#' Converter of an artificial neural network
#' @description
#' This class analyzes a passed neural network and stores its internal
#' structure and the individual layers by converting the entire network into an
#' \code{\link[torch]{nn_module}}. With the help of this converter, many
#' methods for interpreting the behavior of neural networks are provided, which
#' give a better understanding of the whole model or individual predictions.
#' You can use models from the following libraries:
#' * `torch` (\code{\link[torch]{nn_sequential}})
#' * \code{\link[keras]{keras}} (\code{\link[keras]{keras_model}},
#' \code{\link[keras]{keras_model_sequential}}),
#' * \code{\link[neuralnet]{neuralnet}}
#' Furthermore, a model can be passed as a list (see
#' \code{vignette("detailed_overview", package = "innsight")} or the
#' [website](
#' The R6 class can also be initialized using the [`convert`] function
#' as a helper function so that no prior knowledge of R6 classes is required.
#' @field model ([`ConvertedModel`])\cr
#' The converted neural network based on the torch module [ConvertedModel].\cr
#' @field input_dim (`list`)\cr
#' A list of the input dimensions of each input layer. Since
#' internally the "channels first" format is used for all calculations, the
#' input shapes are already in this format. In addition, the batch
#' dimension isn't included, e.g., for an input layer of shape `c(*,32,32,3)`
#' with channels in the last axis you get `list(c(3,32,32))`.\cr
#' @field input_names (`list`)\cr
#' A list with the names as factors for each input
#' dimension of the shape as stored in the field `input_dim`.\cr
#' @field output_dim (`list`)\cr
#' A list of the output dimensions of each output layer.\cr
#' @field output_names (`list`)\cr A list with the names as factors for each
#' output dimension of shape as stored in the field `output_dim`.\cr
#' @field model_as_list (`list`)\cr
#' The model stored in a named list (see details for more
#' information). By default, the entry `model_as_list$layers` is deleted
#' because it may require a lot of memory for large networks. However, with
#' the argument `save_model_as_list` this can be saved anyway.\cr
#' @template details-Converter
#' @template examples-Converter
#' @references
#' * J. D. Olden et al. (2004) \emph{An accurate comparison of methods for
#' quantifying variable importance in artificial neural networks using
#' simulated data.} Ecological Modelling 178, p. 389–397
#' * S. Bach et al. (2015) \emph{On pixel-wise explanations for non-linear
#' classifier decisions by layer-wise relevance propagation.} PLoS ONE 10,
#' p. 1-46
#' * M. T. Ribeiro et al. (2016) \emph{"Why should I trust you?": Explaining
#' the predictions of any classifier.} KDD 2016, p. 1135-1144
#' * A. Shrikumar et al. (2017) \emph{Learning important features through
#' propagating activation differences.} ICML 2017, p. 4844-4866
#' * D. Smilkov et al. (2017) \emph{SmoothGrad: removing noise by adding noise.}
#' CoRR, abs/1706.03825
#' M. Sundararajan et al. (2017) \emph{Axiomatic attribution for deep networks.}
#' ICML 2017, p.3319-3328
#' * S. Lundberg et al. (2017) \emph{A unified approach to interpreting model
#' predictions.} NIPS 2017, p. 4768-4777
#' * G. Erion et al. (2021) \emph{Improving performance of deep learning models
#' with axiomatic attribution priors and expected gradients.} Nature Machine
#' Intelligence 3, p. 620-631
#' @export
Converter <- R6Class("Converter",
public = list(
model = NULL,
input_dim = NULL,
input_names = NULL,
output_dim = NULL,
output_names = NULL,
model_as_list = NULL,
### -----------------------------Initialize--------------------------------
#' @description
#' Create a new [Converter] object for a given neural network. When initialized,
#' the model is inspected, converted as a list and then the a
#' torch-converted model ([ConvertedModel]) is created and stored in
#' the field `model`.
#' @param model ([`nn_sequential`], \code{\link[keras]{keras_model}},
#' \code{\link[neuralnet]{neuralnet}} or `list`)\cr
#' A trained neural network for classification or regression
#' tasks to be interpreted. Only models from the following types or
#' packages are allowed: \code{\link[torch]{nn_sequential}},
#' \code{\link[keras]{keras_model}},
#' \code{\link[keras]{keras_model_sequential}},
#' \code{\link[neuralnet]{neuralnet}} or a named list (see details).
