
drop.tip2.6 <- function (phy, tip, trim.internal = TRUE, subtree = FALSE, root.edge = 0, 
    rooted = is.rooted(phy), interactive = FALSE) 
	nodeDepth<-function(Ntip, Nnode, edge, Nedge, xx = double(Ntip+Nnode)){
	for(i in 1:Nedge){
		xx[edge[i,1]] <- xx[edge[i,1]]+xx[edge[i,2]]

    if (!inherits(phy, "phylo")) 
        stop("object \"phy\" is not of class \"phylo\"")
    Ntip <- length(phy$tip.label)
    if (interactive) {
        cat("Left-click close to the tips you want to drop; right-click when finished...\n")
        xy <- locator()
        nToDrop <- length(xy$x)
        tip <- integer(nToDrop)
        lastPP <- get("last_plot.phylo", envir = .PlotPhyloEnv)
        for (i in 1:nToDrop) {
            d <- sqrt((xy$x[i] - lastPP$xx)^2 + (xy$y[i] - lastPP$yy)^2)
            tip[i] <- which.min(d)
    else {
        if (is.character(tip)) 
            tip <- which(phy$tip.label %in% tip)
    if (any(tip > Ntip)) 
        warning("some tip numbers were higher than the number of tips")
    if (!rooted && subtree) {
        phy <- root(phy, (1:Ntip)[-tip][1])
        root.edge <- 0
    phy <- reorder(phy)
    NEWROOT <- ROOT <- Ntip + 1
    Nnode <- phy$Nnode
    Nedge <- dim(phy$edge)[1]
    if (subtree) {
        trim.internal <- TRUE
        tr <- reorder(phy, "pruningwise")
        N <- nodeDepth(Ntip, Nnode, tr$edge, Nedge)
    wbl <- !is.null(phy$edge.length)
    edge1 <- phy$edge[, 1]
    edge2 <- phy$edge[, 2]
    keep <- !logical(Nedge)
    keep[match(tip, edge2)] <- FALSE
    if (trim.internal) {
        ints <- edge2 > Ntip
        repeat {
            sel <- !(edge2 %in% edge1[keep]) & ints & keep
            if (!sum(sel)) 
            keep[sel] <- FALSE
        if (subtree) {
            subt <- edge1 %in% edge1[keep] & edge1 %in% edge1[!keep]
            keep[subt] <- TRUE
        if (root.edge && wbl) {
            degree <- tabulate(edge1[keep])
            if (degree[ROOT] == 1) {
                j <- integer(0)
                repeat {
                  i <- which(edge1 == NEWROOT & keep)
                  j <- c(i, j)
                  NEWROOT <- edge2[i]
                  degree <- tabulate(edge1[keep])
                  if (degree[NEWROOT] > 1) 
                keep[j] <- FALSE
                if (length(j) > root.edge) 
                  j <- 1:root.edge
                NewRootEdge <- sum(phy$edge.length[j])
                if (length(j) < root.edge && !is.null(phy$root.edge)) 
                  NewRootEdge <- NewRootEdge + phy$root.edge
                phy$root.edge <- NewRootEdge
    if (!root.edge) 
        phy$root.edge <- NULL
    phy$edge <- phy$edge[keep, ]
    if (wbl) 
        phy$edge.length <- phy$edge.length[keep]
    TERMS <- !(phy$edge[, 2] %in% phy$edge[, 1])
    oldNo.ofNewTips <- phy$edge[TERMS, 2]
    if (subtree) {
        i <- which(tip %in% oldNo.ofNewTips)
        if (length(i)) {
            phy$tip.label[tip[i]] <- "[1_tip]"
            tip <- tip[-i]
    n <- length(oldNo.ofNewTips)
    phy$edge[TERMS, 2] <- rank(phy$edge[TERMS, 2])
    phy$tip.label <- phy$tip.label[-tip]
    if (subtree || !trim.internal) {
        node2tip <- oldNo.ofNewTips[oldNo.ofNewTips > Ntip]
        new.tip.label <- if (subtree) {
            paste("[", N[node2tip], "_tips]", sep = "")
        else {
            if (is.null(phy$node.label)) 
                rep("NA", length(node2tip))
            else phy$node.label[node2tip - Ntip]
        if (!is.null(phy$node.label)) 
            phy$node.label <- phy$node.label[-(node2tip - Ntip)]
        phy$tip.label <- c(phy$tip.label, new.tip.label)
    if (!is.null(phy$node.label)) 
        phy$node.label <- phy$node.label[sort(unique(phy$edge[, 
            1])) - Ntip]
    phy$Nnode <- dim(phy$edge)[1] - n + 1L
    newNb <- integer(n + phy$Nnode)
    newNb[NEWROOT] <- n + 1L
    sndcol <- phy$edge[, 2] > n
    phy$edge[sndcol, 2] <- newNb[phy$edge[sndcol, 2]] <- (n + 
        2):(n + phy$Nnode)
    phy$edge[, 1] <- newNb[phy$edge[, 1]]
    storage.mode(phy$edge) <- "integer"

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