
Defines functions draw permute_column process_variables permute_once permute bootstrap check_cols check_permutation_attributes use_auto_type has_p_param compare_type_vs_auto_type sanitize_generation_type generate

Documented in generate

#' Generate resamples, permutations, or simulations
#' @description
#' Generation creates a simulated distribution from `specify()`.
#' In the context of confidence intervals, this is a bootstrap distribution
#' based on the result of `specify()`. In the context of hypothesis testing,
#' this is a null distribution based on the result of `specify()` and
#' `hypothesize().`
#' Learn more in `vignette("infer")`.
#' @param x A data frame that can be coerced into a [tibble][tibble::tibble].
#' @param reps The number of resamples to generate.
#' @param type The method used to generate resamples of the observed
#'   data reflecting the null hypothesis. Currently one of
#'   `"bootstrap"`, `"permute"`, or `"draw"` (see below).
#' @param variables If `type = "permute"`, a set of unquoted column names in the
#'   data to permute (independently of each other). Defaults to only the
#'   response variable. Note that any derived effects that depend on these
#'   columns (e.g., interaction effects) will also be affected.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @return A tibble containing `reps` generated datasets, indicated by the
#'   `replicate` column.
#' @section Generation Types:
#' The `type` argument determines the method used to create the null
#' distribution.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item `bootstrap`: A bootstrap sample will be drawn for each replicate,
#'   where a sample of size equal to the input sample size is drawn (with
#'   replacement) from the input sample data.
#'   \item `permute`: For each replicate, each input value will be randomly
#'   reassigned (without replacement) to a new output value in the sample.
#'   \item `draw`: A value will be sampled from a theoretical distribution
#'   with parameter `p` specified in [hypothesize()] for each replicate. This
#'   option is currently only applicable for testing on one proportion. This
#'   generation type was previously called `"simulate"`, which has been
#'   superseded.
#' }
#' @includeRmd man-roxygen/seeds.Rmd
#' @examples
#' # generate a null distribution by taking 200 bootstrap samples
#' gss %>%
#'  specify(response = hours) %>%
#'  hypothesize(null = "point", mu = 40) %>%
#'  generate(reps = 200, type = "bootstrap")
#' # generate a null distribution for the independence of
#' # two variables by permuting their values 200 times
#' gss %>%
#'  specify(partyid ~ age) %>%
#'  hypothesize(null = "independence") %>%
#'  generate(reps = 200, type = "permute")
#' # generate a null distribution via sampling from a
#' # binomial distribution 200 times
#' gss %>%
#' specify(response = sex, success = "female") %>%
#'   hypothesize(null = "point", p = .5) %>%
#'   generate(reps = 200, type = "draw") %>%
#'   calculate(stat = "z")
#' # more in-depth explanation of how to use the infer package
#' \dontrun{
#' vignette("infer")
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @family core functions
#' @export
generate <- function(x, reps = 1, type = NULL,
                     variables = !!response_expr(x), ...) {
  # Check type argument, warning if necessary
  type <- sanitize_generation_type(type)
  auto_type <- sanitize_generation_type(attr(x, "type"))
  type <- if (!is.null(type)) {
    compare_type_vs_auto_type(type, auto_type, x)
  } else {
  attr(x, "type") <- type

  check_cols(x, rlang::enquo(variables), type, missing(variables))

  attr(x, "generated") <- TRUE

    bootstrap = bootstrap(x, reps, ...),
    permute = {
      permute(x, reps, rlang::enquo(variables), ...)
    draw = draw(x, reps, ...),
    simulate = draw(x, reps, ...)

# Check that type argument is an implemented type
sanitize_generation_type <- function(x, call = caller_env()) {
  if (is.null(x)) return(x)

  check_type(x, is.character, call = call)

  if (!x %in% c("bootstrap", "permute", "simulate", "draw")) {
      'The `type` argument should be one of "bootstrap", "permute", \\
       or "draw". See {.help [{.fun generate}](infer::generate)} for more details.',
      call = call

  if (x == "simulate") {
      'The `"simulate"` generation type has been renamed to `"draw"`. \\
       Use `type = "draw"` instead to quiet this message.'


# Ensure that the supplied type matches what would be assumed from input
compare_type_vs_auto_type <- function(type, auto_type, x) {
  if(is.null(auto_type)) {

  if ((type == "bootstrap" && has_p_param(x)) ||
      (type != "bootstrap" && auto_type != type &&
        # make sure auto_type vs type difference isn't just an alias
        (any(!c(auto_type, type) %in% c("draw", "simulate"))))
     ) {
        "You have given `type = \"{type}\"`, but `type` is expected \\
         to be `\"{auto_type}\"`. This workflow is untested and \\
         the results may not mean what you think they mean."


has_p_param <- function(x) {
   if (!has_attr(x, "params")) {

   if (all(grepl("^p\\.", names(attr(x, "params"))))) {


use_auto_type <- function(auto_type) {
  cli_inform('Setting `type = "{auto_type}"` in `generate()`.')