#' @param input_dim (`integer` or `list`)\cr
#' The model input dimension excluding the batch
#' dimension. If there is only one input layer it can be specified as
#' a vector, otherwise use a list of the shapes of the
#' individual input layers.\cr
#' *Note:* This argument is only necessary for `torch::nn_sequential`,
#' for all others it is automatically extracted from the passed model
#' and used for internal checks. In addition, the input dimension
#' `input_dim` has to be in the format "channels first".\cr
#' @param input_names (`character`, `factor` or `list`)\cr
#' The input names of the model excluding the batch dimension. For a model
#' with a single input layer and input axis (e.g., for tabular data), the
#' input names can be specified as a character vector or factor, e.g.,
#' for a dense layer with 3 input features use `c("X1", "X2", "X3")`. If
#' the model input consists of multiple axes (e.g., for signal and
#' image data), use a list of character vectors or factors for each axis
#' in the format "channels first", e.g., use
#' `list(c("C1", "C2"), c("L1","L2","L3","L4","L5"))` for a 1D
#' convolutional input layer with signal length 4 and 2 channels. For
#' models with multiple input layers, use a list of the upper ones for each
#' layer.\cr
#' *Note:* This argument is optional and otherwise the names are
#' generated automatically. But if this argument is set, all found
#' input names in the passed model will be disregarded.\cr
#' @param output_names (`character`, `factor` or `list`)\cr
#' A character vector with the names for the output dimensions
#' excluding the batch dimension, e.g., for a model with 3 output nodes use
#' `c("Y1", "Y2", "Y3")`. Instead of a character
#' vector you can also use a factor to set an order for the plots. If the
#' model has multiple output layers, use a list of the upper ones.\cr
#' *Note:* This argument is optional and otherwise the names are
#' generated automatically. But if this argument is set, all found
#' output names in the passed model will be disregarded.\cr
#' @param save_model_as_list (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' This logical value specifies whether the
#' passed model should be stored as a list. This list can take
#' a lot of memory for large networks, so by default the model is not
#' stored as a list (`FALSE`).\cr
#' @param dtype (`character(1)`)\cr
#' The data type for the calculations. Use
#' either `'float'` for [torch::torch_float] or `'double'` for
#' [torch::torch_double].\cr
#' @return A new instance of the R6 class \code{Converter}.
initialize = function(model, input_dim = NULL, input_names = NULL,
output_names = NULL, dtype = "float",
save_model_as_list = FALSE) {
cli_check(checkChoice(dtype, c("float", "double")), "dtype")
cli_check(checkLogical(save_model_as_list), "save_model_as_list")
# Analyze the passed model and store its internal structure in a list of
# layers
# Package: Neuralnet ----------------------------------------------------
if (inherits(model, "nn")) {
model_as_list <- convert_neuralnet_model(model)
} else if (is_keras_model(model)) {
# Package: Keras ------------------------------------------------------
model_as_list <- convert_keras_model(model)
} else if (is.list(model)) {
# Model from list -----------------------------------------------------
model_as_list <- model
} else if (inherits(model, "nn_module") && is_nn_module(model)) {
# Package: Torch ------------------------------------------------------
model_as_list <- convert_torch(model, input_dim)
} else {
# Unknown model class -------------------------------------------------
"Unknown argument {.arg model} of class(es): '",
paste(class(model), collapse = "', '"), "'"
# Check input dimension (if specified)
if (!is.null(input_dim)) {
if (!is.list(input_dim)) {
input_dim <- list(input_dim)
checkTRUE(length(input_dim) == length(model_as_list$input_dim)),
"length(input_dim) == length(model_as_list$input_dim)")
for (i in seq_along(input_dim)) {
checkSetEqual(input_dim[[i]], model_as_list$input_dim[[i]],
ordered = TRUE),
paste0("input_dim[[", i, "]]"))
# Set input and output names
if (!is.null(input_names)) {
model_as_list$input_names <- input_names
if (!is.null(output_names)) {
model_as_list$output_names <- output_names
# Create torch model
private$create_model_from_list(model_as_list, dtype, save_model_as_list)
#' @description
#' Print a summary of the `Converter` object. This summary contains the
#' individual fields and in particular the torch-converted model
#' ([ConvertedModel]) with the layers.
#' @return Returns the `Converter` object invisibly via [`base::invisible`].
print = function() {
private = list(
create_model_from_list = function(model_as_list, dtype = "float",
save_model_as_list = FALSE) {
#------------------- Do necessary checks --------------------------------
# Necessary entries in the list:
# 'layers', 'input_dim', 'input_nodes', 'output_nodes'
cli_check(checkNames(names(model_as_list), must.include = c("layers")),
cli_check(checkList(model_as_list$layers, min.len = 1),
# Make sure that 'input_dim' is a list
if (!is.list(model_as_list$input_dim)) {
model_as_list$input_dim <- list(model_as_list$input_dim)
cli_check(checkList(model_as_list$input_dim, types = "integerish"),
# Save input dimensions as integers
model_as_list$input_dim <- lapply(model_as_list$input_dim, as.integer)
# Check whether input and output nodes are given
lower = 1, null.ok = TRUE,
upper = length(model_as_list$layers)
), "model_as_list$input_nodes")
lower = 1, null.ok = TRUE,
upper = length(model_as_list$layers)
), "model_as_list$output_nodes")
if (is.null(model_as_list$input_nodes)) {
"Argument {.arg input_nodes} is unspecified! In the following, it is ",
"assumed that the first entry in {.arg model$layers} is the only ",
"input layer.")
