#' The itol.hub Class
#' @description The itol.hub object is an intermediate storage container used internally throughout the
#' integration procedure to hold bits of data that are useful downstream.
#' @slot tree a list of meta data table, usually raw, full, and analyze
#' @slot seq identity of the active assay
#' @slot abundance abundance
#' @slot taxonomy taxonomy
#' @slot other
#' @slot theme itol theme
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @name itol.hub-class
#' @rdname itol.hub-class
#' @concept objects
#' @exportClass itol.hub
itol.hub <- setClass(
Class = "itol.hub",
slots = list(
tree = "list",
seq = "data.frame",
abundance = "data.frame",
taxonomy = "list", = "list",
theme = "list"
#' Create itol.hub Object
#' @description create a new object for itol.hub
#' @param tree tree file
#' @param field_tree todo
#' @param seq todo
#' @param abundance todo
#' @param taxonomy todo
#' @param node_data todo
#' @param tip_data todo
#' @importFrom ape read.tree
#' @importFrom ape makeNodeLabel
#' @return Returns a itol.hub object
#' @export
#' @concept object
#' @examples
#' TREE <- system.file("extdata", "tree_of_itol_templates.tree", package = "itol.toolkit")
#' create_hub(tree = TREE)
create_hub <- function(tree,field_tree=NULL,seq=NULL,abundance=NULL,taxonomy=NULL,node_data=NULL,tip_data=NULL) {
if (is.character(tree)) {
tree <- read.tree(tree)
tree <- list(main = tree, field = list())
if (any(duplicated(tree$main$node.label)) || is.null(tree$main$node.label)) {
tree$main <- ape::makeNodeLabel(phy = tree$main, method = "number", prefix = "I")
field_tree_name = file_get_name(str = field_tree, with_ext = FALSE, keep_dir = FALSE)
tree$field <- list(new_element = read.tree(field_tree))
names(tree$field)[length(names(tree$field))] <- field_tree_name
seq <- data.frame(id = tree$main$tip.label)
abundance <- data.frame(id = tree$main$tip.label)
taxonomy <- list(node = data.frame(id = tree$main$node.label), tip = data.frame(id = tree$main$tip.label)) <- list(node = data.frame(id = tree$main$node.label), tip = data.frame(id = tree$main$tip.label))
theme <- list()
object <- new("itol.hub", tree = tree, seq = seq, abundance = abundance, taxonomy = taxonomy, =, theme = theme)
# S4 method
#' show method for S4 class itol.hub
#' @param object An object of class itol.hub
#' @return a stdout screen information about itol.hub object
#' @importMethodsFrom methods show
#' @export
function(object) {
cat("An object of class \"itol.hub\" from package itol.toolkit\n")
cat("Main tree: ", length(object@tree$main$tip.label), " tips\n")
cat("Feild tree: ", length(object@tree$field), " trees\n")
cat("Sequence: ", dim(object@seq)[2] - 1, " datasets\n")
cat("Abundance: ", length(unique(stringr::str_remove(names(object@abundance)[grep("\\$", names(object@abundance))], "\\$.*$"))), " datasets\n")
cat("Taxonomy: ", dim(object@taxonomy$tip)[2] - 1, " levels\n")
cat("Node data: ", length(unique(stringr::str_remove(names($node)[grep("\\$", names($node))], "\\$.*$"))), " datasets\n")
cat("Tip data: ", length(unique(stringr::str_remove(names($tip)[grep("\\$", names($tip))], "\\$.*$"))), " datasets\n")
cat("Themes: ", length(object@theme), "\n")
#' The itol.unit Class
#' @description The itol.unit object is an intermediate storage container used internally throughout the
#' integration procedure to hold bits of data that are useful downstream.
#' @slot type a list of meta data table, usually raw, full, and analyze
#' @slot sep identity of the active assay
#' @slot profile abundance
#' @slot field taxonomy
#' @slot common_themes other
#' @slot specific_themes itol theme
#' @slot data data
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @name itol.unit-class
#' @rdname itol.unit-class
#' @concept objects
#' @exportClass itol.unit
itol.unit <- setClass(
Class = "itol.unit",
slots = list(
type = "character",
sep = "character",
profile = "list",
field = "list",
common_themes = "list",
specific_themes = "list",
data = "list"
#' Create itol.unit Object from file
#' @description create a new object for itol.unit
#' @param file template file
#' @param tree tree file
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to subsequent functions.
