
isopamp <-  function (dat, c.fix = FALSE, c.opt = TRUE, c.max = 6,
                             l.max = FALSE, stopat = c(1,7), sieve = TRUE,
                             Gs = 3.5, ind = NULL, centers = NULL, distance = 'bray',
                             k.max = 100, d.max = 7, juice = FALSE,
                             wordy = TRUE, ...)

  # Check if the distance measure is available for vegdist or proxy
  vegdists <- c("manhattan", "euclidean", "canberra", "bray",
                "kulczynski", "gower", "morisita", "horn",
                "mountford", "jaccard", "raup", "binomial", "chao",
                "altGower", "cao", "mahalanobis", "clark", "chisq", 
                "chord", "hellinger", "aitchison", "robust.aitchison")
  method <- pmatch(distance, vegdists)
  distFunc <- "distFunc1" 

  # If vegan::vegdist does not know the distance try with proxy::dist
  # and vegan::designdist
  if (is.na(method)) {
    if (requireNamespace("proxy", quietly = TRUE)) {         
      proxydists <- rownames(as.data.frame(proxy::pr_DB))
      method <- distance %in% proxydists
      if (method == TRUE) {
        distFunc <- "distFunc2"
        message("Using proxy::dist")
      } else {        
        distFunc <- "distFunc3"
        message("Trying vegan::designdist")
    } else { 
        distFunc <- "distFunc3"
        message("proxy::dist not available, trying vegan::designdist")
  if (!is.null (centers)) c.fix <- length (centers)

  ## Make backwards compatible (this is mainly for use with Juice)
  if (!is.null (list (...)$fixed.number)) c.fix <- list (...)$fixed.number
  if (!is.null (list (...)$c.num)) c.fix <- list (...)$c.num ## old Juice vers.!
  if (!is.null (list (...)$opt.number)) c.opt <- list (...)$opt.number
  if (!is.null (list (...)$max.number)) c.max <- list (...)$max.number
  if (!is.null (list (...)$max.level)) l.max <- list (...)$max.level
  if (!is.null (list (...)$thresh)) Gs <- list (...)$thresh
  if (!is.null (list (...)$filtered)) sieve <- list (...)$filtered
  ## Note that Gs is set to a default of 30 in old Juice versions. The setting
  ## is ignored here

  ## Prepare Juice session if applicable
  if (juice == TRUE) dir.create ('isopam', showWarnings = FALSE)

  ## Add fake 'sample names' if necessary
  if (is.null (rownames (dat)) == TRUE) rownames (dat) <- c(1:nrow(dat))

  ## Add fake 'taxon names' if necessary
  if (is.null (colnames (dat)) == TRUE) colnames (dat) <- c(1:ncol(dat))

  ## Convert to matrix if necessary
  nam <- rownames (dat)
  dat <- as.matrix (dat)
  rownames (dat) <- nam

  ## Remove empty columns
  dat <- dat [,colSums (dat) > 0] ## Remove empty columns
  dat <- dat [rowSums (dat) > 0,] ## ... and rows

  ## In case of predefined indicators check their validity
  if (!is.null (ind))
    if (sum (ind %in% colnames (dat)) > 0) sieve <- 'ind'
  else stop ('Predefined indicators not found')

  ## Initiate count
  count <- 1

  ## Default minimum cluster number
  c.min <- 2

  if (is.numeric (c.fix))
    c.opt <- FALSE
    l.max <- 1
    if (c.fix < 2) stop ('c.fix < 2')
    if (c.fix > nrow (dat) - 1) c.fix <- nrow (dat) - 1
    c.min <- c.fix
    c.max <- c.fix

  ## ----------- core function ---------------------------------------------- ##

  core <- function (xdat)
    IO.xdat <- xdat
    IO.xdat [IO.xdat > 0] <- 1

    ## Some useful descriptors
    N.xdat <- nrow (xdat)                         ## Total number of plots
    SP.xdat <- ncol (xdat)                        ## Total number of species
    frq.xdat <- t (as.matrix (colSums (IO.xdat))) ## Species frequencies

    ## For William's correction
    w3 <- N.xdat * ((1 / frq.xdat) + (1 / (N.xdat - frq.xdat))) - 1

    ## In case of predefined indicators: which columns?
    if (sieve == 'ind') xind <- which (colnames (xdat) %in% ind)

    ## Distance matrix
    if (distFunc == "distFunc1") {
      dst.xdat <- vegan::vegdist (xdat, method = distance)
    if (distFunc == "distFunc2") {
      dst.xdat <- proxy::dist (xdat, method = distance)
    if (distFunc == "distFunc3") {
      dst.xdat <- vegan::designdist (xdat, method = distance)

    ## Exit with dignity if N.xdat < 3
    if (N.xdat < 3)
      mess1 <- 'Not enough data.'
      if (juice == TRUE)
        write.table (mess1, 'isopam/alert.txt', row.names = FALSE,
                     col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
      stop (mess1)