model_as_list$input_nodes <- 1L
if (is.null(model_as_list$output_nodes)) {
"Argument {.arg output_nodes} is unspecified! In the following, it is ",
"assumed that the last entry in {.arg model$layers} is the only output ",
model_as_list$output_nodes <- length(model_as_list$layers)
# Optional arguments
# Make sure that 'output_dim' is a list or NULL
out_dim <- model_as_list$output_dim
if (!is.null(out_dim) & !is.list(out_dim)) {
model_as_list$output_dim <- list(out_dim)
cli_check(checkList(model_as_list$output_dim, types = "integerish",
null.ok = TRUE), "model_as_list$output_dim")
# In- and output names are stored as a list of lists. The outer list
# represents the different in- or output layers of the model and the
# inner list contains the names for the layer
if (!is.null(model_as_list$input_names)) {
model_as_list$input_names <- set_name_format(model_as_list$input_names)
if (!is.null(model_as_list$output_names)) {
model_as_list$output_names <-
#--------------------- Create torch modules -----------------------------
# Create lists to save the layers (modules list) and the corresponding
# input (input_layers) and output layers (output_layers). These are
# necessary to reconstruct the computational graph
modules_list <- list()
input_layers <- list()
output_layers <- list()
# Create torch modules from 'model_as_list'
for (i in seq_along(model_as_list$layers)) {
layer_as_list <- model_as_list$layers[[i]]
type <- layer_as_list$type
cli_check(checkString(type), "type")
cli_check(checkChoice(type, c(
"Flatten", "Skipping", "Dense", "Conv1D", "Conv2D",
"MaxPooling1D", "MaxPooling2D", "AveragePooling1D",
"AveragePooling2D", "Concatenate", "Add", "Padding", "BatchNorm",
"GlobalPooling", "Activation"
)), "type")
# Get incoming and outgoing layers (as indices) of the current layer
in_layers <- layer_as_list$input_layers
out_layers <- layer_as_list$output_layers
# Check for correct format of the layer indices
checkList(in_layers, types = "integerish"),
checkIntegerish(in_layers, any.missing = FALSE, null.ok = TRUE)
), "in_layers")
checkList(out_layers, types = "integerish"),
checkIntegerish(out_layers, any.missing = FALSE, null.ok = TRUE)
), "out_layers")
# Set default for 'out_layers' and 'in_layers'
if (is.null(in_layers)) {
"Argument {.arg model$layers[[", i, "]]$in_layers} is not specified! ",
"In the following, it is assumed that the layer of index '",
max(i - 1, 0), "' is the input layer of the current one.")
in_layers <- max(i - 1, 0)
if (is.null(out_layers)) {
num_layers <- length(model_as_list$layers)
out_layers <- ifelse(i == num_layers, -1, i + 1)
"Argument {.arg model$layers[[", i, "]]$out_layers} is not specified! ",
"In the following, it is assumed that the layer of index '",
out_layers, "' is the subsequent layer of the current one.")
# Store the layer indices in the corresponding lists
input_layers[[i]] <- in_layers
output_layers[[i]] <- out_layers
# Create the torch module for the current layer
layer <- switch(type,
Flatten = create_flatten_layer(layer_as_list),
Skipping = create_skipping_layer(layer_as_list),
Dense = create_dense_layer(layer_as_list, dtype),
Conv1D = create_conv1d_layer(layer_as_list, dtype, i),
Conv2D = create_conv2d_layer(layer_as_list, dtype, i),
MaxPooling1D = create_pooling_layer(layer_as_list, type),
MaxPooling2D = create_pooling_layer(layer_as_list, type),
AveragePooling1D = create_pooling_layer(layer_as_list, type),
AveragePooling2D = create_pooling_layer(layer_as_list, type),
Concatenate = create_concatenate_layer(layer_as_list),
Add = create_add_layer(layer_as_list),
Padding = create_padding_layer(layer_as_list),
BatchNorm = create_batchnorm_layer(layer_as_list),
GlobalPooling = create_globalpooling_layer(layer_as_list),
Activation = create_activation_layer(layer_as_list)
# Set a name for the layer
modules_list[[paste(type, i, sep = "_")]] <- layer
#-------- Create computational graph and ConvertedModel ------------------
# Create graph
graph <- create_structered_graph(
input_layers, output_layers,
# Check modules and graph and register input and output shapes for each
# layer
tmp <-
check_and_register_shapes(modules_list, graph, model_as_list, dtype)
# Create torch model of class 'ConvertedModel'
model <- ConvertedModel(tmp$modules_list, graph,
dtype = dtype
#---------------- Check if the converted model is correct ---------------
# Check output dimensions
if (!is.null(model_as_list$output_dim) &&
!all_equal(model_as_list$output_dim, tmp$calc_output_shapes)) {
calc <- shape_to_char(tmp$calc_output_shapes)
given <- shape_to_char(model_as_list$output_dim)
"Missmatch between the calculated and given model output shapes:",
"*" = paste0("Calculated: '", calc, "'"),
"*" = paste0("Given: '", given, "'")),
use_paste = FALSE)
model_as_list$output_dim <- tmp$calc_output_shapes
# Check for classification output
output_dims <- unlist(lapply(model_as_list$output_dim, length))
if (any(output_dims != 1)) {
"This package only allows models with classification or regression ",
"output, i.e. the model output dimension has to be one. ",
"But your model has an output dimension of '",
max(output_dims), "'!")