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr discard
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @return Returns a itol.unit object
#' @export
#' @concept object
file_to_unit <- function(file, tree, ...) {
file_name <- file_get_name(str = file, with_ext = F, keep_dir = F)
file_name <- sub(" ", "_", file_name)
type <- ""
sep <- ""
profile <- list()
field <- list()
common_themes <- list()
specific_themes <- list()
data <- learn_df(tree = tree, node = T, tip = T)
lines_clean <- line_clean(file = file)
type <- learn_type(file = file)
sep <- learn_separator(lines_clean)
lines_data <- line_split(lines_clean)
if (type %in% c("COLLAPSE", "PRUNE")) {
df_data <- learn_subdf(lines = lines_data, type = type, sep = "\t", dataset_name = file_name, ...)
if (type %in% c("SPACING", "TREE_COLORS", "LABELS", "POPUP_INFO")) {
df_data <- learn_subdf(lines = lines_data, type = type, sep = sep, dataset_name = file_name, ...)
if (type %in% c("DATASET_STYLE", "DATASET_TEXT")) {
profile <- learn_profile(lines_clean, sep)
common_themes <- learn_theme_common_themes(lines_clean, sep)
df_data <- learn_subdf(lines = lines_data, type = type, sep = sep, dataset_name = sub(" ", "_", profile[["name"]]), ...)
profile <- learn_profile(lines_clean, sep)
common_themes <- learn_theme_common_themes(lines_clean, sep)
specific_themes <- learn_theme_specific_themes(lines_clean, sep, type)
df_data <- learn_subdf(lines = lines_data, type = type, sep = sep, dataset_name = sub(" ", "_", profile[["name"]]), ...)
profile <- learn_profile(lines_clean, sep)
common_themes <- learn_theme_common_themes(lines_clean, sep)
specific_themes <- learn_theme_specific_themes(lines_clean, sep, type)
df_data <- learn_subdf(lines = lines_data, type = type, sep = sep, dataset_name = sub(" ", "_", profile[["name"]]), field_labels = profile[["name"]], ...)
profile <- learn_profile(lines_clean, sep)
field <- learn_field(lines_clean, sep)
common_themes <- learn_theme_common_themes(lines_clean, sep)
specific_themes <- learn_theme_specific_themes(lines_clean, sep, type)
df_data <- learn_subdf(lines = lines_data, type = type, sep = sep, dataset_name = sub(" ", "_", profile[["name"]]), field_labels = field[["labels"]], ...)
df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
data[["node"]] <- df_merge(data[["node"]], df_data)
data[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data[["tip"]], df_data)
unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data)
#' Create itol.unit Object from object
#' @description create a new object for itol.unit
#' @param object itol.hub object
#' @param theme itol.theme object
#' @param key key id of dataset name
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @return Returns a itol.unit object
#' @export
#' @concept object
hub_to_unit <- function(object, theme, key) {
type <- ""
sep <- ""
profile <- list()
field <- list()
common_themes <- list()
specific_themes <- list()
data <- learn_df(tree = object@tree$main, node = TRUE, tip = TRUE)
# equal row number
type <- theme@type
sep <- theme@sep
profile <- theme@profile
field <- theme@field
common_themes <- theme@common_themes
specific_themes <- theme@specific_themes
data[["node"]] <-$node %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
data[["tip"]] <-$tip %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
# not equal row number
type <- theme@type
sep <- theme@sep
profile <- theme@profile
field <- theme@field
common_themes <- theme@common_themes
specific_themes <- theme@specific_themes
data_node <-$node %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
data_tip <-$tip %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
pattern <- "\\|"
names_node <- names(data_node)
names_tip <- names(data_tip)
data[['node']] <- data_node