    ## Determine maximum Isomap k
    if (k.max > N.xdat - 1) k.max <- N.xdat - 1

    ## Determine minimum Isomap k (from isomapdist.r, vegan)
    dmtr <- as.matrix (dst.xdat)
    diag (dmtr) <- NA

    k.min <- 2

    for (a in c(2:k.max))
      ## Check min. k
      dm <- dmtr

      is.na (dm) <- apply (dm, 2, function (xx) xx >
                             xx [order (xx, na.last = TRUE) [a]])
            dm <- pmax (as.dist(dm), as.dist(t(dm)), na.rm = TRUE)
      fragm <- vegan::distconnected (dm, toolong=0,  trace=FALSE)
      if (length (unique (fragm)) > 1)
        k.min <- k.min + 1

    ## Adjust d.max if necessary
    if (d.max > N.xdat - 1) d.max <- N.xdat - 1

    ## Adjust c.max if necessary

    if (c.opt == TRUE)
      if (c.max > N.xdat - 1) c.max <- N.xdat - 1
      if (c.max < 2) stop ('c.max < 2')
    if (c.opt == FALSE && !is.numeric (c.fix)) c.max <- 2
    ## Prepare output array

    ## Need a place to store the calculations done in the g2 loop
    ## so they may be reused rather than recalculated.
    ## The +1 is due to zeros needing to be indexed as well.
    try (DDD_lookup_table <-
           array (NA_real_, c(N.xdat, N.xdat+1, N.xdat+1)), silent = TRUE)
    underdrive <- FALSE
    if (!exists ('DDD_lookup_table'))
      if (wordy == TRUE) print ('Memory issues - shifting to low gear', quote = FALSE)
      underdrive <- TRUE

    ## Using a matrix of logical values is a _hair_ faster inside the loop
    IO.xdat.logical <- IO.xdat != 0

    ## ----------- Start the big loops .... ---------------------------- ##
    rg.k <- k.max - k.min
    # Criterion for parallel processing subject to further experiments:
    if(rg.k > 50){


      ## Prepare progress bar
      pb <- progressr::progressor(along = k.min:k.max)
      out.array <- array(future.apply::future_sapply(k.min:k.max, function(b)  ## b-loop: Isomap k
        suppressMessages (isom <- isomap (dst.xdat, ndim = d.max, k = b)) ## Isomap
        ## Fixing the maximum of dimensions considered when calculating
        ## the distance matrix for the isomap space
        d.max.new <- min (sum (isom$eig > 0), ncol (isom$points), d.max, na.rm = T)
        out.mat <- matrix(NA,nrow= d.max-1, ncol = c.max-c.min+1 )

        ## d-Loops
        if (d.max.new > 1) {
          for (d in 2:d.max.new) {
            isodiss <- suppressWarnings (daisy (isom$points[,1:d], metric =
                                                  'euclidean', stand = TRUE))

            for (e in c.min:c.max) ## e-loop: Cluster no.
              ## --------- Partitioning (PAM) ------------------------------------ #

              if (!is.null (centers)) cl.iso <- pam (isodiss, k = e, medoids = centers,
                                                     diss = TRUE, do.swap = FALSE)
              else cl.iso <- pam (isodiss, k = e, diss = TRUE) ## PAM
              cl <- cl.iso$clustering                     ## Group affiliation
              ci <- cl.iso$clusinfo[,1]                   ## Cluster size

              ######################### fast mode ##################################

              if (underdrive == FALSE)
                ## For Williams' correction
                w1 <- N.xdat * sum (1 / ci) - 1
                w2 <- 6 * N.xdat * (e - 1)

                ## Compute G-values for species (code adapted from Lubomir Tichy)

                gt <- matrix (NA, SP.xdat, 1) ## Matrix for G-test results

                for (g1 in 1:SP.xdat)         ## g1-loop through species
                  DDD <- 0
                  spec_frq <- frq.xdat [g1]

                  ## For Williams' correction
                  willi <- 1 + ((w1 * w3 [g1]) / w2)

                  ## Mask out entries in cl using appropriate col in IO.xdat
                  groupids <- cl[IO.xdat.logical[,g1]]

                  for (g.fast in 1:e)             ## g.fast-loop through clusters
                    fra1 <- sum (groupids == g.fast)   ## Species occ. in cluster
                    Nj <- ci [g.fast]                  ## Cluster size

                    ## Have we calculated this before?
                    DDDadd <- DDD_lookup_table [spec_frq, Nj+1, fra1+1]

                    if (!is.na(DDDadd))
                      ## Already existed in the lookup table; use it.
                      DDD <- DDD + DDDadd
                      ## so need to calculate it ...
                      bom <- spec_frq / N.xdat
                      bim <- 1 - bom
                      fra0 <- Nj - fra1
                      bum <- fra1 / (Nj * bom)
                      bam <- fra0 / (Nj * bim)
                      DDDadd <- 0
                      if (!is.na (bum))
                        if (bum > 0) DDDadd <- DDDadd + (fra1 * log (bum))
                      if (!is.na (bam))
                        if (bam > 0) DDDadd <- DDDadd + (fra0 * log (bam))
                      DDD <- DDD + DDDadd
                      ## ... and store for next time
                      DDD_lookup_table [spec_frq, Nj + 1, fra1 + 1] <- DDDadd
                  DDD <- DDD * 2
                  gt [g1,] <- DDD / willi ## Williams' correction

