#' Shade histogram area beyond an observed statistic
#' @description
#' `shade_p_value()` plots a p-value region on top of
#' [visualize()] output. The output is a ggplot2 layer that can be added with
#' `+`. The function has a shorter alias, `shade_pvalue()`.
#' Learn more in `vignette("infer")`.
#' @param obs_stat The observed statistic or estimate. For
#' [calculate()]-based workflows, this will be a 1-element numeric vector or
#' a `1 x 1` data frame containing the observed statistic.
#' For [`fit()`][fit.infer()]-based workflows, a `(p + 1) x 2` data frame
#' with columns `term` and `estimate` giving the observed estimate for
#' each term.
#' @param direction A string specifying in which direction the shading should
#' occur. Options are `"less"`, `"greater"`, or `"two-sided"`. Can
#' also give `"left"`, `"right"`, `"both"`, `"two_sided"`, `"two sided"`,
#' or `"two.sided"`. If `NULL`, the function will not shade any area.
#' @param color A character or hex string specifying the color of the observed
#' statistic as a vertical line on the plot.
#' @param fill A character or hex string specifying the color to shade the
#' p-value region. If `NULL`, the function will not shade any area.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed along to ggplot2 functions.
#' For expert use only.
#' @return If added to an existing infer visualization, a ggplot2
#' object displaying the supplied statistic on top of its corresponding
#' distribution. Otherwise, an `infer_layer` list.
#' @examples
#' # find the point estimate---mean number of hours worked per week
#' point_estimate <- gss %>%
#' specify(response = hours) %>%
#' hypothesize(null = "point", mu = 40) %>%
#' calculate(stat = "t")
#' # ...and a null distribution
#' null_dist <- gss %>%
#' # ...we're interested in the number of hours worked per week
#' specify(response = hours) %>%
#' # hypothesizing that the mean is 40
#' hypothesize(null = "point", mu = 40) %>%
#' # generating data points for a null distribution
#' generate(reps = 1000, type = "bootstrap") %>%
#' # estimating the null distribution
#' calculate(stat = "t")
#' # shade the p-value of the point estimate
#' null_dist %>%
#' visualize() +
#' shade_p_value(obs_stat = point_estimate, direction = "two-sided")
#' # you can shade confidence intervals on top of
#' # theoretical distributions, too!
#' null_dist_theory <- gss %>%
#' specify(response = hours) %>%
#' assume(distribution = "t")
#' null_dist_theory %>%
#' visualize() +
#' shade_p_value(obs_stat = point_estimate, direction = "two-sided")
#' \donttest{
#' # to visualize distributions of coefficients for multiple
#' # explanatory variables, use a `fit()`-based workflow
#' # fit 1000 linear models with the `hours` variable permuted
#' null_fits <- gss %>%
#' specify(hours ~ age + college) %>%
#' hypothesize(null = "independence") %>%
#' generate(reps = 1000, type = "permute") %>%
#' fit()
#' null_fits
#' # fit a linear model to the observed data
#' obs_fit <- gss %>%
#' specify(hours ~ age + college) %>%
#' fit()
#' obs_fit
#' # visualize distributions of coefficients
#' # generated under the null
#' visualize(null_fits)
#' # add a p-value shading layer to juxtapose the null
#' # fits with the observed fit for each term
#' visualize(null_fits) +
#' shade_p_value(obs_fit, direction = "both")
#' # the direction argument will be applied
#' # to the plot for each term
#' visualize(null_fits) +
#' shade_p_value(obs_fit, direction = "left")
#' }
#' # more in-depth explanation of how to use the infer package
#' \dontrun{
#' vignette("infer")
#' }
#' @name shade_p_value
#' @rdname shade_p_value
#' @family visualization functions
#' @export
shade_p_value <- function(obs_stat, direction,
color = "red2", fill = "pink", ...) {
# since most of the logic for p-value shading is in shade_p_value_term, which
# is only called by ``, we need to check for mistakenly piped inputs here
check_for_piped_visualize(obs_stat, direction, color, fill)
# store inputs in classed output that can passed to a `ggplot_add` method
"A p-value shading layer.",
class = "infer_layer",
fn = "shade_p_value",
obs_stat = if (is.null(obs_stat)) {NA} else {obs_stat},
direction = if (is.null(direction)) {NA} else {direction},
color = color,
fill = list(fill),
dots = list(...)
