Testlet-class: An S4 class to represent a Testlet

Testlet-classR Documentation

An S4 class to represent a Testlet


Testlet is a class to represent an a collection of items. Items that are connected by a common stimulus (for example a reading passage, a graph, etc.) can form a testlet. An object in Testlet class should have a model name and item_list which is an Itempool. object. In fact, a Testlet object is very similar to an Itempool-class object, except, it has a designated model and optional parameters.



Testlet ID. Default value is NULL.


A list of Item objects.


The model that testlet parameters represents. Currently model can be: BTM (Basic Testlet Model, this is default testlet model where no parameters necessary and testlet simply connects items), RTM (Rasch Testlet Model), BF (Bifactor Model) (Not implemented yet), 2PTM (Two-parameter testlet model), 3PTM (three-parameter testlet model). A model must be specified for the construction of an tetlet object.


A list containing numeric vectors that represent testlet parameters. Depending on the model these parameters can change.


Standard error of testlet parameters.


Content information for testlet.


A list of additional parameters for the testlet.


Emre Gonulates

irt documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:02 p.m.