                ## Standardization (Botta-Dukat et al. 2005)
                gt.ex <- e - 1                 ## Expected G
                gt.sd <- sqrt (2 * gt.ex)      ## Expected sd
                G <- (gt - gt.ex) / gt.sd

                ## Using predefined indicators
                if (sieve == 'ind')
                  glgth <- length (G [xind])
                  if (glgth == 0) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- NA
                  else out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G [xind])

                ## Averaging
                if (sieve == FALSE) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G)

                ## Standard: Filtering and averaging
                if (sieve == TRUE)
                  ## Filtering by G
                  glgth <- length (G [G >= Gs])
                  if (glgth == 0) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- NA

                  ## Averaging
                  else out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G [G >= Gs]) * glgth

              ####################### slow mode ####################################

              if (underdrive == TRUE)
                ## For Williams' correction
                w1 <- N.xdat * sum (1 / ci) - 1
                w2 <- 6 * N.xdat * (e - 1)

                ## Compute G-values for species (code adapted from Lubomir Tichy)

                gt <- matrix (NA, SP.xdat, 1) ## Matrix for G-test results

                for (g1 in 1:SP.xdat)         ## g1-loop through species
                  DDD <- 0
                  spec_frq <- frq.xdat [g1]

                  ## For Williams' correction
                  willi <- 1 + ((w1 * w3 [g1]) / w2)

                  ## Mask out entries in cl using appropriate col in IO.xdat
                  groupids <- cl[IO.xdat.logical[,g1]];

                  for (g.slow in 1:e)             ## g.slow-loop through clusters
                    fra1 <- sum (groupids == g.slow)   ## Species occ. in cluster
                    Nj <- ci [g.slow]                  ## Cluster size
                    bom <- spec_frq / N.xdat
                    bim <- 1 - bom
                    fra0 <- Nj - fra1
                    bum <- fra1 / (Nj * bom)
                    bam <- fra0 / (Nj * bim)
                    DDDadd <- 0
                    if (!is.na (bum))
                      if (bum > 0) DDDadd <- DDDadd + (fra1 * log (bum))
                    if (!is.na (bam))
                      if (bam > 0) DDDadd <- DDDadd + (fra0 * log (bam))
                    DDD <- DDD + DDDadd
                  DDD <- DDD * 2
                  gt [g1,] <- DDD / willi ## Williams' correction

                ## Standardization (Botta-Dukat et al. 2005)
                gt.ex <- e - 1                 ## Expected G
                gt.sd <- sqrt (2 * gt.ex)      ## Expected sd
                G <- (gt - gt.ex) / gt.sd

                ## Using predefined indicators
                if (sieve == 'ind')
                  glgth <- length (G [xind])
                  if (glgth == 0) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- NA
                  else out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G [xind])

                ## Averaging
                if (sieve == FALSE) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G)

                ## Standard: Filtering and averaging
                if (sieve == TRUE)
                  ## Filtering by G
                  glgth <- length (G [G >= Gs])
                  if (glgth == 0) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- NA

                  ## Averaging
                  else out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G [G >= Gs]) * glgth



        ## Update progress

      }), dim = c(d.max - 1, c.max - c.min + 1, k.max - k.min + 1))
    } else {
      # Prepare progress bar
      pb <- progressr::progressor(along = k.min:k.max)

      out.array <- array(sapply(k.min:k.max, function(b)  ## b-loop: Isomap k
        suppressMessages (isom <- isomap (dst.xdat, ndim = d.max, k = b)) ## Isomap

        ## Fixing the maximum of dimensions considered when calculating
        ## the distance matrix for the isomap space
        d.max.new <- min (sum (isom$eig > 0), ncol (isom$points), d.max, na.rm = T)
        out.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = d.max - 1, ncol = c.max - c.min + 1 )
        if (d.max.new > 1) {
          for (d in 2:d.max.new)

            isodiss <- suppressWarnings (daisy (isom$points[,1:d], metric =
                                                  'euclidean', stand = TRUE))

            for (e in c.min:c.max) ## e-loop: Cluster no.
              ## --------- Partitioning (PAM) ------------------------------------ #

              if (!is.null (centers)) cl.iso <- pam (isodiss, k = e, medoids = centers,
                                                     diss = TRUE, do.swap = FALSE)
              else cl.iso <- pam (isodiss, k = e, diss = TRUE) ## PAM
              cl <- cl.iso$clustering                     ## Group affiliation
              ci <- cl.iso$clusinfo[,1]                   ## Cluster size

              ######################### fast mode ##################################

              if (underdrive == FALSE)
                ## For Williams' correction
                w1 <- N.xdat * sum (1 / ci) - 1
                w2 <- 6 * N.xdat * (e - 1)

                ## Compute G-values for species (code adapted from Lubomir Tichy)

                gt <- matrix (NA, SP.xdat, 1) ## Matrix for G-test results

                for (g1 in 1:SP.xdat)         ## g1-loop through species
                  DDD <- 0
                  spec_frq <- frq.xdat [g1]