# Check input names
if (is.null(model_as_list$input_names)) {
model_as_list$input_names <-
} else {
input_names <- model_as_list$input_names
input_names_lenght <- lapply(input_names,
function(x) unlist(lapply(x, length)))
if (!all_equal(input_names_lenght, model_as_list$input_dim)) {
given <- shape_to_char(input_names_lenght)
calc <- shape_to_char(model_as_list$input_dim)
paste0("Missmatch between the calculated shape of input names and ",
"given input names:"),
"*" = paste0("Calculated: '", calc, "'"),
"*" = paste0("Given: '", given, "'")),
use_paste = FALSE)
# Check output names
if (is.null(model_as_list$output_names)) {
model_as_list$output_names <-
} else {
output_names <- model_as_list$output_names
output_names_length <- lapply(output_names,
function(x) unlist(lapply(x, length)))
if (!all_equal(output_names_length, model_as_list$output_dim)) {
given <- shape_to_char(output_names_length)
calc <- shape_to_char(model_as_list$output_dim)
paste0("Missmatch between the calculated shape of output names and ",
"given output names:"),
"*" = paste0("Calculated: '", calc, "'"),
"*" = paste0("Given: '", given, "'")),
use_paste = FALSE)
#------------------------- Saving and clean up --------------------------
self$model <- model
if (save_model_as_list) {
self$model_as_list <- model_as_list
self$input_dim <- model_as_list$input_dim
self$input_names <- model_as_list$input_names
self$output_dim <- model_as_list$output_dim
self$output_names <- model_as_list$output_names
# Create Layers
# Dense Layer -----------------------------------------------------------------
create_dense_layer <- function(layer_as_list, dtype) {
# Check for required keys
must.include = c("weight", "bias", "activation_name")),
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
weight <- layer_as_list$weight
bias <- layer_as_list$bias
activation_name <- layer_as_list$activation_name
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_in, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
checkArray(weight, mode = "numeric", d = 2),
checkTensor(weight, d = 2)), "weight")
checkNumeric(bias, len = dim_out),
checkTensor(bias, d = 1)), "bias")
cli_check(checkString(activation_name), "activation_name")
dense_layer(weight, bias, activation_name, dim_in, dim_out,
dtype = dtype
# Conv1D Layer ----------------------------------------------------------------
create_conv1d_layer <- function(layer_as_list, dtype, i) {
# Check for required keys
must.include = c("weight", "bias", "activation_name")),
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
weight <- layer_as_list$weight
bias <- layer_as_list$bias
activation_name <- layer_as_list$activation_name
stride <- layer_as_list$stride
dilation <- layer_as_list$dilation
padding <- layer_as_list$padding
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_in, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
checkArray(weight, mode = "numeric", d = 3),
checkTensor(weight, d = 3)), "weight")
checkNumeric(bias, len = dim_out[1]),
checkTensor(bias, d = 1)), "bias")
cli_check(checkString(activation_name), "activation_name")
cli_check(checkInt(stride, null.ok = TRUE), "stride")
cli_check(checkInt(dilation, null.ok = TRUE), "dilation")
cli_check(checkNumeric(padding, null.ok = TRUE, lower = 0), "padding")
# Set default arguments
if (is.null(stride)) stride <- 1
if (is.null(dilation)) dilation <- 1
if (is.null(padding)) padding <- c(0, 0)
if (length(padding) == 1) {
padding <- rep(padding, 2)
} else if (length(padding) != 2) {
paste0("Expected a padding vector in {.arg model$layers[[", i, "]]} ",
"of length:"),
">" = "'1': same padding for each side",
">" = paste0("'2': first value: padding for left side; second value: ",
"padding for right side"),
paste0("But your length: '", length(padding), "'")), use_paste = FALSE)
conv1d_layer(weight, bias, dim_in, dim_out, stride, padding, dilation,
dtype = dtype
# Conv2D Layer ----------------------------------------------------------------
create_conv2d_layer <- function(layer_as_list, dtype, i) {
must.include = c("weight", "bias", "activation_name")),
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
weight <- layer_as_list$weight
bias <- layer_as_list$bias
activation_name <- layer_as_list$activation_name
stride <- layer_as_list$stride
dilation <- layer_as_list$dilation
padding <- layer_as_list$padding
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_in, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
checkArray(weight, mode = "numeric", d = 4),
checkTensor(weight, d = 4)), "weight")
checkNumeric(bias, len = dim_out[1]),
checkTensor(bias, d = 1)), "bias")
cli_check(checkString(activation_name), "activation_name")
cli_check(checkNumeric(stride, null.ok = TRUE, lower = 1), "stride")
cli_check(checkNumeric(dilation, null.ok = TRUE, lower = 1), "dilation")
cli_check(checkNumeric(padding, null.ok = TRUE, lower = 0), "padding")
# Set default arguments
if (is.null(stride)) stride <- c(1, 1)
if (is.null(dilation)) dilation <- c(1, 1)