check_permutation_attributes <- function(x, call = caller_env()) {
  if (any(!has_attr(x, "response"), !has_attr(x, "explanatory")) &&
      !identical(attr(x, "null"), "paired independence")) {
       "Please {.fun specify} an explanatory and a response variable \\
        when permuting.",
       call = call

check_cols <- function(x, variables, type, missing, arg_name = "variables", call = caller_env()) {
  if (!rlang::is_symbolic(rlang::get_expr(variables)) && type == "permute") {
       "The {.arg {arg_name}} argument should be one or more unquoted variable names \\
        (not strings in quotation marks).",
       call = call

  if (!missing && type != "permute") {
      'The {.arg {arg_name}} argument is only relevant for the "permute" \\
       generation type and will be ignored.'

    should_prompt <- FALSE
  } else {
    should_prompt <- TRUE

  col_names <- process_variables(variables, should_prompt)

  if (any(!col_names %in% colnames(x))) {
    bad_cols <- col_names[!col_names %in% colnames(x)]

      '{qty(bad_cols)}The column{?s} {.field {bad_cols}} provided to \\
       the {.arg {arg_name}} argument{qty(bad_cols)} {?is/are} not in the supplied data.',
      call = call

bootstrap <- function(x, reps = 1, ...) {
  # Check if hypothesis test chosen
  if (is_hypothesized(x)) {
    # If so, shift the variable chosen to have a mean corresponding
    # to that specified in `hypothesize`
    if (!is.null(attr(attr(x, "params"), "names"))){
      if (identical(attr(attr(x, "params"), "names"), "mu")) {
        col <- response_name(x)
        x[[col]] <- x[[col]] - mean(x[[col]], na.rm = TRUE) + attr(x, "params")

    # Similarly for median
      else if (identical(attr(attr(x, "params"), "names"), "med")) {
        col <- response_name(x)
        x[[col]] <- x[[col]] -
          stats::median(x[[col]], na.rm = TRUE) + attr(x, "params")

  # Set variables for use in calculate()
  result <- rep_sample_n(x, size = nrow(x), replace = TRUE, reps = reps)
  result <- copy_attrs(to = result, from = x)


#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows group_by
permute <- function(x, reps = 1, variables, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  nrow_x <- nrow(x)
  df_out <- replicate(reps, permute_once(x, variables, call = call), simplify = FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(replicate = rep(1:reps, each = !!nrow_x)) %>%
    group_by_replicate(reps, nrow_x)

  df_out <- copy_attrs(to = df_out, from = x)


permute_once <- function(x, variables, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  dots <- list(...)
  null <- attr(x, "null")

  if (!is_hypothesized(x) ||
      !null %in% c("independence", "paired independence")) {
       "Permuting should be done only when doing an independence \\
        hypothesis test. See {.help [{.fun hypothesize}](infer::hypothesize)}.",
       call = call

  variables <- process_variables(variables, FALSE)
  if (null == "independence") {
     # for each column, determine whether it should be permuted
     needs_permuting <- colnames(x) %in% variables

     # pass each to permute_column with its associated logical
     out <- purrr::map2(x, needs_permuting, permute_column)
     out <- tibble::new_tibble(out)
  } else {
     out <- x
     signs <- sample(c(-1, 1), nrow(x), replace = TRUE, prob = c(.5, .5))
     out[[variables]] <- x[[variables]] * signs

  copy_attrs(out, x)


process_variables <- function(variables, should_prompt) {
  # extract the expression and convert each element to string
  out <- rlang::get_expr(variables)

  if (length(out) == 1) {
    out <- as.character(out)
  } else {
    out <- as.list(out)
    out <- purrr::map(out, as.character)

  # drop c()
  out[out == "c"] <- NULL

  # drop interactions and message
  interactions <- purrr::map_lgl(out, `%in%`, x = "*")

  if (any(interactions) && should_prompt) {
      "Message: Please supply only data columns to the {.arg variables} argument. \\
       Note that any derived effects that depend on these columns will also \\
       be affected."

  out <- out[!interactions]


permute_column <- function(col, permute) {
  if (permute) {
    sample(col, size = length(col), replace = FALSE)
  } else {

#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom rlang :=
draw <- function(x, reps = 1, ...) {
  fct_levels <- as.character(unique(response_variable(x)))

  probs <- format_params(x)
  col_simmed <- unlist(replicate(
    sample(fct_levels, size = nrow(x), replace = TRUE, prob = probs),
    simplify = FALSE

  x_nrow <- nrow(x)
  rep_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
    !!response_expr(x) := as.factor(col_simmed),
    replicate = as.factor(rep(1:reps, rep(x_nrow, reps)))

  rep_tbl <- copy_attrs(to = rep_tbl, from = x)

  rep_tbl <- group_by_replicate(rep_tbl, reps, nrow(x))


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infer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:54 a.m.