
Defines functions count_to_tree create_unit use.theme

Documented in count_to_tree create_unit use.theme

#' Extract theme from inbuilt_themes
#' @description Extract theme from 23 template types in inbuilt_themes data
#' in package.
#' @param type a character specifying the template type used for extracting.
#' Following choices are possible: "COLLAPSE","PRUNE","SPACING","TREE_COLORS",
#' @param style a character specifying the specific version of template type
#' used for extracting. The default value is "default" style for all types.
#' @return a itol.theme object containing
#' @return \item{type}{This group holds information about the template type of
#' the data only. This is a very critical piece of information. In many
#' functions of the itol.toolkit package, the template type information is
#' used to determine the different data processing and input/output methods.}
#' @return \item{sep}{This group holds data separator information only.
#' This is one of the most important parameters for data reading and output.
#' It is a separate category because it is frequently used and is an input
#' parameter for other subsequent parameters to be read.}
#' @return \item{profile}{This group contains basic information about the
#' dataset, such as the dataset name and a color label to distinguish the
#' dataset. The dataset name is extremely important. This parameter is used
#' almost throughout the data processing of the itol.toolkit package.
#' With the content of this parameter as the key value, the data and theme
#' information of the dataset are associated. In turn, high throughput
#' learning and writing of large-scale data can be achieved. This parameter
#' is not included in some template types with a particularly simple structure,
#' so we choose a file name or a user-defined method as the key value.}
#' @return \item{field}{This group contains information about each sample
#' within the dataset, and this type of parameter exists only for multi-sample
#' data. This information even includes the clustering tree between samples.
#' This information is usually stored as part of the column names in the
#' metadata part or abundance information of the itol.hub object.}
#' @return \item{common_themes}{These themes are used at high frequency in
#' different templates. These parameters are small in number but constitute some
#' common features of iTOL visual style settings, such as legend, margin, etc.}
#' @return \item{specific_themes}{These themes are used only in specific
#' templates. The number of these parameters is very large. However, most of
#' them are used in only one template to control the style details of the
#' visualization. By unifying these parameters and calling them according to the
#' template type, users can perform secondary development and data processing
#' with a high degree of parameter aggregation without worrying too much about
#' the differences between different template types.}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' theme <- use.theme("COLLAPSE")
use.theme <- function(type,style="default"){
  if (!type %in% names(inbuilt_themes)) {
    stop("Unsupported type")
  if (!style %in% c("default")) {
    stop("Unsupported style")
  theme <- inbuilt_themes[[type]][[style]]

#' Create itol.unit
#' @description Create itol.unit from simple input in R environment.
#' @param data if type == "COLLAPSE", a vector of characters specifying the tips
#' or node used for collapsing used for extracting.
#' @param key a character specifying the output file name for hub object.
#' @param type a character specifying the template type used for extracting.
#' Following choices are possible: "COLLAPSE","PRUNE","SPACING","TREE_COLORS",
#' @param style a character specifying the specific version of template type
#' used for extracting. The default value is "default" style for all types.
#' @param subtype a character specifying the subtype under type. If the type is
#' "TREE_COLORS", the following choices are possible: "range", "clade",
#' "branch", "label", "label_background".
#' @param color a character specifying the color pattern name. The following
#' choices are possible: "table2itol", "RColorBrewer", "ggsci".
#' @param line_type a character specifying the normal or dashed line type used
#' in clade and branch subtype.
#' @param font_type a character specifying the bold, italic, and bold-italic
#' font type used in label and branch subtype.
#' @param size_factor a number specifying the line width used in clade and
#' branch subtype and size factor in label subtype.
#' @param position If type == "DATASET_STYLE", a character
#' specifying the position: The following choices are possible: "node" and
#' "clade". If type == "DATASET_TEXT", a number specifying the position of the
#' text on the tree: -1 = external label; a number between 0 and 1 = internal
#' label positioned at the specified value along the node branch (for example,
#' position 0 is exactly at the start of node branch, position 0.5 is in the
#' middle, and position 1 is at the end)
#' @param background_color Only used while type == "DATASET_STYLE" and subtype
#' == "label". a character or a vector of character specifying the background
#' color in hexadecimal, RGB or RGBA notation.
#' @param rotation Only used while type == "DATASET_TEXT". a number or a
#' vector of number specifying the rotation angle of the text.
#' @param method a character specifying the numbric data summarise method. If
#' type == "DATASET_BINARY", the following choices are possible: "mean",
#' "sum".
#' @param shape a character or a vector of character specifying the symbol
#' shape. If type == "DATASET_BINARY", the default is 2. If type ==
#' "DATASET_SYMBOL", the following choices are possible: 1 for rectangle, 2
#' for circle, 3 for star, 4 for left pointing triangle, 5 for right pointing
#' triangle. If using NULL and there are data column, the functions will
#' automaticly help users to setup the shapes based on the levels of the
#' data.
#' @param fill If type == "DATASET_SYMBOL", 1/0 is specifying the shape
#' outlier filled or not. If type == "DATASET_DOMAINS", the following choices
#' are possible: "RE|HH|HV|EL|DI|TR|TL|PL|PR|PU|PD|OC|GP".
#' @param tree a character specifying Newick format tree file path or a phylo
#' object of main phylogenetic tree.
#' @return a itol.unit object containing
#' @return \item{type}{This group holds information about the template type of
#' the data only. This is a very critical piece of information. In many
#' functions of the itol.toolkit package, the template type information is
#' used to determine the different data processing and input/output methods.}
#' @return \item{sep}{This group holds data separator information only.
#' This is one of the most important parameters for data reading and output.
#' It is a separate category because it is frequently used and is an input
#' parameter for other subsequent parameters to be read.}
#' @return \item{profile}{This group contains basic information about the
#' dataset, such as the dataset name and a color label to distinguish the
#' dataset. The dataset name is extremely important. This parameter is used
#' almost throughout the data processing of the itol.toolkit package.
#' With the content of this parameter as the key value, the data and theme
#' information of the dataset are associated. In turn, high throughput
#' learning and writing of large-scale data can be achieved. This parameter
#' is not included in some template types with a particularly simple structure,
#' so we choose a file name or a user-defined method as the key value.}
#' @return \item{field}{This group contains information about each sample
#' within the dataset, and this type of parameter exists only for multi-sample
#' data. This information even includes the clustering tree between samples.