                  ## For Williams' correction
                  willi <- 1 + ((w1 * w3 [g1]) / w2)

                  ## Mask out entries in cl using appropriate col in IO.xdat
                  groupids <- cl[IO.xdat.logical[,g1]]

                  for (g.fast in 1:e)             ## g.fast-loop through clusters
                    fra1 <- sum (groupids == g.fast)   ## Species occ. in cluster
                    Nj <- ci [g.fast]                  ## Cluster size

                    ## Have we calculated this before?
                    DDDadd <- DDD_lookup_table [spec_frq, Nj+1, fra1+1]

                    if (!is.na(DDDadd))
                      ## Already existed in the lookup table; use it.
                      DDD <- DDD + DDDadd
                      ## so need to calculate it ...
                      bom <- spec_frq / N.xdat
                      bim <- 1 - bom
                      fra0 <- Nj - fra1
                      bum <- fra1 / (Nj * bom)
                      bam <- fra0 / (Nj * bim)
                      DDDadd <- 0
                      if (!is.na (bum))
                        if (bum > 0) DDDadd <- DDDadd + (fra1 * log (bum))
                      if (!is.na (bam))
                        if (bam > 0) DDDadd <- DDDadd + (fra0 * log (bam))
                      DDD <- DDD + DDDadd
                      ## ... and store for next time
                      DDD_lookup_table [spec_frq, Nj + 1, fra1 + 1] <- DDDadd
                  DDD <- DDD * 2
                  gt [g1,] <- DDD / willi ## Williams' correction

                ## Standardization (Botta-Dukat et al. 2005)
                gt.ex <- e - 1                 ## Expected G
                gt.sd <- sqrt (2 * gt.ex)      ## Expected sd
                G <- (gt - gt.ex) / gt.sd

                ## Using predefined indicators
                if (sieve == 'ind') {
                  glgth <- length (G [xind])
                  if (glgth == 0) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- NA
                  else out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G [xind])

                ## Averaging
                if (sieve == FALSE) {
                  out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G)

                ## Standard: Filtering and averaging
                if (sieve == TRUE) {
                  ## Filtering by G
                  glgth <- length (G [G >= Gs])
                  if (glgth == 0) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- NA

                  ## Averaging
                  else out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G [G >= Gs]) * glgth

              ####################### slow mode ####################################

              if (underdrive == TRUE)
                ## For Williams' correction
                w1 <- N.xdat * sum (1 / ci) - 1
                w2 <- 6 * N.xdat * (e - 1)

                ## Compute G-values for species (code adapted from Lubomir Tichy)

                gt <- matrix (NA, SP.xdat, 1) ## Matrix for G-test results

                for (g1 in 1:SP.xdat)         ## g1-loop through species
                  DDD <- 0
                  spec_frq <- frq.xdat [g1]

                  ## For Williams' correction
                  willi <- 1 + ((w1 * w3 [g1]) / w2)

                  ## Mask out entries in cl using appropriate col in IO.xdat
                  groupids <- cl[IO.xdat.logical[,g1]];

                  for (g.slow in 1:e)             ## g.slow-loop through clusters
                    fra1 <- sum (groupids == g.slow)   ## Species occ. in cluster
                    Nj <- ci [g.slow]                  ## Cluster size
                    bom <- spec_frq / N.xdat
                    bim <- 1 - bom
                    fra0 <- Nj - fra1
                    bum <- fra1 / (Nj * bom)
                    bam <- fra0 / (Nj * bim)
                    DDDadd <- 0
                    if (!is.na (bum))
                      if (bum > 0) DDDadd <- DDDadd + (fra1 * log (bum))
                    if (!is.na (bam))
                      if (bam > 0) DDDadd <- DDDadd + (fra0 * log (bam))
                    DDD <- DDD + DDDadd
                  DDD <- DDD * 2
                  gt [g1,] <- DDD / willi ## Williams' correction

                ## Standardization (Botta-Dukat et al. 2005)
                gt.ex <- e - 1                 ## Expected G
                gt.sd <- sqrt (2 * gt.ex)      ## Expected sd
                G <- (gt - gt.ex) / gt.sd

                ## Using predefined indicators
                if (sieve == 'ind')
                  glgth <- length (G [xind])
                  if (glgth == 0) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- NA
                  else out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G [xind])

                ## Averaging
                if (sieve == FALSE) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G)

                ## Standard: Filtering and averaging
                if (sieve == TRUE)
                  ## Filtering by G
                  glgth <- length (G [G >= Gs])
                  if (glgth == 0) out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- NA

                  ## Averaging
                  else out.mat [d-1,e+1-c.min] <- mean (G [G >= Gs]) * glgth


        # Update progress

      }),dim = c(d.max-1,c.max-c.min+1, k.max-k.min+1))


    ## ----------- End parameter search ------------------------------------- ##

    solution <- TRUE
    out.array [is.na (out.array)] <- 0

    if (length (out.array [out.array > 0]) == 0)
      mess2 <- 'No solution found with current settings'

      if (count == 1)
        if (juice == TRUE)
          write.table (mess2, 'isopam/alert.txt',
                       row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
        stop ('No solution found with current settings')
      else solution <- FALSE

    if (solution == TRUE)
      mn.iso <- max (out.array)

