
## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ----setup, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------

## ----conditional_block, eval=!pkgdown::in_pkgdown(),echo=F--------------------
"## Table of Contents {#toc}

  1. [Introduction](#intro)
  2. [Specification](#spec)
  3. [Processes](#proc)
  4. [Events](#event)
  5. [Rendering](#render)
  5. [Simulation](#sim)"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
N <- 1e3
I0 <- 5
S0 <- N - I0
dt <- 0.1
tmax <- 100
steps <- tmax/dt
gamma <- 1/10
R0 <- 2.5
beta <- R0 * gamma
health_states <- c("S","I","R")
health_states_t0 <- rep("S",N)
health_states_t0[ = N,size = I0)] <- "I"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
health <- CategoricalVariable$new(categories = health_states,initial_values = health_states_t0)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
infection_process <- function(t){
  I <- health$get_size_of("I")
  foi <- beta * I/N
  S <- health$get_index_of("S")
  S$sample(rate = pexp(q = foi * dt))
  health$queue_update(value = "I",index = S)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
recovery_event <- TargetedEvent$new(population_size = N)
recovery_event$add_listener(function(t, target) {
  health$queue_update("R", target)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
recovery_process <- function(t){
  I <- health$get_index_of("I")
  already_scheduled <- recovery_event$get_scheduled()
  I$and(already_scheduled$not(inplace = TRUE))
  rec_times <- rgeom(n = I$size(),prob = pexp(q = gamma * dt)) + 1
  recovery_event$schedule(target = I,delay = rec_times)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
health_render <- Render$new(timesteps = steps)
health_render_process <- categorical_count_renderer_process(
  renderer = health_render,
  variable = health,
  categories = health_states

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  variables = list(health),
  events = list(recovery_event),
  processes = list(infection_process,recovery_process,health_render_process),
  timesteps = steps

## ----dpi=300, fig.width=6, fig.height=4---------------------------------------
states <- health_render$to_dataframe()
health_cols <-  c("royalblue3","firebrick3","darkorchid3")
  x = states[[1]]*dt, y = states[-1],
  type="l",lwd=2,lty = 1,col = adjustcolor(col = health_cols, alpha.f = 0.85),
  xlab = "Time",ylab = "Count"
  x = "topright",pch = rep(16,3),
  col = health_cols,bg = "transparent",
  legend = health_states, cex = 1.5

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individual documentation built on July 15, 2022, 5:06 p.m.