#' This information is usually stored as part of the column names in the
#' metadata part or abundance information of the itol.hub object.}
#' @return \item{common_themes}{These themes are used at high frequency in
#' different templates. These parameters are small in number but constitute some
#' common features of iTOL visual style settings, such as legend, margin, etc.}
#' @return \item{specific_themes}{These themes are used only in specific
#' templates. The number of these parameters is very large. However, most of
#' them are used in only one template to control the style details of the
#' visualization. By unifying these parameters and calling them according to the
#' template type, users can perform secondary development and data processing
#' with a high degree of parameter aggregation without worrying too much about
#' the differences between different template types.}
#' @return \item{data}{This slot contains a list of two data frames with the
#' nodes and tips data separately. The first column of the two data frames is
#' the node or tip id. If the input data contains range id, it would be
#' converted to node id by the convert_range_to_node function automatically.}
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
#' @importFrom stringr str_length
#' @importFrom grDevices boxplot.stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tree <- system.file("extdata","tree_of_itol_templates.tree",package = "itol.toolkit")
#' data("template_groups")
#' data("template_parameters_count")
#' group_names <- unique(template_groups$group)
#' object <- create_hub(tree = tree)
#' unit <- create_unit(data = group_names, key = "E001_collapse_1",
#' type = "COLLAPSE", tree = tree)
#' object <- learn_data_from_unit(object,unit)
#' # PRUNE
#' select_note = c("theme_style","basic_plot")
#' unit <- create_unit(data = select_note, key = "E002_prune_1",
#' type = "PRUNE", tree = tree)
#' object <- learn_data_from_unit(object,unit)
#' df_values = data.frame(id = row.names(template_parameters_count),
#' values = rowSums(template_parameters_count))
#' unit <- create_unit(data = df_values, key = "E005_spacing_1",
#' type = "SPACING", tree = tree)
#' object <- learn_data_from_unit(object,unit)
#' ## range
#' unit <- create_unit(data = template_groups,
#' key = "E006_tree_colors_1", type = "TREE_COLORS", subtype = "range",
#' tree = tree)
#' object <- learn_data_from_unit(object,unit)
create_unit <- function(data,key,type,style="default",subtype=NULL,color=NULL,line_type=NULL,font_type=NULL,size_factor=NULL,position=NULL,background_color=NULL,rotation=NULL,method=NULL,shape=NULL,fill=NULL,tree){
  data_left <- learn_df(tree = tree, node = T, tip = T)
  theme <- use.theme(type,style)
  sep <- theme@sep
  profile <- theme@profile
  field <- theme@field
  common_themes <- theme@common_themes
  specific_themes <- theme@specific_themes
  if (type == "COLLAPSE") {
      stop("The input data class should be a vector")
    df_data = data.frame(id = data, COLLAPSE = TRUE)
    names(df_data)[2] <- stringr::str_replace(names(df_data)[2], "^", paste0(key,"$"))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if (type == "PRUNE") {
      stop("The input data class should be a vector")
    df_data = data.frame(id = data, PRUNE = TRUE)
    names(df_data)[2] <- stringr::str_replace(names(df_data)[2], "^", paste0(key,"$"))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if (type == "SPACING") {
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
      message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
      names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(length(names(data)) != 2){
      stop("The input data should has 2 columns")
    names(data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$VERTICAL_SPACING_FACTOR"))
    data <- convert_range_to_node(data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], data)
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "TREE_COLORS"){
    if (is.null(subtype)) {
       stop("The subtype parameter is empty")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    colname_subtype = ""
    if(any(data %>% summarise_all(n_distinct) == 1)){
      potential_subtypes = names(data)[data %>% summarise_all(n_distinct) == 1]
      for(potential_subtype in potential_subtypes){
        if(unique(data[[potential_subtype]]) %in% c("range", "clade", "branch", "label", "label_background")){
          if(unique(data[[potential_subtype]]) != subtype || is.null(subtype)){
            message(paste0("Using following column as subtype parameter: ",potential_subtype))
            subtype = unique(data[[potential_subtype]])
            colname_subtype = potential_subtype
    colname_color = ""
      potential_colors <- names(data)[-1]
      for(potential_color in potential_colors){
          str_1 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^."))
          str_2 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^..."))
            if(str_1 == "#"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
            if(str_2 == "rgb"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
    colname_line_type = ""
      if(subtype %in% c("clade","branch")){
        potential_line_types <- names(data)[-1]
        for(potential_line_type in potential_line_types){
          if(all(unique(data[[potential_line_type]]) %in% c("normal","dashed"))){
            message(paste0("Using following column as line type parameter: ", potential_line_type))
            line_type = data[[potential_line_type]]
            colname_line_type = potential_line_type
    }else {
      if(!subtype %in% c("clade","branch")){
        warning(paste0("Unsupported line type parameter in subtype: ",subtype))
        line_type = NULL
    colname_font_type = ""
      if(subtype == "label"){
        potential_font_types <- names(data)[-1]
        for(potential_font_type in potential_font_types){
          if(all(unique(data[[potential_font_type]]) %in% c("bold", "italic", "bold-italic", "", "normal"))){
            message(paste0("Using following column as font type parameter: ", potential_font_type))
            font_type = data[[potential_font_type]]
            colname_font_type = potential_font_type
    }else {
      if(subtype != "label"){
        warning(paste0("Unsupported font type parameter in subtype: ",subtype))
        font_type = NULL
    colname_size_factor = ""
      if(subtype %in% c("clade","branch","label")){
        potential_size_factors <- names(data)[-1]
        for (potential_size_factor in potential_size_factors) {
          if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_size_factor]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.]") == ""){
            message(paste0("Using following column as size factor parameter: ", potential_size_factor))
            size_factor = data[[potential_size_factor]]
            colname_size_factor = potential_size_factor
    }else {
      if(!subtype %in% c("clade","branch","label")){
        warning(paste0("Unsupported size factor parameter in subtype: ",subtype))
        size_factor = NULL
    colname_data <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id",colname_subtype,colname_color,colname_line_type,colname_size_factor)]
    if(subtype == "range"){
        stop("Unable to indentify data column")
    }else {
      if(length(color) != nrow(data)){
        message("Identifying data column to auto setup color parameter")
          stop("Unable to indentify data column")
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(length(color) == 1){
      if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
        color_levels = get_color(length(unique(data[[colname_data]])),set = color)
        color = as.factor(data[[colname_data]])
        levels(color) <- color_levels
      }else {
          color = rep(color,nrow(data))
          stop("Unsupported color parameter")
    if(subtype %in% c("clade","branch")){
        message("Setting line type parameter as normal")