      ## ----------- Parameters for final run ------------------------------- ##

      wmx.iso <- which (out.array == mn.iso, arr.ind = TRUE) ## Cases with max
      colnames (wmx.iso) <- c('iso.dim', 'clusters', 'iso.k')

      ## In case of multiple best solutions select the one with max clusters,
      ## max dims and max k (in this rank order)

      ## Select cases with maximum number of clusters
      try (wmx.iso <- wmx.iso [which (wmx.iso [,2] == max
                                      (wmx.iso [,2])),], silent = TRUE)
      ## Select cases with maximum number of Isomap dimensions
      try (wmx.iso <- wmx.iso [which (wmx.iso [,1] == max
                                      (wmx.iso [,1])),], silent = TRUE)
      ## Select cases with maximum k
      try (wmx.iso <- wmx.iso [which (wmx.iso [,3] == max
                                      (wmx.iso [,3])),], silent = TRUE)

      mc <- wmx.iso [2]-1+c.min; md <- wmx.iso [1]+1; mk <- wmx.iso [3]-1+k.min

      ## ----------- Final run ---------------------------------------------- ##
      suppressMessages (isom <- isomap (dst.xdat, ndim = d.max, k = mk))
      d.iso <- daisy (isom$points[,1:md], metric = 'euclidean', stand = TRUE)
      if (!is.null (centers)) cl.iso <- pam (d.iso, k = mc, medoids = centers,
                                             diss = TRUE, do.swap=FALSE)
      else cl.iso <- pam (d.iso, k = mc, diss = TRUE)

      CLS <- cl.iso$clustering                 ## Group affiliation
      MDS <- cl.iso$medoids                    ## Medoids
      CLI <- t (cl.iso$clusinfo [,1])          ## Cluster size

      ############# method == G ################################################

      ## Contingency table
      tab <- t (aggregate (IO.xdat, by = list (CLS), FUN = sum)[,-1])
      ## Frequency table
      inf <- matrix (rep (CLI, SP.xdat), nrow = SP.xdat, byrow = TRUE)
      FRQ <- tab / inf

      ## Prepare Williams' correction
      w1 <- N.xdat * sum (1 / CLI) - 1
      w2 <- 6 * N.xdat * (mc - 1)

      ## Matrix for results
      g.1 <- matrix (NA, SP.xdat, 1)

      for (g3 in 1:SP.xdat)
        willi <- 1 + ((w1 * w3 [g3]) / w2)
        DDD <- 0
        bom <- frq.xdat [g3] / N.xdat
        bim <- 1 - bom
        rip <- tab [g3,]

        for (g4 in 1:mc)
          fra1 <- rip [g4]
          Nj <- CLI [g4]
          fra0 <- Nj - fra1
          bum <- fra1 / (Nj * bom)
          bam <- fra0 / (Nj * bim)

          ## adding up values
          if (!is.na (bum))
            if (bum > 0) DDD <- DDD + (fra1 * log (bum))
          if (!is.na (bam))
            if (bam > 0) DDD <- DDD + (fra0 * log (bam))
        DDD <- DDD * 2
        g.1 [g3,] <- DDD / willi

      ## Standardization (Botta-Dukat et al. 2005)
      gt.ex <- mc - 1                        ## Expected G
      gt.sd <- sqrt (2 * (mc - 1))           ## Expected sd
      sG <- (g.1 - gt.ex) / gt.sd

      ## Some analytical output
      ## Averaged G
      ivx <- round (mean (sG), 1)
      if (sieve == 'ind')
        ## Averaged G (only indicators)
        ivi <- round (mean (sG [xind]), 1)
        ## Number of indicators >= Gs
        noi <- length (sG [xind])
        ## Indicator identities
        INDN <- colnames(IO.xdat)[xind]
      if (sieve == TRUE)
        ## Averaged G (only indicators)
        ivi <- round (mean (sG [sG >= Gs]), 1)
        ## Number of indicators >= Gs
        noi <- length (sG [sG >= Gs])
        ## Indicator identities
        INDN <- colnames(IO.xdat)[sG >= Gs]
      if (sieve == FALSE)
        ## Averaged G (only indicators)
        ivi <- 'NA'
        ## Number of indicators >= Gs
        noi <- 'NA'
        ## Indicator identities
        INDN <- 'NA'

      ## Was this a good partition?
      ## At least stopcrit [1] descriptors with g >= stopcrit [2]
      if (length (sG [sG >= stopat [2]]) >= stopat [1] * mc) fine <- TRUE
      else fine <- FALSE


      out <- list (
        medoids = MDS,
        clusters = CLS,
        sizes = CLI,
        is.ok = fine,
        k.min = k.min,
        k.max = k.max,
        k = mk,
        d = md,
        noi = noi,
        ivx = ivx,
        ivi = ivi,        
        indnames = INDN )

      out <- list (
        medoids = NULL,
        clusters = NULL,
        sizes = NULL,
        is.ok = FALSE,
        k.min = NULL,
        k.max = NULL,
        k = NULL,
        d = NULL,
        noi = NULL,
        ivx = NULL,
        ivi = NULL,         
        indnames = NULL )
    return (out)