eval(parse(text = paste0("data[['node']] <- tidyr::separate_rows(data_node,`", paste0(names_node[-1], collapse = "`,`"), "`,sep = pattern)")))
eval(parse(text = paste0("data[['tip']] <- tidyr::separate_rows(data_tip,`", paste0(names_tip[-1], collapse = "`,`"), "`,sep = pattern)")))
data[["node"]][data[["node"]] == "NA"] <- NA
data[["tip"]][data[["tip"]] == "NA"] <- NA
if (theme@type == "DATASET_DOMAINS") {
type <- theme@type
sep <- theme@sep
profile <- theme@profile
field <- theme@field
common_themes <- theme@common_themes
specific_themes <- theme@specific_themes
data_node <-$node %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
data_tip <-$tip %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
pattern_1 <- ","
pattern_2 <- "\\|"
names_node <- names(data_node)
names_tip <- names(data_tip)
data[['node']] <- data_node
eval(parse(text = paste0("data_node <- tidyr::separate_rows(data_node,`", paste0(key, "$DOMAINS"), "`,sep = pattern_1)")))
eval(parse(text = paste0("data_tip <- tidyr::separate_rows(data_tip,`", key, "$DOMAINS`,sep = pattern_1)")))
node_id <- "node"
tip_id <- "tip"
colnames_new <- paste0(key, "$", c("SHAPE", "START", "END", "COLOR", "LABEL"))
eval(parse(text = paste0("data[[node_id]] <- data_node %>% tidyr::separate(`", paste0(key, "$DOMAINS"), "`, sep = pattern_2, into = colnames_new, remove = FALSE) %>% select(-`", paste0(key, "$DOMAINS"), "`)")))
eval(parse(text = paste0("data[[tip_id]] <- data_tip %>% tidyr::separate(`", paste0(key, "$DOMAINS"), "`, sep = pattern_2, into = colnames_new, remove = FALSE) %>% select(-`", paste0(key, "$DOMAINS"), "`)")))
data[["node"]][data[["node"]] == "NA"] <- NA
data[["tip"]][data[["tip"]] == "NA"] <- NA
if (theme@type == "DATASET_LINECHART") {
type <- theme@type
sep <- theme@sep
profile <- theme@profile
field <- theme@field
common_themes <- theme@common_themes
specific_themes <- theme@specific_themes
data_node <-$node %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
data_tip <-$tip %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
pattern <- "\\|"
names_node <- names(data_node)
names_tip <- names(data_tip)
node_id <- "node"
tip_id <- "tip"
data[['node']] <- data_node
eval(parse(text = paste0("data[[node_id]] <- tidyr::separate_rows(data_node,`", paste0(key, "$X"), "`,`", paste0(key, "$Y"), "`,sep = pattern)")))
eval(parse(text = paste0("data[[tip_id]] <- tidyr::separate_rows(data_tip,`", paste0(key, "$X"), "`,`", paste0(key, "$Y"), "`,sep = pattern)")))
data[["node"]][data[["node"]] == "NA"] <- NA
data[["tip"]][data[["tip"]] == "NA"] <- NA
# position:taxonomy
# equal row number
if (theme@type == c("LABELS")) {
type <- theme@type
sep <- theme@sep
profile <- theme@profile
field <- theme@field
common_themes <- theme@common_themes
specific_themes <- theme@specific_themes
data[["node"]] <- object@taxonomy$node %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
data[["tip"]] <- object@taxonomy$tip %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
# position:abundance
# equal row number
if (theme@type == c("DATASET_HEATMAP")) {
type <- theme@type
sep <- theme@sep
profile <- theme@profile
field <- theme@field
common_themes <- theme@common_themes
specific_themes <- theme@specific_themes
data[["tip"]] <- object@abundance %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
# position:seq
# equal row number
if (theme@type == c("DATASET_ALIGNMENT")) {
type <- theme@type
sep <- theme@sep
profile <- theme@profile
field <- theme@field
common_themes <- theme@common_themes
specific_themes <- theme@specific_themes
data[["tip"]] <- object@seq %>% select(id, starts_with(paste0(key, "$")))
unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data)
#' Merge units
#' @description Merge two itol.unit with same type. The second unit data will be
#' added into the first one.