if (is.null(padding)) padding <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
if (length(padding) == 1) {
padding <- rep(padding, 4)
} else if (length(padding) == 2) {
padding <- rep(padding, each = 2)
} else if (length(padding) != 4) {
paste0("Expected a padding vector in {.arg model_as_list$layers[[", i, "]]} ",
"of length:"),
">" = "'1': same padding on each side",
">" = paste0("'2': first value: pad_left and pad_right; second value: ",
"pad_top and pad_bottom"),
">" = "'4': (pad_left, pad_right, pad_top, pad_bottom)",
paste0("But your length: '", length(padding), "'")), use_paste = FALSE)
if (length(stride) == 1) {
stride <- rep(stride, 2)
} else if (length(stride) != 2) {
paste0("Expected a stride vector in {.arg model_as_list$layers[[", i, "]]} ",
"of length:"),
">" = "'1': same stride for image heigth and width",
">" = paste0("'2': first value: strides for height; second value: ",
"strides for width"),
paste0("But your length: '", length(stride), "'")), use_paste = FALSE)
if (length(dilation) == 1) {
dilation <- rep(dilation, 2)
} else if (length(dilation) != 2) {
paste0("Expected a dilation vector in {.arg model_as_list$layers[[", i, "]]} ",
"of length:"),
">" = "'1': same dilation for image heigth and width",
">" = paste0("'2': first value: dilation for height; second value: ",
"dilation for width"),
paste0("But your length: '", length(dilation), "'")), use_paste = FALSE)
conv2d_layer(weight, bias, dim_in, dim_out, stride, padding, dilation,
dtype = dtype
# Pooling Layers -------------------------------------------------------------
create_pooling_layer <- function(layer_as_list, type) {
# Check for required keys
cli_check(checkNames(names(layer_as_list), must.include = c("kernel_size")),
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
kernel_size <- layer_as_list$kernel_size
strides <- layer_as_list$strides
cli_check(checkNumeric(kernel_size, min.len = 1, max.len = 2), "kernel_size")
cli_check(checkNumeric(strides, min.len = 1, max.len = 2, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_in, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
if (is.null(strides)) strides <- kernel_size
if (type == "MaxPooling1D") {
cli_check(checkNumeric(kernel_size, len = 1), "kernel_size")
cli_check(checkNumeric(strides, len = 1), "strides")
layer <- max_pool1d_layer(kernel_size, dim_in, dim_out, strides)
} else if (type == "AveragePooling1D") {
cli_check(checkNumeric(kernel_size, len = 1), "kernel_size")
cli_check(checkNumeric(strides, len = 1), "strides")
layer <- avg_pool1d_layer(kernel_size, dim_in, dim_out, strides)
} else if (type == "MaxPooling2D") {
cli_check(checkNumeric(kernel_size, len = 2), "kernel_size")
cli_check(checkNumeric(strides, len = 2), "strides")
layer <- max_pool2d_layer(kernel_size, dim_in, dim_out, strides)
} else if (type == "AveragePooling2D") {
cli_check(checkNumeric(kernel_size, len = 2), "kernel_size")
cli_check(checkNumeric(strides, len = 2), "strides")
layer <- avg_pool2d_layer(kernel_size, dim_in, dim_out, strides)
# GlobalPooling Layer ---------------------------------------------------------
create_globalpooling_layer <- function(layer_as_list) {
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
method <- layer_as_list$method
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_in, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkChoice(method, c("average", "max")), "method")
if (method == "average") {
layer <- global_avgpool_layer(dim_in, dim_out)
} else {
layer <- global_maxpool_layer(dim_in, dim_out)
# Flatten Layer ---------------------------------------------------------------
create_flatten_layer <- function(layer_as_list) {
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
start_dim <- layer_as_list$start_dim
end_dim <- layer_as_list$end_dim
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_in, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkInt(start_dim, null.ok = TRUE), "start_dim")
cli_check(checkInt(end_dim, null.ok = TRUE), "end_dim")
# Set default arguments
if (is.null(start_dim)) start_dim <- 2L
if (is.null(end_dim)) end_dim <- -1L
flatten_layer(dim_in, dim_out, start_dim, end_dim)
# Concatenate Layer -----------------------------------------------------------
create_concatenate_layer <- function(layer_as_list) {
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
dim <- layer_as_list$axis
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkList(dim_in, null.ok = TRUE, types = "integerish"), "dim_in")
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkInt(dim), "dim")
concatenate_layer(dim, dim_in, dim_out)
# Activation Layer ------------------------------------------------------------
create_activation_layer <- function(layer_as_list) {
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
act_name <- layer_as_list$act_name
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkList(dim_in, null.ok = TRUE, types = "integerish"), "dim_in")