  ## ----------- dendrogram function (code: J. Collison, 2009) -------------- ##

  create_dendro <- function (clust)
    ## Expects a list of vectors containing cluster affiliations
    ## without info about hierarchy (running number).
    ## Returns an object of class 'hclust'

    num_obs <- length(clust[[1]])

    dendro <- list(
      merge=array(NA, dim=c(num_obs-1,2)),
      height=rep(0, times=num_obs-1),

    class(dendro) <- 'hclust'

    ## hclust requires a set of merge operations, one observation at a time.
    ## Subsequent operations [may] refer to the index of a previous merge,
    ## so we store the operation index after everything we do.

    opnum <- 0

    group_opnums <- c();

    for (level in length(clust):1)
      groups <- clust[[level]];

      groupnum <- 0

      curlevel_group_opnums <- c();

        groupnum <- groupnum+1

        log_in_group <- (groups == groupnum)

        num_in_clust <- sum(log_in_group);

        if (num_in_clust < 1)

        if (level == length(clust))
          ## Bottom level
          ## Join all these and add them to the order vector

          prev_opnum <- 0
          prev_index <- 0

          for (j in 1:num_obs)
            if (!log_in_group[j])

            dendro$order <- c(dendro$order, j)

            if (prev_opnum)
              opnum <- opnum+1
              dendro$merge[opnum,] <- c(-j,prev_opnum)
              dendro$height[opnum] <- 1
              prev_opnum <- opnum
            else if (prev_index)
              opnum <- opnum+1
              dendro$merge[opnum,] <- c(-j,-prev_index)
              dendro$height[opnum] <- 1
              prev_opnum <- opnum
              prev_index <- j

          ## Done merging this cluster
          ## Save the opnum for the last merge in this cluster
          curlevel_group_opnums <- c(curlevel_group_opnums,0)
          curlevel_group_opnums[groupnum] <- prev_opnum

          ## Special case for singletons
          if (!prev_opnum)
            curlevel_group_opnums[groupnum] <- -prev_index
          ## higher levels

          ## For all members of this group, see what their groupid was
          ## one level deeper and store those (uniquely)

          groups_to_join <- c()

          for (j in 1:num_obs)
            if (!log_in_group[j])

            subgroup = clust[[level+1]][j]

            if (sum(groups_to_join == subgroup) == 0)
              ## Not there, add it
              groups_to_join <- c(groups_to_join,subgroup)

          if (length(groups_to_join)>=2)
            ## Merge them.
            prev_opnum = group_opnums[groups_to_join[1]];
            for (r in 2:length(groups_to_join))
              opnum <- opnum+1
              dendro$merge[opnum,] <- c(prev_opnum,
              dendro$height[opnum] <- length(clust) - level + 1
              prev_opnum <- opnum;

            curlevel_group_opnums <- c(curlevel_group_opnums,0)
            curlevel_group_opnums[groupnum] <- prev_opnum
            ## Nothing to merge this one with at this time;
            ## bubble up for next level
            prev_opnum = group_opnums[groups_to_join[1]];
            curlevel_group_opnums <- c(curlevel_group_opnums,0)
            curlevel_group_opnums[groupnum] <- prev_opnum
      } ## end groupnum loop

      ## Done processing this level
      group_opnums <- curlevel_group_opnums

    ## All levels have been processed.
    ## Need to merge whatever remains

    if (length(group_opnums)>1)
      prev_opnum = group_opnums[1];

      for (r in 2:length(group_opnums))
        opnum <- opnum+1
        dendro$merge[opnum,] <- c(prev_opnum,group_opnums[r])
        dendro$height[opnum] <- length(clust) + 1
        prev_opnum <- opnum;


  ## ------------ Isopam call ----------------------------------------------- ##

  if (wordy == TRUE) print ('Planning parallel processing and processing level 1 ', quote = FALSE)
  ## Prepare first partition
  IO <- dat
  IO [IO > 0] <- 1
  dat1 <- dat [,colSums (IO) > 1]  ## Omit species with < 2 (!) occurrences
  if (is.null (dim (dat1))) stop ('Not enough occurrences')
  dat1 <- dat1 [,apply (dat1, 2, var) > 0] ## Omit species without variance
  if (is.null (dim (dat1))) stop ('Not enough variance in species')
  dat1 <- dat1 [apply (dat1, 1, var) > 0,] ## Omit plots without variance
  if (is.null (dim (dat1))) stop ('Not enough variance in plots')

  ## Initiate container for results
  matr <- matrix (NA, nrow = nrow (dat1), ncol = 1) ## Initiate cluster output
  rownames (matr) <- rownames (dat1)
  colnames (matr) <- 'lev.1'

  ## Initiate container for indicators
  indlist <- list()

  ## Initiate matrix for summary ('analytics')
  summ <- matrix (NA, nrow = 9, ncol = 1)
  rownames (summ) <- c('Name',
  colnames (summ) <- 'Part.1'

