# retrieve package settings, internal function, not exported
default <- function(name, allow_null = FALSE) {
name_exp <- rlang::enexpr(name)
if (rlang::is_symbol(name_exp))
name <- rlang::as_name(name_exp)
else if (is.character(name_exp))
name <- name_exp
stop("don't know how to process setting expression '", rlang::as_label(name_exp), "'", call. = FALSE)
value <- getOption(str_c("isoreader.", name))
if (!allow_null && is.null(value)) stop("isoreader setting '", name, "' does not exist", call. = FALSE)
# resolve defaults in a list of quos or expressions
# @param q single quo or expression, or list of quos and/or expressions
resolve_defaults <- function(q) {
resolve_default <- function(x) {
if (
((rlang::is_quosure(x) && rlang::quo_is_call(x)) || (!rlang::is_quosure(x) && rlang::is_call(x))) &&
rlang::call_name(x) == "default") {
} else {
if (is.list(q)) return(purrr::map(q, resolve_default))
else return(resolve_default(q))
# set package setting, internal function, not exported
set_default <- function(name, value, overwrite = TRUE) {
if (overwrite || !str_c("isoreader.", name) %in% names(options()))
options(list(value) %>% rlang::set_names(str_c("isoreader.", name)))
# retrieve temp option
get_temp <- function(name, allow_null = TRUE) {
value <- getOption(str_c("isoreader_temp.", name))
if (!allow_null && is.null(value)) stop("isoreader temporary setting '", name, "' does not exist", call. = FALSE)
#' Set temporary option
#' Set a temporary option for parallel processing in isoprocessor.
#' @param name name of the temporary option
#' @param value value of the temporary option
#' @export
set_temp <- function(name, value) {
options(list(value) %>% rlang::set_names(str_c("isoreader_temp.", name)))
# helper function to transfer option settings between processors
get_all_options <- function(with_temp = FALSE) {
all_opts <- options()
pattern <- if(with_temp) "^isoreader(_temp)?\\." else "^isoreader\\."
all_opts[str_detect(names(all_opts), pattern)]
#' Get the current default parameters
#' Retrieve a table with all default function parameters for this package.
#' To set read parameters, see \code{\link{iso_set_default_read_parameters}}.
#' To set messaging and caching parameters see \code{\link{iso_info_messages}} and see \code{\link{iso_caching}}.
#' @family settings functions
#' @export
iso_get_default_reader_parameters <- function() {
c("quiet", "cache", "cache_dir", "read_raw_data", "read_file_info", "read_method_info", "read_vendor_data_table") %>%
sapply(function(x) list(default(!!x))) %>%
tibble(parameter = names(.),
value = as.character(unlist(.)))
#' Turn caching on/off
#' These functions turn caching of data files (and reading from cache) on/off in all subsequent isoread calls by changing the global settings for the \code{cache} parameter. Can be called stand alone or within a pipeline.
#' @param data a data frame - returned invisibly as is if provided (e.g. in the middle of a pipeline)
#' @name iso_caching
#' @family settings functions
#' @rdname iso_caching
#' @export
iso_turn_reader_caching_on <- function(data = NULL) {
set_default("cache", TRUE)
if (!default("quiet")) message("Info: caching turned on")
if (!missing(data)) return(invisible(data))
#' @rdname iso_caching
#' @export
iso_turn_reader_caching_off <- function(data = NULL) {
set_default("cache", FALSE)
if (!default("quiet")) message("Info: caching turned off")
if (!missing(data)) return(invisible(data))
#' Set default read options
#' @inheritParams iso_turn_reader_caching_on
#' @inheritParams iso_read_files
#' @param read_raw_data if provided, set as the default for `read_raw_data` parameters
#' @param read_file_info if provided, set as the default for `read_file_info` parameters
#' @param read_method_info if provided, set as the default for `read_method_info` parameters
#' @param read_vendor_data_table if provided, set as the default for `read_vendor_data_table` parameters
#' @export
#' @family settings functions
iso_set_default_read_parameters <- function(data = NULL, read_raw_data, read_file_info, read_method_info, read_vendor_data_table, quiet = default(quiet)) {
read_params <- list()
if (!missing(read_raw_data)) read_params <- c(read_params, list(read_raw_data = read_raw_data))
if (!missing(read_file_info)) read_params <- c(read_params, list(read_file_info = read_file_info))
if (!missing(read_method_info)) read_params <- c(read_params, list(read_method_info = read_method_info))
if (!missing(read_vendor_data_table)) read_params <- c(read_params, list(read_vendor_data_table = read_vendor_data_table))
# safety check
if (!all(ok <- map_lgl(read_params, is.logical))){
glue("read parameters must be TRUE or FALSE, provided: {collapse(as.character(unlist(read_params[!ok])), ', ')}") %>%
stop(call. = FALSE)
# info message
if(!quiet) {
params <- sprintf("%s = %s", names(read_params), read_params)
glue("Info: setting read parameter(s) '{collapse(params, \"', '\", last = \"' and '\")}'") %>% message()
# set values
mapply(set_default, names(read_params), read_params)
if (!missing(data)) return(invisible(data))
#' Control information messages
#' These functions control the global settings for information messages.
