var.Item: Calculate the variance of an Item

var,Item-methodR Documentation

Calculate the variance of an Item


var Returns the variance of an item or multiple items with given parameters for a given ability or abilities, i.e. \theta.


## S4 method for signature 'Item'
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)

## S4 method for signature 'Rasch'
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)

## S4 method for signature '1PL'
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)

## S4 method for signature '2PL'
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)

## S4 method for signature '3PL'
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)

## S4 method for signature '4PL'
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)

## S4 method for signature 'GRM'
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)

## S4 method for signature 'PCM'
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)

## S4 method for signature 'GPCM'
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)

## S4 method for signature 'GPCM2'
var(x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)



An Item-class or an Itempool-class object containing the item parameters.


A numeric vector containing the ability parameters (i.e. theta).


Ignored for var(Item, ...)


Ignored for var(Item, ...)


Item variances at given theta will be returned.


Emre Gonulates

irt documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:02 p.m.