  ## Run core function
  output <- core (dat1)

  ## Fill cluster container
  matr [,1] <- output$clusters

  ## Fill indicator container
  indlist$'Part.1' <- as.character(output$indnames)

  ## Fill summary matrix
  summ [1,1] <- 0                          ## Name
  summ [2,1] <- length (output$medoids)    ## No. of subgroups
  summ [3,1] <- output$d                   ## Isomap dimensions
  summ [4,1] <- output$k.min               ## Minimum k
  summ [5,1] <- output$k                   ## Isomap k
  summ [6,1] <- output$k.max               ## Maximum k
  summ [7,1] <- output$noi                 ## No. of indicators used
  summ [8,1] <- format (output$ivi, digits = 3)  ## Mean sG of indicators
  summ [9,1] <- format (output$ivx, digits = 3)  ## Mean sG of all descriptors

  ## Medoids
  med <- list ()
  med [[1]] <- output$medoids
  names (med [[1]]) <- c (1:length (output$medoids))

  ## stop if max.level is 1
  if (l.max == 1) stepdown <- FALSE
  else stepdown <- TRUE
  ## Which group is large enough?
  spl <- as.numeric (output$sizes > 2)
  ## stop if there is nothing to split
  if (sum (spl) == 0) stepdown <- FALSE

  ## Preparative stuff
  ctb <- matr ## Cluster table
  colnames (ctb) <- 'lev.1'
  mtb <- matrix (NA, nrow = nrow (dat), ncol = 0) ## Medoid table
  rownames (mtb) <- rownames (dat)

  ## Create ctb.flat for the one level case:
  ## cluster affiliations without info about hierarchy (running number)
  ctb.flat <- as.numeric (as.factor (ctb))
  names (ctb.flat) <- rownames (ctb)

  count <- 2 ## Counter for cluster levels

  ## -------------- Follow-up runs ------------------------------------------ ##

  while (stepdown == TRUE)
    if (l.max != FALSE & count > l.max) stepdown <- FALSE
    if (stepdown == TRUE)

      ifelse (sum (spl) == 1, cas <- 'group', cas <- 'groups')
      if (cas != 0 & wordy == TRUE) print (paste ('Level ', count, 
                                  ': Partitioning ', sum (spl), ' ', 
                                  cas, sep = ''), quote = FALSE)
      output.sub <- list ()              ## Empty list for results
      count.2 <- 1
      for (j in 1:length (spl))          ## Loop through partitions
        if (spl [j] == 1) ## splittable?
          x.sub <- dat [matr [,ncol (matr)] == j,] ## Create data subset

          ## Prepare second run
          IO.x.sub <- x.sub
          IO.x.sub [IO.x.sub > 0] <- 1
          x.sub <- x.sub [,colSums (IO.x.sub) > 1] ## Retain occurring species

          if (is.null (dim (x.sub))) output.sub [[j]] <- NA  ## Nothing to split
            ## Omit species and plots without variance
            x.sub <- x.sub [,apply (x.sub, 2, var) > 0]
            x.sub <- x.sub [apply (x.sub, 1, var) > 0,]

            if (nrow (x.sub) > 2) ## Enough plots left?
              if (sum (spl) > 1 & wordy == TRUE) print (paste ('Group', count.2), quote = FALSE)
              output.sub [[j]] <- core (data.matrix(x.sub, rownames.force = NA))  

              count.2 <- count.2 + 1
            else output.sub [[j]] <- NA
        else output.sub [[j]] <- NA

      ## Look if some of the partitions should be rejected
      ok.vec <- vector ()
      for (l in 1:length (spl))
        if (is.na (output.sub [[l]][1]) == TRUE) ok.vec [[l]] <- FALSE
        else ok.vec [[l]] <- output.sub [[l]]$is.ok

      ## Report
      ok.n <- sum (as.numeric (ok.vec))

      ## Stop if all partitions are rejected
      if (ok.n == 0) stepdown <- FALSE

      if (stepdown == TRUE)
        ## Write new clusters to container
        matr <- cbind (matr, matrix (NA, nrow = nrow (matr), ncol = 1))
        colnames (matr) [ncol (matr)] <- paste ('lev.', ncol (matr), sep = '')

        for (m in 1:length (spl))  ## Fill in values
          if (ok.vec [m] == TRUE)
            sc <- output.sub [[m]]$clusters
            idx.sc <- rownames (matr) %in% names (sc)
            matr [idx.sc, ncol (matr)] <- sc

        ## Make matrix with names expressing hierarchy
        ctb <- cbind (ctb, matrix (0, nrow = nrow (dat), ncol = 1))
        colnames (ctb) [ncol (ctb)] <- paste ('lev.', ncol (ctb), sep = '')
        ctb.red <- na.omit (ctb)
        blub <- matr [,ncol (matr)]
        blub [is.na (blub)] <- 0
        ctb.red [,ncol (ctb.red)] <- paste (ctb.red [,ncol (ctb.red)-1],
                                            blub, sep = '.')
        ctb [rownames (ctb) %in% rownames (ctb.red), ncol (ctb)] <-
          ctb.red [,ncol (ctb.red)]
        ctb <- as.data.frame (ctb)