        line_type = "normal"
        if(line_type %in% c("normal","dashed")){
          line_type = rep(line_type,nrow(data))
          stop("Unsupported line type parameter")
        stop("Unequal vector length of line type parameter")
    if(subtype == "label"){
        message("Setting font type parameter as normal")
        font_type = "normal"
        if(font_type %in% c("bold", "italic", "bold-italic", "")){
          font_type = rep(font_type,nrow(data))
          stop("Unsupported font type parameter")
        stop("Unequal vector length of font type parameter")
    if(subtype %in% c("clade","branch","label")){
        message("Setting size_factor parameter as 1")
        size_factor = 1
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(size_factor,"[\\d\\.]") == ""){
          size_factor = rep(size_factor,nrow(data))
          stop("Unsupported size factor parameter")
        stop("Unequal vector length of size factor parameter")
    if(subtype == "range"){
      if(length(names(data)) > 4){
        stop("The input data should has 2-4 columns: id, type(optional), color(optional), label")
      df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]],subtype = subtype,color = color,label=data[[colname_data]])
      names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$TYPE", "$COLOR", "$LABEL_OR_STYLE")))
      df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
      data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
      data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
      unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
    if(subtype == "clade"){
      if(length(names(data)) > 6){
        stop("The input data should has 6 columns: id, type(optional), color(optional), line type(optional), line width(optional), data(optional. for auto color)")
      df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], subtype = subtype, color = color, line_type = line_type, line_width = size_factor)
      names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$TYPE", "$COLOR", "$LABEL_OR_STYLE", "$SIZE_FACTOR")))
      df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
      data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
      data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
      unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
    if(subtype == "branch"){
      if(length(names(data)) > 6){
        stop("The input data should has 6 columns: id, type(optional), color(optional), line type(optional), line width(optional), data(optional. for auto color)")
      df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], subtype = subtype, color = color, line_type = line_type, line_width = size_factor)
      names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$TYPE", "$COLOR", "$LABEL_OR_STYLE", "$SIZE_FACTOR")))
      df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
      data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
      data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
      unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
    if(subtype == "label"){
      if(length(names(data)) > 6){
        stop("The input data should has 5 columns: id, type(optional), color(optional), font type(optional), font size(optional), data(optional. for auto color)")
      df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], subtype = subtype, color = color, font_type = font_type, font_size = size_factor)
      names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$TYPE", "$COLOR", "$LABEL_OR_STYLE", "$SIZE_FACTOR")))
      df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
      data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
      data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
      unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
    if(subtype == "label_background"){
      if(length(names(data)) > 4){
        stop("The input data should has 1-4 columns: id, type(optional), color(optional), data(optional. for auto color)")
      df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], subtype = subtype, color = color)
      names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$TYPE", "$COLOR")))
      df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
      data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
      data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
      unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if (type == "DATASET_STYLE") {
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
      message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
      names(data)[1] <- "id"
    colname_subtype = ""
      potential_subtypes <- names(data)[-1]
      for (potential_subtype in potential_subtypes) {
         if (all(unique(data[[potential_subtype]]) %in% c("branch","label"))) {
            message(paste0("Using following column as subtype parameter: ", potential_subtype))
            subtype = data[[potential_subtype]]
            colname_subtype = potential_subtype
    colname_position = ""
      potential_positions <- names(data)[-1]
      for (potential_position in potential_positions) {
         if (all(unique(data[[potential_position]]) %in% c("node","clade"))) {
            message(paste0("Using following column as position parameter: ", potential_position))
            position = data[[potential_position]]
            colname_position = potential_position
    colname_color = ""
      potential_colors <- names(data)[-1]
      for(potential_color in potential_colors){
          str_1 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^."))
          str_2 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^..."))
            if(str_1 == "#"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
            if(str_2 == "rgb"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
    colname_size_factor = ""
      potential_size_factors <- names(data)[-1]
      for (potential_size_factor in potential_size_factors) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_size_factor]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.]") == ""){
          message(paste0("Using following column as size factor parameter: ", potential_size_factor))
          size_factor = data[[potential_size_factor]]
          colname_size_factor = potential_size_factor
    colname_line_type = ""
      if(subtype == "branch"){
        potential_line_types <- names(data)[-1]
        for(potential_line_type in potential_line_types){
          if(all(unique(data[[potential_line_type]]) %in% c("normal","dashed"))){
            message(paste0("Using following column as line type parameter: ", potential_line_type))
            line_type = data[[potential_line_type]]
            colname_line_type = potential_line_type
    }else {
      if(subtype != "branch"){
        warning(paste0("Unsupported line type parameter in subtype: ",subtype))
        line_type = NULL
    colname_font_type = ""
      if(subtype == "label"){
        potential_font_types <- names(data)[-1]
        for(potential_font_type in potential_font_types){
          if(all(unique(data[[potential_font_type]]) %in% c("bold", "italic", "bold-italic", "", "normal"))){
            message(paste0("Using following column as font type parameter: ", potential_font_type))
            font_type = data[[potential_font_type]]
            colname_font_type = potential_font_type
    }else {
      if(subtype != "label"){
        warning(paste0("Unsupported font type parameter in subtype: ",subtype))
        font_type = NULL
    colname_background_color = ""
      if(subtype == "label"){
        potential_background_colors <- names(data)[-1]
        for(potential_background_color in potential_background_colors){
            str_1 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_background_color]],"^."))
            str_2 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_background_color]],"^..."))