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
activation_layer(dim_in, dim_out, act_name)
# Add Layer -------------------------------------------------------------------
create_add_layer <- function(layer_as_list) {
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkList(dim_in, null.ok = TRUE, types = "integerish"), "dim_in")
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
add_layer(dim_in, dim_out)
# Padding Layer ---------------------------------------------------------------
create_padding_layer <- function(layer_as_list) {
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
padding <- layer_as_list$padding
value <- layer_as_list$value
mode <- layer_as_list$mode
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_in, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkNumeric(padding, min.len = 1, max.len = 4), "padding")
cli_check(checkNumber(value), "value")
cli_check(checkChoice(mode, c("constant", "reflect", "replicate", "circular")),
padding_layer(padding, dim_in, dim_out, mode, value)
# BatchNorm Layer -------------------------------------------------------------
create_batchnorm_layer <- function(layer_as_list) {
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
num_features <- layer_as_list$num_features
gamma <- layer_as_list$gamma
eps <- layer_as_list$eps
beta <- layer_as_list$beta
run_mean <- layer_as_list$run_mean
run_var <- layer_as_list$run_var
if (is.null(beta)) beta <- rep(0, num_features)
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_in, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkNumber(num_features), "num_features")
cli_check(checkNumeric(gamma, len = num_features), "gamma")
cli_check(checkNumber(eps), "eps")
cli_check(checkNumeric(beta, len = num_features), "beta")
cli_check(checkNumeric(run_mean, len = num_features), "run_mean")
cli_check(checkNumeric(run_var, len = num_features), "run_var")
batchnorm_layer(num_features, eps, gamma, beta, run_mean, run_var,
dim_in, dim_out)
# Skipping Layer --------------------------------------------------------------
create_skipping_layer <- function(layer_as_list) {
# Get arguments
dim_in <- layer_as_list$dim_in
dim_out <- layer_as_list$dim_out
# Check arguments
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_in, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
cli_check(checkIntegerish(dim_out, min.len = 1, max.len = 3, null.ok = TRUE),
skipping_layer(dim_in, dim_out)
# print utility functions
print_converter <- function(conv) {
cli_h1("Converter ({.pkg innsight})")
cli_div(theme = list(ul = list(`margin-left` = 2, before = ""),
dl = list(`margin-left` = 2, before = "")))
cli_text("{.strong Fields:}")
i <- cli_ul()
cli_li(paste0("{.field input_dim}: ", get_dims(conv$input_dim)))
cli_li(paste0("{.field output_dim}: ", get_dims(conv$output_dim)))
cli_li(paste0("{.field input_names}:"))
cli_li(paste0("{.field output_names}:"))
print_names(conv$output_names, TRUE)
if (is.null(conv$model_as_list)) {
s <- "{.emph not included}"
} else {
s <- "{.emph included}"
cli_li(paste0("{.field model_as_list}: ", s))
cli_li("{.field model} (class {.pkg ConvertedModel}):")
cli_end(id = i)
print_layers <- function(layers) {
li <- cli_ol()
for (layer in layers) {
"{.strong ", class(layer)[1], "}: ",
"input_dim: ", get_dims(layer$input_dim), ", ",
"output_dim: ", get_dims(layer$output_dim)
get_dims <- function(x) {
if (!is.list(x)) {
x <- list(x)
res <- lapply(x, function(s) paste0("(*, ", paste0(s, collapse = ", "), ")"))
paste0(res, collapse = ", ")
print_names <- function(x, is_output_layer = FALSE) {
draw_layer <- length(x) > 1
if (draw_layer) layer_list <- cli_ul()
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
if (draw_layer) {
if (is_output_layer) {
cli_li(paste0("Output layer ", i, ":"))
} else {
cli_li(paste0("Input layer ", i, ":"))
dims <- length(x[[i]])
if (dims == 1) {
if (is_output_layer) {
labels <- paste0(symbol$line, " Output node/Class (", length(x[[i]][[1]]), ")")
} else {
labels <- paste0(symbol$line, " Feature (", length(x[[i]][[1]]), ")")
items <- combine_names(x[[i]][[1]], label = labels)
} else if (dims == 2) {
labels <- c("Channels", "Signal length")
lab_lengths <- unlist(lapply(x[[i]], length))
labels <- paste0(symbol$line, " ", labels," (", lab_lengths, ")")
items <- list(combine_names(x[[i]][[1]], labels[[1]]),
combine_names(x[[i]][[2]], labels[[2]]))
} else {
labels <- c("Channels", "Image height", "Image width")
lab_lengths <- unlist(lapply(x[[i]], length))
labels <- paste0(symbol$line, " ", labels," (", lab_lengths, ")")
items <- list(combine_names(x[[i]][[1]], labels[[1]]),
combine_names(x[[i]][[2]], labels[[2]]),
combine_names(x[[i]][[3]], labels[[3]]))
names(items) <- labels
if (draw_layer) cli_end(layer_list)
combine_names <- function(x, label = NULL) {
comb_x <- cumsum(nchar(c(label, paste0(x, sep = ", ")), type = "width"))
if (any(comb_x > 0.95 * getOption("width"))) {
idx <- sum(comb_x <= 0.95 * getOption("width")) - 1
x <- x[seq_len(idx)]
x[length(x)] <- "..."