#' \code{iso_turn_info_messages_on()} and \code{iso_turn_info_messages_off()} turn information messages on/off in all subsequent function calls by changing the global settings for the \code{quiet} parameter of most isoreader functions. These functions can be called stand alone or within a pipeline to turn messages on/off at a certain point during the pipeline.
#' \code{iso_turn_datetime_warnings_on()} and \code{iso_turn_datetime_warnings_off()} turn datetime warnings that occur on some platforms (mostly linux distributions) on/off for all subsequent isoreader functions. These warnings inform the user that file creation dates are not available from the operating system.
#' @inheritParams iso_turn_reader_caching_on
#' @name iso_info_messages
#' @rdname iso_info_messages
#' @family settings functions
#' @export
iso_turn_info_messages_on <- function(data = NULL) {
set_default("quiet", FALSE)
message("Info: information messages turned on")
if (!missing(data)) return(invisible(data))
#' @rdname iso_info_messages
#' @export
iso_turn_info_messages_off <- function(data = NULL) {
set_default("quiet", TRUE)
if (!missing(data)) return(invisible(data))
# update quiet returns update function for on.exit
update_quiet <- function(quiet) {
if (quiet != default(quiet)) {
quiet_setting <- default(quiet)
set_default("quiet", quiet)
return(function() set_default("quiet", quiet_setting))
} else {
return(function() {})
#' @rdname iso_info_messages
#' @export
iso_turn_datetime_warnings_on <- function(data = NULL) {
set_default("datetime_warnings", TRUE)
if (!missing(data)) return(invisible(data))
#' @rdname iso_info_messages
#' @export
iso_turn_datetime_warnings_off <- function(data = NULL) {
set_default("datetime_warnings", FALSE)
if (!missing(data)) return(invisible(data))
#' Debugging functions
#' For troubleshooting. Not exported.
#' @inheritParams iso_turn_reader_caching_on
#' @name iso_debug_mode
#' @param catch_errors whether to still catch errors in debug mode or whether to throw them
#' @param cache whether to cache or read anything from cache
#' @rdname iso_debug_mode
iso_turn_debug_on <- function(data = NULL, catch_errors = TRUE, cache = FALSE) {
set_default("debug", TRUE)
set_default("catch_errors", catch_errors)
set_default("cache", cache)
"Info: debug mode turned on, ",
"error catching turned {if(catch_errors) 'on' else 'off'}, ",
"caching turned {if(cache) 'on' else 'off'}") %>%
if (!missing(data)) return(data)
#' @rdname iso_debug_mode
iso_turn_debug_off <- function(data = NULL) {
set_default("debug", FALSE)
set_default("catch_errors", TRUE)
set_default("cache", TRUE)
message("Info: debug mode turned off")
if (!missing(data)) return(data)
#' @param event_expr an expression to evaluate in the context of reading individual iso files (evaluated in the local environment at the beginning of a file read)
#' @rdname iso_debug_mode
set_read_file_event_expr <- function(event_expr = NULL) {
set_default("read_file_event", enquo(event_expr))
#' @rdname iso_debug_mode
set_finish_file_event_expr <- function(event_expr = NULL) {
set_default("finish_file_event", enquo(event_expr))
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