              if(str_1 == "#"){
                message(paste0("Using following column as background color parameter: ", potential_background_color))
                background_color = data[[potential_background_color]]
                colname_background_color = potential_background_color
              if(str_2 == "rgb"){
                message(paste0("Using following column as background color parameter: ", potential_background_color))
                background_color = data[[potential_background_color]]
                colname_background_color = potential_background_color
    }else {
      if(subtype != "label"){
        warning(paste0("Unsupported background color parameter in subtype: ",subtype))
        background_color = NULL
    if (is.null(subtype)) {
      message("The subtype parameter is empty. Using label as subtype.")
      subtype = "label"
    if (is.null(position)) {
      message("The position parameter is empty. Using node as position.")
      position = "node"
    if (is.null(size_factor)) {
      message("The size factor parameter is empty. Using 1 as size factor.")
      size_factor = 1
    if (is.null(line_type)) {
      message("The line type parameter is empty. Using normal as line type.")
      line_type = "normal"
    if (is.null(font_type)) {
      message("The font type parameter is empty. Using normal as font type.")
      font_type = "normal"
      background_color = rep(background_color,nrow(data))
    colname_data <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id",colname_subtype, colname_position, colname_color, colname_size_factor, colname_line_type, colname_font_type, colname_background_color)]
    if(length(color) != nrow(data)){
      message("Identifying data column to auto setup color parameter")
        stop("Unable to indentify data column")
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(length(color) == 1){
      if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
        color_levels = get_color(length(unique(data[[colname_data]])),set = color)
        color = as.factor(data[[colname_data]])
        levels(color) <- color_levels
      }else {
          color = rep(color,nrow(data))
          stop("Unsupported color parameter")
    if(subtype == "branch"){
      if(length(names(data)) > 6){
        stop("The input data should has 6 columns: id, type(optional), position(optional), color(optional), line width(optional), line type(optional), data(optional. for auto color)")
      df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], subtype = subtype, position = position, color = color, line_width = size_factor, line_type = line_type)
      names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$TYPE", "$WHAT", "$COLOR", "$WIDTH_OR_SIZE_FACTOR", "$STYLE")))
      df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
      data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
      data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
      profile$name <- key
      unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
    if(subtype == "label"){
      if(length(names(data)) > 6){
        stop("The input data should has 6 columns: id, type(optional), position(optional), color(optional), font size(optional), font type(optional), background color(optional), data(optional. for auto color)")
        df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], subtype = subtype, position = position, color = color, font_size = size_factor, font_type = font_type)
        names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$TYPE", "$WHAT", "$COLOR", "$WIDTH_OR_SIZE_FACTOR", "$STYLE")))
      }else {
        df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], subtype = subtype, position = position, color = color, font_size = size_factor, font_type = font_type, background_color = background_color)
        names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$TYPE", "$WHAT", "$COLOR", "$WIDTH_OR_SIZE_FACTOR", "$STYLE", "$BACKGROUND_COLOR")))
      df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
      data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
      data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
      profile$name <- key
      unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if (type == "DATASET_RANGE"){

  if(type == "LABELS"){
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
      message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
      names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(length(names(data)) != 2){
      stop("The input data should has 2 columns")
    names(data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$LABEL"))
    data <- convert_range_to_node(data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], data)
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_TEXT"){
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
      message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
      names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(!"new_label" %in% names(data)){
      message(paste0("Using the second column as new label: ",names(data)[2]))
      names(data)[2] <- "new_label"
    if(length(names(data)) > 8){
      stop("The input data should has 2-8 columns: id, label, position(optional), color(optional), style(optional), size factor(optional), rotation(optional), data(optional. for auto color)")
    colname_position = ""
      potential_positions <- names(data)[-1]
      for (potential_position in potential_positions) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_position]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_position]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          potential_values <- as.numeric(data[[potential_position]])
          if(all((potential_values >= -1) & (potential_values <= 1))){
            message(paste0("Using following column as position parameter: ", potential_position))
            position = data[[potential_position]]
            colname_position = potential_position
    colname_font_size = ""
      potential_font_sizes <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_position)]
      for (potential_font_size in potential_font_sizes) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_font_size]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_font_size]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          message(paste0("Using following column as font size parameter: ", potential_font_size))
          size_factor = data[[potential_font_size]]
          colname_font_size = potential_font_size
    colname_rotation = ""
      potential_rotations <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_position, colname_font_size)]
      for (potential_rotation in potential_rotations) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_rotation]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_rotation]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          message(paste0("Using following column as rotation parameter: ", potential_rotation))
          rotation = data[[potential_rotation]]
          colname_rotation = potential_rotation
    colname_font_type = ""
      potential_font_types <- names(data)[-1]
      for(potential_font_type in potential_font_types){
        if(all(unique(data[[potential_font_type]]) %in% c("bold", "italic", "bold-italic", "", "normal"))){
          message(paste0("Using following column as font type parameter: ", potential_font_type))
          font_type = data[[potential_font_type]]
          colname_font_type = potential_font_type
    colname_data <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id","new_label", colname_position, colname_rotation, colname_font_type, colname_font_size)]
    if(length(color) == 1){
        color = rep(color,nrow(data))
    if(length(color) != nrow(data)){
      message("Identifying data column to auto setup color parameter")
        stop("Unable to indentify data column")
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(length(color) == 1){
      if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
        color_levels = get_color(length(unique(data[[colname_data]])),set = color)
        color = as.factor(data[[colname_data]])
        levels(color) <- color_levels
      }else {
          color = rep(color,nrow(data))
          stop("Unsupported color parameter")
      message("The position parameter is empty. Using 0 as position.")
      position = 0
    if (is.null(font_type)) {
      message("The font type parameter is empty. Using normal as font type.")
      font_type = "normal"
    if (is.null(size_factor)) {
      message("The font size parameter is empty. Using 1 as font size.")
      size_factor = 1
      message("The rotation parameter is empty. Using 0 as rotation.")
      rotation = 0
    df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], label = data[["new_label"]], position = position, color = color, font_type = font_type, font_size = size_factor, rotation = rotation)
    names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$LABEL", "$POSITION", "$COLOR", "$STYLE", "$SIZE_FACTOR", "$ROTATION")))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    profile$name <- key
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_COLORSTRIP"){
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    colname_color = ""
      potential_colors <- names(data)[-1]
      for(potential_color in potential_colors){
          str_1 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^."))
          str_2 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^..."))