#' @param obj1 a itol.unit object specifying the first unit
#' @param obj2 a itol.unit object specifying the second unit
#' @return a itol.unit object with merged data
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove
#' @export
merge_unit <- function(obj1,obj2){
if(obj1@type == obj2@type){
if(ncol(obj1@data$node) != ncol(obj2@data$node)){
t_col <- max(ncol(obj1@data$node),ncol(obj2@data$node))
if(t_col - ncol(obj1@data$node) > 0){
key_1 <- unique(stringr::str_remove(names(obj1@data$node)[-1],"\\$.*$"))
new_col_names <- stringr::str_remove(names(obj2@data$node)[(ncol(obj1@data$node)+1):ncol(obj2@data$node)],"^.*\\$")
for (i in 1:length(new_col_names)) {
obj1@data$node <- data.frame(obj1@data$node,new_col = NA)
names(obj1@data$node)[length(obj1@data$node)] <- paste0(key_1,"$",new_col_names[i])
if(t_col - ncol(obj2@data$node) > 0){
key_1 <- unique(stringr::str_remove(names(obj1@data$node)[-1],"\\$.*$"))
new_col_names <- stringr::str_remove(names(obj1@data$node)[(ncol(obj2@data$node)+1):ncol(obj1@data$node)],"^.*\\$")
for (i in 1:length(new_col_names)) {
obj2@data$node <- data.frame(obj2@data$node,new_col = NA)
names(obj2@data$node)[length(obj2@data$node)] <- paste0(key_1,"$",new_col_names[i])
if(ncol(obj1@data$tip) != ncol(obj2@data$tip)){
t_col <- max(ncol(obj1@data$tip),ncol(obj2@data$tip))
if(t_col - ncol(obj1@data$tip) > 0){
key_1 <- unique(stringr::str_remove(names(obj1@data$tip)[-1],"\\$.*$"))
new_col_names <- stringr::str_remove(names(obj2@data$tip)[(ncol(obj1@data$tip)+1):ncol(obj2@data$tip)],"^.*\\$")
for (i in 1:length(new_col_names)) {
obj1@data$tip <- data.frame(obj1@data$tip,new_col = NA)
names(obj1@data$tip)[length(obj1@data$tip)] <- paste0(key_1,"$",new_col_names[i])
if(t_col - ncol(obj2@data$tip) > 0){
key_1 <- unique(stringr::str_remove(names(obj1@data$tip)[-1],"\\$.*$"))
new_col_names <- stringr::str_remove(names(obj1@data$tip)[(ncol(obj2@data$tip)+1):ncol(obj1@data$tip)],"^.*\\$")
for (i in 1:length(new_col_names)) {
obj2@data$tip <- data.frame(obj2@data$tip,new_col = NA)
names(obj2@data$tip)[length(obj2@data$tip)] <- paste0(key_1,"$",new_col_names[i])
names_node <- names(obj1@data$node)
names_tip <- names(obj1@data$tip)
names(obj2@data$node) <- names_node
names(obj2@data$tip) <- names_tip
obj1@data$node <- rbind(obj1@data$node,obj2@data$node)
obj1@data$tip <- rbind(obj1@data$tip,obj2@data$tip)
#' The itol.theme Class
#' @description The itol.theme object is an intermediate storage container used internally throughout the
#' integration procedure to hold bits of data that are useful downstream.
#' @slot type a list of meta data table, usually raw, full, and analyze
#' @slot sep identity of the active assay
#' @slot profile abundance
#' @slot field taxonomy
#' @slot common_themes other
#' @slot specific_themes itol theme
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @name itol.theme-class
#' @rdname itol.theme-class
#' @concept objects
#' @exportClass itol.theme
itol.theme <- setClass(
Class = "itol.theme",
slots = list(
type = "character",
sep = "character",
profile = "list",
field = "list",
common_themes = "list",
specific_themes = "list"
#' Create itol.theme Object
#' @description create a new object for itol.theme
#' @param unit unit object
#' @param file template file
#' @param tree tree file
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to subsequent functions.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @return Returns a itol.theme object
#' @export
#' @concept object
create_theme <- function(unit = NULL, file = NULL, tree = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(unit)) {
unit <- file_to_unit(file = file, tree = tree)
theme <- new("itol.theme", type = unit@type, sep = unit@sep, profile = unit@profile, field = unit@field, common_themes = unit@common_themes, specific_themes = unit@specific_themes)
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