
Defines functions yupana_analysis

Documented in yupana_analysis

#' Fieldbook analysis report
#' Function to create a complete report of the fieldbook
#' @param data Field book data.
#' @param last_factor The last factor in your fieldbook.
#' @param response Response variable.
#' @param comparison Factors to compare
#' @param model_factors Model used for the experimental design.
#' @param test_comp Comprasison test c("SNK", "TUKEY", "DUNCAN")
#' @param sig_level Significal test (default: p = 0.005)
#' @param plot_dist Plot data distribution (default = "boxplot")
#' @param plot_diag Diagnostic plots for model (default = FALSE).
#' @param digits Digits number in the table exported.
#' @return list
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats aov
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(inti)
#' fb <- potato
#' rsl <- yupana_analysis(data = fb
#'                        , last_factor = "bloque"
#'                        , response = "spad_83"
#'                        , model_factors = "geno * treat"
#'                        , comparison = c("geno", "treat")
#'                        )
#' }

yupana_analysis <- function(data
                            , last_factor = NULL
                            , response
                            , model_factors
                            , comparison
                            , test_comp = "SNK"
                            , sig_level = 0.05
                            , plot_dist = "boxplot"
                            , plot_diag = FALSE
                            , digits = 2
                           ) {
  where <- NULL

if(FALSE) {
  data <- fb
  last_factor = NULL
  response <- "spad_29"
  comparison <- c("geno", "treat")
  model_factors <- "bloque*geno*treat"
  test_comp = "SNK"
  sig_level = 0.05
  plot_dist = "boxplot"
  model_diag = FALSE
  digits = 2
# fieldbook structure -----------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

  fb <- data %>%
      mutate(.data = ., across(c(1:{{last_factor}}), as.factor)) else 
        mutate(.data = ., across({{comparison}}, as.factor)) } %>% 
      mutate(.data = ., across(!c(1:{{last_factor}}), as.numeric)) else .} %>%

# model -------------------------------------------------------------------

  model <- as.formula(paste({{response}}, model_factors, sep = "~"))
# anova -------------------------------------------------------------------

  model_aov <- aov(formula = model, data = fb)
# diagnostic plots --------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (plot_diag == TRUE) {
    prp <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    hist(resid(model_aov), main = {{response}})
    qqnorm(resid(model_aov), main = {{response}}); qqline(resid(model_aov))
         , resid(model_aov, type = "pearson")
         , main = {{response}}); abline(h=0)
    plot(resid(model_aov), main = {{response}})
  plotdiag <- plot_diag(model = model_aov
                        , title = response

# distribution plots ------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

  plotdist <- plot_raw(fb
                       , type = "boxplot"
                       , y = response
                       , x = comparison[1]
                       , group = if(is.na(comparison[2])) NULL else comparison[2]
                       ) + 
    {if(!is.na(comparison[3])) facet_grid(. ~ .data[[comparison[3]]])}
# mean comparison ---------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  mc <- mean_comparison(fb
                        , response = response
                        , model_factors = model_factors
                        , comparison = comparison
                        , test_comp = test_comp
                        , sig_level = sig_level
  comptab <- mc$comparison %>% 
    mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~round(., digits = digits)))
  info <- comptab %>% 
    select({{response}}:ncol(.)) %>%
  factors <- comptab %>% 
    select(!{{info}}) %>% 
# model as text -----------------------------------------------------------

  model_formula <- paste(deparse(model, width.cutoff = 500), collapse="")

# results -----------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

  fb_report = list(
    model = model_formula
    , anova = model_aov
    , plotdiag = plotdiag
    , plotdist = plotdist
    , meancomp = comptab
    , stats = mc$stats
    , response = response
    , comparison = comparison
    , factors = factors
    , tabvar = info
    , model_factors = model_factors
    , test_comp = test_comp
    , sig_level = sig_level


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inti documentation built on Oct. 27, 2023, 9:06 a.m.