            if(str_1 == "#"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
            if(str_2 == "rgb"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
    colname_data <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id",colname_color)]
      stop("Unable to indentify data column")
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(length(color) == 1){
      if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
        color_levels = get_color(length(unique(data[[colname_data]])),set = color)
        color = as.factor(data[[colname_data]])
        levels(color) <- color_levels
      }else {
          color = rep(color,nrow(data))
          stop("Unsupported color parameter")
    if(length(names(data)) > 4){
      stop("The input data should has 2-4 columns: id, type(optional), color(optional), label")
    df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]],color = color,label=data[[colname_data]])
    names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$COLOR", "$LABEL")))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    profile$name <- key
    common_themes$legend$title <- colname_data
    common_themes$legend$colors <- levels(as.factor(color))
    common_themes$legend$labels <- levels(as.factor(data[[colname_data]]))
    common_themes$legend$shapes <- rep(1,length(common_themes$legend$labels))
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if (type == "DATASET_BINARY") {
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(length(names(data)) < 2){
      stop("The input data should has at least 2 columns")
    field_names <- names(data)[-1]
    names(data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$",field_names))
    data <- convert_range_to_node(data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], data)
    field_length <- length(field_names)
    field$labels <- field_names
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
      field$colors <- get_color(field_length,set = color)
      field$colors <- get_color(field_length)
    field$shapes <- rep(2,field_length)
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_GRADIENT"){
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
      method = "sum"
    }else {
       if(!method %in% c("sum","mean")){
        warning("Unsupported method. Using sum as method parameter")
        method = "sum"
    if(length(names(data)) > 2){
      message("The input data are mutate as one column by method: ", method)
    field_name = names(data)[2]
      field_name <- paste0(method," of ", paste(names(data)[-1],collapse = ", "))
    id <- data[["id"]]
    data <- data[,-1]
    data[is.na(data)] <- 0
    method = case_when(method == "sum" ~ "rowSums",
      method == "mean" ~ "rowMeans")
    data <- mutate_all(data, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
    eval(parse(text = paste0('result <- ',method,'(data)')))
    data <- data.frame(id = id, data = result)
    names(data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$",stringr::str_replace_all(field_name," ","_")))
    data <- convert_range_to_node(data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], data)
    profile$name <- key
    sep = "\t"
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_HEATMAP"){
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(length(names(data)) < 2){
      stop("The input data should has at least 2 columns")
    data[is.na(data)] <- 0
    names(data) <- str_replace_all(names(data)," ","_")
    field_names <- names(data)[-1]
    field_tree <- write.tree(ape::as.phylo(hclust(dist(t(data %>% select(field_names))))))
    names(data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$",field_names))
    data <- convert_range_to_node(data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], data)
    field$labels <- field_names
    specific_themes[["heatmap"]][["tree"]][["tree"]] <- field_tree
    profile$name <- key
    sep = "\t"
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_SYMBOL"){
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(length(names(data)) < 2){
      stop("The input data should has at least 2 columns")
    if(length(names(data)) > 4){
      stop("The input data should has 2-4 columns: id, type(optional), color(optional), label")
    colname_shape_size = ""
      potential_shape_sizes <- names(data)[-1]
      for (potential_shape_size in potential_shape_sizes) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_shape_size]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_shape_size]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          message(paste0("Using following column as shape size parameter: ", potential_shape_size))
          size_factor = data[[potential_shape_size]]
          colname_shape_size = potential_shape_size
    colname_shape = ""
      potential_shapes <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_shape_size)]
      for(potential_shape in potential_shapes){
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_shape]],collapse = ""),"[12345]") == ""){
          message(paste0("Using following column as shape parameter: ", potential_shape))
          shape = data[[potential_shape]]
          colname_shape = potential_shape
    colname_color = ""
      potential_colors <- names(data)[-1]
      for(potential_color in potential_colors){
          str_1 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^."))
          str_2 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^..."))
            if(str_1 == "#"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
            if(str_2 == "rgb"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
    colname_fill = ""
      potential_fills <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_shape, colname_shape_size)]
      for(potential_fill in potential_fills){
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_fill]],collapse = ""),"[10-]") == ""){
          message(paste0("Using following column as fill parameter: ", potential_fill))
          fill = data[[potential_fill]]
          colname_fill = potential_fill
    colname_position = ""
      potential_positions <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_shape, colname_shape_size, colname_fill)]
      for (potential_position in potential_positions) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_position]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_position]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          potential_values <- as.numeric(data[[potential_position]])
          if(all((potential_values >= -1) & (potential_values <= 1))){
            message(paste0("Using following column as position parameter: ", potential_position))
            position = data[[potential_position]]
            colname_position = potential_position
    colname_data <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_shape, colname_color, colname_shape_size, colname_fill,colname_position)]
    if(length(color) != nrow(data)){
      message("Identifying data column to auto setup color parameter")
        stop("Unable to indentify data column")
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(length(color) == 1){
      if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
        color_levels = get_color(length(unique(data[[colname_data]])),set = color)
        color = as.factor(data[[colname_data]])
        levels(color) <- color_levels
      }else {
          color = rep(color,nrow(data))
          stop("Unsupported color parameter")
      message("Identifying data column to auto setup shape parameter")
        shape_levels = c(1:length(unique(data[[colname_data]])))
        shape = as.factor(data[[colname_data]])
        levels(shape) <- shape_levels
      }else {
         shape = 2
      message("The size factor parameter is empty. Using 0.8 as size factor.")
      size_factor = 0.8
      message("The fill parameter is empty. Using 1 as fill.")
      fill = 1
      message("The position parameter is empty. Using 0 as position.")
