#' Connection weights method
#' @description
#' This class implements the *Connection weights* method investigated by
#' Olden et al. (2004), which results in a relevance score for each input
#' variable. The basic idea is to multiply all path weights for each
#' possible connection between an input feature and the output node and then
#' calculate the sum over them. Besides, it is originally a global
#' interpretation method and independent of the input data. For a neural
#' network with \eqn{3} hidden layers with weight matrices \eqn{W_1},
#' \eqn{W_2} and \eqn{W_3}, this method results in a simple matrix
#' multiplication independent of the activation functions in between:
#' \deqn{W_1 * W_2 * W_3.}
#' In this package, we extended this method to a local method inspired by the
#' method *Gradient\eqn{\times}Input* (see [`Gradient`]). Hence, the local variant is
#' simply the point-wise product of the global *Connection weights* method and
#' the input data. You can use this variant by setting the `times_input`
#' argument to `TRUE` and providing input data.
#' The R6 class can also be initialized using the [`run_cw`] function
#' as a helper function so that no prior knowledge of R6 classes is required.
#' @template examples-ConnectionWeights
#' @template param-converter
#' @template param-data-optional
#' @template param-channels_first
#' @template param-dtype
#' @template param-output_idx
#' @template param-output_label
#' @template param-verbose
#' @references
#' * J. D. Olden et al. (2004) \emph{An accurate comparison of methods for
#' quantifying variable importance in artificial neural networks using
#' simulated data.} Ecological Modelling 178, p. 389–397
#' @family methods
#' @export
ConnectionWeights <- R6Class(
classname = "ConnectionWeights",
inherit = InterpretingMethod,
public = list(
#' @field times_input (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' This logical value indicates whether the results from
#' the *Connection weights* method were multiplied by the provided input
#' data or not. Thus, this value specifies whether the original global
#' variant of the method or the local one was applied. If the value is
#' `TRUE`, then data is provided in the field `data`.
times_input = NULL,
#' @description
#' Create a new instance of the class `ConnectionWeights`. When
#' initialized, the method is applied and the results
#' are stored in the field `result`.
#' @param times_input (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Multiplies the results with the input features.
#' This variant turns the global *Connection weights* method into a local
#' one. Default: `FALSE`.\cr
initialize = function(converter,
data = NULL,
output_idx = NULL,
output_label = NULL,
channels_first = TRUE,
times_input = FALSE,
verbose = interactive(),
dtype = "float") {
cli_check(checkClass(converter, "Converter"), "converter")
self$converter <- converter
cli_check(checkLogical(channels_first), "channels_first")
self$channels_first <- channels_first
cli_check(checkLogical(times_input), "times_input")
self$times_input <- times_input
cli_check(checkLogical(verbose), "verbose")
self$verbose <- verbose
cli_check(checkChoice(dtype, c("float", "double")), "dtype")
self$dtype <- dtype
# Check output indices and labels
outputs <- check_output_idx(output_idx, converter$output_dim,
output_label, converter$output_names)
self$output_idx <- outputs[[1]]
self$output_label <- outputs[[2]]
if (times_input & is.null(data)) {
"If you want to use the {.emph ConnectionWeights} method with the ",
"{.arg times_input} argument, you must also specify {.arg data}! "
} else if (times_input) {
self$data <- private$test_data(data)
} else {
if (!is.null(data)) {
"If {.arg times_input} = FALSE, then the method {.emph ConnectionWeights} ",
"is a global method and independent of the data. Therefore, the ",
"argument {.arg data} will be ignored."
# Set only a single data index
self$data <- list(torch_tensor(1))
self$ignore_last_act <- FALSE
result <- private$run("Connection-Weights")
if (self$times_input) {
result <- calc_times_input(result, self$data)
self$result <- result
private = list(
print_method_specific = function() {
i <- cli_ul()
if (self$times_input) {
cli_li(paste0("{.field times_input}: TRUE (",
" local {.emph ConnectionWeights} method)"))
} else {
cli_li(paste0("{.field times_input}: FALSE (",
" global {.emph ConnectionWeights} method)"))
cli_end(id = i)
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