paste0("{.emph ", paste0(x, collapse = "}, {.emph "), "}")
# Utils
create_structered_graph <- function(input_layers, output_layers,
model_as_list) {
current_nodes <- as.list(model_as_list$input_nodes)
upper_nodes <- unique(unlist(lapply(
function(x) output_layers[[x]]
idx <- rep(
function(x) length(output_layers[[x]])
all_used_nodes <- NULL
graph <- list()
n <- 1
added <- 0
freq <- unlist(lapply(current_nodes, function(x) length(output_layers[[x]])))
tmp_nodes <- rep(list(0), length(current_nodes))
for (node in current_nodes) {
graph[[n]] <- list(
current_nodes = tmp_nodes, used_idx = n + added,
used_node = node,
times = length(output_layers[[node]])
tmp_nodes[[n + added]] <- node
all_used_nodes <- c(all_used_nodes, node)
times <- freq[[n]] - 1
tmp_nodes <- append(tmp_nodes, rep(list(node), times), n + added)
added <- added + times
n <- n + 1
current_nodes <- current_nodes[idx]
is_contained <- function(a, b) {
tmp_a <- rle(sort(a))
tmp_b <- rle(sort(b))
if (!all(tmp_a$values %in% tmp_b$values)) {
res <- FALSE
} else {
res <- unlist(lapply(tmp_a$values, function(value) {
idx <- which(tmp_b$values == value)
tmp_a$lengths[which(tmp_a$values == value)] <= tmp_b$lengths[idx]
res <- all(res)
while (any(unlist(upper_nodes) != -1)) {
next_node <- FALSE
for (upper_node in upper_nodes) {
if (next_node == FALSE && upper_node != -1) {
if (is_contained(input_layers[[upper_node]], unlist(current_nodes))) {
used_idx <- input_layers[[upper_node]]
tmp_list <- current_nodes
idx_list <- c()
for (used in used_idx) {
id <- which(used == tmp_list)[[1]]
tmp_list[[id]] <- -1
idx_list <- c(idx_list, id)
used_idx <- idx_list
used_node <- upper_node
next_node <- TRUE
num_replicates <- length(output_layers[[used_node]])
all_used_nodes <- c(all_used_nodes, used_node)
graph[[n]] <- list(
current_nodes = current_nodes, used_idx = used_idx,
used_node = used_node, times = num_replicates
current_nodes <- current_nodes[-used_idx]
current_nodes <- append(current_nodes, rep(list(used_node),
after = min(used_idx) - 1
upper_nodes <-
function(x) output_layers[[x]]
upper_nodes <- setdiff(upper_nodes, all_used_nodes)
n <- n + 1
check_and_register_shapes <- function(modules_list, graph, model_as_list,
dtype) {
if (dtype == "float") {
x <- lapply(model_as_list$input_dim,
function(shape) torch_randn(c(1, shape)))
} else {
x <- lapply(
function(shape) torch_randn(c(1, shape), dtype = torch_double())
for (step in graph) {
input <- x[step$used_idx]
if (length(input) == 1) {
input <- input[[1]]
calculated_input_shape <- input$shape[-1]
} else {
calculated_input_shape <- lapply(input,
function(tensor) tensor$shape[-1])
# Check input shape
given_input_shape <- model_as_list$layers[[step$used_node]]$dim_in
if (!is.null(given_input_shape) &&
!all_equal(calculated_input_shape, given_input_shape)) {
given <- shape_to_char(given_input_shape)
calc <- shape_to_char(calculated_input_shape)
paste0("Missmatch between the calculated and given input shape for ",
"layer index '", step$used_node, "':"),
"*" = paste0("Calculated: '", calc, "'"),
"*" = paste0("Given: '", given, "'")), use_paste = FALSE)
# Register input shape for this layer
modules_list[[step$used_node]]$input_dim <- calculated_input_shape
# Check layer
out <- modules_list[[step$used_node]](input),
error = function(e) {
layer_as_list <- model_as_list$layers[[step$used_node]]
e$message <- c(
"Could not create layer of index '", step$used_node, "' of type '",
layer_as_list$type, "'. Maybe you used incorrect parameters or a ",
"wrong dimension order of your weight matrix. The weight matrix ",
"for a dense layer has to be stored as an array of shape ",
"{.epmh (dim_in, dim_out)}, for a 1D-convolutional as an array of ",
"{.emph (out_channels, in_channels, kernel_length)} and for ",
"2D-convolutional {.emph (out_channels, in_channels, kernel_height, ",
"i" = paste0("Your weight dimension: ",
"(no weights available)",
paste0("(", paste(dim(layer_as_list$weight),