      position = 0
    df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]],symbol = shape, size = size_factor,color = color, fill = fill, position = position)
    names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$SYMBOL", "$SIZE", "$COLOR", "$FILL", "$POSITION")))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    profile$name <- key
    common_themes$legend$title <- colname_data
    common_themes$legend$shapes <- levels(as.factor(shape))
    common_themes$legend$colors <- levels(as.factor(color))
    common_themes$legend$labels <- levels(as.factor(data[[colname_data]]))
    common_themes$legend$shape_scales <- rep(1,length(levels(as.factor(shape))))
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(length(names(data)) < 2){
      stop("The input data should has at least 2 columns")
    field_names <- names(data)[-1]
    data <- convert_range_to_node(data, tree)
    names(data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$",field_names))
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], data)
    field$labels <- field_names
    field_length <- length(field_names)
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
      field$colors <- get_color(field_length,set = color)
      field$colors <- get_color(field_length)
    profile$name <- key
    sep = "\t"
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_DOMAINS"){
    shape_by = NULL
    if(length(names(data)) == 3){
      data <- data[order(data[[2]],data[[3]]),]
      shape_by <- factor(pull(data[,2]),levels = unique(pull(data[,2])))
      levels(shape_by) <- c("RE","HH","HV","EL","DI","TR","TL","PL","PR","PU","PD","OC","GP")[1:length(levels(shape_by))]
      shape = shape_by
      data <- data[,-2]
      data[,2] <- factor(pull(data[,2]),levels = unique(pull(data[,2])))
    if(length(names(data)) == 2){
      data <- data.frame(data,length=rep(10,nrow(data)),start=rep(0,nrow(data)),end=rep(10,nrow(data)))
    length = NULL
    start = NULL
    end = NULL
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(length(names(data)) < 5){
      stop("The input data should has at least 5 columns")
    colname_length = ""
      potential_lengths <- names(data)[-1]
      for (potential_length in potential_lengths) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_length]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_length]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          message(paste0("Using following column as length parameter: ", potential_length))
          length = data[[potential_length]]
          colname_length = potential_length
    colname_shape = ""
      potential_shapes <- names(data)[-1]
      for(potential_shape in potential_shapes){
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_shape]],collapse = ""),"RE|HH|HV|EL|DI|TR|TL|PL|PR|PU|PD|OC|GP") == ""){
          message(paste0("Using following column as shape parameter: ", potential_shape))
          shape = data[[potential_shape]]
          colname_shape = potential_shape
    colname_start = ""
      potential_starts <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_length)]
      for (potential_start in potential_starts) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_start]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_start]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          message(paste0("Using following column as start parameter: ", potential_start))
          start = data[[potential_start]]
          colname_start = potential_start
    colname_end = ""
      potential_ends <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_length, colname_start)]
      for (potential_end in potential_ends) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_end]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_end]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          message(paste0("Using following column as end parameter: ", potential_end))
          end = data[[potential_end]]
          colname_end = potential_end
    colname_color = ""
      potential_colors <- names(data)[-1]
      for(potential_color in potential_colors){
          str_1 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^."))
          str_2 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^..."))
            if(str_1 == "#"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
            if(str_2 == "rgb"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
    colname_data <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_length, colname_shape, colname_start, colname_end, colname_color)]
    if(length(color) != nrow(data)){
      message("Identifying data column to auto setup color parameter")
        stop("Unable to indentify data column")
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(length(color) == 1){
      if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
        color_levels = get_color(length(unique(data[[colname_data]])),set = color)
        color = as.factor(data[[colname_data]])
        levels(color) <- color_levels
      }else {
          color = rep(color,nrow(data))
          stop("Unsupported color parameter")
      message("Identifying data column to auto setup shape parameter")
        shape_levels = c("RE","HH","HV","EL","DI","TR","TL","PL","PR","PU","PD","OC","GP")[1:length(unique(data[[colname_data]]))]
        shape = as.factor(data[[colname_data]])
        levels(shape) <- shape_levels
      }else {
         shape = "RE"
    df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]],length = length, shape = shape, start = start, end = end, color = color, label = data[[colname_data]])
    names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$LENGTH", "$SHAPE", "$START", "$END", "$COLOR", "$LABEL")))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    profile$name <- key
        common_themes$legend$shapes <- rep(levels(as.factor(shape)),length(levels(as.factor(color))))
      }else {
         common_themes$legend$shapes <- levels(as.factor(shape))
    }else {
       common_themes$legend$shapes <- shape_by[!duplicated(data[[colname_data]])]
    common_themes$legend$colors <- levels(as.factor(color))
    common_themes$legend$labels <- levels(as.factor(data[[colname_data]]))
    specific_themes$basic_plot$dataset_scale <- start %>% unique() %>% sort()
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_SIMPLEBAR"){
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
      method = "sum"
    }else {
       if(!method %in% c("sum","mean")){
        warning("Unsupported method. Using sum as method parameter")
        method = "sum"
    if(length(names(data)) > 2){
      message("The input data are mutate as one column by method: ", method)
    field_name = names(data)[2]
      field_name <- paste0(method," of ", paste(names(data)[-1],collapse = ", "))
    id <- data[["id"]]
    data <- data[,-1]
    min <- min(data)
    mean <- mean(data)
    max <- max(data)
    data[is.na(data)] <- 0
    method = case_when(method == "sum" ~ "rowSums",
      method == "mean" ~ "rowMeans")
    data <- mutate_all(data, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
    eval(parse(text = paste0('result <- ',method,'(data)')))
    data <- data.frame(id = id, data = result)
    names(data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$",stringr::str_replace_all(field_name," ","_")))
    data <- convert_range_to_node(data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], data)
    profile$name <- key
    sep = "\t"
    specific_themes$basic_plot$dataset_scale <- c(min,mean,max)
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_MULTIBAR"){
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(length(names(data)) < 2){
      stop("The input data should has at least 2 columns")
    field_names <- names(data)[-1]
    names(data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$",field_names))
    data <- convert_range_to_node(data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], data)
    field_length <- length(field_names)
    field$labels <- field_names
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
      field$colors <- get_color(field_length,set = color)
      field$colors <- get_color(field_length)
    profile$name <- key
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(names(data)[2] != "x"){
        message(paste0("Using the second column as x: ",names(data)[2]))
        names(data)[2] <- "x"
    n = length(unique(data$id))
    min <- min(data$x)
    mean <- mean(data$x)
    max <- max(data$x)
    df_data <- data.frame(id="",min="",q1="",mid="",q3="",max="",ev="")
    for (i in 1:n) {
      stat <- boxplot.stats(data$x[which(data$id==unique(data$id)[i])])
      df_data[i,]$id = unique(data$id)[i]
      df_data[i,]$min = stat$stats[1]
      df_data[i,]$q1 = stat$stats[2]
      df_data[i,]$mid = stat$stats[3]
      df_data[i,]$q3 = stat$stats[4]
      df_data[i,]$max = stat$stats[5]
      df_data[i,]$ev = paste0(stat$out,collapse = ",")
    names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$MINIMUM", "$Q1", "$MEDIAN", "$Q3", "$MAXIMUM", "$EXTREME_VALUES")))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    profile$name <- key
    sep = "\t"
    specific_themes$basic_plot$dataset_scale <- c(min,mean,max)
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_LINECHART"){
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the 1st column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(names(data)[2] != "X"){
        message(paste0("Using the 2nd column as X: ",names(data)[2]))
        names(data)[2] <- "X"
    if(names(data)[3] != "Y"){