#' @rdname shade_p_value
#' @export
shade_pvalue <- shade_p_value
shade_p_value_term <- function(plot, obs_stat, direction,
color = "red2", fill = "pink", dots,
call = rlang::call2("shade_p_value")) {
if (all( {
obs_stat <- NULL
if (all( {
direction <- NULL
# argument checking
obs_stat <- check_obs_stat(obs_stat, plot, call = call)
check_shade_p_value_args(obs_stat, direction, color, fill, call = call)
term <- x_axis_label(plot)
res <- list()
if (is.null(obs_stat)) {
# Add shading
if (!is.null(direction) && !is.null(fill)) {
if (direction %in% c("less", "left", "greater", "right")) {
tail_area <- one_tail_area(obs_stat, direction)
res <- c(res,, c(list(tail_area, fill), dots)))
} else if (direction %in% c("two_sided", "both",
"two-sided", "two sided", "two.sided")) {
tail_area <- two_tail_area(obs_stat, direction)
res <- c(res,, c(list(tail_area, fill), dots)))
} else {
'`direction` should be one of `"less"`, `"left"`, `"greater"`, \\
`"right"`, `"two-sided"`, `"both"`, `"two_sided"`, `"two sided"`, \\
or `"two.sided"`.'
# Add vertical line at `obs_stat`
# Making extra step of precomputing arguments in order to have default value
# of `linewidth = 2` overwritable in `...`
segment_args <- c_dedupl(
# Not overwritable arguments
# Address length-1 aesthetics warning by providing geom-specific data (#528)
data = data.frame(obs_stat = obs_stat),
# Here `aes()` is needed to force {ggplot2} to include segment in the plot
mapping = aes(x = obs_stat, xend = obs_stat, y = 0, yend = Inf),
color = color,
inherit.aes = FALSE
# Extra arguments
# Default arguments that might be replaced in `...`
list(linewidth = 2)
segment_layer <-, segment_args)
res <- c(res, list(segment_layer))
plot + res
check_shade_p_value_args <- function(obs_stat, direction, color, fill, call = caller_env()) {
if (!is.null(obs_stat)) {
check_type(obs_stat, is.numeric, call = call)
if (!is.null(direction)) {
check_type(direction, is.character, call = call)
check_type(color, is_color_string, "color string", call = call)
check_type(fill, is_color_string, "color string", call = call)
geom_tail_area <- function(tail_data, fill, ...) {
area_args <- c_dedupl(
data = tail_data,
mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, group = dir),
fill = fill,
show.legend = FALSE,
inherit.aes = FALSE
list(alpha = 0.6)
area_layer <-, area_args)
two_tail_area <- function(obs_stat, direction) {
# Take advantage of {ggplot2} functionality to accept function as `data`.
# This is needed to make possible existence of `shade_p_value()` in case of
# `direction = "both"`, as it depends on actual `data` but adding it as
# argument to `shade_p_value()` is very bad.
# Also needed to warn about incorrect usage of right tail tests.
function(data) {
warn_right_tail_test(direction, short_theory_type(data))
if (get_viz_method(data) == "theoretical") {
second_border <- -obs_stat
} else {
second_border <- mirror_obs_stat(data$stat, obs_stat)
left_area <- one_tail_area(
min(obs_stat, second_border), "left", do_warn = FALSE
right_area <- one_tail_area(
max(obs_stat, second_border), "right", do_warn = FALSE
ret <- dplyr::bind_rows(left_area, right_area)
# jitter one of the x coords that the right and left area have in common
# so that their heights aren't summed
common_x <- which.max(ret$x[ret$dir == "left"])
ret$x[common_x] <- ret$x[common_x] - 1e-5*ret$x[common_x]