        ## Overwrite ctb.flat in the multiple level case
        ## Cluster affiliations without info about hierarchy (running number)
        ctb.flat <- list ()
        for (o in 1:ncol (ctb))
          ctb.flat [[o]] <- as.numeric (as.factor (ctb [,o]))
          names (ctb.flat [[o]]) <- rownames (ctb)
          names (ctb.flat) [o] <- paste ('level.', o, sep='')

        ## Make working matrix
        matr.red <- na.omit (matr)
        matr.red  [,ncol (matr.red)] <- as.numeric (as.factor ( paste
                                                                (matr.red [,ncol (matr)-1], matr.red [,ncol (matr.red)],
                                                                  sep = '.')))
        matr [rownames (matr) %in% rownames (matr.red),] <- matr.red
        matr [is.na (matr)] <- 0

        ## Medoids
        mtb <- cbind (mtb, matrix (0, nrow = nrow (dat), ncol = 1))
        rownames (mtb) <- rownames (dat)
        for (n in 1:length (spl))
          if (ok.vec [n] == TRUE)
            mtb [output.sub [[n]]$medoids, ncol (mtb)] <- 1
        med [[count]] <- names (mtb [mtb [,ncol (mtb)] == 1, ncol (mtb)])
        names (med [[count]]) <- ctb [mtb [,ncol (mtb)] == 1, ncol (ctb)]
        nam <- sort (names (med [[count]]))
        med [[count]] <- med [[count]][nam]

        ## Add new partitions to the summary matrix
        for (x in 1:length (spl))
          if (ok.vec [x] == TRUE)
            summ <- cbind (summ, matrix (NA, nrow = 9, ncol = 1))
            colnames (summ) [ncol(summ)] <- paste ('Part.', ncol(summ), sep = '')
            summ [2,ncol(summ)] <- length (output.sub[[x]]$medoids) ## Subgroups
            summ [3,ncol(summ)] <- output.sub[[x]]$d             ## Isomap dims
            summ [4,ncol(summ)] <- output.sub[[x]]$k.min         ## Minimum k
            summ [5,ncol(summ)] <- output.sub[[x]]$k             ## Selected k
            summ [6,ncol(summ)] <- output.sub[[x]]$k.max         ## Maximum k
            summ [7,ncol(summ)] <- output.sub[[x]]$noi           ## Indicators
            summ [8,ncol(summ)] <- output.sub[[x]]$ivi           ## IV (Indic.)
            summ [9,ncol(summ)] <- output.sub[[x]]$ivx           ## IV (all)

        ## Add new indicators to indicator container
        for (m2 in 1:length (spl))
          if (ok.vec [m2] == TRUE)
            idx <- length(indlist) + 1
            indlist[[idx]] <- output.sub[[m2]]$indnames
        names(indlist) <- colnames(summ)

        ## OK, now we have a matrix with cluster affiliations of this level
        ## Repeat the search for splittable units:

        subtab <- table (matr [,ncol (matr)])
        subtab <- subtab [names (subtab) != '0']
        spl <- as.numeric (subtab > 2)
        names (spl) <- names (subtab)

        count <- count + 1

        ## Create object of class 'hclust'
        dendro <- create_dendro(ctb.flat)
  } ## End while-loop

  ## Cluster names
  if (ncol (ctb) > 1)
    cnam <- vector ()
    for (y in 1:length(med))
      cnam <- c (cnam, names (med [[y]]))

    childs <- vector ()
    for (z in 1:length (cnam))
      nch <- nchar (cnam [z])
      childs <- c (childs, length (grep (cnam [z], substr (cnam, 1, nch),
                                         value = TRUE)))
    summ [1,2:ncol(summ)] <- cnam [childs > 1]
  summ <- as.data.frame (summ)

  ## ------------ Output ---------------------------------------------------- ##

  if (ncol (ctb) == 1)
    OUT <- list (
      call = sys.call (),
      distance = distance,
      flat = ctb.flat,
      hier = NULL,
      medoids = med,
      analytics = summ,
      dendro = NULL,
      centers_usr = centers,
      ind_usr = ind,
      indicators = indlist,
      dat = dat
  if (ncol (ctb) > 1)
    OUT <- list (
      call = sys.call (),
      distance = distance,
      flat = ctb.flat,
      hier = ctb,
      medoids = med,
      analytics = summ,
      dendro = dendro,
      centers_usr = centers,
      ind_usr = ind,
      indicators = indlist,
      dat = dat

  class (OUT) <- 'isopam'

  ## save output
  if (juice == TRUE)
    write.table (ctb, file = 'isopam/juicein.txt',
                 col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
    if (!is.null (OUT$dendro [1]))
      wth <- (nrow (ctb) * 11) + 100
      bmp (filename = 'isopam/juicetree.bmp', width = wth)
      plot (OUT$dendro)
  if (ncol (ctb) == 1)
    print (paste ("Non-hierarchical partition created"), quote = FALSE)
    print (paste ("Cluster tree with", ncol (ctb), "levels created"),
           quote = FALSE)

  invisible (OUT)

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