        message(paste0("Using the 3rd column as Y: ",names(data)[3]))
        names(data)[3] <- "Y"
    if(length(names(data)) != 3){
      stop("The input data should has 3 columns: id, x, y")
    names(data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$X", "$Y")))
    data <- convert_range_to_node(data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], data)
    profile$name <- key
    specific_themes$linechart$basic$x <- ""
    specific_themes$linechart$basic$y <- ""
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_PIECHART"){
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the 1st column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
      message(paste0("Using the 2nd column as position: ",names(data)[2]))
      names(data)[2] <- "POSITION"
      data <- data.frame(data[,1],POSITION=position,data[,2:ncol(data)])
      message(paste0("Using the 3rd column as radius: ",names(data)[3]))
      names(data)[3] <- "RADIUS"
    }else {
       data <- data.frame(data[,1:2],RADIUS=size_factor,data[,3:ncol(data)])
    field_names <- names(data)[-c(1:3)]
    names(data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$",c("POSITION", "RADIUS",field_names)))
    data <- convert_range_to_node(data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], data)
    field_length <- length(field_names)
    field$labels <- field_names
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
      field$colors <- get_color(field_length,set = color)
      field$colors <- get_color(field_length)
    profile$name <- key
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type == "DATASET_ALIGNMENT"){
        df_data <- fa_read(data)
        names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$SEQUENCE")))
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame or a alignment file")
    }else {
      if(length(names(data)) > 2){
        message("The input data should be 2 column: id, seq")
      df_data <- data[,1:2]
      df_data[,1] <- as.character(df_data[,1])
      names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$SEQUENCE")))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    profile$name <- key
    specific_themes$alignment$reference$ids <- 0
    specific_themes$alignment$reference$use <- 0
    specific_themes$alignment$reference$box_border_width <- 0
    specific_themes$alignment$reference$box_border_color <- ""
    specific_themes$alignment$reference$box_fill_color <- ""
    specific_themes$alignment$highlight$type <- ""
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
        message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
        names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(names(data)[2] != "target"){
        message(paste0("Using the second column as target: ",names(data)[2]))
        names(data)[2] <- "target"
    colname_size_factor = ""
      potential_size_factors <- names(data)[-1]
      for (potential_size_factor in potential_size_factors) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_size_factor]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.]") == ""){
          message(paste0("Using following column as size factor parameter: ", potential_size_factor))
          size_factor = data[[potential_size_factor]]
          colname_size_factor = potential_size_factor
    colname_color = ""
      potential_colors <- names(data)[-1]
      for(potential_color in potential_colors){
          str_1 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^."))
          str_2 <- unique(stringr::str_extract(data[[potential_color]],"^..."))
            if(str_1 == "#"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
            if(str_2 == "rgb"){
              message(paste0("Using following column as color parameter: ", potential_color))
              color = data[[potential_color]]
              colname_color = potential_color
    colname_line_type = ""
      potential_line_types <- names(data)[-1]
      for(potential_line_type in potential_line_types){
        if(all(unique(data[[potential_line_type]]) %in% c("normal","dashed"))){
          message(paste0("Using following column as line type parameter: ", potential_line_type))
          line_type = data[[potential_line_type]]
          colname_line_type = potential_line_type
    colname_data <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id","target", colname_size_factor, colname_color, colname_line_type)]
    if(length(color) != nrow(data)){
      message("Using data column to auto setup color parameter")
      message("Using default color pattern: table2itol")
      color = "table2itol"
    if(length(color) == 1){
      if(stringr::str_remove(color,"_.*$") %in% get_color(set="ls")){
        color_levels = get_color(length(unique(data[[colname_data]])),set = color)
        color = as.factor(data[[colname_data]])
        levels(color) <- color_levels
      }else {
          color = rep(color,nrow(data))
          stop("Unsupported color parameter")
      message("The size factor parameter is empty. Using 0 as position.")
      size_factor = 1
      message("The line type  parameter is empty. Using 0 as position.")
      line_type = "normal"
    df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], target = data[["target"]], width = size_factor, color = color, style = line_type, label = data[[colname_data]])
    names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,c("$TARGET","$WIDTH","$COLOR","$STYLE","$LABEL")))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    profile$name <- key
    sep = "\t"
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
  if(type =="DATASET_IMAGE"){#ID,position,size_factor,rotation,horizontal_shift,vertical_shift,image_url
    horizontal_shift = NULL
    vertical_shift = NULL
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
      message(paste0("Using the first column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
      names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(length(names(data)) > 7 ){
      stop("The input data should has 2-7 columns: id, position(optional), size factor(optional), rotation(optional), horizontal shift(optional), vertical shift(optional), image url")
    colname_position = ""
      potential_positions <- names(data)[-1]
      for (potential_position in potential_positions) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_position]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_position]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          potential_values <- as.numeric(data[[potential_position]])
          if(all((potential_values >= -1) & (potential_values <= 1))){
            message(paste0("Using following column as position parameter: ", potential_position))
            position = data[[potential_position]]
            colname_position = potential_position
    colname_image_size = ""
      potential_image_sizes <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_position)]
      for (potential_image_size in potential_image_sizes) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_image_size]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_image_size]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          message(paste0("Using following column as image size parameter: ", potential_image_size))
          size_factor = data[[potential_image_size]]
          colname_image_size = potential_image_size
    colname_rotation = ""
      potential_rotations <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_position, colname_image_size)]
      for (potential_rotation in potential_rotations) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_rotation]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_rotation]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          message(paste0("Using following column as rotation parameter: ", potential_rotation))
          rotation = data[[potential_rotation]]
          colname_rotation = potential_rotation
    colname_horizontal_shift = ""
      potential_horizontal_shifts <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_position, colname_image_size, colname_rotation)]
      for (potential_horizontal_shift in potential_horizontal_shifts) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_horizontal_shift]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_horizontal_shift]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          message(paste0("Using following column as horizontal_shift parameter: ", potential_horizontal_shift))
          horizontal_shift = data[[potential_horizontal_shift]]
          colname_horizontal_shift = potential_horizontal_shift
    colname_vertical_shift = ""
      potential_vertical_shifts <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_position, colname_image_size, colname_rotation, colname_horizontal_shift)]
      for (potential_vertical_shift in potential_vertical_shifts) {
        if(stringr::str_remove_all(paste0(data[[potential_vertical_shift]],collapse = ""),"[\\d\\.-]") == "" && stringr::str_count(paste0(data[[potential_vertical_shift]],collapse = ""),"\\.") <= 1){
          message(paste0("Using following column as vertical_shift parameter: ", potential_vertical_shift))
          vertical_shift = data[[potential_vertical_shift]]
          colname_vertical_shift = potential_vertical_shift
    colname_image_url <- names(data)[!names(data)%in%c("id", colname_position, colname_image_size, colname_rotation, colname_horizontal_shift, colname_vertical_shift)]
      message("The position parameter is empty. Using 0 as position.")