one_tail_area <- function(obs_stat, direction, do_warn = TRUE) {
# Take advantage of {ggplot2} functionality to accept function as `data`.
function(data) {
warn_right_tail_test(direction, short_theory_type(data), do_warn)
norm_dir <- norm_direction(direction)
viz_method <- get_viz_method(data)
# Compute grid points for upper bound of shading area
theoretical = theor_area(data, obs_stat, norm_dir),
simulation = hist_area(data, obs_stat, norm_dir, yval = "ymax"),
both = hist_area(data, obs_stat, norm_dir, yval = "density")
theor_area <- function(data, obs_stat, direction, n_grid = 1001) {
plot_data <- create_plot_data(data)
g <- ggplot(plot_data) + theoretical_layer(data, "black", do_warn = FALSE)
g_data <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(g)[["data"]][[1]]
curve_fun <- stats::approxfun(
x = g_data[["x"]], y = g_data[["y"]], yleft = 0, yright = 0
# Compute "x" grid of curve, area under which will be shaded.
x_grid <- switch(
# `direction` can be one of "left" or "right" at this point of execution
left = seq(from = min(g_data[["x"]]), to = obs_stat, length.out = n_grid),
right = seq(from = obs_stat, to = max(g_data[["x"]]), length.out = n_grid)
tibble::tibble(x = x_grid, y = curve_fun(x_grid), dir = direction)
hist_area <- function(data, obs_stat, direction, yval) {
g <- ggplot(data) + simulation_layer(data)
g_data <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(g)[["data"]][[1]]
# Compute knots for step function representing histogram bars and space
# between them.
# "x" coordinates are computed from `x_left` and `x_right`: "x" coordinates
# of "shrinked" (to avoid duplicte points later) histogram bars.
x_left <- (1-1e-5)*g_data[["xmin"]] + 1e-5*g_data[["xmax"]]
x_right <- 1e-5*g_data[["xmin"]] + (1 - 1e-5)*g_data[["xmax"]]
# `x` is created as `c(x_left[1], x_right[1], x_left[2], ...)`
x <- c(t(cbind(x_left, x_right)))
# "y" coordinates represent values of future `stepfun(..., right = FALSE)`
# outputs between `x` knots. That is:
# y[1] is value inside [-Inf, x_left[1]) (zero),
# y[2] - value inside [x_left[1], x_right[1]) (height of first histogram bar),
# y[3] - value inside [x_right[1], x_left[2]) (zero), and so on.
y <- c(0, t(cbind(g_data[[yval]], 0)))
# Output step function should evaluate to histogram bar heights on both
# corresponding ends, i.e. `curve_fun(c(x_left[1], x_right[1]))` should return
# vector of length two with heights of first histogram bar. `stepfun()` treats
# input `x` as consequtive semi-open intervals. To achieve effect of closed
# intervals, `pmax()` trick is used.
curve_fun <- function(t) {
stats::stepfun(x, y, right = FALSE)(t),
stats::stepfun(x, y, right = TRUE)(t)
# "True" left and right "x" coordinates of histogram bars are added to achieve
# "almost vertical" lines with `geom_area()` usage. If don't do this, then
# area might be shaded under line segments connecting edges of consequtive
# histogram bars.
x_extra <- switch(direction, left = g_data[["xmax"]], right = g_data[["xmin"]])
x_extra <- sort(c(x, x_extra))
x_grid <- switch(
# `direction` can be one of "left" or "right" at this point of execution
left = c(x_extra[x_extra < obs_stat], obs_stat),
right = c(obs_stat, x_extra[x_extra > obs_stat])
# if area will have area 0, return 0-length tibble to trigger
# `ggplot:::empty()` edge case (#528)
if (length(x_grid) == 1) {
return(tibble::tibble(x = numeric(0), y = numeric(0), dir = character(0)))
tibble::tibble(x = x_grid, y = curve_fun(x_grid), dir = direction)
norm_direction <- function(direction) {
less = , left = "left",
greater = , right = "right",
two_sided = , `two-sided` = , `two sided` = , `two.sided` = , both = "both"
warn_right_tail_test <- function(direction, stat_name, do_warn = TRUE) {
if (do_warn && !is.null(direction) &&
!(direction %in% c("greater", "right")) &&
(stat_name %in% c("F", "Chi-Square"))) {
"{stat_name} usually corresponds to right-tailed tests. \\
Proceed with caution."
mirror_obs_stat <- function(vector, observation) {
obs_percentile <- stats::ecdf(vector)(observation)
stats::quantile(vector, probs = 1 - obs_percentile)
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