collapse = ","),")"))),
"i" = paste0("Your layer input shape: ",
paste0("(", paste("*", input$shape[-1],
collapse = ","), ")")),
"x" = "Original message:", col_grey(e$message)
stopf(e$message, use_paste = FALSE)
# Check output shape
calculated_output_shape <- out$shape[-1]
given_output_shape <- model_as_list$layers[[step$used_node]]$dim_out
if (!is.null(given_output_shape) &&
!all(calculated_output_shape == given_output_shape)) {
given <- paste0("(*,", paste(given_output_shape, collapse = ","), ")")
calc <- paste0("(*,", paste(calculated_output_shape, collapse = ","), ")")
paste0("Missmatch between the calculated and given output shape for ",
"layer index '", step$used_node, "':"),
"*" = paste0("Calculated: '", calc, "'"),
"*" = paste0("Given: '", given, "'")), use_paste = FALSE)
# Register output shape for this layer
modules_list[[step$used_node]]$output_dim <- calculated_output_shape
x <- x[-step$used_idx]
x <- append(x, rep(list(out), step$times),
after = min(step$used_idx) - 1
# Order outputs
output_nodes <- step$current_nodes
output_nodes[[step$used_idx]] <- step$used_node
output_nodes <- unlist(output_nodes)
x <- x[match(model_as_list$output_nodes, output_nodes)]
# Get output shapes
calculated_output_shapes <- lapply(x, function(tensor) tensor$shape[-1])
list(modules_list = modules_list,
calc_output_shapes = calculated_output_shapes)
shape_to_char <- function(shape, use_batch = TRUE) {
if (!is.list(shape)) {
if (use_batch) {
shape_as_char <- paste0("(*,", paste(shape, collapse = ","), ")")
} else {
shape_as_char <- paste0("(", paste(shape, collapse = ","), ")")
} else {
if (use_batch) {
shape_as_char <- lapply(
function(x) {
paste0("(*,", paste(x, collapse = ","), ")")
} else {
shape_as_char <- lapply(
function(x) {
paste0("(", paste(x, collapse = ","), ")")
shape_as_char <- lapply(
function(i) {
paste0("[[", i, "]] ", shape_as_char[[i]])
shape_as_char <- paste(unlist(shape_as_char))
get_input_names <- function(input_dims) {
lapply(input_dims, function(input_dim) {
if (length(input_dim) == 1) {
short_names <- c("X")
} else if (length(input_dim) == 2) {
short_names <- c("C", "L")
} else if (length(input_dim) == 3) {
short_names <- c("C", "H", "W")
} else {
"Too many input dimensions. This package only allows model ",
"inputs with '1', '2' or '3' dimensions and not '",
length(input_dim), "'!")
mapply(function(x, y) paste0(rep(y, times = x), 1:x),
get_output_names <- function(output_dims) {
lapply(output_dims, function(output_dim) {
function(x) paste0(rep("Y", times = x), 1:x)
is_keras_model <- function(model) {
inherits(model, c(
set_name_format <- function(in_or_out_names) {
if (is.list(in_or_out_names)) {
if (!is.list(in_or_out_names[[1]])) {
in_or_out_names <- list(in_or_out_names)
} else {
in_or_out_names <- list(list(in_or_out_names))
# Do the checks
for (i in seq_along(in_or_out_names)) {
for (j in seq_along(in_or_out_names[[i]])) {
checkCharacter(in_or_out_names[[i]][[j]], null.ok = TRUE),
checkFactor(in_or_out_names[[i]][[j]], null.ok = TRUE)
), "in_or_out_names[[i]][[j]]")
# to factor
if (!is.factor(in_or_out_names[[i]][[j]])) {
in_or_out_names[[i]][[j]] <-
levels = unique(in_or_out_names[[i]][[j]]))
convert_torch <- function(model, input_dim) {
if (inherits(model, "nn_sequential")) {
if (!is.list(input_dim)) {
input_dim <- list(input_dim)
for (i in seq_along(input_dim)) {
if (!testNumeric(input_dim[[i]], lower = 1)) {
"For a {.pkg torch} model, you have to specify the argument ",
"{.arg input_dim}!")
model_as_list <- convert_torch_sequential(model)
model_as_list$input_dim <- input_dim
} else {
stopf("At the moment, only sequential models ({.fn torch::nn_sequential}) ",
"are allowed!")
all_equal <- function(x, y) {
if (identical(length(x), length(y))) {
error <- all(unlist(lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) x[[i]] == y[[i]])))
} else {
error <- FALSE
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