios, file = file.path('results', paste0('simRes_bootstrap_', DATE_TAG, '.rds')))


# visualization -----------------------------------------------------------

#p1 <- simScenarios %>% select(!c(simdat)) %>% unnest(simbc) %>%
#  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = factor(delay_shift), y = value, fill = factor(R))) + geom_boxplot()

# per delay_shift produce an own plot (to judge its consistency in lambda-estimate)
# factor(delay * rate) as x
# n facet in rows
# R: facet in cols

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incubate documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:11 p.m.