      position = 0
    if (is.null(size_factor)) {
      message("The image size parameter is empty. Using 1 as image size.")
      size_factor = 1
      message("The rotation parameter is empty. Using 0 as rotation.")
      rotation = 0
    if (is.null(horizontal_shift)) {
      message("The horizontal_shift parameter is empty. Using 0.")
      horizontal_shift = "0"
    if (is.null(vertical_shift)) {
      message("The vertical_shift parameter is empty. Using 0.")
      vertical_shift = "0"
    df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], position = position, size_factor = size_factor, rotation = rotation, horizontal_shift = horizontal_shift, vertical_shift = vertical_shift, image_url = data[[colname_image_url]])
    names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$",c("POSITION", "SIZE_FACTOR", "ROTATION", "HORIZONTAL_SHIFT", "VERTICAL_SHIFT", "IMAGE_URL")))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    profile$name <- key
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)
      stop("The input data class should be a data frame")
    if(names(data)[1] != "id"){
      message(paste0("Using the 1st column as id: ",names(data)[1]))
      names(data)[1] <- "id"
    if(length(names(data)) != 3 ){
      stop("The input data should has 3 columns: id, title, content")
    if(names(data)[2] != "title"){
        message(paste0("Using the 2nd column as title: ",names(data)[2]))
        names(data)[2] <- "title"
    if(names(data)[3] != "content"){
        message(paste0("Using the 3rd column as content: ",names(data)[3]))
        names(data)[3] <- "content"
    df_data <- data.frame(id = data[["id"]], title = data[["title"]], content = data[["content"]])
    names(df_data) <- c("id",paste0(key,"$",c("POPUP_TITLE", "POPUP_CONTENT")))
    df_data <- convert_range_to_node(df_data, tree)
    data_left[["node"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["node"]], df_data)
    data_left[["tip"]] <- df_merge(data_left[["tip"]], df_data)
    profile$name <- key
    unit <- new("itol.unit", type = type, sep = sep, profile = profile, field = field, common_themes = common_themes, specific_themes = specific_themes, data = data_left)

#' Calculate tree based on count matrix
#' @description While we start analysis from count matrix not sequences
#' alignment, we could use clustering methods to get main tree in phylo object
#' class of output as Newick format file. If the samples or elements have group
#' information, we could use weighted clustering method to get a clear grouped
#' structure.
#' @param count a data frame containing numberic values of abundance or other
#' count.
#' @param group a vector of character containing the group information. The
#' length of the vector should be same with the count columns number. If using
#' unweighted clustring, should ignore this parameter.
#' @param weight a number specifying the weight size of the group information.
#' In most case, 1 is enough. If the value is between 0 and 1, it will make the
#' weight of group information weak. If the value is more than 1, it will make
#' the weight of group information strong.
#' @return a phylo class object containing
#' @return \item{edge}{a vector of integers specifying edge id. The length of
#' vector is double of node number}
#' @return \item{edge.length}{a vector of numbers specifying edge length}
#' @return \item{tip.label}{a vector of character specifying the tip label}
#' @return \item{Nnode}{a number specifying the number of nodes}
#' @return \item{node.label}{a vector of character specifying the node label.
#' If the tree calculated from count matrix or other case, the node label will
#' generated by ape::makeNodeLabel function. And the Most Recent Common
#' Ancestors(MRCA) node will be named with weighted group information, if the
#' parameter group is not null.}
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom stats hclust
#' @importFrom ape as.phylo
#' @importFrom ape makeNodeLabel
#' @importFrom ape mrca
#' @export
count_to_tree <- function(count,group=NULL,weight=0){
    n = as.integer(length(count) * weight)
    if(n <= 0){
      stop("weight size must > 0 while using weighted clustring")
    for (i in 1:n) {
      count = count %>%
        mutate(!!paste0("G",i) := as.numeric(factor(group)))
  dist <- dist(count)
  clust <- hclust(dist)
  tree <- as.phylo(clust)
  if (is.null(tree$node.label)) {
    tree <- ape::makeNodeLabel(phy = tree, method = "number", prefix = "I")
    mrca <- ape::mrca(tree)
    group_names <- unique(group)
    group_number <- length(group_names)
    group_templates_mrca_min_node_ids <- c()
    for (i in 1:group_number) {
      group_templates <- tempalte_groups %>%
        filter(group == group_names[i]) %>%
      group_templates_mrca <- mrca[group_templates,group_templates]
      group_templates_mrca_values <- group_templates_mrca[row(group_templates_mrca) == (col(group_templates_mrca) - 1)] # min without diagonal
      group_templates_mrca_min <- min(group_templates_mrca_values)
      group_templates_mrca_min_node_ids[i] <- group_templates_mrca_min - tree$Nnode - 1
    tree$node.label[group_templates_mrca_min_node_ids] <- group_names


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itol.toolkit documentation built on Nov. 18, 2023, 5:11 p.m.